Date Filtering and more
January 17, 2025
11:39 PM
Hello. I hope you had a good week.
Here are some of the changes I've made this week. As always, please
let me know if you have any suggestions, issues, or any other feedback.
Date Filtering in Search
You can now filter
search results by date. You can set a before and/or after date to only show results from shows within the range you specify.
This is helpful if you know a general time range when something was said but can't remember enough details to narrow down the results.
Time is now displayed with Timestamps
Previously, if you just wanted to know the time when looking at a timestamp on whenplane, you would have had to click on it and wait for YouTube to load.
Now, the time for each timestamp is displayed alongside it.
There were some other smaller changes, but they were all too small for me to bother explaining them here.
I guess I've never said it, but you can always look at the
Git commits to see
everything that has changed. If there is a change you would like to know more about, I will always be willing to explain why I changed if you
contact me
Happy Friday!