Name | Type | Text | Timestamp | Image |
Alex S | message | Thanks, Alex S! Any update on the replacement zipper pulls for the backpack? | Timestamp | ![]() |
Alex S | reply | Reply @Alex S! N\ As soon as possible! | Timestamp | ![]() |
Kenta K | message | Thanks, Kenta K! Never thought I'd find myself coming back to a tech youtuber's store to buy everyday things I use but your stuff is awesome. Think I might buy water bottles as a gift for some folks this year. | Timestamp | ![]() |
Michael P | message | Thanks, Michael P! ‘ Why does my custom loop 13600k with a quad slot rad and 4 of noctuas 3000rpm fans still reach 86C during extended renders? | Timestamp | ![]() |
Michael P | reply | Reply @Michael P! IHS small. Heat transfer hard on something so tiny. | Timestamp | ![]() |
Ben G | reply | Reply @Ben G! Try messaging @NickLMG on Twitter during the week! | Timestamp | ![]() |
Ryan S | message | Thanks, Ryan S! Ready for my mystery rolls. Thank you! Ryan | Timestamp | ![]() |
Cody B | message | Thanks, Cody B! You guys are fantastic and I respect the heck out of what you and everyone and LMG have accomplished.How do stay positive through mistakes and failures? | Timestamp | ![]() |
Einar J | message | Thanks, Einar J! Will the nub driver be ratchet only? | Timestamp | ![]() |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Any thought on how strange the names of the secret labs chairs are? The "stealth" chair has a big gold logo and the "black” chair has a black matching logo | Timestamp | ![]() |
Daniel B | message | Thanks, Daniel B! Any home automation updates coming soon? Love the Home content | Timestamp | ![]() |
Jesse S | message | Thanks, Jesse S! Can you please offer more natural options on your products such as 100% cotton t-shirts? Expensive Edition CPU Pillow would have been an easy sell to me if the exterior fabric was cotton or linen. | Timestamp |
Gabriella B | message | Thanks, Gabriella B! Made this purchase so you can give a shout-out to Andy-my fiancé! Together 4 years on the 20th so I ordered him some LTT goodies*besides this order.I love him so much! Married next year, wish | Timestamp |
Alex M | message | Thanks, Alex M! I've wanted a backpack for a while now. Finally decided to take the plunge. For a long time after launch you had a counter on the backpack and screwdriver page. I enjoyed watching how many you've sold | Timestamp |
Ryan S | message | Thanks, Ryan S! Still waiting for the April Fools hot tub WAN show livestream | Timestamp |
Cameron P | message | Thanks, Cameron P! I need a friend to wonder around LTX with. I'm going solo :( .. I need friends | Timestamp |
Gabriel Z | message | Thanks, Gabriel Z! The success of the female undies in comparison to other female apparrel is solid proof of the tech femboy audience. Please Linus, we need a WAN Skirt and/or thigh highs! | Timestamp |
Gabriel Z | reply | Reply @Gabriel Z! Programming socks when!? | Timestamp |
Cody W | message | Thanks, Cody W! Greetings from Prince Edward Island! How do you intervene when hearing an employee giving the wrong answer/advice to a customer? Depending on context, is it immediate or brought up 1on 1 later? | Timestamp |
Cody W | reply | Reply @Cody W! We don't really talk to customers here. But generally if a mistake like that is made someone can step in and make a correction. | Timestamp |
Michel T | message | Thanks, Michel T! Thanks forthe Windbreaker .. been waiting for it for a long time :) | Timestamp |
Austin B | message | Thanks, Austin B! D,L.L What is the coolest graphics card you've ever seen? | Timestamp |
Austin B | reply | Reply @Austin B! The 5090s we just got in are looking pretty nice. The new heatsink design is great. | Timestamp |
William S | message | Thanks, William S! Thanks for all the entertainment over the years and helping me get my current IT job! | Timestamp |
Walter L | message | Thanks, Walter L! Thanks for the hoodie Uncle Linus. | Timestamp |
Jacob W | message | Thanks, Jacob W! Finally upgraded from my 1050 ti to an RX 6600, thanks for being the inspiration for my tech adventures. How have things changed post = hack? Have you implemented new policies to help combat it? | Timestamp |
Jacob W | reply | Reply @Jacob W! Yeah we're looking into much more realistic training. | Timestamp |
David H | message | Thanks, David H! So many better energy drinks. bang, for example. I hope this green is safe. | Timestamp |
Ryan C | message | Thanks, Ryan C! Is the plan to release new items on the LTT Store every week? | Timestamp |
Ryan C | reply | Reply @Ryan C! Normally we release on Fridays! Some weeks we don't have anything new though. | Timestamp |
Austin P | message | Thanks, Austin P! Hi Luke! I work at Hayabusa and my ears perked last week when you said you bought a bag from us! Thanks for supporting small businesses! What inventory management software does your team | Timestamp |
Austin P | reply | Reply @Austin P! We use Snipelt, custom modified for us by our Floatplane dev team. | Timestamp |
Paul L | message | Thanks, Paul L! make pozidrv bits for screwdriver, philips is so US centric | Timestamp |
Eric E | message | Thanks, Eric E! I am digging up my yard this weekend to repair a leak in my water main. Made me wonder. Linus, how is your pool coming along? | Timestamp |
Eric E | reply | Reply @Eric E! He seems to generally respond to this "Oh god I don't want to talk about it.." so I assume it's coming along great. :))) | Timestamp |
Karl G | message | Thanks, Karl G! Love screwdriver and backpack, time to try some underwear! Love the 4 hour WAN shows, keep up the streak! | Timestamp |
Trevor W | message | Thanks, Trevor W! - Happy Friday Linus, Luke and Dan! Did you guys see randomfrankp ‘\Il .' reacted to your review? He also mentioned he apparently interviewed Linus and had dinner with Luke back in 2015. | Timestamp |
Austin H | message | Thanks, Austin H! Luke, Floatplane on Roku, when? Roku is one of the few pieces of tech in my life that just works. Remotes are great, minimal ads, responsive Ul, long service life (8+ years), and is not from big tech | Timestamp |
Austin H | reply | Reply @Austin H! We've got a few different features planned, but you can always email with suggestions! | Timestamp |
David H | message | Thanks, David H! Illonster..SUE ME | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! ki ’. ' For all 3 of you, off the top of your head, is there any piece of tech or I "1 gear that you would call a life changer for under $200? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Linus and Luke have answered this before, check out our channel LMG Clips! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! I really enjoyed this year's April Fools LTT edition, but don't think trying to top it should be the goal next year. Whats fun to be created is what bemakes the videos fun. | Timestamp |
David H | message | Thanks, David H! S0 GLAD THE HOODIE WAS MENTIONED | Timestamp |
Joey-Michael F | message | Thanks, Joey-Michael F! Do you think “prompt engineering" will become a real job? Or will it be “all jobs?" | Timestamp |
Max H | message | Thanks, Max H! Love the content, any plans on more server videos soon? | Timestamp |
Max H | reply | Reply @Max H! " Filming one today | Timestamp |
Ronald B | message | Thanks, Ronald B! Love the content. Any word when the stubby screwdriver will be released? | Timestamp |
Ted M | message | Thanks, Ted M! % Dan,doyou need a hug? | Timestamp |
Joel G | message | Thanks, Joel G! Think we need moar Dan in the LTT videos. | Timestamp |
Michael W | message | Thanks, Michael W! Potato NFT, Better investment than Monster Energy. | Timestamp |
Kael G | message | Thanks, Kael G! / Theyjustscored1xBlank T-shirtat 1750 com | Timestamp |
JUL EZEKIEL D | message | Thanks, JUL EZEKIEL D! Drink wa Ter bUhD An | Timestamp |
Cooper H | message | Thanks, Cooper H! Your sack is mine | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! I love everything you guys do. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! I really don't need yet another water bottle, but here we are. | Timestamp |
Jonathan D | message | Thanks, Jonathan D! "o I HellothereYou guys missed me last week linus\luke\yvonne what is m ;‘ gy the best memory you 3 have together. Also could I please have the e thread specs for the ltt water bottle. I want to modify a circle lid | Timestamp |
Keith B | message | Thanks, Keith B! Regarding the affiliate program, I'd suggest is that for aggregtors, you have some kind of notice on your site with a notice that this was through an affiliate. Even just a little notification helps. . | Timestamp |
Amen P | message | Thanks, Amen P! WeirdChamp | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Ronnie no zoom bombing! | Timestamp |
Tyler S | message | Thanks, Tyler S! I Tyler S from USA: Hi Linus/ Luke I'd like to get your opinion of the new - Ryzen 7000 mobile series 7945hx please check passmark score and compare to desktop 7950X and be amazed | Timestamp |
Tyler S | reply | Reply @Tyler S! Try posting in the ‘New Builds and Planning' section of our forum! | Timestamp |
AJ M | message | Thanks, AJ M! I feel like motherboards are one of the least reviewed/compared PC components. Will LTT Lab be validating motherboards, and if so, what tests will be run? | Timestamp |
A) M | reply | Reply @A) M! Yep! Should be. Details to eventually follow, but probably same CPU same RAM same GPU and looking for differences. | Timestamp |
Patrick R | message | Thanks, Patrick R! m- l- Y In regard to the Monster Energy lawsuit, have they ever gone against & } Monster Audio? Maybe Monster Audio should give them a taste of their own medicine, they have been around longer! | Timestamp |
Joey P | message | Thanks, Joey P! 3 !. . Hello Linus, Luke, and Dan. How have your tastes in music changed i I “ throughout your lives? | Timestamp |
loey P | reply | Reply @loey P! I'm sure the more music you listen to the more you can find that you love. So yeah I would hope everyone's changes or at least grows. | Timestamp |
Robi A | message | Thanks, Robi A! I've been listening to the podcast on my commute since 2020, first time chiming in live! When is the podcast going to get Dennis sponsor spots? Pretty please. | Timestamp |
Gilad B | message | Thanks, Gilad B! Heated potato dishes seeved cold should be illegal | Timestamp |
Aibiike K | message | Thanks, Aibiike K! Hi DLL! I owe my father a hat, and I was wondering if you could give me a small hint. Should I wait for 'LTT hat pro' or get him a screwdriver for his birthday? (Birthday will be on July 15) | Timestamp |
Aibiike K | reply | Reply @Aibiike K! Sadly not sure when the hat will launch, so don't wait too long! | Timestamp |
Charles S | message | Thanks, Charles S! @ Hey Linus! I'm specing out a thunderbolt pc just like you and I've decided I'm done with Nvida. I'm trying to go for a 3060 equivalent. What is your opinion on going Intel ARC? Should I go AMD? | Timestamp |
Ryan W | message | Thanks, Ryan W! this hoodie better come with some cold poutine. | Timestamp |
Jason H | message | Thanks, Jason H! Why do many games on PC have their framerate locked to 607 It's a real bummer when you pay for a monitor with a higher refresh rate and can't even enjoy it fully :( | Timestamp |
Jason H | reply | Reply @Jason H! Bad developers tying calculations to frames because it's easier. | Timestamp |
Sierra K | message | Thanks, Sierra K! Monster could be trying to set a legal precedent maybe? But also when more uncle linus farm content? | Timestamp |
Russell B | message | Thanks, Russell B! You guys had a video using Tailscale to bypass Netflix account sharing limitations. What are your all's thoughts on the service? I hooked it to my phone and Pi-hole for ad-blocking while on-the-go! | Timestamp |
Giles W | message | Thanks, Giles W! Meant to buy this for myself for Christmas. I'm a monster of my own happiness. (Don't sue me Monster Energy) | Timestamp |
Alexander M | message | Thanks, Alexander M! Thank you for the wonderful end of the week show! | Timestamp |
john h | message | Thanks, john h! m hi guys do you have plans to release a screw driver with more bit storage or a way to add more storage to it? thanks for all the amazing videos | Timestamp |
john h | reply | Reply @john h! Yep! We've talked about a new bit storage box thing a couple times. More details eventually. | Timestamp |
JEREMY W | message | Thanks, JEREMY W! Hello, Linus from Buffalo NY - You the man homie! | Timestamp |
Nick D | message | Thanks, Nick D! Uncle Linus' Fauxtine 4Evah | Timestamp |
Sam B | message | Thanks, Sam B! Hello LTT Fam | Timestamp |
Lester W | message | Thanks, Lester W! I love all of this chaos bahahah | Timestamp |
Vicente H | message | Thanks, Vicente H! | Timestamp |
Vicente H | message | Thanks, Vicente H! What aspects of a computer are more important when it comes to creative work? (Audio recording/editing and video editing). Getting myself into double digit track DAWSs and double digit video projects | Timestamp |
Vicente H | reply | Reply @Vicente H! Single core speed, CUDA cores, VRAM. After effects? Fast memory, lots of memory. | Timestamp |
JOSH S | message | Thanks, JOSH S! Love everything you do, please let non attending guest but Ltt expo * merch! Trying really hard to get there! Love the team! Can you combine my two ltt store accounts? | Timestamp |
Matthew B | message | Thanks, Matthew B! | Timestamp |
Matthew B | message | Thanks, Matthew B! My girlfriend will hate this hoodie so maybe I will get to keep it! | Timestamp |
Alexander C | message | Thanks, Alexander C! Any word on when the Couch Ripper pillows with a CPU will be shipped? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Will there be Intel Arc Challenge 2 when new cards come out? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Possibly! Only time will tell | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! If you had unlimited funds and talent to make any video game you wanted, what would you make? | Timestamp |
Kael G | message | Thanks, Kael G! P I felt I should spend the money on some more quality shirts to thank \ } you guys for the 7950X that showed up with my couchripper pillow :) | Timestamp |
Josh W | message | Thanks, Josh W! If your viewers had $1,000 to spend on a single LTT product what would you want to sell them while maintaining your S-tier product quality standards? Not me of course... 'm broke broke... | Timestamp |
Alvaro Q | message | Thanks, Alvaro Q! Had a lesson on ethernet in my training program at work and was not expecting it when they pulled up a techquickie vid on the subject! Where's the most unexpected place you've ever found your content? | Timestamp |
Brandon P | message | Thanks, Brandon P! This one's for Dan, have you considered Al training Linus & Luke's voices and using that to make your own Christmas album? | Timestamp |
Brandon P | reply | Reply @Brandon P! STOP TALKING ABOUT THE CHRISTMAS ALBUM | Timestamp |
Andrew M | message | Thanks, Andrew M! As your company grows, what has been your biggest failure you've had to overcome that you learned from. | Timestamp |
Noah S | message | Thanks, Noah S! L Hey Linus and Luke, Been watching since the Siberia V2 Headset review. I was wondering. How are the sound panel system coming? I am living in an apartment and Im looking to isolate sound for work. | Timestamp |
Noah S | reply | Reply @Noah S! Not sure I have updates for those yet. Some hurdles around them currently. Details when we can. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Linus, have you considered doing videos on enterprise storage? Pure, Dell Powerstore, Nimble, etc. Would love to see you guys dive into more enterprise hardware. Thanks! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Enterprise hardware is pretty niche and doesn't often perform as well. When we can it will pop up. | Timestamp |
William H | message | Thanks, William H! Any update on the screwdriver bit holder? | Timestamp |
William H | reply | Reply @William H! It's in the works! | Timestamp |
Jordan R | message | Thanks, Jordan R! Luke, with the prevalence of things like Auto-GPT and other opensource tools that can use Al to train Al, and FOSS LLMs that you can use for hyper specific tasks/use cases, how will you use it? | Timestamp |
Pierson A | message | Thanks, Pierson A! Like everyone else... I have baby showers galore! These books are perfect to give the wife when she goes to the showers. Keep up the good work at LMG | Timestamp |
Mike M | message | Thanks, Mike M! Is there any plans to expand your cybersecurity department in the future to even incorporate possible interns or people who only recently graduated and don't have much experience | Timestamp |
Mike M | reply | Reply @Mike M! Time will tell. | Timestamp |
DanT | message | Thanks, DanT! I'm about 30 minutes behind live. Hello from the past! It's monstrous. | Timestamp |
Jacob G | message | Thanks, Jacob G! So, how about LTT polo shirts? I am sure plenty of viewers work in industries that require wearing a polo shirt, including myself. I would definitely buy some. | Timestamp |
Benedikt L | message | Thanks, Benedikt L! do i have to flush my radiators before puting them in my custom-loop? its my first time building one. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! 5 hour WAN show lets gooooooo! I'm sorry Dan :( | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Grabbing a shirt to see the great quality in person, might grab more after. Question to Luke. Give me the selling points for Floatplane. Why should I make the switch from YouTube as a new viewer?? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! So. Much. Exclusive. Content. | Timestamp |
Trevor P | message | Thanks, Trevor P! This question may have been answered in the past, but what happened to the LTT Minecraft server Jake was working on? | Timestamp |
Kevin M | message | Thanks, Kevin M! /i \. ln Will the dad hat fit my awkwardly large head? My poor mother. | Timestamp |
Tyler J | message | Thanks, Tyler J! Hi Linus, Luke, Dan, etc I used BingGPT to write and implement a bash script that mitigated a long-time issue with no coding experience. How do you see LMG using the inevitable crashing wave of Al | Timestamp |
Tyler J | reply | Reply @Tyler J! If we end up needing to nail something, we'll use a hammer. | Timestamp |
Darcy O | message | Thanks, Darcy O! Australian here. Personally, I've not seen heaps of cool tech come out lll’ flg of Australia. Are there any notable tech products you know of/use that =550 have come out of Australia? | Timestamp |
Chintan \/ | message | Thanks, Chintan \/! Will the screwdriver(s) and bag-packs always be available? Or do you plan on discontinuing them at some point? And will there be updates to any of these merch, V2 or something? | Timestamp |
Trevor B | message | Thanks, Trevor B! ‘ Question for Dan. What is your job title at this point? Seems like you do just about everything. | Timestamp |
Trevor B | reply | Reply @Trevor B! Infrastructure and Technical Specialist. I work for Luke now, soit's a little more directed. | Timestamp |
Bruce A | message | Thanks, Bruce A! Any plans for underwear with a big strawberry on the front and back? | Timestamp |
Teo W | message | Thanks, Teo W! Do you guys think, with the increase in frequency of cyberattacks and increasing cost of cloud services, lay person will want to host their own cloud service solutions like nextcloud, bitwarden etc. ? | Timestamp |
Teo W | reply | Reply @Teo W! Already possible today | Timestamp |
Andrew X | message | Thanks, Andrew X! Any chance the gone phishing shirts will come back? Also, what are your favorite LMG videos to have uploaded? | Timestamp |
Andrew X | reply | Reply @Andrew X! Probably not. | Timestamp |
Robert P | message | Thanks, Robert P! Love you guys!! Hello from Clemens ohio!! | Timestamp |
Jamie Y | message | Thanks, Jamie Y! Good evening Dan, Linus & Luke. Can't wait for LTX. What will be the purchase methods for merch/items at LTX? Will big/tall merch be able to be bought there you think? Really want the tall shirts. | Timestamp |
Jamie Y | reply | Reply @Jamie Y! Not sure when tall sizes are coming (I want them too.) We're doing LTT Store not com. Try messaging @NickLMG on Twitter during the week! | Timestamp |
John A | message | Thanks, John A! ] Any update on virtual LTX attendance? | Timestamp |
John A | reply | Reply @John A! Hit up | Timestamp |
Angel P | message | Thanks, Angel P! Greetings from the Dominican Republic! Follower since the Fire truck! Keep up the great work. | Timestamp |
Travis B | message | Thanks, Travis B! Products are great. Great material that has been durable and breathable. Huge fan of your show. Been following from the beginning. | Timestamp |
Shahab Z | message | Thanks, Shahab Z! Hi DLL First time catching the show live! And what a lovely chaos it has been. Super excited. What is your most memorable moment at work? | Timestamp |
Alec M | message | Thanks, Alec M! Linus, can you make or add a comfortability score in reviews for earphones for sleeping ie; side and back sleepers? You sleep im airpods every night it would be nice to see how other pairs compare :). | Timestamp |
Max B | message | Thanks, Max B! Hey AlL, I recently started mining RVN(Ravencoin) on my home pc. Do you think that crypto in general will regain the popularity it had at its peak last year? PS sorry I didn't ask about Al Luke. | Timestamp |
Max B | reply | Reply @Max B! My guess is downturn continuing | Timestamp |
Luke C | message | Thanks, Luke C! Hey L,L,D, I'm from the UK, any chance one year we could have a EU based LTX? Gagging to go but cant afford, im sure many of us are in the same boat! | Timestamp |
Lillith T | message | Thanks, Lillith T! Hey Luke / Linus! The steam deck and others are already falling behind new hardware in just a year. Maybe the future is a framework like portable device with modularity/upgradeable hardware. | Timestamp |
Radek P | message | Thanks, Radek P! I've already had 3 cups of coffee just to stay awake. Happy to actually 1Y ~ catch the WAN Show live tho! | Timestamp |
James S | message | Thanks, James S! Thanks for all the knowledge and entertainment! | Timestamp |
Roberto T | message | Thanks, Roberto T! Hi Linus, I recently got a Steam deck and I'm really enjoying it, would it be interesting to do an 1year later update or review? | Timestamp |
Roberto T | reply | Reply @Roberto T! Sometimes we do throwbacks, but new content is better than old. | Timestamp |
Patrick R | message | Thanks, Patrick R! Does the uncle Linus's water bottle come with moonshine? | Timestamp |
Patrick R | reply | Reply @Patrick R! v Provide your own! | Timestamp |
Daniel C | message | Thanks, Daniel C! When are we getting a WAN Show setup episode? I'm one of people that also listen to the podcasts of prior episodes and it would be interesting to learn how he fixed the possessed pc. | Timestamp |
Daniel C | reply | Reply @Daniel C! I think we're going to try and film that next week. | Timestamp |
Micah F | message | Thanks, Micah F! Been watching for years, thanks for all the great content. What do you think will have the bigger impact on the average person over the next 10 years, cryptocurrency or 3D Printing? | Timestamp |
Micah F | reply | Reply @Micah F! 3D Printing. Crypto is imploding again. | Timestamp |
Samantha c | message | Thanks, Samantha c! Hi Brett did you see this? | Timestamp |
Rowen B | message | Thanks, Rowen B! Loving the content incorporating the new Labs tools! Will LTT Labs have it's own YT Channel? | Timestamp |
Rowen B | reply | Reply @Rowen B! It's gunna be a website | Timestamp |
Hunter B | message | Thanks, Hunter B! m' I @ Whatis the future of exclusive content, I really enjoyed the April fools I episode mainly because (like the wan show) it was longer! (50 minutes) | Timestamp |
Hunter B | reply | Reply @Hunter B! Doing more and more and more. | Timestamp |
Andre W | message | Thanks, Andre W! The last couple years spam on outlook has become bad. It sends legit email to spam and doesnt block obvious spam. I just switched to gmail, but i like outlook interface wayyy better. any solutions? | Timestamp |
Connor S | message | Thanks, Connor S! Linus: Would you rather continue using high-end hardware in your personal rig, but forever switch back to a traditional desktop, or continue using a rack setup, but forever switch to midrange specs? | Timestamp |
Connor S | reply | Reply @Connor S! Why use lower end hardware? | Timestamp |
Charles R | message | Thanks, Charles R! Hey Luke Linus! There's lots of hype and fear surrounding Al today, what do you think of the danger of companies rushing into Al and poorly implementing it where it shouldn't be or isn't ready to be | Timestamp |
Charles R | reply | Reply @Charles R! Full steam ahead | Timestamp |
Bryn O | message | Thanks, Bryn O! For the first time in my life I'm going to be prepared for spring. Have you guys considered doing any kind of water resistant pants in the style of the windbreaker/down jacket for skiing/snowboarding? ' | Timestamp |
Bryn 0 | reply | Reply @Bryn 0! Always got lots of new products in the works. | Timestamp |
Zoe T | message | Thanks, Zoe T! Hello Linus and Luke *cough Dan*! I've been listening to WAN for three years now! I love hearing your personal stories and opinions. :) I will listen to this on Apple Podcasts 3 weeks from now. ;) | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Sup L&L and big D Linus, suppose you had to change the name of the channel because monster released a linus potato flavor. Do you have any idea what the new channel name would be? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Monster Brand Linus Potato Energy Farm | Timestamp |
Meghana Al | message | Thanks, Meghana Al LTT Team! How did you not put the "moonshine” label on the giant moonshine jug shaped bottle ! | Timestamp |
Thomas H | message | Thanks, Thomas H! I 'm having my house painted, and now I understand that video where yuu ranted about paint. When will LTT Paints be available at fine retailers near you? | Timestamp |
Thomas H | reply | Reply @Thomas H! GPU Drop Green. Tech Tips Orange. Strawberry Red. | Timestamp |
Cole V | message | Thanks, Cole V! Heading out on a cruise this week to Athens and turkey and I am super excited. Linus and Luke what is your favorite vacation/location? | Timestamp |
Cole / | reply | Reply @Cole /! i | Timestamp |
brenden s | message | Thanks, brenden s! Hey guys high power sff pcs seem to be growing quite a bit lately. \ } Wondering if you guys would ever do a watercooled sff pc with example 4090 and 7800x3d? | Timestamp |
brenden s | reply | Reply @brenden s! L J We recommend posting video ideas in the 'Video Suggestion' section of our forum! | Timestamp |
Adam H | message | Thanks, Adam H! Mfi .9 Here's to another 4 hour WAN gents, and a free dad hat, woot woot! If , you were to sell a PC case what would be your primary must-have - feature or design principle? | Timestamp |
Joshua C | message | Thanks, Joshua C! ‘-‘“i | Timestamp |
Macen S | message | Thanks, Macen S! Got to the stream a little late, watching in 2x to catch up, my friends think it is absolutely disgusting that I watch YouTube videos above 1x speed, do any of you watch videos in a higher speed? | Timestamp |
Macen S | reply | Reply @Macen S! Almost everything at 2x speed always. | Timestamp |
Sean S | message | Thanks, Sean S! Hey LLD I work at a start up that just moved from mooching off our VCs nice office to a true start up office with unfinished walls included.Is there anything you guys miss about the early days of LTT? | Timestamp |
Michael M | message | Thanks, Michael M! Praying for dans fingers tonight, but Luke and Linus, in what way do you see yourself using Al for leisure (not work related)in the future? | Timestamp |
Michael M | reply | Reply @Michael M! Friendship. ;) | Timestamp |
Michael O | reply | Reply @Michael O! Same! | Timestamp |
Brady R | message | Thanks, Brady R! LL&D, if Linus Media Group did not exist today, where do you think you would find yourself job field wise? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Hi Luke and Linus! I work at a large org. My employer can claim any invention I make that they want. My friends and I have begun doing less personal projects bc of this. What's your opinion? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! A massive amount of orgs are like that. Normally it's just stuff at work, but some expand it to home too because you're like, thinking about your job. I can see both sides tho. :C | Timestamp |
Jackie F | message | Thanks, Jackie F! My teachers will question what's in this bottle | Timestamp |
Alex N | message | Thanks, Alex N! Hey Luke, Linus, and especially Dan ;) Would you ever consider adding decimal points to lttstore reviews? Only knowing 4/ 4.5/ 5 stars isn't helpful when a 4.7 and a 4.2 are often very different. | Timestamp |
Alex N | reply | Reply @Alex N! It's not possible with the review plugin we use, but we definitely agree it would be better! | Timestamp |
Kyle J | message | Thanks, Kyle J! Mostly Linus, but also Luke after his dumb mineral cooled setup. Do you ever think you'll go back to a normal desktop/gear? You're rack mount/fancy switches seem to be real annoying if not for content | Timestamp |
Kyle J | reply | Reply @Kyle J! Sometimes just having a PC that doesn't spill is kinda nice | Timestamp |
Paul C | message | Thanks, Paul C! Thanks, Guys More networking videos Please Ok, why do Canadians have the same laugh? ... Jake and Luke (Only saying that for the British food remark) o~ N ——— e | Timestamp |
null | message | Thanks for doing what you do! And thanks for the next I hoodie in my collection! & Thanks, Dylan M! o~ S s | Timestamp |
Dylan M | message | Thanks, Dylan M! ( Hey guys! Thanks for doing what you do! And thanks for the next J hoodie in my collection! | Timestamp |
Byron C | message | Thanks, Byron C! I R i have a windows 7 pc stuck in a boot loop it starts up shows the dell i U logo goes black for a bit then restarts how do i get it unstuck from the - boot loop | Timestamp |
John A | message | Thanks, John A! Do you think 8k+ TVs could happen if made with the 3D tech Asus showed in their laptop this year at CES, thereby allowing the screen to split for multiple viewers? | Timestamp |
John Al | reply | Reply @John Al Maybe? It's more about making panels that are free of defects. | Timestamp |
Jonathan L | message | Thanks, Jonathan L! Do you think that capacitive finger print sensors will come back \ ’ mainstream to phones? I always seem to have issues with my s22 underscreen sensor, especially if 'm working with my hands. | Timestamp |
Jonathan L | reply | Reply @Jonathan L! Pretty sad. Who knows. | Timestamp |
Colin H | message | Thanks, Colin H! Hi all! Been watching since the NCIX days. Any tools planned after the all the screw drivers? If you could make any tool, what would it be? | Timestamp |
Destiny R | message | Thanks, Destiny R! Linus, what other major equipment does The Lab need? Anything else crazy enough for an NDA? | Timestamp |
Destiny R | reply | Reply @Destiny R! I think we've talked about it and most of it is on order or in place. | Timestamp |
Haylee F | message | Thanks, Haylee F! Hey WAN Show! I am so EXCITED about the new braletts. They are the most comfortable sport bra/letts I've ever worn. Would you consider releasing skin tone colours & white in the future? | Timestamp |
Billy G | message | Thanks, Billy G! m‘ P " Hello! What is your biggest tech pet-peeves (ex. companies saying that ! aproduct has Al but it is just an algorithm) | Timestamp |
Billy G | reply | Reply @Billy G! Please, please tell me how much your product costs. | Timestamp |
Gavin J | message | Thanks, Gavin J! Question for Linus and Luke: Are there any games that you guys emulate and play regularly? | Timestamp |
Tyler H | message | Thanks, Tyler H! Just wanted to say that I love supporting y'all! The products are always so well made, and your customer service is just objectively unmatchable, in my opinion. Keep being awesome! | Timestamp |
Benjamin D | message | Thanks, Benjamin D! Howdy, Have linus or luke ever considered the wattage of a monitor in terms of heat production when considering a purchase, I have an old Samsung one that produces a lot, looking to upgrade to lowheat | Timestamp |
Benjamin D | reply | Reply @Benjamin D! Used to be more of an issue with CRT. These days it's whatever. Some of our pro-art ones get SMOKING | Timestamp |
Andrew M | message | Thanks, Andrew M! When will there be more of the retro GPU shirt? | Timestamp |
Cameron G | message | Thanks, Cameron G! I Hey guys! Love the watching the show. Luke have you heard of babyAGI - and the other related systems combining multiple GPT4 models to self delegate tasks and perform very complex tasks? [ | Timestamp |
Alexia T | message | Thanks, Alexia T! My husband threatened to use our joint checking for this purchase, but I've been eyeing these undies for weeks so I decided to seize the opportunity. Love you guys (and my husband I guess)! | Timestamp |
Josiah S | message | Thanks, Josiah S! If the automated scoring system won't make money, have you considered making it open source? Could leverage your developer heavy community for content, and get good hiring signals on eager | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! I have made the great pilgrimage from Wainwright AB to Langley BC, the place of my birth, and the true home of LTT. Have you guys ever considered hosting office tours outside of special events? | Timestamp |
null | message | Thanks John R! Big fan, guys. First time purchase. Love the new water hottle. | Timestamp |
Bryce S | message | Thanks, Bryce S! After the double whammy with YouTube. How worried are you about floatplane security issues? Also love the dadhat in the bonus bin! | Timestamp |
Bryce S | reply | Reply @Bryce S! Should be good! | Timestamp |
Rebecca L | message | Thanks, Rebecca L! Hydrate or Die (can't wait for the water bottle)! Hey Luke, since you are } now using Windows 11, what's your thoughts? I am split in my house and still haven't decided what I think. | Timestamp |
Trevor W | message | Thanks, Trevor W! How many videos do you have ready to go on average in case something happens and you can't film? How often do you feel like you might not have a video to post? | Timestamp |
Derek H | reply | Reply @Derek H! They don't include those, we'd need to remake the whole thing sadly. Please stop mentioning the album. | Timestamp |
Ryan B | message | Thanks, Ryan B! Hey Linus, Luke, & Dan! Surprising my brother-in-law James with this Merch Message for his birthday! If you were a large language model, what name would you pick for yourself? Maybe GPTechTips? | Timestamp |
Brandon J | message | Thanks, Brandon J! Pretty much all of my jackets and hoodies are LTT, now. The Creator Warehouse makes too much stuff I like. | Timestamp |
Ben H | message | Thanks, Ben H! Cold poe tay toe, warm puh tah toe | Timestamp |
Quinton S | message | Thanks, Quinton S! What's your favorite home cooked meal? | Timestamp |
Thomas 0 | message | Thanks, Thomas 0! Name your favorite form of hot potatoes. | Timestamp |
Thomas 0 | reply | Reply @Thomas 0! mashed | Timestamp |
Tyler R | message | Thanks, Tyler R! Can we applications to work on Uncle Linus's Potato Farm? | Timestamp |
Tyler R | reply | Reply @Tyler R! Linus wills it. | Timestamp |
Atle E | message | Thanks, Atle E! Greetings from Norway. Love your show! | Timestamp |
Scott K | message | Thanks, Scott K! [} \ 1° I callme tater scott | Timestamp |
Joseph A | message | Thanks, Joseph A! ‘ Mmmm, tasty | Timestamp |
Nickolas D | message | Thanks, Nickolas D! What happens to the employee computers at their end of life, and what can regular normies do? | Timestamp |
Nickolas D | reply | Reply @Nickolas D! yeet | Timestamp |
Cody S | message | Thanks, Cody S! j Hey LL&D! Would Creator Warehouse make a laundry basket? All the I 11! onesIfind are low-quality and I would be so interested in an LTT high- quality version. (Hexagonal please, hexagon is the bestagon) o~ S e | Timestamp |
Regina G | message | Thanks, Regina G! Why not get everyone who works from home a Framework Laptop?! | Timestamp |
Greg N | message | Thanks, Greg N! Hey everyone, love the pins I got! My question is why isn't there an LTT orange beanie?? | Timestamp |
Greg N | reply | Reply @Greg N! Maybe one day | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Looking forward to trying these! Are there new womens garmets 1 currently in the pipeline that can be looked forward to? | Timestamp |
Aaraon R | message | Thanks, Aaraon R! Any thoughts on what Intel will have to do to come back into competition with AMD? | Timestamp |
Aaron R | reply | Reply @Aaron R! J Continue making better CPU's | Timestamp |
Graham Y | message | Thanks, Graham Y! m Hey! Picking up a gift card for the potential Eu hub, deskpad cost me €70. I work in fraud, what upcoming tech can you see impacting this space? I wonder about ai aiding social engineering of people. | Timestamp |
Graham Y | reply | Reply @Graham Y! Certainly a lot of Al | Timestamp |
Blum, M | message | Thanks, Blum, M! Love your shows! Been watching for over a decade now and still keeping up. | Timestamp |
Dylan \/ | message | Thanks, Dylan \/! - Zipper prob: Could a “U" shaped version of the Alan key you made . .m work? You would put it through, turn it toward the closed end of the clip to open, swap them and torque the other way to close it??? | Timestamp |
Ashley S | message | Thanks, Ashley S! Hey guys! We once asked about bras, you said you had little to contribute (besides pockets/RGB) so you weren't going to. Why the turnaround? Any plans for an underwire? Glad you went for it! Thanks | Timestamp |
Jordan L | message | Thanks, Jordan L! L You've talked before about renaming Merch Messages b/c they're PRODUCTS, not just 'merch’ I tweeted @ Nick some suggestions a while /" ago.Have you considered them? e.g. Store Shouts & Order Odes! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! X This is so cool! I am getting this for my brother. Shout out to FIELD!!!! ;) | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Hi Linus and Luke (and Dan), wanted to give a heartfelt thanks for helping me get my first tech job with a smart home company whose project you called out last week. | Timestamp |
Leonardo S | message | Thanks, Leonardo S! "I!QH Brazil, Hell de Janeiro send its regards. | Timestamp |
Dusan P | message | Thanks, Dusan P! I know this got brought up during the preshow but any quick thoughts on the Rogers-Shaw merger? Living in southern Ontario and only having effectively two companies for internet and tv is frustrating | Timestamp |
Dusan P | reply | Reply @Dusan P! On our wan doc. Might not get talked about because Canada boring | Timestamp |
Stefan S | message | Thanks, Stefan S! Kind greetings from Germany to the LLT Team. Great work recovering from "the Hack" and I really enjoy Lukes discussions on Al. | Timestamp |
Zephy L | message | Thanks, Zephy L! WAN podcast while washing dishes enjoyer here, what do you guys think about Valve possibly using passthrough portals in VR to make a semi AR game for their next headset? Hello future Zephy | Timestamp |
Zephy L | reply | Reply @Zephy L! Sounds dope | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! hello! | Timestamp |
Abby W | message | Thanks, Abby W! Linus, you have mentioned not being a big fan of the baby stage and prefer the older stages where you can interact/play with them more. Any non tech tips on getting through the baby stages? SAHM here! | Timestamp |
Ryan D | message | Thanks, Ryan D! Hi Luke and Linus. I am planning on using ChatGPT to draft scripts for me to read on my YouTube channel. My question is, is it unethical to not give ChatGPT a writers credit for videos I use it in? | Timestamp |
Drew B | message | Thanks, Drew B! Hey y'all, love the show! In sports do you have any tech you wish was added in, or taken out? And explain why | Timestamp |
Drew B | reply | Reply @Drew B! I want more of that cool ball tracking stuff | Timestamp |
mateo o | message | Thanks, mateo o! +# Hito Dan, Luke and Linus keeping the wan streak alive. What [ technology would you like to see come to the desktop PC space. Other than wireless charging, what about fingerprint scanners in keyboards! | Timestamp |
Jason S | message | Thanks, Jason S! b&f I drunk bought a screwdriver last week and wasn't able to merch message so gift card - would you ever consider covering advancements in entertainment technology (theatre light boards, | Timestamp |
Jason S | reply | Reply @Jason S! Pretty niche sadly | Timestamp |
Manuel A | message | Thanks, Manuel A! Hey folks! Question for all: If you got the news that you would suddenly be going blind, who would be the last person you choose to see and why? | Timestamp |
Manuel A | reply | Reply @Manuel A! You know Linus would pick Yvonne. :) | Timestamp |
James W | message | Thanks, James W! Are you able to share your anti virus solution? Do you have a Mac/Linux fleet management/policy in place? | Timestamp |
James W | reply | Reply @James W! SentinelOne. Yes many many management policy. | Timestamp |
MoM M | message | Thanks, MoM M! Hello,from Texas.First time shopping on LTT, saw the new hoodie and had to snag it. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Hi DLL, great show. I'm an engr contractor and trying to build a hypervisor PC to separate workspaces for different clients for security.What is a good chassis that work with ASUS W790ESAGE and 6 | Timestamp |
Gershom C | message | Thanks, Gershom C! Hey Linus & luke are you considering putting the big screen beyond in your home vr setup? Im considering it myself because of its high pixels per degree / resolution and its OLED displays. | Timestamp |
Gershom C | reply | Reply @Gershom C! ) We're trying to get them working right now yeah | Timestamp |
Alan J | message | Thanks, Alan J! Burlap hoodie is so yammy. | Timestamp |
Tyler P | message | Thanks, Tyler P! Ever since getting her the underwear, the partner just wants more I underwear and now the windbreaker for herself. Question for Luke - what's been your favorite feature/ integration with FP so far? | Timestamp |
Cosmo T | message | Thanks, Cosmo T! &' Excited to use the LTT Screwdriver at a California State Electrician/Construction/Work competition next week. Have you considered sponsoring events like this to get your tools out of the tech | Timestamp |
Chris K | message | Thanks, Chris K! "“*‘ Got a couple bottles to bring to smash club, thx for the good content Q,- H linus. | Timestamp |
Gehrig D | message | Thanks, Gehrig D! My deskpad has held up great for almost 2 years, let's hope the screwdriver holds up just as well! | Timestamp |
Redmist 2 | message | Thanks, Redmist 2! Hi Guys! Cant wait to give my Tech dad his New Screwdriver! Wanted to ask the pros, as someone trying to get into the review space for tech, whats more important starting out? Quality or Quantity? | Timestamp |
Redmist 2 | reply | Reply @Redmist 2! ) Speed and quality. | Timestamp |
Tristan W | message | Thanks, Tristan W! Looking to get cozy with this order! Is there a stubby screwdriver or bit holder update available? Also, give us more Dan! Nice subtotal btw | Timestamp |
Brendan Y | message | Thanks, Brendan Y! Hey WAN! I really liked the idea of the LTT notebook and I was wondering if there are any plans to restock it or expand to other types like planners. Personally I would buy a million LTT sketchbooks! | Timestamp |
Joseph B | message | Thanks, Joseph B! Hi Linus I am a Cyber Security Engineer. After the latest hack, have you considered creating a dedicated Cyber Security department in LTT rather than just generalized IT/tech staff monitoring things? | Timestamp |
Joseph B | reply | Reply @Joseph B! Yeah we're working on all aspects. | Timestamp |
Ryan P | message | Thanks, Ryan P! Why not look into setting up Creator warehouse up like Bunker Branding has with Off the ranch/Demolition Ranch Matt and Roman atwood have it setup? | Timestamp |
FELIPE S | message | Thanks, FELIPE S! Hi Linus, Luke and Dan! I'm shopping around for parts for my first tower PC. Are there/what are some compatibility issues I might face between CPU, RAM and motherboard? | Timestamp |
Patrick M | message | Thanks, Patrick M! Hello D L and L! First time purchaser, longtime podcast listener. Love what y'all have been doing with floatplane! Question for Luke; what o would you recommend as a good entry into softwaredevelopment? | Timestamp |
Paul C | message | Thanks, Paul C! Viewer since the office robbery prank. Recently changed jobs from I teaching to being a sys admin, and credit the channel for some of my success. What would you expect of an LTT SysAd to know/do? | Timestamp |
Tyler D | message | Thanks, Tyler D! You recently discussed how the badminton product is a bad finical decision, but it still got the greenlight. Have any projects been - cancelled because they weren't financially viable? | Timestamp |
Tyler D | reply | Reply @Tyler D! Hundreds. | Timestamp |
Nicholas G | message | Thanks, Nicholas G! I'm the tech guy in my family and I was wondering what are items and software for troubleshooting that would help make my life easier? | Timestamp |
Nicholas G | reply | Reply @Nicholas G! Ventoy is a godsend | Timestamp |
Cameron F | message | Thanks, Cameron F! Hey LLD, love the show! Are there any other industries that you are really interested in that you think you might have pursued if your careers in the tech world didn't work out? | Timestamp |
Andrew M | message | Thanks, Andrew M! Time to start a distillery folks | Timestamp |
William L | message | Thanks, William L! Now that Luke officially works for LMG again, when is he getting his Intel AMD makeover? | Timestamp |
Alan S | message | Thanks, Alan S! Hi, I work in a micro center,Have you ever considered selling something like the screwdriver or waterbottle in the store? Many customers have said they would like to buy one while shopping here. | Timestamp |
Zach R | message | Thanks, Zach R! Do you guys explain your data taking methods and how error analysis is performed on measured data? | Timestamp |
Zach R | reply | Reply @Zach R! Yes! | Timestamp |
Vincent A | message | Thanks, Vincent A! Excited to get this in a few weeks in Europe and listen to this on Tuesday! Linus, summer is coming and how is the pool doing? And Luke, what games have you picked up after Tarkov. | Timestamp |
Vincent A | reply | Reply @Vincent A! bad | Timestamp |
Rylan W | message | Thanks, Rylan W! &' I just got promoted at my job to a leadership position! Although, I have a problem with not being assertive enough. Have you ever encountered similar issues? If so, how have you resolved them? | Timestamp |
Rylan W | reply | Reply @Rylan W! Gotta have an inciting incident that forces you to get up to the plate. Then you're fixed forever after. | Timestamp |
Ben D | message | Thanks, Ben D! You are number one potatoe! | Timestamp |
Ethan F | message | Thanks, Ethan F! Linus and mostly Luke I am a computer science student in early college, % ¥ whatcanIdo/study to stay ahead of Al like ChatGPT so that I can actually have a career? love the show, thanks. | Timestamp |
Gavin 0 | message | Thanks, Gavin 0! Do you guys have any tips on where to learn how to code. I have recently been interested in making my own game. Promise not to make aTarkov. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! PLEASE: Wan desk/mouse-pad in 300mmx300mm ! | Timestamp |
Alex B | message | Thanks, Alex B! You're good people. Thank you! | Timestamp |
Evan V | message | Thanks, Evan V! Only wish this came in a 69 oz size... | Timestamp |
Jayden N | message | Thanks, Jayden N! Dan! Going for a job interview as an assistant audio engineer, i've mostly worked live but, what would you look for in an assistant audio engineer? Any tips? | Timestamp |
Jayden N | reply | Reply @Jayden N! Multi disciplinary. Soldering skills. Obscenely good ability to follow terse and minimal instructions. Anticipates what is needed before it's needed. Nepotism. | Timestamp |
Ryan S | message | Thanks, Ryan S! Finally buying a LTT screwdriver just to spite this lame excuse fora tech reviewer. | Timestamp |
Richard T | message | Thanks, Richard T! Thanks LTT! I'm still waiting for my pillow shipping notification> You know, the pillow, that you sell, as a lifestyle brand. LTT its like the tech . Eddie Bauer. | Timestamp |
sal s | message | Thanks, sal s! Hi Dan, Can you sign my custom vinyl pressing of the LTT Christmas album at LTX. Also maybe Linus Thanks | Timestamp |
Nathan R | message | Thanks, Nathan R! Hey Luke and Linus, big fan over the channel for a few years now and 5 Y I'm trying to subscribe to floatplane. Any particular reason why I can't right now? | Timestamp |
Nathan R | reply | Reply @Nathan R! Email | Timestamp |
PrestonS | message | Thanks, PrestonS! If you could make another tool like the screwdriver but more electronics based, what would you pick? Maybe you could pull off a - good flashlight, store bough ones aren't very good. Mouse? Cables? | Timestamp |
James N | message | Thanks, James N! I love the 4 hour long WAN shows. Keep it up! | Timestamp |
lohn N | message | Thanks, lohn N! Hey guys! What do you think of the Roomba surveillance photos that were found on the web? | Timestamp |
Andrew S | message | Thanks, Andrew S! Samwise Gamgee would approve of this usage of PO-TA-TOES | Timestamp |
Walter W | message | Thanks, Walter W! Have you guys ever thought about doing ITX case "Reviews" on Short Circut? | Timestamp |
Kristen S | message | Thanks, Kristen S! Love you guys!!! Thank you so much for the information you provide to the community yall are amazing! | Timestamp |
lian J | message | Thanks, lian J! Loving the car reviews. Any chance of motorcycle reviews in the future? Would love to see one regarding the tech on some of the (safety, van, phone integrations) | Timestamp |
Danny B | message | Thanks, Danny B! Hello from one Dan to another, hi to Luke and Linus as well I guess. What is the strangest task you have had to complete while working at LmMG? | Timestamp |
Jacob H | message | Thanks, Jacob H! "“‘? Love the product! When are the plus sized clothes coming? 3x fits fine Q 1 but!look my hoodies to be loose fit. | Timestamp |
Sam L | message | Thanks, Sam L! , Canyou list/rank all outerwear based on warmth/temperature rating? mr | Timestamp |
Scott B | message | Thanks, Scott B! Linus, when is the tell all book coming out? | Timestamp |
Bruce L | message | Thanks, Bruce L! Commercial salmon fishing and crabbing along the California coast has been halted. My wife and I will be visiting Vancouver soon. Do you like fresh local seafood and what is your favorite dish? | Timestamp |
Bruce L | reply | Reply @Bruce L! Linus loves Sushi! | Timestamp |
Jacob H | message | Thanks, Jacob H! You are making me buy this and I just have to (screw driver). Question. Does the Lab need anything that may require automation and have you looked into Banner Engineering and possible solutions? | Timestamp |
Jacob H | reply | Reply @Jacob H! Most of our engineers are doing automation. EVERYTHING is designed for automation right now. | Timestamp |
Liam J | message | Thanks, Liam J! Hi DLL (Love you dan). Me and my dad are LTT fans and we want to sub to floatplane but my dad said not till ther's an apple tv app so luke I was wondering will it happen??? new setup roast vid to pls | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Nice amount of reviews on the blank t-shirt ;) | Timestamp |
Arel M | message | Thanks, Arel M! 3 Hi:) M. I e e R SS | Timestamp |
Alexis C | message | Thanks, Alexis C! Dan humor is best humor. Can't wait for the remastered Christmas album. | Timestamp |
Murdoch d | message | Thanks, Murdoch d! What happened to the dog wan hoodie? Been waiting for that for a long ' while at this point. Thought it would have come out by now... | Timestamp |
Murdoch d | reply | Reply @Murdoch d! Getting here as soon as possible! I — | Timestamp |
brad f | message | Thanks, brad f! Lukes "hammer" is coming from Ltt or is there an update. | Timestamp |
Alexander J | message | Thanks, Alexander J! Love the merch. When are bidets going to be on the store/ are you going to do a review of the one you got? . st e . | Timestamp |
John I | message | Thanks, John I! What are your thoughts on marine electronics and the different tech that's used in the maritime industry? Or is this a topic that you might explore in the future? (Lots of interesting integration imo) . II EE————— | Timestamp |
John I | reply | Reply @John I! It's pretty awesome! Maybe one day. That's ultra niche though. | Timestamp |
Nick M | message | Thanks, Nick M! I'm looking for a home NAS - is it a better choice to go with an out-of- the-box appliance or just purpose-build a system? Finding that newer ITX boards are often limited on ports. | Timestamp |
Michael B | message | Thanks, Michael B! Hey linus, recently I heard you talk about your old Top Gun joystick: I inherited one from my grandfather and if you're interested, I would love to ship it to you. | Timestamp |
Michael B | reply | Reply @Michael B! Throw us an email! | Timestamp |
Jeffrey | message | Thanks, Jeffrey ! Hey guys, first time long time! As a Canadian, what does "The American Dream” mean to you? Can't wait for my new water bottle and dad hat! | Timestamp |
Jeffrey S | reply | Reply @Jeffrey S! White picket fence, and 2.3 kids. | Timestamp |
Robert 0 | message | Thanks, Robert 0! - ':“ i'm looking for a new computer chair, i see you both have Secret Lab, i m remember during one of the early tech upgrades Linus hadn't heard of them. how do they hold up long term? or other suggestions? | Timestamp |
Robert O | reply | Reply @Robert O! They seem to be doing okay! | Timestamp |
Joelis Jonas S | message | Thanks, Joelis Jonas S! Hello! Long time fan and a new Floatplane subcriber. I have always wondered how you guys decide when to use the classic LTT intro and when to skip it. Would be intersting to hear the thought process. | Timestamp |
Strongish G | message | Thanks, Strongish G! “ For Luke: Diets are easy for the first couple of hours, but they can suck after days, weeks, or months. How can we root for you in a way that i helps it suck less? PS stir fry chicken on rice is goat. | Timestamp |
Strongish G | reply | Reply @Strongish G! New spices for chicken! | Timestamp |
Sherry M | message | Thanks, Sherry M! I was told by the car dlrship where I bought a rplcmnt battery they would only honor the battery warranty if I towed the entire car to them. Are there any car brands that care about right to repair? | Timestamp |
Sherry M | reply | Reply @Sherry M! I'm not sure many car companies are into right to repair. Most have been trying to make it harder and harder. | Timestamp |
Ricky D | message | Thanks, Ricky D! Love the women's underwear and bras bought a small sample last week to make sure the sizes were correct now going to start replacing my entire collection with them. Will we see more in the future? | Timestamp |
Angel S | message | Thanks, Angel S! Hey Linus! RGB backpack when?? | Timestamp |
Sirio J | message | Thanks, Sirio J! Love the content! Would you guys consider sponsoring a collegiate robotics research team? | Timestamp |
Sirio J | reply | Reply @Sirio J! - Email us! | Timestamp |
nicholas b | message | Thanks, nicholas b! First time buying a hat, dad hat looks great in red. Hows the LTT pro hat coming along? | Timestamp |
nicholas b | reply | Reply @nicholas b! - Going well! | Timestamp |
Chance M | message | Thanks, Chance M! Have been watching LTT for years and years, I appreciate everything you all do so much! So happy to finally be able to pick up a screwdriver!! Wish the Hex set was available now though. | Timestamp |
Jonathan A | message | Thanks, Jonathan A! Linus, Rossman said recently that it is even harder to get into repair because it's harder to find parts. What are your views on this as I am somebody who's trying to start a repair business? | Timestamp |
Jonathan A | reply | Reply @Jonathan A! He needs parts that Apple won't let anyone sell. Depends on the product. | Timestamp |
Charles B | message | Thanks, Charles B! Hifrom Lancaster, PA. This is for everyone. What fictional universe would you want to be reincarnated into keeping all current knowledge/memories? | Timestamp |
Zachary H | message | Thanks, Zachary H! Thanks Uncle Linus!! | Timestamp |
Patrick S | message | Thanks, Patrick S! Would it be possible to work with dbrand to make adhesive grips for the LTT Screwdriver? | Timestamp |
Patrick S | reply | Reply @Patrick S! That's up to dBrand | Timestamp |
losh P | message | Thanks, losh P! Hey guys, you've mentioned adding bit types to your offerings. I love my screwdriver, I have it holstered on my belt every day at work, but I really need a set of ball end imperial hex bits. Soon? | Timestamp |
Robert S | message | Thanks, Robert S! I want to wish my LTT Gentlemen a Very Good Evening. My wife sends her compliments on the high quality of the women's underwear and asks if there are any plans to add pockets? | Timestamp |
Michael S | message | Thanks, Michael S! Hi Linus and Luke. I am a pentester and I am curious how you handle security testing for Floatplane and your other websites and - applications. Have you ever considered bug bounties or web app | Timestamp |
Michael S | reply | Reply @Michael S! sorry we don't have a formal bug bounty program at this time -LS | Timestamp |
Joshua H | message | Thanks, Joshua H! As a Mechanical Engineering student and a hobbyist maker, I loved the Floatplane exclusive about the desktop injection molder. Is there a plan for more videos over it or the metal 3D printer? | Timestamp |
Joshua H | reply | Reply @Joshua H! Certainly going to get some content out of those oh yeah | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! trust me bro | Timestamp |
Eric S | message | Thanks, Eric S! Adhd isnt a super power, but god damn the only entertaining creators are the ones with it. Any chance of doing a keyboard collab/mechanical keyboard? LB | Timestamp |
Alejandro N | message | Thanks, Alejandro N! Just landed a software engineering position in Silicon Valley. Thanks for keeping me entertained through school. | Timestamp |
Presley H | message | Thanks, Presley H! I need some Cargo Pants! Any update on Floatplane Merch? Tshirt/Zip Hoodie/Sweatpants? Needed a bigger backpack for my IT onsite/Travel Bag finally decided to get the LTT bag! (and later a Tech Sack) | Timestamp |
Saurabh W | message | Thanks, Saurabh W! Have Linus or Luke looked at the Bigscreen Beyond VR headset? I'm planning on placing a pre-order for it | Timestamp |
Saurabh W | reply | Reply @Saurabh W! Linus has one to play with! | Timestamp |
Diego C | message | Thanks, Diego C! Got my wisdom teeth out this morning and using WAN Show to dull the pain! Can you help me convince my contractor dad that yours is the best screwdriver? He bet me the cost of the screwdriver if it is! | Timestamp |
Diego C | reply | Reply @Diego C! I'm sure once he uses it he will be convinced. My father was EXACTLY the same way. | Timestamp |
Rob H | message | Thanks, Rob H! What do you think of companies using ChatGPT for tech support / customer service? Feeding it their internal documentation and procedures for example. | Timestamp |
Rob H | reply | Reply @Rob H! Can be hit or miss. Hard to get a bot to perform right. | Timestamp |
Jonas G | message | Thanks, Jonas G! What's the current extent of Linux, Windows & macOS in LTT/Floatplane's infrastructure? | Timestamp |
Jonas G | reply | Reply @Jonas G! Quite a healthy mix tbh | Timestamp |
josh w | message | Thanks, josh w! Would love to see you rip around with Sammit! Stainless shaker bottle when? | Timestamp |
Joshua H | message | Thanks, Joshua H! As a followup to my last question: What brand and model of metal 3D printer do you have, and what do you plan on printing with it? P.S. Thanks for the dad hats in the bonus bin! | Timestamp |
Joshua H | reply | Reply @Joshua H! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Hi Dan, my wife has a crush on you. Please keep the dynamic ad spots coming, they are quite a bit more engaging. Can the higher-production value ad sports be sold for more than regular ad spots? | Timestamp |
Graham M | message | Thanks, Graham M! tfw wan show convinced me finally | Timestamp |
Jonathan L | message | Thanks, Jonathan L! Thanks guys! Would like to see how single board computers fare in the new environment chamber. I think the cold may have killed the USB port on my Pi weather station but who can tell. | Timestamp |
lonathan L | reply | Reply @lonathan L! Pi time! | Timestamp |
Andrew S | message | Thanks, Andrew S! Been watching on youtube for a few years now! Thanks for all the content! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Hey guys! I'm curious if you have any experience with Garmin smartwatches. I've used one every day for the past 4 years and love the simple interface, durable construction, and weeks of battery life. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Not sure any of us have tried them! | Timestamp |
John B | message | Thanks, John B! Do you still use The red cameras? David did a camera short circuit, and he was talking a about sony cams being used in the office. where the reds just used for content | Timestamp |
John B | reply | Reply @John B! N\ On a few shoots yeah! | Timestamp |
David G | message | Thanks, David G! Loving the stream, guys, keep up the good work! | Timestamp |
Steve C | message | Thanks, Steve C! Hello Linus, Luke and Dan. Really have enjoyed the content for YEARS. I am wondering if there are any plans to provide mid-tier Monitor reviews for a more common user/gamer like myself. Love Ya'All!!! | Timestamp |
Steve C | reply | Reply @Steve C! Probably more with Labs | Timestamp |
Tim S | message | Thanks, Tim S! Hey Linus and Luke, really enjoy your content. What is your favourite location in the greater Vancouver area/favourite activity? | Timestamp |
Mihkel K | message | Thanks, Mihkel K! Good morning from Estonia, LMG team! This is my first time purchase as I needed a new deskpad (EU warehouse when?)... I was wondering, Any updates on the Luke's Kickstarter hammer (:? | Timestamp |
Mihkel K | reply | Reply @Mihkel K! Not happening I think | Timestamp |
cody d | message | Thanks, cody d! I have an I-5 9600k with a MSI Z390 gaming pro carbon, and a MSI 2070 super gpu. I want to upgrade to an AMD, and wondering what you would suggest for a mid range upgrade. Hi Travis. | Timestamp |
Bryan C | message | Thanks, Bryan C! When is the Flipper Zero video coming out? That notification on FP was a tease. Also this is my new camping\hiking hoodie. | Timestamp |
Bryan C | reply | Reply @Bryan C! Very very soon | Timestamp |
Kenneth N | message | Thanks, Kenneth N! Now I can legit be a sack of potatoes! Any chance of the "Gone Fishing" t-shirt or the 1000 piece puzzle getting restocked? | Timestamp |
Kenneth N | reply | Reply @Kenneth N! I think they are limited edition and gone forever now | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! . First purchase from the Ltt store! I'm excited to see what other I ‘ products you will sell. | Timestamp |
Collin K | message | Thanks, Collin K! While looking into getting a new set of luggage I ran across one case that advertised the Fuzion zipper by YKK. The marketing says it's very easy for the user to repair have you looked into this one | Timestamp |
Lee D | message | Thanks, Lee D! My 3D down jacket came in last week and I've been wearing it nonstop since! This is next level Youtuber merch. | Timestamp |
Gabriel F | message | Thanks, Gabriel F! E' @ ., Arethere any plans for future collaborations happening this year that " I we can get excited about? | Timestamp |
Gabriel F | reply | Reply @Gabriel F! Nothing I can leak right now. | Timestamp |
Ethyn S | message | Thanks, Ethyn S! Hey Luke, Linus and, WAN team great show! I know on the back pack Linus said you could probably tow a car with it, i thought about trying it and was wondering has it been done yet? Thank you! | Timestamp |
Ethyn S | reply | Reply @Ethyn S! I think we had them 3rd party tested | Timestamp |
Joshua H | message | Thanks, Joshua H! Hey Luke! I run VDI for 911 centers. It's way better than it used to be, I'd love to talk to you about it. Not a sales pitch, I'm just successfully using VDL | Timestamp |
Ryan K | message | Thanks, Ryan K! I have a challenge. Learn to do something you have never done before, but you can only read the comments of how to YouTube videos. | Timestamp |
Cole Z | message | Thanks, Cole Z! Linus, what is a product you really wanted to bring to LTT store but couldn't for one reason or another? | Timestamp |
Andrew D | message | Thanks, Andrew D! Hopefully you don't have any Monster Fries. | Timestamp |
Andrew D | reply | Reply @Andrew D! Monster flavored fries would be... interesting. | Timestamp |
Steven H | message | Thanks, Steven H! Hey Luke and linus. I'll be coming go Canada for the first time for LTX any recommendations on what I should do, see, and eat? Also anything I should avoid? Thanks from los Angeles. | Timestamp |
Steven H | reply | Reply @Steven H! Check out the Vancouver subreddit | Timestamp |
Cody N | message | Thanks, Cody N! do you guys think monster energy will go after Disney's monster Inc? also, hi!!! first mercy message. | Timestamp |
Stephen R | message | Thanks, Stephen R! I changed my degree because I found your channel and found a love for Tech. Cannot tell you how much I appreciate what you all do, and hope you guys keep it going for a long time to come. | Timestamp |
Sean 0 | message | Thanks, Sean 0! i Will the drivers for the LTT screw driver be fixed anytime soon? | Timestamp |
Nathan G | message | Thanks, Nathan G! Hey Linus and Luke. I've been watching you guys for well over a decade now. You got me into PC building. Started with the G3258 and got a MSI MPower Z87 board. What hardware got you really invested? | Timestamp |
Cameron R | message | Thanks, Cameron R! My girlfriend and I are going to wear these in a parade with our cats dressed as smol sacks too! | Timestamp |
Brandon I | message | Thanks, Brandon I! Big fan. Keep up the great work. | Timestamp |
Brandon I | message | Thanks, Brandon I! | Timestamp |
Todd F | message | Thanks, Todd F! Are you concerned about going down the mythbusters route? Throwing a heap of money at each project/video and losing the jank and story along the way? | Timestamp |
Todd F | reply | Reply @Todd F! Always a concern. Hopefully it's not allowed to get out of hand. | Timestamp |
Michael G | message | Thanks, Michael G! Excited to be a certified potato farmer | Timestamp |
Jacob R | message | Thanks, Jacob R! Hey LLD! I have been looking to beef up my online security without going off the deep end. Thoughts on an regular person's guide to online security video or suggestions on good resources to check out? | Timestamp |
©lacab B‘lemto | reply | Reply ©lacab B‘lemto We recommefB§fosting video ideas in the 'Vid il \ {5 W Ei 0 e our forum! www " Need help fining odd GPU s By da n: | Timestamp |
Nathaniel M | message | Thanks, Nathaniel M! Linus and Luke, what type of wearable tech do you want to see go mainstream? I was really excited about North Focals until Google bought them and shelved them. | Timestamp |
Nathaniel M | reply | Reply @Nathaniel M! AR Goggles | Timestamp |
Chase D | message | Thanks, Chase D! When can you guys build a ps5 comparable pc and price it out | Timestamp |
Stelios P | message | Thanks, Stelios P! Hi Linus and Luke. I often listen to Wan Show on the road as a truckie Down Under and I get through 3-5 episodes a trip. What's your favourites to listen to when on a long trip to stay awake/alert? | Timestamp |
Felix M | message | Thanks, Felix M! Have you considered making a work belt? | Timestamp |
Juan R | message | Thanks, Juan R! For Luke, I am a Control Systems Engineer in the Industrial sector and . Getting my second degree in computer science. Do you see a future where ChatGPT or other Al is used to program PLC's? | Timestamp |
John B | message | Thanks, John B! Hey guys, been loving the content. First I want to thank you for inspiring me to build my own desktop. Second, what advice would you give to someone who is about to graduate high school? | Timestamp |
Michael S | message | Thanks, Michael S! LTT Monster Potato Farm when? | Timestamp |
Jeremiah A | message | Thanks, Jeremiah A! m Hello from Texas! Public transport is garbage here. What do y'all think about public transportation, 15 minute cities, and living car free/car lite? Been promised a train to Austin for like 30 yrs. | Timestamp |
leremiah A | reply | Reply @leremiah A! We can only hope | Timestamp |
Brian G | message | Thanks, Brian G! Hi all. Starting a job with Cisco soon and it got me wondering about its place in the techno-sphere. Why do FAANG companies get so much hype when stalwarts like Cisco or Oracle get tumbleweeds? | Timestamp |
Brian G | reply | Reply @Brian G! No idea, they are absolutely huge in their own right. | Timestamp |
Daniel R | message | Thanks, Daniel R! I'm about 40 minutes behind. After seeing the starforge review of the LTT screwdriver I'm concerned. Has Linus drop tested his yet? | Timestamp |
Daniel R | reply | Reply @Daniel R! They get dropped constantly. | Timestamp |
Nathan B | message | Thanks, Nathan B! The most critical decision... When using a Velcro cable tie... Fuzzy Side Inside or Outside? | Timestamp |
Joshua W | message | Thanks, Joshua W! At this point, the Al train has left the station. People need to get on and help maintain its speed, or just move on. | Timestamp |
Joshua W | reply | Reply @Joshua W! Exponential growth baybeee | Timestamp |
Enrique M | message | Thanks, Enrique M! I Hullo first time purchaser here. WAN show keeps me entertained at work and I'm extremely grateful to you all. Dan. How do you keep your = fingers from spontaneously combusting answering merch message | Timestamp |
Enrique M | reply | Reply @Enrique M! Years and years of practice using the computer. You guys are worth it though. | Timestamp |
AARON L | message | Thanks, AARON L! How do you think ChatGPT's evolution will change the way Canadian and US healthcare works? | Timestamp |
AARON L | reply | Reply @AARON L! Maybe easier access to advice and what is wrong. Especially for Americans. | Timestamp |
Carson T | message | Thanks, Carson T! Luke or Linus are you planning on making Floatplane easier to see what channels are on it before paying for a subscription? It's currently the only thing holding me back at the moment. | Timestamp |
lack B | message | Thanks, lack B! Hi LTTeam, Have you considered making a multitool similar to a Leatherman but tech-themed? | Timestamp |
Jack B | reply | Reply @Jack B! Yep! Always lots of stuff in the works. | Timestamp |
Kenneth C | message | Thanks, Kenneth C! Have you thought about making a LTT flash light? Thanks for all the great content and great products! | Timestamp |
Riley M | message | Thanks, Riley M! Literally wanted one of these today in the Monsoon that is NC. Thanks! | Timestamp |
Nick F | message | Thanks, Nick F! Hello Have A great Night ] | Timestamp |
Ahmed A | message | Thanks, Ahmed A! ! Greetings from Abu Dhabi, Love the show and the merch. | Timestamp |
eric f | message | Thanks, eric f! Monster purchase every time... hoping not to get sued now. Which Ltt- store product is your favourite? Got almost all of the store by now, loving the quality. Greetings from POTATO ISLAND NAXOS, GREECE! | Timestamp |
Joshua P | message | Thanks, Joshua P! Your new merch is really going above and beyond. Thank you for your efforts. | Timestamp |
Bryan P | message | Thanks, Bryan P! Ordered a windbreaker and getting a hat too, such a great deal. Linus, Luke, and Dan thanks for your dedication for the 3-Shrs of pure entertainment every Friday. Keep it up!!! | Timestamp |
Jose P | message | Thanks, Jose P! I am finally ready to become a man and buy the LTT Screwdriver. | Timestamp |
Austin K | message | Thanks, Austin K! Ooo. I get a free hat too! Love this new jacket! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! 5 What happened to using google drive as a backup solution? Too slow or too privateer-esque? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! We have like 6000TB of data... | Timestamp |
Clay J | message | Thanks, Clay J! Got a GPU T-shirt a few years ago, looking forward to this potato sack D | Timestamp |
Mark W | message | Thanks, Mark W! Good stuff as always | Timestamp |
WILLIAM R | message | Thanks, WILLIAM R! I LTT Store bed sheets? | Timestamp |
Hy B | message | Thanks, Hy B! Happy Passover! | Timestamp |
Kyle T | message | Thanks, Kyle T! 5 Hey guys, love the show. Have you ever thought about doing reviews on more creative focused hardware like drawing tablets or scanners ~ and printers or are these to niche? | Timestamp |
Kyle T | reply | Reply @Kyle T! Labs probably! | Timestamp |
SCOTT S | message | Thanks, SCOTT S! To Linus, how have you been enjoying the Taycan so far? | Timestamp |
I M | message | Thanks, I M! Buying this just for the dad hat. woooooooooo000 | Timestamp |
Jacquelyn T | message | Thanks, Jacquelyn T! Dan and Linus: any update on the LMG Christmas Album? Really excited to see what Dan's doing with it. | Timestamp |
Jacquelyn T | reply | Reply @Jacquelyn T! You do know this is supposed to be a secret right? The more you mention it the less like it's going to happen. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Every single entertainment industry shares names. Movies, books, music, and TV all have duplicate names. None of these products have become “generic”. But in the game industry? Lawsuits everywhere. | Timestamp |
Nathan D | message | Thanks, Nathan D! @ You guys are great! Did you guys hear about 3CX getting hacked? | Timestamp |
Nathan D | reply | Reply @Nathan D! OH yeah... | Timestamp |
lohn J | message | Thanks, lohn J! Have y'all heard about the comma 37 It's a aftermarket add on that can add robust self-driving capabilities to 200+ cars. I think it's really cool but not known by a lot of people. | Timestamp |
Russ H | message | Thanks, Russ H! I'll take a Dad Hat, even though I am absolutely NOT a Dad. | Timestamp |
Alexander J | message | Thanks, Alexander J! Thanks for all the great clothing y'all make! My wardrobe is becoming allLTT 93 | Timestamp |
Austin H | message | Thanks, Austin H! Dear Linus, I bought the merch, please move on now. Also the oranges do not match on that laptop bag :( | Timestamp |
Cyanna F | message | Thanks, Cyanna F! What is your favorite video project from the last 4 years? | Timestamp |
Raven F | message | Thanks, Raven F! (I W .” Hey guys, been watching since the old house days, thank you for the ' years and years of great content. | Timestamp |
Nicholas W | reply | Reply @Nicholas W! Assembly is still the most bestetst. I do imbedded in C. Nothing like the performance you can get. | Timestamp |
Josh 0 | message | Thanks, Josh 0! Iwould love to see PC builds/streams and more hardware recommendations with a focus on productivity. Gaming is great, but what would you recommend for engineers, designers, editors, | Timestamp |
zak w | message | Thanks, zak w! When leather / pleather backpack. Soon? or LTT screwdriver style? | Timestamp |
zak w | reply | Reply @zak w! | Timestamp |
Joseph 5 | message | Thanks, Joseph 5! any reason to not keep my ever clear I. this "water” bottle. | Timestamp |
Maria A | message | Thanks, Maria A! I made an order during to week but the dad hats convinced me to do another coming into the more appropriate weather to wear them! Excited for my stuff to make its way to Ireland! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! GPT passed the american medical licensing exam thingy. Pretty scary. | Timestamp |
William R | message | Thanks, William R! Is there a timeline on the Wag hoodie? | Timestamp |
Julia B | message | Thanks, Julia B! I love my color block hoodie. Getting another for my fiance. And I'll proudly rep the dad hat. | Timestamp |
Rainier v | message | Thanks, Rainier v! @Luke Can you arrange for a battle between New Bing and Bard to see which can write the best and funniest limericks? The audience could suggest prompts. | Timestamp |
Philip P | message | Thanks, Philip P! Hey Linus, Luke and Dan. Are there any plans on reducing the wan show length back or is the longer length working? | Timestamp |
Philip P | reply | Reply @Philip P! This is normal now. :C | Timestamp |
Kyle B | message | Thanks, Kyle B! Hey Linus and Luke, is there any reason why some LTT videos have the intro while other's don't? | Timestamp |
Kyle B | reply | Reply @Kyle B! Engagement numbers | Timestamp |
Jordan W | message | Thanks, Jordan W! A fii‘“ ’ currently halfway through getting my BSIT with a focus on Network { security. given the current state of the world, what do you think the = future holds for tech jobs, particularly in the IT space? | Timestamp |
Jordan W | reply | Reply @Jordan W! Gunna get SHOOK | Timestamp |
Nathan B | message | Thanks, Nathan B! In my tinfoil world that is very nice and flat I have decided the Elon streams is just revenge for all the negative press about the twitter acquisition and nothing can change my mind | Timestamp |
JOSHUA H | message | Thanks, JOSHUA H! Hello Linus luke and Dan. Do you know roughly when we'll be getting new shirts or even old shirt designs and prints on the new shirt supplier. | Timestamp |
Vincent F | message | Thanks, Vincent F! OwO Protogens (and dragons) are cool -ProtoV33 MK1 (read as proto- vee) | Timestamp |
Lukas J | message | Thanks, Lukas J! I know you said you won't make an extension/app like camel camel camel. But would you potentially make an extension that says "labs has tested this product and would you like to see results?" | Timestamp |
Daniel S | message | Thanks, Daniel S! Scored my Alienware QD-OLED for only $677 at the Dell outlet this week, so I'm spending some of the savings on a new shirt. Excited that hats are in the bonus bin too! | Timestamp |
Johnnie W | message | Thanks, Johnnie W! Had to have the Uncle Linus water bottle. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! My current experience with thin clients is they are more hassle than they're worth (unless your rollout is absolutely massive) | Timestamp |
Patrick M | message | Thanks, Patrick M! i linus and luke i wondering if more design for mouse mats and i sub % o ‘4 to float plane and enjoying it. i hope you team make great more great =28 video | Timestamp |
Cody M | message | Thanks, Cody M! 2 Firsttime I've been interested ina graphic tee and not just a blank tee, how's it going, Dan? | Timestamp |
JP C | message | Thanks, JP C! Hi Linus, Luke, and Dan! You previously shared the life changing experience with using a bidet. Do you have an ETA when they'll be available in or affiliate link for interested buyers? | Timestamp |
Benjamin S | message | Thanks, Benjamin S! Would the laptop bag go WITH the backpack, or as a separate option for laptop? ie, fit laptop bag into backpack vs. using the bag as a ‘lighter’ backpack? Either way love the great products! | Timestamp |
Benjamin S | reply | Reply @Benjamin S! The more you buy the more we make! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Most of the time when I'm going somewhere with my backpack, I *only* have my laptop in it, so that laptop bag is looking pretty good... Also I'm basically only ordering to get the hat lol. | Timestamp |
Mark 0 | message | Thanks, Mark 0! Hey Linus, Luke and Dan. Love the WAN show and all the videos from LTT, you guys have really fueled my love for tech and Al recently. Looking forward to future lab content and all you can do with it! | Timestamp |
dustin h | message | Thanks, dustin h! Had to pick up the new windbreaker. Enjoying the wan show, nice way to wind down! | Timestamp |
lared M | message | Thanks, lared M! Just wanted to say how you guys make my love for tech much stronger with every video. Keep going strong. | Timestamp |
Reed B | message | Thanks, Reed B! idk how these dad hats aren't selling better IT people are the main demo | Timestamp |
Ben K | message | Thanks, Ben K! Just ordered a new LTT bottle, and now getting Uncle Linus bottle, stop making me want to give you my money! | Timestamp |
Connor B | message | Thanks, Connor B! Upgrading to the larger bottle and rocking the dad hat. Thanks! | Timestamp |
Alexandra F | message | Thanks, Alexandra F! Would LTT ever hire a Bachelor's level chemist or materials chemist for the labs? Also, would labs ever have interns or coops for science and engineering students? | Timestamp |
Alexandra F | reply | Reply @Alexandra F! ] Keep an eye on our job boards! | Timestamp |
Michael F | message | Thanks, Michael F! Been looking for a rain jacket for a couple of years, but all the good ones stop at 2XL. Thank you so much for making larger ones, and I'm really glad to hear you talking about Tall sizes!! n | Timestamp |
Amber S | message | Thanks, Amber S! My husband is going to be so happy & | Timestamp |
Lucas C | message | Thanks, Lucas C! Y'all should do scrapyard wars in somewhere in Europe | Timestamp |
Donald C | message | Thanks, Donald C! 1 ,(. . Love the show and I watch/listen every week. Why no 64 oz uncle linus 1 M bottles? | Timestamp |
Joseph F | message | Thanks, Joseph F! Hey L & L. Been watching since the Langley house. I'm working on my degree in Software Engineering because yalls excitement is contagious, thank you. What tech are you excited to see this next year? | Timestamp |
loseph F | reply | Reply @loseph F! I think all of us are just watching Al right now | Timestamp |
Adrian C | message | Thanks, Adrian C! Not sure if you've already discussed this, but I was wondering what you think about the Alignment Research Center's paper on GPT-4 in which it justifies lying to a human it communicates with? | Timestamp |
Adrian C | reply | Reply @Adrian C! None of this is going to go very well is it. | Timestamp |
Robert P | message | Thanks, Robert P! Any idea on when the Monitor Plush will be back instock? | Timestamp |
ej m | message | Thanks, ej m! I Thanks LTT been watching since the og watercooled house. Just got a pc building gig and will be using a wan pad to build pcs on! Have fun! | Timestamp |
LAWRENCE R | message | Thanks, LAWRENCE R! “.:,‘“ 17" laptops ftw! | Timestamp |
Derek P | message | Thanks, Derek P! Monster needs a slap, want to roll the dice? If I send you my Monster Neon sign will you make a PC out of it? | Timestamp |
Skylar M | message | Thanks, Skylar M! . First time Merch Messenger. Thanks for all the laughs over the years. ] n You guys are the best | Timestamp |
Thomas L | message | Thanks, Thomas L! Thank you for creating stuff for kids too! | Timestamp |
josh s | message | Thanks, josh s! } Who could resist owning a dad hat?? Automagically :) | Timestamp |
Justin G | message | Thanks, Justin G! Hello. Any update on torx bits restock or any ETA on other specialty bits like pentalobe for Apple or gamebit for Nintendo? Also any update on Party Shirt restock? | Timestamp |
Robert M | message | Thanks, Robert M! Do you ever plan to work with finance companies like zip or Afterpay for people who want to buy your backpack or bunk of items but buying all at once can be difficult | Timestamp |
Jay S | message | Thanks, Jay S! Ayyyy Assassin's Creed jacket. Let's goooooo | Timestamp |
Jason 2 | message | Thanks, Jason 2! You really got me with the dad hats. Finally taking the plunge and i getting two nice jackets. Hoping it lives up to the hype | Timestamp |
Russell Elio J | message | Thanks, Russell Elio J! The content I watched from LTT helped me make informed PC part l choices for my first build. Favourite LTT items: Short Circut hoodie; LTT N Backpack; LTT Screwdriver, 2x 640z LTT water bottles. YOPCiYNS | Timestamp |
dennis o | message | Thanks, dennis o! My girlfriend loved her scoop bra so much she literally begged me for the pants and other design! Please get some black lights for wan after dark and make it a segment! | Timestamp |
Collin R | message | Thanks, Collin R! Keep up the great work y'all. Very excited for the future of the lab, especially the audio side of things. | Timestamp |
Annie W | message | Thanks, Annie W! More Dan content please!! | Timestamp |
Patrick E | message | Thanks, Patrick E! I love the t shirt designs! I also really like the screwdriver and I'm i curious if you guys are making a mini screwdriver at some point or other tools? | Timestamp |
Patrick E | reply | Reply @Patrick E! We are! | Timestamp |
Bryan M | message | Thanks, Bryan M! To Luke: What do you think Al learning engines will do to cheating in games? | Timestamp |
Bryan M | reply | Reply @Bryan M! Gunna be an arms race for sure. | Timestamp |
Avirud D | message | Thanks, Avirud D! Loving the Uncle Linus water bottle. You guys got me back into building computers and getting broke lol. | Timestamp |
David R | message | Thanks, David R! Howdy hey, y'all! I've seen pictures of the full leather bag. Are there any details on it or did y'all already talk about it? I'm assuming it's real leather, or is it faux? | Timestamp |
David R | reply | Reply @David R! Details to follow! Stillin development. | Timestamp |
An V | message | Thanks, An V! First merch message. I actually started watching your channel in 2013 to learn English. Thank you! | Timestamp |
Amber S | message | Thanks, Amber S! I told my husband to watch the screen and guessed that I bought him something at that it was the screwdriver @ so now I'm buying other stuff. Tellhim he was bad. | Timestamp |
charles k | message | Thanks, charles k! Hey guys love the show. Couldn't say no to a dad hat and a water bottle. Being someone that loves hats have you thought about adding some new types of hats or design to put on them? | Timestamp |
charles k | reply | Reply @charles k! Got some new ones in the works! | Timestamp |
Russell R | message | Thanks, Russell R! Hi Linus! I know you cant see YouTube ads, but any thoughts on Google instituting some sort of quality restriction the TikTok Voiceovers and Machinegun sound effects that are 20db louder is killing me | Timestamp |
Russell R | reply | Reply @Russell R! That would be so nice. How hard is it to doing a LUFS measurement | Timestamp |
Jake H | message | Thanks, Jake H! 6 hour WAN show! Sponsored by Monster energy | Timestamp |
Gabriel L | message | Thanks, Gabriel L! Hi Linus, Luke and Dan! Wan show is my weekly religion. With the shows getting longer each week, do you think you'll need to start earlier? Or will you embrace the overnight podcasts? Love you guys! | Timestamp |
Gabriel L | reply | Reply @Gabriel L! There's a chart someone make and yeah they keep getting longer and longer. | Timestamp |
Eduardo T | message | Thanks, Eduardo T! Any thoughts on a series of polo shirts? | Timestamp |
Isaac S | message | Thanks, Isaac S! I didn't even realise the WAN Show was on right now because of daylight savings here in Australia so I didn't think of anything interesting to say rip. | Timestamp |
Mark S | message | Thanks, Mark S! &f @Luke! C++ software dev here from New Zealand, 6 months ago got ) laid off from big tech/D) software, and last week laid off from an Al tech start up... whats the job market like in Canada? | Timestamp |
Mark S | reply | Reply @Mark S! Keep checking out job postings. Lots of new stuff all over Canada though. | Timestamp |
Corey S | message | Thanks, Corey S! Currently I am a cyber security analyst, but I am wanting to learn more about software development (currently know some scripting for automation). Do you recommend any websites or tools to learn SD? | Timestamp |
Corey S | reply | Reply @Corey S! Lots of great YouTube tutorials. | Timestamp |
Harrison C | message | Thanks, Harrison C! I I A1 | Timestamp |
Harrison C | message | Thanks, Harrison C! Hey Linus and Luke, for a long time people didn't take video game addiction seriously until fairly recently. In that same vain, what are your thoughts regarding YouTube addiction? 1R | Timestamp |
Harrison C | reply | Reply @Harrison C! I can absolutely see it. Lots of these apps are ultra addicting. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! you want to make rainbow anodized tools. you want to make them so bad. | Timestamp |
Jacob S | message | Thanks, Jacob S! A Lil birdy told me about a prototype leather LTT backpack. I purchased a backpack..excited but..can we get some info on that prototype? Also, Luke my cats love to watch you & Steve from GN Ha % 5 % | Timestamp |
Jacob S | reply | Reply @Jacob S! You'll see it soon! | Timestamp |
Matthew W | message | Thanks, Matthew W! +1Vote for an 18" Laptop Sleeve | Timestamp |
Matthew W | reply | Reply @Matthew W! Amen brother | Timestamp |
Mark A | message | Thanks, Mark A! Just bought the Xmas album. Gonna blast on 11. | Timestamp |
Michael B | message | Thanks, Michael B! Hi first time buying merch and very excited about the shirt! i | Timestamp |
Ryne B | message | Thanks, Ryne B! Likelihood of an LTT weighted shift knob? i—‘?‘ ] L | Timestamp |
Stephen T | message | Thanks, Stephen T! With more and more types of data being run over the network (NDI for display, Dante for audio), what do you think the future is for single- purpose transmission cables? fi | Timestamp |
Stephen T | reply | Reply @Stephen T! | Timestamp |
Hunter Q | message | Thanks, Hunter Q! I would pay good money for the Christmas album. I bought it and enjoyed it. | Timestamp |
Brian S | message | Thanks, Brian S! For the past several wan shows you've been showcasing a something on camera but from far away. Isn't it time to utilize a top down setup akin to jerryrigeverything? | Timestamp |
Chris B | message | Thanks, Chris B! Luke, Saw a video about cheating in Tarkov that had an interview with H l! I you. I don't play, but found the widespread cheating fascinating. Are =~ you still playing or would you return given the state? | Timestamp |
Chris B | reply | Reply @Chris B! ) He's pretty done with it. :c | Timestamp |
Ricky T | message | Thanks, Ricky T! Hi Luke, Dan, and Linus. For Luke, will floatplane ever get a Picture in Picture feature? It's p much exclusively how I watch videos and don't use FP a lot bc it dosent have it. | Timestamp |
Zachary B | message | Thanks, Zachary B! First time watching the stream... Was very confused that your lips did match the stream... 5 min later I remembered I was also watching "This Cooler Might Kill Your CPU - EK Direct Die Cooler". | Timestamp |
Brandon W | message | Thanks, Brandon W! Would you guys consider making your own line of protective gear cases? A la Pelican Cases? They could have some features inside to hold small gear like cables, accessories, etc. to differentiate them! | Timestamp |
Alex F | message | Thanks, Alex F! i" First week of running the backpack and holds everything, but my gun, \ ,“ great. Other than the desk pad, what desk decorations/trinkets do yall " keep. I'm a new mechanical engineer and my desk is lonely | Timestamp |
Karl L | message | Thanks, Karl L! Awesome show guys. Long time watcher, first time buyer. Would u ever consider doing a console repair episode? Or is it to niche? V | Timestamp |
Karl L | reply | Reply @Karl L! Done a few. A little niche yeah | Timestamp |
Christopher L | message | Thanks, Christopher L! Hello from Texas. I'm not sure how things are in CA, but in many cases down here, IT experience and Certs are worthless if you don't have a 4+ yr degree or know the person hiring. Any advice? | Timestamp |
Christopher L | reply | Reply @Christopher L! Very similar. Sadly it's all really unique to each location. | Timestamp |
Ryan H | message | Thanks, Ryan H! Recently bought the backpack from lttstore and love that it has a pocket for my battery bank. In the future do you guys plan on making any electronics? Battery banks, cables, etc. | Timestamp |
Ryan H | reply | Reply @Ryan H! We do have a couple things like that planned. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! m Hey Linus; going back to the Comma 3: I have one, am local, and am willing to lend my car for a video shoot if you're interested. Tanner has my contact info, just ask him about the dude with long hair | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! I'll ping Tanner and see what we can do! | Timestamp |
Patrick F | message | Thanks, Patrick F! I'm super happy to finally be able to get this backpack! It wasn't in my budget for a while, but I was finally able to save up and purchaseiit. I can't wait to get it! | Timestamp |
Hudson A | message | Thanks, Hudson A! Hey Luke, Linus and Dan (and Kyle): Loving the screwdriver and I'm picking another up for a buddy's wedding registry. Any news on what the timeline is for the shorty screwdriver? | Timestamp |
Blue S | message | Thanks, Blue S! m gift cards have denominations. do you have ones where you can reload it? i bought one last week and bought another this week...can i even use two gift cards in my future purchase (pajama pants)? | Timestamp |
Blue S | reply | Reply @Blue S! Check Shoppify support! | Timestamp |
Blake W | message | Thanks, Blake W! I have the screwdriver and waterbottle. Awesome gear, looking forward to the hat and the cable ties and my new bit set! | Timestamp |
Trevor C | message | Thanks, Trevor C! After seeing long standing teams like CLG and TSM leaving league of legends, what do you think of the esports bubble? | Timestamp |
Trevor C | reply | Reply @Trevor C! Kinda sad to see things kind of collapse. | Timestamp |
Andrew D | message | Thanks, Andrew D! N\l Yeet! | Timestamp |
Nathan C | message | Thanks, Nathan C! % Hello D L & L! Wanted to add my two cents on thumbnails. I think reusing portions occasionally makes sense, but seeing the same face over and over seems lazy and jarring. Keep up the good work! | Timestamp |
James V | message | Thanks, James V! H l! 'fl Awesome content! Ever thought about wall art? | Timestamp |
James V | reply | Reply @James V! Not something we're into apparently. But it would be really awesome. | Timestamp |
Kevin S | message | Thanks, Kevin S! Hey guys! I'm a tall guy (6'6"), and am always hesitant to buy anything with long sleeves. Is it possible to have some more measurements like sleeve length in the info, or have some taller models? | Timestamp |
Arthur B | message | Thanks, Arthur B! Love being part of this great project! | Timestamp |
Samuel N | message | Thanks, Samuel N! Greetings from Brazil, love to listen while driving at work, makes the 3+ hours trips go faster | Timestamp |
Erik F | message | Thanks, Erik F! Thanks for the bonus bin working-on-the-homelab hat! Major props to Dan and team for keeping the WAN Show running smoothly lately, even through power outages. Hope you all have a good weekend! ! | Timestamp |
Maxwell C | message | Thanks, Maxwell C! My grandfather introduced me to PC's and also to LTT. He passed away last year. I just wanted to send some love to you all in his name. Love you Everett. Rest in Peace | Timestamp |
Stephen K | message | Thanks, Stephen K! Hey boys, love the show and hope you get some sleep soon! Any advice for film/video professionals wanting to break into the tech journalism space? Cheers from NYC! | Timestamp |
Stephen K | reply | Reply @Stephen K! Find a unique voice and work your tail off! -LS | Timestamp |
Zachary H | message | Thanks, Zachary H! Suggested by GPT4: As technology continues to advance and integrate more deeply into our lives, do you think we'll see a rise in techno- spirituality or digital mysticism? | Timestamp |
Zachary H | reply | Reply @Zachary H! AlLhail the Omnissiah! | Timestamp |
Christian W | message | Thanks, Christian W! hello i'm still using a PC from your 2013 build guide, can't believe it'll be 10 this July. But it works just fine and i'm happy, will upgrade one day. Thank you for being awesome! | Timestamp |
Zach R | message | Thanks, Zach R! Can you explain why you don't include error bars on your graphs in videos? | Timestamp |
Zach R | reply | Reply @Zach R! That's a good question for the lab, but I CAN say that we lean towards whatever is easiest to understand for the average viewer -LS | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Thanks for the great stuff! | Timestamp |
Anthony P | message | Thanks, Anthony P! Hi Dan, looking forward to seeing you smash @ and see Luke in pain for some reason. Would like to see you do a quick rant of whatever you would like to vent | Timestamp |
Dylan W | message | Thanks, Dylan W! Hi Linus and Luke! First video of yours I watched was the Parrot AR iPad test flight. Has there been anything recent in the drone space that has excited you? | Timestamp |
Dylan W | reply | Reply @Dylan W! The new DJI digital stuff has been cool as heck. | Timestamp |
Jessica S | message | Thanks, Jessica S! Much love to you guys! <3 | Timestamp |
Werner \W | message | Thanks, Werner \W! | Timestamp |
Werner W | message | Thanks, Werner W! Will we be getting a permanent segment at Linux WAN break of Luke Tech Rant(mostly Al and making Dan slightly uneasy)? | Timestamp |
Werner W | reply | Reply @Werner W! Never | Timestamp |
Elijah R | message | Thanks, Elijah R! Linus, y'all need to start a real small farm where you guys grow crops but in the most over-teched way possible, it's an opportunity to capitalize on the coming economic collapse/homesteading trend | Timestamp |
Kate-Lyn M | message | Thanks, Kate-Lyn M! So glad you guys have women's stuff now! I also threw in the hat for my soon to be a dad, husband, too. Wish us luck as we figure out being parents! | Timestamp |
Shlok S | message | Thanks, Shlok S! Hi DLL, is there a sci-fi universe that you think captures the future for where technology is heading and how we interact with it? | Timestamp |
Shlok S | reply | Reply @Shlok S! There are obscene quantities of scifi that covers exactly what we're going through onw | Timestamp |
Kevin S | message | Thanks, Kevin S! Where LTT Socks | Timestamp |
Tim M | message | Thanks, Tim M! ™ HiMom! I'mon TV! | Timestamp |
SCOTT B | message | Thanks, SCOTT B! Let's go!! Wan show after hours! Look at those wrinkles. | Timestamp |
Jay W | message | Thanks, Jay W! Hey luke and linus. What ever happened to producer bell? | Timestamp |
Jay W | reply | Reply @Jay W! He's focusing on Shortcircuit! | Timestamp |
Christopher M | message | Thanks, Christopher M! Hi Dan! Are you eligible for the AMD Extreme Tech Upgrade? If so, what would be the first thing you'd like to upgrade? | Timestamp |
Christopher M | reply | Reply @Christopher M! I'm not entirely sure if I am! Don't know how it works. It's hard to choose what I'd upgrade. Maybe something like my projector? | Timestamp |
Marwa E | message | Thanks, Marwa E! Hi! Would you make miniskirts and/or skater skirts, that use quality elastic or stealth zippers? Its so hard to find a skirt that is with good materials. Fast fashion sucks. Love the show!! | Timestamp |
Jon S | message | Thanks, Jon S! I dont know what a merch message is. I just heard this is the best screwdriver around, and im starting to sell alot more pc's. Much needed tool | Timestamp |
Kariangelie D | message | Thanks, Kariangelie D! Wi SO happy I was able to get the automagically cap! Love the show guys, i ‘ y'all are amazing! -wifey of a huge fan | Timestamp |
Andisen D | message | Thanks, Andisen D! L We need a WSAD logo shirt .. silhouette of you guys too .. | Timestamp |
Mace E | message | Thanks, Mace E! Al is just as likely to end us as Climate Change.. | Timestamp |
Jeffery W | message | Thanks, Jeffery W! Let the hackers see me wiggling in my nice new Windbreaker ;P | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Any update on indoor hoodie restock? | Timestamp |
Kenneth L | message | Thanks, Kenneth L! l.l“ qu I'm loving these long format shows! Keep up the bladder of steel! | Timestamp |
Jared G | message | Thanks, Jared G! Hi Linus | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Oreo Ice Cream Sandwich | Timestamp |
Mike P | message | Thanks, Mike P! I have a 1060 and a 3200g. Would it be worth it to upgrade to something like a 5600x? | Timestamp |
Bret B | message | Thanks, Bret B! The Singularity. Before or after 2030? | Timestamp |
Bret B | reply | Reply @Bret B! My brain always said 2040. Thinking it might be before that now. | Timestamp |
Gregory S | message | Thanks, Gregory S! Love my screwdriver, getting this for my friend's birthday. Do y'all follow any space tech stuff? I'm a Software Engineer for a rocket company (not SpaceX) | Timestamp |
Gregory S | reply | Reply @Gregory S! a little bit, but I wish I had more time for it! -LS | Timestamp |
Zachary F | message | Thanks, Zachary F! Linus, shout out the LTT Store support team (and Ryan specifically). That "make it right" policy went from making it right to delighting the customer. | Timestamp |
John P | message | Thanks, John P! - - = With the advancements in Al being so sudden, and Al companies asking t I i} for a pause, How long do you think is sufficient for people to acclimate " to an Al-infested society? | Timestamp |
John P | reply | Reply @John P! I just don' see it happening -LS | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Linus-If you could only use one tech device for the rest of your life what would it be(Can’t be steam deck) ? Same question to Dan if this doesn't make it to Linus <3 | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! It'd have to be my phone... no question -LS | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Hey Linus, just curious, how easy is it for you to get in contact with people by having your clout? Like could you have a call with celebrities or top YouTubers on a whim if you wanted to? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! NGL it opens a lot of doors :p -LS | Timestamp |
Joshua D | message | Thanks, Joshua D! Love your guys Content. Always a blast to watch and also get a laugh! " I Keep up the amazing work guys!! | Timestamp |
Jacob E | message | Thanks, Jacob E! Been watching for forever, fan of hearing about updates from the floatplane side, just wondering if there is ever a plan to release deep dives on the backend architecture even if just write-ups? | Timestamp |
Jacob E | reply | Reply @Jacob E! probably not.... -LS | Timestamp |
Andrew W | message | Thanks, Andrew W! Hey LTT Crew! I'm in the process of applying for a job at microcenter, what's your favorite thing about being able to physically buy pc parts? | Timestamp |
Andrew W | reply | Reply @Andrew W! being able to get my hands on it quickly when troubleshooting and desperate! -LS | Timestamp |
Neil V | message | Thanks, Neil V! Hey Linus & Luke! Needed a lanyard for work, and thought one from LTT might be a great choice! Any plans for a retractable badge clip? | Timestamp |
Neil V | reply | Reply @Neil V! notyet! -LS | Timestamp |
Rayne B | message | Thanks, Rayne B! I wanted a dad hat but didnt wanna buy one. Now I am getting my gf scrunchies, with a free hat. sick. When are you gonna open the creator warehouse to 3rd parties? Very interested in this for my biz. I | Timestamp |
Rayne B | reply | Reply @Rayne B! Itisn't *not* open, but there are a lot of things we need to work on to make it more streamlined -LS | Timestamp |
Michael C | message | Thanks, Michael C! I've been needing to install smart doorbells on my new place but considering Ring freely giving info to the cops, and the whole Eufy situation, I have no idea what to trust. What should I look for? | Timestamp |
Michael C | reply | Reply @Michael C! I'm very happy with my Ubiquiti gear -LS | Timestamp |
Cristian B | message | Thanks, Cristian B! Hey Linus, how's the pool construction going? | Timestamp |
Cristian B | reply | Reply @Cristian B! ugh -LS | Timestamp |
Andrew H | message | Thanks, Andrew H! Hey Linus, you guys have built a pc in rc plane so when is the pcin a potato coming? | Timestamp |
Andrew H | reply | Reply @Andrew H! ) lol.. um I kinda love it -LS | Timestamp |
Brady K | message | Thanks, Brady K! Where's the wan beanie you modeled in the waffle long sleeve photos?? | Timestamp |
Kenneth L | message | Thanks, Kenneth L! Do you think Al will fake over property management work by automating everything from communicating with guests and hiring or contacting cleaners post stay. | Timestamp |
Kenneth L | reply | Reply @Kenneth L! oh easy man -LS | Timestamp |
Jake B | message | Thanks, Jake B! Given the rise of Al, let's go full dystopian. If implants such as nuralink became publicly available, would you get any? What would you want your implant to be? | Timestamp |
Jake B | reply | Reply @Jake B! I dunno if I'm that into it tbh -LS | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Hey, Luke and Linus, have you guys heard about Open Assistant? I heard they had a recent public release of a first model. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! I don' think I've seen it I'm afraid -LS | Timestamp |
Joseph P | message | Thanks, Joseph P! I With the announcement of the AMD MA35D media accelerator and the bitrate efficiency with AV1 encode and decode. Do you expect YouTube to double down on making 4K a premium YouTube feature or to back o | Timestamp |
Joseph P | reply | Reply @Joseph P! I still think we'll see it move to paid -LS | Timestamp |
Shayne L | message | Thanks, Shayne L! m‘ l* . Ilove your hoodie designs, but I hate zipper hoodies, any plans to make I pullover hoodies? Can't wait to daily drive my Chonk water bottle! | Timestamp |
Shayne L | reply | Reply @Shayne L! yessss! -LS | Timestamp |
Tim B | message | Thanks, Tim B! Love you guys - thanks for entertaining me! | Timestamp |
Alex B | message | Thanks, Alex B! Love this stuff! | Timestamp |
John S | message | Thanks, John S! I like potatoes | Timestamp |
Jerod s | message | Thanks, Jerod s! m paypal merch messages don't work? Have you thought about making a pc case at all? The lab could optimize airflow vs size. Do you think the "standard" designs are good enough? | Timestamp |
Jerod s | reply | Reply @Jerod s! it should work fine | Timestamp |
Canaan H | message | Thanks, Canaan H! Buying this for the Dad Hat | Timestamp |
Levi W | message | Thanks, Levi W! Luke, Xbox Floatplane App when? | Timestamp |
Hassan A | message | Thanks, Hassan A! What happened to lambo? | Timestamp |
Alexis S | message | Thanks, Alexis S! Certified linus tater moment | Timestamp |
Matthew B | message | Thanks, Matthew B! Any plans for more robotics related content? Tesla q Optimus+chatGPT=iRobot? | Timestamp |
Matthew B | reply | Reply @Matthew B! We have more coming soon! | Timestamp |
Patrick K | message | Thanks, Patrick K! Ahappy Linus Home Shopping Network customer. | Timestamp |
Isaac B | message | Thanks, Isaac B! Linus & Luke I am a law student studying Al and how it interacts with the law. What do you believe is the best resource for me to educate 60 year old judges on how to understand this "block box". | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! I work for one of the biggest hospitals in Canada and we are currently ai use in radiology and other fields. Is ai in Healthcare something that interests you three? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! anything that helps us live better lives is interesting to us but it's unlikely to be covered on the channel :) -LS | Timestamp |
Alec S | message | Thanks, Alec S! Could you add breakaway lanyards? I work in a factory that requires them for saftey reasons. | Timestamp |
Alec S | reply | Reply @Alec S! we will do it at some point, but only when we have a better breakaway design than what we've seen. - LS | Timestamp |
Edward H | message | Thanks, Edward H! Linus, Are you looking forward to Tears of the Kingdom? Gonna love this backpack for my new job. Thanks for the free hat. | Timestamp |
Daniil V | message | Thanks, Daniil V! Do androids dream of electric sheep? If so, what do iPhones dream of? | Timestamp |
Adrian H | message | Thanks, Adrian H! After how many Ws Luke has recently had (saving Linus over hard R, having fun while the channel was on fire, etc.) does he not deserve an AMD Ultimate Tech Upgrade? why does Linus hate Luke's birds? | Timestamp |
Adrian H | reply | Reply @Adrian H! lolyes he deserves it, but he already gets free computers. I don't hate his birds I just think he's a cat lady but for birds lol -LS | Timestamp |
Ryan B | message | Thanks, Ryan B! My company has been reaching out to us Engineers for suggestions on how, as a company, we can utilize Al to improve our velocity. How can you see Al tools accelerating LTT in the lab or script writing | Timestamp |
Ryan B | reply | Reply @Ryan B! so far not much, but in the future a lot -LS | Timestamp |
Wesley F | message | Thanks, Wesley F! Hey guys, what do you do when a company refuses to honor a warranty, they replaced a laptop with a 2060 with a 3050 non-ti model. Should i suck it up? | Timestamp |
Wesley F | reply | Reply @Wesley F! allyou can really do is just get angry, really :( -LS | Timestamp |
Gary W | message | Thanks, Gary W! If you could bring one piece of tech (and the ability/knowledge to produce/use it) back to 1900 knowing it could also effect The World Wars for better or worse what would you choose? | Timestamp |
Gary W | reply | Reply @Gary W! JJ GPS I guess -LS | Timestamp |
Rainier v | message | Thanks, Rainier v! m With WAN show lasting over 4 hours now, could you please consider starting it 2 hours earlier, so people in the UK like me have a chance of catching the start live? | Timestamp |
Rainier v | reply | Reply @Rainier v! "l wetry lol.. -LS | Timestamp |
ROBERT C | message | Thanks, ROBERT C! When you get the lab fully functional would you look into reviewing outdoorsman tech. Fish finders, Range finders, GPS units exc. | Timestamp |
ROBERT C | reply | Reply @ROBERT C! - It's not on our radar right now -LS | Timestamp |
Alex Y | message | Thanks, Alex Y! L Hey yall! I got a screwdriver a while back and I LOVE IT. I use it everyday for home and work use! Have yall considered doing more linux and or I programming content, maybe as a Floatplane exclusive? | Timestamp |
Alex Y | reply | Reply @Alex Y! no time soon... -LS | Timestamp |
Jason C | message | Thanks, Jason C! QQ for Luke, I am a data engineer and working through a ton of data pipeline type projects, what's the best 'front end' for users to trigger updates, using a google sheet with a button right now. | Timestamp |
Jason C | reply | Reply @Jason C! Maybe checkout Toollet....? Google sheets sounds potentially fine though tbh | Timestamp |
James C | message | Thanks, James C! Linus- which kind of Darn Tough socks do you recommend? | Timestamp |
James C | reply | Reply @James C! They all rock. I use their regular crew socks iirc. -LS | Timestamp |
James H | message | Thanks, James H! Linus/ Luke I work for a Telco tons of companies don't secure their gateway.... With all these hackers and security vulnerabilities will companies be forced by government to use personal equipment? | Timestamp |
James H | reply | Reply @James H! ) Maybe through the form of liabilities - LL | Timestamp |
Joseph M | message | Thanks, Joseph M! have any of you guys ever explained the way to explain tech-savvy issues to non-tech people such as explain security concerns without freaking them out or looking like a madman pointing at the wall. | Timestamp |
Joseph M | reply | Reply @Joseph M! Try to relate it to things that they have experience with. | Timestamp |
Eric J | message | Thanks, Eric J! Love WAN After Dark! :) | Timestamp |
Jay L | message | Thanks, Jay L! J Lost the first desk pad to a bad house keeper. Getting this one cause I'm - tired of my custom keyboard slipping all over. Linus and Luke, what was your favor video to make? | Timestamp |
lay L | reply | Reply @lay L! Impossible to say I'm afraid. The April Fools series is great -LS | Timestamp |
Alexander W | message | Thanks, Alexander W! m Hi Linus, Luke and Dan, long time viewer but first time able to catch it live as I just woke up. My question would behow often do you guys need to “crunch” in order to meet review deadlines? | Timestamp |
Alexander W | reply | Reply @Alexander W! It happens a lot... Pretty much every time -LS | Timestamp |
Mario P | message | Thanks, Mario P! I was literally planning on buying a dad hat with my next paycheck lol, I don't have a ton of disposable income as a student, but I love your products so this deal was excellent for me lol | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! m‘ @, Been watching's since the early years, keep doing what you are doing I °l LTT show talk always aligns with me. | Timestamp |
Daniel P | message | Thanks, Daniel P! Make sure Luke and Linus rehydrate. | Timestamp |
Justin T | message | Thanks, Justin T! We all know as soon as Dennis appears that chaos is going to ensue. What is your most ridiculous or awkward Dennis story? | Timestamp |
Justin T | reply | Reply @Justin T! The nazi imagery on his wall when I interviewed him over video. Turns out it was a protest sign, not pro Hitler lol -LS | Timestamp |
Adrian P | message | Thanks, Adrian P! “. Any recommendations for a home security system without a ’ subscription or cloud based? | Timestamp |
James C | message | Thanks, James C! What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to the three of you on camera that did not make it/couldn't be shown on a video? | Timestamp |
James C | reply | Reply @James C! I mean... I've been caught naked on camera multiple times at this point p-LS | Timestamp |
Aditya S | message | Thanks, Aditya S! Do a preemptive strike and develop a LABS plugin for GPT? | Timestamp |
Dan B | message | Thanks, Dan B! What are the odds that my only visit to Canada was for Expo 86, and that's when Linus was born? Guess I'm old... | Timestamp |
Daniel B | message | Thanks, Daniel B! Linus/Luke/Dan (Hello fellow Dan), What programming languages do you know? What are your favorites? | Timestamp |
Daniel B | reply | Reply @Daniel B! I know none, and I know Luke has addressed this one before, but I can't remember... He's more about choosing the most efficient option for the job -LS | Timestamp |
Stepan K | message | Thanks, Stepan K! Hey DLL! Dan, what does the merch message reply system look like? Do you have macros for "As soon as possible”, "Check out LMG" and other common replies? | Timestamp |
Stepan K | reply | Reply @Stepan K! Yep! There's a large quantity of messages that warrant it sadly. We're working on improving it. | Timestamp |
Kris H | message | Thanks, Kris H! When will floatplane come to smart tvs? Like Roku or Google TV (you can ignore apple tv) | Timestamp |
David H | message | Thanks, David H! Might want to talk about iOS zero-day security hole fix that just posted. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! I'm an hour and a half behind on the show and just learned I can get a dad hat. When my GF heard about the women's underwear she insisted I get the new styles so we could match | Timestamp |
Devon C | message | Thanks, Devon C! Considering Nvidia's gamestreaming died. Would you ever consider doing a video on sunshine and moonlight? | Timestamp |
Devon C | reply | Reply @Devon C! It's not on the roadmap for now. Steam In-Home STreaming is just so convenient... -LS | Timestamp |
Kiruthick A | message | Thanks, Kiruthick A! o | Timestamp |
Rodrigo N | message | Thanks, Rodrigo N! Dear Uncle Linus... When can we expect more cat tips, I mean, cat themed merch???? Your potato farm is just another result of you abandoning your roots (Linus Cat Tips, the 0G channel!) Thanks! | Timestamp |
Rodrigo N | reply | Reply @Rodrigo N! lolI'mdown.... -LS | Timestamp |
Jerod s | message | Thanks, Jerod s! Any plans on making cases? the lab could optimize airflow vs size. Do the big manufacturers do a good enough job? | Timestamp |
Jerod s | reply | Reply @Jerod s! not right now... Yeah I don't think we have much to add -LS | Timestamp |
Shane G | message | Thanks, Shane G! I Just built my first water cooling loop with soldered copper. I think i ' have to many 90s for my little alphacool pump. I'm running AMD 5600G with 360mm of rad, temps jump to 80-85c and just sit there. | Timestamp |
Shane G | reply | Reply @Shane G! touch the tubes. That'll tell you if the coolant is too hot. If the tubes are cool, then it's a pump issue or a block mount issue -LS | Timestamp |
Jorge V | message | Thanks, Jorge V! Do you think there will ever be any acknowledge of the legality/morality of massively scraping of data for Al models. Or has Pandora Box opened and a different way to do is unfeasible for | Timestamp |
Jorge V | reply | Reply @Jorge V! I think the box is kinda open... -LS | Timestamp |
Aaron D | message | Thanks, Aaron D! You allinspired my first build (i9 10940x Quadro workstation with an Avid HDX card) to replace my cheese grater Mac Pro for audio post production. Will you do a good audio PC for audio build geeks? | Timestamp |
Aaron D | reply | Reply @Aaron D! V' eventually :(-IS | Timestamp |
Thuy P | message | Thanks, Thuy P! Linus, why does it seem like some of your biggest videos feature you finding the most backwards solution to your problem? This was a huge trend with your new home videos. Thanks | Timestamp |
Thuy P | reply | Reply @Thuy P! We just have fun y'’know. The easy $$$ way isn't very fun or interesting p-IS | Timestamp |
Jeremy P | message | Thanks, Jeremy P! Linus and Luke do you think tech certifications are useful? Do you look for those when hiring for tech positions? | Timestamp |
Jeremy P | reply | Reply @Jeremy P! They can be - We don't generally look specifically for them but maybe for the lab? -LL | Timestamp |
Alex P | message | Thanks, Alex P! Need some potato powered RGB lighting. | Timestamp |
Raymond D | message | Thanks, Raymond D! I think, therefore I am - cogito, ergo sum - René Descartes in his Discourse on Method (Year 1637) | Timestamp |
Aidan A | reply | Reply @Aidan A! we'll consider, but open source is not the only good path forward -1S | Timestamp |
Aidan A | reply | Reply @Aidan A! We have seriously considered it and it may happen in the future but at this time we don't have a conclusion. | Timestamp |
Andrew W | message | Thanks, Andrew W! Hi Luke Linus and Dan, My high school is adding both Al and Cybersecurity classes, do you guys know any online courses to help prepare theses. | Timestamp |
Andrew W | reply | Reply @Andrew W! not at the moment -LS | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Literally the only ltt product I have ever considered buying: burlap sack | Timestamp |
Maria Jose M | message | Thanks, Maria Jose M! I always try to think of something smart to say to you guys, s0000... here's some appreciation: love the merch, love the channel, love the team! Thanks! | Timestamp |
Heiko T | message | Thanks, Heiko T! m Hi Luke and Linus, I would like to have a filter in the Floatplane-APP for videos I watched / didn't watch. Maybe it could be based on whether I rated a video, or not. Do you think that's feasible? | Timestamp |
lon A | message | Thanks, lon A! Hi Luke, Linus and Dan, with the new water proof hat, would you consider having a reflective strip on it for delivery drivers and other road side occupations? | Timestamp |
Jon A | reply | Reply @Jon A! maybe in the future, but not for now -LS | Timestamp |
Daniel-Pablo R | message | Thanks, Daniel-Pablo R! &4 buying gift cards as a way to do layaway on the screwdriver. I repair phones a lot, is an LTT precision screwdriver set something worth dreaming about? | Timestamp |
Daniel-Pablo R | reply | Reply @Daniel-Pablo R! )-LS | Timestamp |
KaelLee N | message | Thanks, KaelLee N! m‘ E.‘ My partner introduced me to your channel & I love watching with him even though my tech IQ is a negative number, comparatively speaking. ~ We're excited for the lab & love seeing the updates! | Timestamp |
jif &' | message | Thanks, jif &' Hello, Mr.Linus & Mr.Luke. I have been a long supporter for LTT since the environmental test chamber video. I want to ask, do you have any habit to do before you build a computer? | Timestamp |
CoreyW | message | Thanks, CoreyW! " Any update on the AMD graphics card challenge? Excited to hear the opiInions, | Timestamp |
Corey W | reply | Reply @Corey W! I ahven' been gaming enough lol -LS | Timestamp |
Bryan C | message | Thanks, Bryan C! Have you ever thought to add components to the laptop carry bag to connect it to the backpack so that it's modular and can save space in the bag and not have to carry it separately if you have both? | Timestamp |
Riley M | message | Thanks, Riley M! Y Hi Luke, What password manager have you switched to? Looking to I' !1 change mine and would appreciate some input | Timestamp |
Riley M | reply | Reply @Riley M! keeper -LS | Timestamp |
Matthew M | message | Thanks, Matthew M! I really enjoy the dad hats | Timestamp |
Jake E | message | Thanks, Jake E! Going for the longest wan show record, eh? | Timestamp |
Aaran F | message | Thanks, Aaran F! Hey guys, have you had a chance to dive into the RE4 remake? | Timestamp |
Aaron F | reply | Reply @Aaron F! no -LS | Timestamp |
Joseph S | message | Thanks, Joseph S! you talk about responding via txt where do I see that? | Timestamp |
Joseph S | reply | Reply @Joseph S! On the ‘Lower 3rd’ section of the video... Hopefully you see that. -LL | Timestamp |
Irving T | message | Thanks, Irving T! Thanks for the Hat | Timestamp |
Cole P | message | Thanks, Cole P! Have you guys ever thought to make a sponsor spot for floatplane? That way when you toss to the sponsor, instead of a hard cut, you have a“sponsor spot” thanking people for subscribing to floatplane? | Timestamp |
Cole P | reply | Reply @Cole P! ) We have! -LL | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Hi guys! First time from Germany. @ Luke: Amazon Mesh-Network is now tackeling the last 10% of USA coverage. Even offline the devices ping home. Privacy @ Linus: multimedia mouse keyboard Combi? | Timestamp |
Robert H | message | Thanks, Robert H! Any plans to create furniture such as desks, entertainment centers or coffee tables? | Timestamp |
Robert H | reply | Reply @Robert H! N Not at this time. That's a big hurdle to cross. -LL | Timestamp |
Maria Jose M | message | Thanks, Maria Jose M! I finally thought of something to ask! Is there a plan to add a previously purchased label to a product? I generally sort from old to new but there are so many new releases I can't keep up. | Timestamp |
Maria Jose M | reply | Reply @Maria Jose M! ] No, but not a bad idea! -LL | Timestamp |
Josie H | message | Thanks, Josie H! Hey Linus--those build-your-own screwdrivers would be great for making pride designs--have y'all considered making pride merch? I think some of your designs would make for great pride variants | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Hi, I live in Amsterdam, and I am going to work soon.I work at Vanmoof{(electric bikes) and was wondering if you are looking into bikes? Vanmoof bike is a tech product, the anti-theft feat. are awesome | Timestamp |