Name | Type | Text | Timestamp | Image |
Brian G | message | Thanks, Brian G! Incredibly excited for the backpack; would you be able to provide some clarity on how waterproof the backpack is? I have a new job in Pittsburgh as a natural language processing developer, and the - w ~ " V e | Timestamp | ![]() |
Brian G | reply | Reply @Brian G! ’ You should be okay in light rain, but we should have more info to announce soon! | Timestamp | ![]() |
Christopher M | message | Thanks, Christopher M! Watched “I finally made it" and I need you to tell Jake to stop lifting with is back. 7:21 and my guy does a beautiful squat and then proceeds to use his back anyway to lift an 86lb speaker... Guess it's ok with free — e A IPNY, (O o - | Timestamp | ![]() |
Christopher M | reply | Reply @Christopher M! Just sent him a message ;) | Timestamp | ![]() |
Alexander G | message | Thanks, Alexander G! Linus, will there be any pride merch available soon? | Timestamp | ![]() |
Alexander G | reply | Reply @Alexander G! That'd be a question for @NickLMG on Twitter! Try sending him a message during the week | Timestamp | ![]() |
Xander W | message | Thanks, Xander W! I've noticed you still gush about the Drop + THX panda headphones, but I just wanted to get it out there to people not to buy used units online. They got discontinued due to their mechanical unreliability. To Drop's .\ - b P 5 | Timestamp | ![]() |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! . Your producer for the wan show has a great radio voice! | Timestamp | ![]() |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Thank you <3 - Bell | Timestamp | ![]() |
Joshua H | message | Thanks, Joshua H! Hey guys! Love your content. Are you still making the, 1 month with only the steam deck, video? | Timestamp | ![]() |
Joshua H | reply | Reply @Joshua H! Linus attempted but found that he pretty much just played games and that's' not a super interesting video. Maybe someday! | Timestamp | ![]() |
Gina D | message | Thanks, Gina D! Another great water bottle, love the new colors! I play a lot of Cities Skylines and games in that building/management genre. Should I be more focused on CPU or GPU for my computer? I do like a larger | Timestamp |
Gina D | reply | Reply @Gina D! CPU! The CPU is what makes the game continue to run faster the deeper into the game you get | Timestamp |
WebDevlourney | message | Thanks, WebDevlourney! Can't wait for this to arrive! Thanks for the cool merch. Shoutout from Israel. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Ed Love the merch. Any chance we'll ever get lighter colors when you roll out your own material? Black just gets a little toasty in the summer. - " a 3 o - 7» " | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! We've got lots planned..! | Timestamp |
Ethan V | message | Thanks, Ethan V! o Got this for my desk I just built. -« b PR - e 0 | Timestamp |
lan G | message | Thanks, lan G! First time catching you live! Hope the switch sitch is going to resolve - amicably —a | Timestamp |
Zachary W | message | Thanks, Zachary W! Hi Linus. What is a video or lttstore product that you thought would be mildly successful or unsuccessful but was really successful? Also the I reverse? | Timestamp |
Zachary W | reply | Reply @Zachary W! Banana for scale is amazing | Timestamp |
KurticusZen | message | Thanks, KurticusZen! Hey Linus, I'm a small streamer looking to start making merch. Do you I i!q have suggestions for how I can make merch like you guys, with a focus Lt e e on quality instead of just slapping my logo on a cheap thing? | Timestamp |
KurticusZen | reply | Reply @KurticusZen! Do a LOT of research and don't be afraid to move on if something doesn't meet your standards (il | Timestamp |
Joshua C | message | Thanks, Joshua C! Long overdue for some merch! I'm a dev for Hospital Sys, I want to work for you but I'm U.S. based (Willing to move lol) and I did apply. I know you cant provide individual updates, but overall update on dev - o N e G - | Timestamp |
Joshua C | reply | Reply @Joshua C! We've got a lot of applicants to go through! | Timestamp |
Zachary L | message | Thanks, Zachary L! Hey linus! I am in college for Network Administration and I am interested in getting a Framework laptop. I was just wondering, after a year of usage, do you have any thoughts to share? Video to come? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Helping to fund the Lab. | Timestamp |
Sean W | message | Thanks, Sean W! Squarespace copy was written by the writing team this time! lam | Timestamp |
Sean W | reply | Reply @Sean W! Can confirm: The business team never makes mistakes 0 | Timestamp |
Ben C | message | Thanks, Ben C! Hey there! I'm just curious if you guys are aware of the controversy around YT refusing to properly ban QuantumTV, a serial copy-strike abuser who has been harassing anyone who speaks against him - b p. - 7» "SR | Timestamp |
Lucas L | message | Thanks, Lucas L! Good luck with your new smart home Linus! | Timestamp |
Rian P | message | Thanks, Rian P! Hey guys! About to build my girlfriend her first computer and she's getting into LTT! Give cassy a shout out! - . - g - mE— | Timestamp |
Rian P | reply | Reply @Rian P! Welcome to the team Cassy!! | Timestamp |
Matthew J | message | Thanks, Matthew J! Built my first computer thanks to LTT, JTC, and GN. Too bad the EVGA = 850W P5 PSU can't handle 30-series power spikes, so having to wait on a SeaSonic SSR-1000PD. Question: LTT microfiber cleaning cloths A - - & - - o 'S | Timestamp |
Matthew J | reply | Reply @Matthew J! Not a bad idea... ™ | Timestamp |
christopher r | message | Thanks, christopher r! I'm loving the house vlogs. It feels like a mega version of the Intel extreme tech upgrade. I've been a long time viewer and it's cool seeing " you really go all out and splurge for you and your family. Y'all deserve - . P PR -< 7 S | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Less of a question and more of an idea. A stealth gaming PCin a "medical cabinet" like you keep first aid supplies in. I've tried this in the past and the biggest challenge was cooling. < - | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Interesting! Try dropping a message in the "Video Suggestions” section of our forum! | Timestamp |
Tyler F | message | Thanks, Tyler F! After watching the 757 Anker video, are there were any electric/solar generator type products to replace gas generators you recommend. I live in south east USA and don't want to worry about finding gas when e, I | Timestamp |
Tyler F | reply | Reply @Tyler F! )i There are quite a few options! If you're looking at something pretty - fl large/heavy duty, try to find a prepper YouTube channel since we won't be experts oS NS AN o v - M ) o~ e/ | Timestamp |
SaucyWiggles | message | Thanks, SaucyWiggles! I got married 8 days ago ~ Love you Amelie. Love you too, Linus | Timestamp |
Ryan F | message | Thanks, Ryan F! "‘“‘1.‘?? I'm @ 100% Linux user. I have Roku because some streaming services ‘% é 1 don't work on home built Linux systems due to DRM. 3 | Timestamp |
Logan B | message | Thanks, Logan B! You guys rock! Keep doing what you're doing! Thank you for all the knowledge you've given me and all the companies you've called out on BS@® | Timestamp |
Andrew M | message | Thanks, Andrew M! Have a couple doorknobs on me :) - p | Timestamp |
Matthew B | message | Thanks, Matthew B! ‘z Linus, given the extreme TDPs of next gen CPUs and GPUs, do you see \‘ ) the trend towards ever-smaller cases reversing? Am I going to need a " case like the Enthoo Elite to support the watercooling required for a A o - b Vi 7 "B | Timestamp |
Vatthew B | reply | Reply @Vatthew B! Almost certainly! So many graphics cards are getting too long for anything considered small form factor | Timestamp |
Ben L | message | Thanks, Ben L! Hi Linus! How would you feel if someone broke in and installed a fire pole. Also how tall are the ceilings? - b ™ -~ - 7 SRR | Timestamp |
Alex M | message | Thanks, Alex M! Linus have you considered getting the new house WIFI heatmapped with something like ekahau. PR A S I | Timestamp |
Simon B | message | Thanks, Simon B! Been watching for 12 years (when I built my first gaming PC). I am now 1year away from my Computer Science bachelors. Thank you for showing me how much I love computers. Keep up the good work <3 -y b P e Ve | Timestamp |
Rachel J | message | Thanks, Rachel J! Hey Linus! I was wondering if you have any plans to do another series of PC Secret Shopper Videos. | Timestamp |
Rachel J | reply | Reply @Rachel J! Sorry we don't have it on the calendar at the moment, but Agent 006.9 WILL return -LS | Timestamp |
onesliceofpizza | message | Thanks, onesliceofpizza! Finally getting some gear! Any recommendations for good remote support software? I'm helping a partner's family business as the unofficial IT guy, and having a solid tool (paid or free) to help provide | Timestamp |
onesliceofpizza | reply | Reply @onesliceofpizza! We use parsec a lot here at the office and it works great! > RN - b P | Timestamp |
Dewey0209 | message | Thanks, Dewey0209! hey guys first time actually catching you guys live i was wondering if there are any updates on the larger ltt water bottle i got one recently and love it and am excited for the bigger one | Timestamp |
Joseph B | message | Thanks, Joseph B! Spider-man! Everything comes to PC eventually.. S Y 2N ) WG »_- M as b P, | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! What's your thoughts on speed testing tools? Saw the jab at Speedtest the other day when there was four ads on the test page for the Wi-Fi router short circuit video | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Dang, free beanie. Nice. | Timestamp |
Malcolm Y | message | Thanks, Malcolm Y! Looking forward to the backpack! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Since you've seen Intel's Manufacturing, do you wanna see AMD's now? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Yeah! | Timestamp |
lan D | message | Thanks, lan D! I'm an engineer at a very small company called Thermetrics in Seattle. b R .. ST - | Timestamp |
lan D | message | Thanks, lan D! I'm an engineer at a very small company called Thermetrics in Seattle. We make the worlds only thermal test Manikins (a.k.a sweaty robots). Any interest in coming to make a video on them? | Timestamp |
lan D | reply | Reply @lan D! Send an email over to our inbox with some details! V 4 e | Timestamp |
Jay W | message | Thanks, Jay W! Linus, why did you say POTENTIALLY store back packs at the new building? Is there a problem with the order. Can't wait to get my screwdriver! - b P - - 7 U | Timestamp |
lay W | reply | Reply @lay W! Maybe we won't need to store them there (and will put them somewhere else) | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! MUST, HAVE, BACKPACK, AND SCREWY DRIVER!! Love the WAN BAND! | Timestamp |
Joe W | message | Thanks, Joe W! Loving the show, wanted to know if you guys would make a ShortCircuit on the new Steel Series Arctis Nova Pro headphones. Keep up the great work. - & P R — | Timestamp |
Joe W | reply | Reply @Joe W! Possibly! I''l make a note :) | Timestamp |
dylan o | message | Thanks, dylan o! winter in aus so perfect time for this deal. thank you | Timestamp |
Samuel B | message | Thanks, Samuel B! I I've really been enjoying the Audio-based content lately, I'm an audio Y11 production student and the videos have been really entertaining and even slightly educational. Looking forward to more! ~ - -, s P v EE— | Timestamp |
Nicholas F | message | Thanks, Nicholas F! Is there any news you can share on the "workshop shirt/jacket” ~ .‘: production? (the one Alex has worn) e A - - b V. “» "SR | Timestamp |
Nicholas F | reply | Reply @Nicholas F! No updates at the moment! 7 | Timestamp |
Michal P | message | Thanks, Michal P! Hi I'm in the 3D printing space creating mounts/cooling solutions for Ill] q‘] the Crypto mining space. Question: since this is in the tech space if you “4 are planning on adding mining/machine learning to the LTT Lab? would - ) - | Timestamp |
Michal P | reply | Reply @Michal P! Maybe at some point! <« s o — | Timestamp |
Dylan M | message | Thanks, Dylan M! Visiting Toronto soon, anything nerdy there I should check out? Love from England xoxoxoxo \_' P <, | Timestamp |
Dylan M | reply | Reply @Dylan M! 4 We're not from Toronto so it's hard to say, but Canada's Wonderland is - alot of fun | Timestamp |
Silas J | message | Thanks, Silas J! Hey dudes, longtime fan of the show. With your upcoming headphone reviews, are you going to address the ways subjective impressions of headphones can change due to things like head/ear size, hearing | Timestamp |
Silas J | reply | Reply @Silas J! Hopefully! SCs are currently quick, but we do want to expand! i | Timestamp |
Brett A | message | Thanks, Brett A! Love your products! Super happy with everything I've bought. Is it possible to get a metal lid for the water bottle though? The plasticis a bit fragile | Timestamp |
Elliott S | message | Thanks, Elliott S! I needed some sweat pants | Timestamp |
Braden C | message | Thanks, Braden C! Speaking of stupid google issues, I recently found out that google home and nest devices aren't able to connect to wifi networks where the password contains a special character. P . — e e I | Timestamp |
Braden C | reply | Reply @Braden C! IV Awful. — e oy | Timestamp |
Lucas M | message | Thanks, Lucas M! First time buyer, long time watcher | Timestamp |
Nathan S | message | Thanks, Nathan S! My dad recently bought an oled tv and put it in the brightest room of the house instead of the finished basement. I have tried and failed to convince him to move it. Can you please help to convince him? Love the - e ) ¥ TN —-° | Timestamp |
Nathan S | reply | Reply @Nathan S! I mean, OLEDs are getting brighter! If it works for him, it works for him! o T $mThve —-° — | Timestamp |
Attila T | message | Thanks, Attila T! I am interested in updating my home / NAS server and I was looking into some of the older Xeon (E5-2680) processors. However I am having trouble finding motherboards for it. Do you have any . T — - E— | Timestamp |
Attila T | reply | Reply @Attila T! Try posting in our forum! e b ¢ R | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! l' ? il Thanks for the WAN show! Been enjoying for a long time now :) . . —_— €t LN - | Timestamp |
Aidan C | message | Thanks, Aidan C! Now that Linus has had some experience with solar on his new house, would he consider solar for the new lab buildings or the main LMG building? Pt "4'” ‘;»,-74 | Timestamp |
Aidan C | reply | Reply @Aidan C! We've looked into it, but there are some roadblocks with the buildings we currently have . . et PN E o EEmm | Timestamp |
Kevin P | message | Thanks, Kevin P! “fi"‘lv‘."g Keep making awesome products! Looking forward to the screwdriver ” \&é i release! e T4 et ATy e === N | Timestamp |
Ethan B | message | Thanks, Ethan B! youtube seems to just find one thing you've enjoyed and then only suggest that, had one song repeat 7 times in one auto generated play list gt ~ ey —- — | Timestamp |
Ethan B | message | Thanks, Ethan B! youtube seems to just find one thing you've enjoyed and then only 4 ~C e v e —- pa— | Timestamp |
Josiah S | message | Thanks, Josiah S! First lttstore order, probably of many... will we ever get another scrapyard wars series? Miss the old days . D S EEEEE— | Timestamp |
Josiah S | reply | Reply @Josiah S! *shakes 8-ball* Odds are low | Timestamp |
Hunter D | message | Thanks, Hunter D! As the mechanical keyboard community grows day by day, would you consider releasing an LTT/LMG-themed set of keycaps? Been watching since NCIX days. Love the content to this day! -y PR rr— | Timestamp |
Hunter D | reply | Reply @Hunter D! Maybe some day! A . | Timestamp |
Daniel G | message | Thanks, Daniel G! Asus has Gundam and Evangelion collaborations for GPUs and motherboards. What similar collaboration would you like to see in the . s = . 2 gt L LS - S —- TR | Timestamp |
Daniel G | reply | Reply @Daniel G! Where's my Simpsons GPU LN, — | Timestamp |
urbanferver | message | Thanks, urbanferver! Linus, how far off is your more in depth presence detection for home assistant (with cameras and such) that you have been teasing? . €A —— | Timestamp |
urbanferver | reply | Reply @urbanferver! Soon (TM) | Timestamp |
Dom M | message | Thanks, Dom M! ~ Linus - ez solution to your app problem. Use a dedicated android work profile to dupe the app (MDM) . «. - | Timestamp |
Joshua C | message | Thanks, Joshua C! Applied to a Dev Position, any updates Luke? Would love to move to CA and help LTT as a full stack/front end Dev :D Haven't heard anything back on my two Apps (I know you can give individual updates, generic | Timestamp |
loshua C | reply | Reply @loshua C! We're still working our way through applicants! | Timestamp |
David M | message | Thanks, David M! This message isn't real. If anyone reads this they risk a time crisis. What are our chances when it comes to seeing more channel superfun videos? "\" . <, S —o | Timestamp |
David M | reply | Reply @David M! There's a new one on Floatplane right now! Coming to YT soon < s —o R | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Thanks for the great show | Timestamp |