Name | Type | Text | Timestamp | Image |
Brandon R | message | Thanks, Brandon R! Thank you all you the great content and merch and the best of them all Floatplane | Timestamp | ![]() |
Craig B | message | Thanks, Craig B! - My fiance needs a way remote into a work PC, just one. Any thoughts on remotedesktop by google? Related, any extra news around teamViewer drama? | Timestamp | ![]() |
Craig B | reply | Reply @Craig B! A lot of us use Parsec for remoting into our PCs! And I'm sure Linus will be talking about TeamViewer... | Timestamp | ![]() |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! A"Sarah was Right" with frog logo T-shirt when? | Timestamp | ![]() |
Alexander C | message | Thanks, Alexander C! Thanks for the shirt, mate! | Timestamp | ![]() |
Connor M | message | Thanks, Connor M! Hey Linus and Luke! I'm a UPS driver in Michigan (basically Canada) I was Wondering if you planned on making a video covering your shipping for LTT merch! would be super interesting to watch! | Timestamp | ![]() |
Connor M | reply | Reply @Connor M! There isn't anything in the pipeline like this, but I do believe we have some lttstore focused videos coming! | Timestamp | ![]() |
Joshua G | message | Thanks, Joshua G! Final part for my new build. any bets on what gets to my door first? These or my 32GB RAM kit that just left China today. | Timestamp | ![]() |
Joshua G | reply | Reply @Joshua G! Always bet on By, =) | Timestamp | ![]() |
Dustin C | message | Thanks, Dustin C! Hey Linus, it seems like Jake's had a LOT of input on the new house outside of tech. Will he be paying rent for the basement? | Timestamp | ![]() |
Dustin C | reply | Reply @Dustin C! Yes (/s) | Timestamp | ![]() |
Jonathan P | message | Thanks, Jonathan P! Why isn't there more horizontal motherboard computer cases? | Timestamp |
Jonathan P | reply | Reply @Jonathan P! So square... | Timestamp |
shepple_ | message | Thanks, shepple_! I have a very important question for Linus, just a hypothetical. If you l had to choose between these two choices, would you rather have: 1: Unlimited bacon but no games. Or 2: Unlimited Games, But NO games | Timestamp |
shepple_ | reply | Reply @shepple_! Mmmmmm Bacon..... | Timestamp |
Daegan N | message | Thanks, Daegan N! Il‘,i fl Glad I forgot to get another water bottle when I ordered my desk pad a couple of weeks ago. Love the new colors. | Timestamp |
Benjamin C | message | Thanks, Benjamin C! What are the big projects you are most excited for now that backpack and screwdriver are so close to launch - . _ | Timestamp |
Benjamin C | reply | Reply @Benjamin C! Gotta keep our eyes on the backback and screw driver first, but I know we have some CRAZY products coming! —— N | Timestamp |
Alexander T | message | Thanks, Alexander T! Just wanted to thank you for inspiring me to get into the IT field. I just landed a job at my local school district. V" ~ | Timestamp |
Alexander T | reply | Reply @Alexander T! Congrats! | Timestamp |
C. Ryan T | message | Thanks, C. Ryan T! To the female looking to go to school for tech - look for schools with high female cohorts in tech areas. Data shows success is more likely if there is more than 2 females in a cohort/class (or males for that -— | Timestamp |
C. Ryan T | reply | Reply @C. Ryan T! Great advice, thank you! | Timestamp |
Dominic M | message | Thanks, Dominic M! Week 3 for limited edition lttstore goodness, loving it keep up the good work! ~s I . | Timestamp |
Arkadiusz Z | message | Thanks, Arkadiusz Z! Waited forever Constellations !!! | Timestamp |
Cory L | message | Thanks, Cory L! g A Hey guys been watching since your server rack was a bathtub. Recently upgraded my homelab with 14, 870 EVOs and had 7 throw uncorrectable sectors on the same day 90 days after purchase. T - | Timestamp |
Tye S | message | Thanks, Tye S! I purchased the large CPU pillow a few years ago, now I'm looking to tie the office together. When can I expect a motherboard blanket with the same comfort as a Pendleton blanket? T R - | Timestamp |
Tye S | reply | Reply @Tye S! Great idea... W — | Timestamp |
josh m | message | Thanks, josh m! keep up the great work | Timestamp |
Juggling_Pro | message | Thanks, Juggling_Pro! Hi | Timestamp |
Olivia M | message | Thanks, Olivia M! any chance of ltt store panties / bras / bralettes any time in the future? also there's tons of trans women in tech (like myself) so Ltt store programming socks (thigh highs) would be amazing! <= | Timestamp |
Olivia M | reply | Reply @Olivia M! We're working on a few different things, but no solid timeline to announce yet! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Just got hired by American Airlines. Found out I can have a backpack instead of the traditional flight kit. Also, when is a water bottle witha 3" diameter coming out. That's what fits on a 737 cockpit cup holder. —— | Timestamp |
Bryce H | message | Thanks, Bryce H! My GF stole my last water bottle and I've been eyeing the expensive edition pillow for a while. Just curios, how many of the expensive pillows did you guys order? T - | Timestamp |
Scott P | message | Thanks, Scott P! 5 : Question for Luke, As a aviculturist and a tech nerd what are your thoughts of the animatronic birds at Disney's Tiki room? Do you fear them becoming sentient during the imminent robotic uprising? X R ™ | Timestamp |
Scott P | reply | Reply @Scott P! I'm convinced that all animatronics are about to come to life T AT e L | Timestamp |
Jessica J | message | Thanks, Jessica J! My husband will be so excited to get his merch! T AT A | Timestamp |
Jonathan C | message | Thanks, Jonathan C! ! what is the first headphones that are going to be tested on the ltt labs . videos, as i just bought the drop 6xx, and wanted to understand what ohms are. S A" | Timestamp |
Jonathan C | reply | Reply @Jonathan C! We've started with testing a TON of headphones | Timestamp |
digidude512 | message | Thanks, digidude512! Any chance of a belated Happy Birthday for Guernsey's #1 LTTStore Shopper? Turned 31 yesterday. | Timestamp |
digidude512 | reply | Reply @digidude512! Happy belated birthday!! R Z I | Timestamp |
Johnathan H | message | Thanks, Johnathan H! Any plans to do a more fitted type hat? Also thank you guys for everything you do. You have changed my life for the positive mentally, physically, and emotionally. Keep doing what u do also force Luke to | Timestamp |
Johnathan H | reply | Reply @Johnathan H! Thanks for watching! Merch questions can be sent to @NickLMG on Twitter! « By | Timestamp |
David B | message | Thanks, David B! Any update on the backpacks?! R S ~ TGRS | Timestamp |
David B | reply | Reply @David B! Coming soon..! w a v | Timestamp |
Matt W | message | Thanks, Matt W! Linus whip out that screwdriver! I know you have it! I'll be buying one! < e | Timestamp |
Matt W | reply | Reply @Matt W! I think whipping it out at work is illegal . e v e | Timestamp |
Stephen B | message | Thanks, Stephen B! Any plans to put out more businesAre there any plans to include more business casual clothing options like button down or polo shirts? As someone who works in an office my t-shirt wearing is pretty limites X Sl —— | Timestamp |
Stephen B | reply | Reply @Stephen B! That'd be a question for @NickLMG on Twitter! I do think we have quite a bit of stealth clothes in the works though! I Rl | Timestamp |
billy e | message | Thanks, billy e! Love LTT! first time buyer, long time viewer. please bring back channel super fun. | Timestamp |
billy e | reply | Reply @billy e! 5 We've got a post ready for this weekend (or right now on Floatplane!) | Timestamp |
Richard M | message | Thanks, Richard M! Another shirt to add to the Ltt collection and the sweats to go with the Wan Hoodie. Now I just need the backpack and screwdriver W — | Timestamp |
Jonathan R | message | Thanks, Jonathan R! I'm liking spicy Luke! | Timestamp |
James N | message | Thanks, James N! 11} | Timestamp |
Niq H | message | Thanks, Niq H! LMG inspired me to start my own VidCo, now I've got 10Gb network issues Trying Peer2Peer 10Gbe w/no luck Posted on Forum but hoping to get WAN shoutout to borrow community expertise thanks for help. T - | Timestamp |
David M | message | Thanks, David M! l'fl qg Rack mounted computer case when R S | Timestamp |
WiseBears | message | Thanks, WiseBears! "‘“‘F" Finally home on a Friday, in time to watch you live! Keep doing what you and the amazing team do! Hope you're enjoying your Friday. S | Timestamp |
Shane C | message | Thanks, Shane C! Jxs My father and I just had to get the new water bottles! I finally caved and bought my first one. T AT A | Timestamp |
Dakota W | message | Thanks, Dakota W! Will the party shirts come back in stock any time soon? N e e | Timestamp |
Dakota W | reply | Reply @Dakota W! They're in stock right now! B L S | Timestamp |
Colin S | message | Thanks, Colin S! You're now my hoodie dealer. When are you restocking the indoor hoodies? . e | Timestamp |
Colin S | reply | Reply @Colin S! ASAP! T AR e | Timestamp |
Corey K | message | Thanks, Corey K! I have been enjoying Spicy Linus! Thanks for making great content! | Timestamp |
Cole D | message | Thanks, Cole D! As someone who listens on Monday on a third party podcast app, is it better for you guys if someone listens live or after on an app like Spotify, iTunes etc...? Also, any plans for more long-sleeve shirts like w e g | Timestamp |
Cole D | reply | Reply @Cole D! If you watch on Spotify, you get a video version of the podcast! Otherwise, listen wherever you'd like :) R ~ I | Timestamp |
Brandon A | message | Thanks, Brandon A! So glad the party shirt is finally available again! " e | Timestamp |
Marc G | message | Thanks, Marc G! So will Jake have his own room in the new house, or does he just get a \ ! cot next to the server rack? | Timestamp |
Marc G | reply | Reply @Marc G! Jake lives in the crawlspace «* _.» \v_; | Timestamp |
Tommy W | message | Thanks, Tommy W! Was Andy's bed a business expense? | Timestamp |
Caleb G | message | Thanks, Caleb G! So ever since the “ultimate game" discussion I've been hoping you and Luke might redeem your ignorance of the souls series and give it a honest go. Now with Elden ring out I don’t thing there's a better entry « j)&_‘ | Timestamp |
Caleb G | reply | Reply @Caleb G! j Elden Ring is the Ultimate Game « | Timestamp |
Tyler S | message | Thanks, Tyler S! llfl fl \! Picking up my 2nd bottle. Thanks again for everything you guys do! ~ s | Timestamp |
Matthew H | message | Thanks, Matthew H! It's my birthday! My birthday wish is to know if you've tried to do more videos with Valve, specifically GabeN? Seeing as you have contacts now because of the Deck, could it happen? ~ Rl | Timestamp |
Matthew H | reply | Reply @Matthew H! We haven't, but we'd LOVE to do more with them... A gl e | Timestamp |
Tory J | message | Thanks, Tory J! Love your face Linus, it will forever be on my desk | Timestamp |
David G | message | Thanks, David G! Linus wearing socks? | Timestamp |
David G | reply | Reply @David G! Can confirm that he is wearing socks | Timestamp |
Stephen V | message | Thanks, Stephen V 05 Lost two water bottles in a wor ll'{ I !1 designs! | Timestamp |
E | reply | Reply E Glad you're s | Timestamp |
Connor H | message | Thanks, Connor H! Do you have any plans to expand Mac Address? I feel like the channel is under utilised as it stands. < XV | Timestamp |
Connor H | reply | Reply @Connor H! J/ We're hiring another writer! « BV, | Timestamp |
Caleb S | message | Thanks, Caleb S! Linus, any updated opinion on your framework? You said if you made a follow up video it'd be titled "Did I make a mistake?". I Like mine but the weird resolution can be an issue w By | Timestamp |
Caleb S | reply | Reply @Caleb S! ] No major updates or anything to share yet! @ DI | Timestamp |
Julian S | message | Thanks, Julian S! Hi Linus and Luke! We've already heard your opinion on rebooting scrapyard wars yourself, but with what looks like the end of the GPUpocalypse it may be interesting to see a new season with some @ BT | Timestamp |
Julian S | reply | Reply @Julian S! Ehhhh it'll be a hard sell lol Q- 4» \\~ »- | Timestamp |
Patrick D | message | Thanks, Patrick D! When you open LTT labs, will you make another video on the final ¥ Ll E product compared to your ideas | Timestamp |
Patrick D | reply | Reply @Patrick D! There will definitely be videos about the final labs setup! @ DY | Timestamp |
Cabot R | message | Thanks, Cabot R! Linus, Going on my honeymoon in mid October, need a new backpack. Should I hold out for yours; if not what company can you recommend? Thanks for all you do! w BV, | Timestamp |
Cabot R | reply | Reply @Cabot R! I recommend R 4 ‘J‘;’)‘ | Timestamp |
Grant W | message | Thanks, Grant W! Love all your merch! Keep up the great work! | Timestamp |
Kevin C | message | Thanks, Kevin C! Great to get to meet Gary, looking forward to the new content to come out of Labs . S ™ | Timestamp |
Joseph B | message | Thanks, Joseph B! Can't wait to get me that backpack A2 G 7 | Timestamp |
Christopher D | message | Thanks, Christopher D! So happy to see this design. Wanted one for quite some time. il e | Timestamp |
Rayelle F | message | Thanks, Rayelle F! Finally pergnat so finallly have a reason to buy this book! b T N | Timestamp |
Rayelle F | reply | Reply @Rayelle F! CONGRATS! Bell is a pretty cool name R S | Timestamp |
James P | message | Thanks, James P! Thanks for selling reasonably priced bottle lids - apparently they don't .I like direct impacts with asphalt. A+ lids though e W — | Timestamp |
Gabe B | message | Thanks, Gabe B! \ , Luke, what's your favorite low profile keyboard? — — | Timestamp |
Gabe B | reply | Reply @Gabe B! The Logitech G915 is amaaazing. The Apple Magic Keyboard is cool too | Timestamp |
Dragos B | message | Thanks, Dragos B! Hey Linus, are there any plans to expand LTT Labs content, into Professional Audio Gear? | Timestamp |
Dragos B | reply | Reply @Dragos B! We're testing a LOT right now and we only have a couple of people so it'll Likely expand as we hire more | Timestamp |
Jake D | message | Thanks, Jake D! Tuesday Linus. Tuesday! | Timestamp |
Grayson S | message | Thanks, Grayson S! Constellations Is back and I am happy. | Timestamp |
Tyler S | message | Thanks, Tyler S! party shirt? nah work shirt! | Timestamp |
Jamie M | message | Thanks, Jamie M! 4 " Getting some merch for the fam. Luke wanted podcasts? Check out no dumb questions podcast by Destin from smarter ever day T Rl | Timestamp |
Chris W | message | Thanks, Chris W! Hi Linus & Luke! Love the show and can't wait for the screwdriver. Do you have any plans for other "classic” LTT merchandise like WAN Hoodie V1 or the pink lambo beanie? Thanks! SR | Timestamp |
Chris W | reply | Reply @Chris W! The lambo themed releases are super limited releases most of the time, so I don't think they'll ever come back X Rl —_—— | Timestamp |
Nicholas C | message | Thanks, Nicholas C! any news about the probability of LTX in 2022 or 20237 R . S | Timestamp |
Nicholas C | reply | Reply @Nicholas C! Aiming for 2023! N e e | Timestamp |
Adivandhya B | message | Thanks, Adivandhya B! Have been waiting for this shirt (constellations design) for a looong time! R G | Timestamp |
Sujan D | message | Thanks, Sujan D! Hey Linus and Luke hope you're having a good one! You both have a fair bit of experience in the tech space so I was wondering what your opinion is on how important what University you go to to get a CS | Timestamp |
Sujan D | reply | Reply @Sujan D! If you have a strong enough portfolio you can likely go without, but having a degree can help you get government/big tech jobs | Timestamp |
Elizabeth P | message | Thanks, Elizabeth P! Hey guys. We know you're all in for Right to Repair, what are your thoughts on what has Apple has released for it now that it is official? At this point they've don't even make it worth it for anyone who wants R | Timestamp |
Elizabeth P | reply | Reply @Elizabeth P! They'll be talking about it in a bit! | Timestamp |
Haden J | message | Thanks, Haden J! Luke or Linus, I am new in the tech field, do you think that college degrees are actually worth the investment if you already have the A+ certification? | Timestamp |
Haden J | reply | Reply @Haden J! College degrees will help you get jobs at major companies or governments, but otherwise a lot of it is more experience/portfolio w A, | Timestamp |
Marc-0livier F | message | Thanks, Marc-0livier F! Hi Linus! Hi Luke! I've purchased several shirts so far and I've greatly appreciated the quality. Do you have plans for a potential “Linus Jeans". If not, I was looking for affordable and very durable stretchy jeans. Do « fl&: -‘ | Timestamp |
Marc-Olivier F | reply | Reply @Marc-Olivier F! ]4 That'd be a great question for @NickLMG on Twitter! fl“" | Timestamp |
Matt P | message | Thanks, Matt P! WM.k Jake went from least favorite host a few years ago to my absolute g é 4I favorite host now! Keep it up man, you are killing it. Ql' ;flc.‘), | Timestamp |
Matt P | reply | Reply @Matt P! We love Jake! -\‘"— - PGS | Timestamp |
Gerald Q | message | Thanks, Gerald Q! Hi Luke & Linus, I've been a huge fan for a long time and it's nice to support you guys. I just wanted to say this show is like the only thing I actually look forward to in a week. You guys are so funny and it's great < pC S | Timestamp |
Francisco O | message | Thanks, Francisco O! Linus should just challenge the CEO of teamviewer for a boxing match | Timestamp |
Lénaic B | message | Thanks, Lénaic B! Hey, is the backpack gonna be usable on a motorcycle? PS : Does luke plan to host a techlinked or a video in the future? @ BT | Timestamp |
Lénaic B | reply | Reply @Lénaic B! Linus has tested it on his bike and it worked! « BT | Timestamp |
Benjamin F | message | Thanks, Benjamin F! Hi Linus, Love the constellations shirt! Bought instantlyl also have an interesting piece of hardware that you may be interested in borrowing for a video. It's an IBM 5161 which is an old expansion box for an 5150. e j;&_ ™ | Timestamp |
Benjamin F | reply | Reply @Benjamin F! Very cool! Try posting in the "Video Suggestions" section of our forum for our writers to see! | Timestamp |
Benjamin I | reply | Reply @Benjamin I I } Very cool! Try posting in the "Vic for our writers to see! O~ | Timestamp |
Morten S | message | Thanks, Morten S! L I work as a fiber optic techniciar work on your internal fiber infrz an upgrade project, maybe turn ter oy x | Timestamp |
Morten S | message | Thanks, Morten S! I work as a fiber optic technician, and i see that you could use some work on your internal fiber infrastructure. Would you be interested in an upgrade project, maybe turn it into a video? R~ I G | Timestamp |
Raymond E | message | Thanks, Raymond E! Should make a wall print of this design! e | Timestamp |
Jared R | message | Thanks, Jared R! “"l““' What is the model of your Mic arm you and Luke are using? Been g 3 g looking for a replacement. A Z T N | Timestamp |
Jared R | reply | Reply @Jared R! ] We use Yellotec m'ka stands! e e | Timestamp |
Allen O | message | Thanks, Allen O! Looking forward to the new merch and the upcoming labs work. Thanks for all the great clothes and entertainment everyone at LTT provides! I ™Y | Timestamp |
Gary H | message | Thanks, Gary H! Just want to thank you all for the amazing content and I'm looking forward to what comes out of LTT labs in the future! Il S | Timestamp |
Reilly B | message | Thanks, Reilly B! More LTT merch? Say less ~ P . S | Timestamp |
Joseph B | message | Thanks, Joseph B! My most complimented shirt from the LTT range so glad to get more Constellations N ey s | Timestamp |
Winston H | message | Thanks, Winston H! Just built my first computer thanks to your build guides. Looking forward to getting a backpack to get me through the next 5 years of grad school! T Rl | Timestamp |
Ben C | message | Thanks, Ben C! Any plans on more button up shirts? T - | Timestamp |
Timothy C | message | Thanks, Timothy C! - I I Spicy takes WAN shows are the best. e A4 | Timestamp |
Ross B | message | Thanks, Ross B! This is for my crab rave parties | Timestamp |
Ris S | message | Thanks, Ris S! I can watch live for the first time thanks to my new born being up all night. YAY! Thanks for entertaining me through multiple lock downs. I appreciate you. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Hiy'all, I found your channel in 2015 after I left my XPS out in the rain, and panic googled what to do. Been following ever since! Got my EE degree and now work for that "fruit company"'s Silicon team, all thanks | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Thanks for watching! | Timestamp |
Billy b | message | Thanks, Billy b! LTT Labs here we come! here's to all the great content to come! | Timestamp |
Billy b | message | Thanks, Billy b! w. LTT Labs here we come! her | Timestamp |
Brayden B | message | Thanks, Brayden B! LONG-SLEEVES! W — | Timestamp |
Nick W | message | Thanks, Nick W! Anthony: The Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications " Commission has legislature to prevent that kind of harassment. Make sure you're on the do not call list. T s — | Timestamp |
Spencer T | message | Thanks, Spencer T! sure! | Timestamp |
AdamT | message | Thanks, AdamT! E If y'all want more coverage of streaming/capture/encoding tech, you can always call :) ~EposVox D | Timestamp |
Adam T | reply | Reply @Adam T! We love EposVox! T AT A | Timestamp |
Jason L | message | Thanks, Jason L! My old constellations shirt got lost, so glad to get it back again! I . S | Timestamp |
Hannah C | message | Thanks, Hannah C! Any plans for merch with a more LTT centric branding? I'd love a shirt that's has LTT as the main feature as I've worn my old ones like that out. - ’&_) | Timestamp |
Hannah C | reply | Reply @Hannah C! That'd be a question for @NickLMG on Twitter! Send him a message during the week! T A4S e | Timestamp |
Jacob C | message | Thanks, Jacob C! Hello there A . S | Timestamp |
SPYBUGY | message | Thanks, SPYBUGY! I windmill slammed this shirt in | Timestamp |
Daniel B | message | Thanks, Daniel B! Hey Linus, not to drag up a topic from last week, but have you looked at any Garmin smart watches? I have an Instinct Solar and it's a great example of "basic watch with a few smart features." 2+ weeks of | Timestamp |
Kevin H | message | Thanks, Kevin H! ” Ya'll should consider adding a little thing to the stream banner that tells whether or not you're still taking new merch messages. That way people who start late know what's up. Also, Ford Maverick 3D print w vy - | Timestamp |
Thomas J | message | Thanks, Thomas J! Used to work for an ISP designing new developments. Was told not to build service where there was already a provider to avoid competition with other cable companies due to 'friendly agreements'. e | Timestamp |
Jesse C | message | Thanks, Jesse C! Any info on LTX/Dreamhack? I loved everything and everyone at LTX 2019, and the excuse it gave me to ride my motorcycle from Colorado to Vancouver (and on to Calgary lol) and want to do that again! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Symmetric internet connections are a seldom respected part of net neutrality. We want them. We NEED them. « By | Timestamp |
Andrew A | message | Thanks, Andrew A! Love to see this is back. Good stuff. @ Cply | Timestamp |
Deren S | message | Thanks, Deren S! LTT party shirt is going to be a hit at a friends wedding. Q. ‘) a.,_ 3o | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Fun typography fact: A minus is just a plus without the vertical line. A hyphen is narrower than a minus and has a different height. The "GMT- 8/-7"in the WAN show intro uses hyphens. It causes me physical pain < | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! TIL @« BT | Timestamp |
Paul T | message | Thanks, Paul T! My wife is wondering about the chances of a cross-body style purse or bag L e Ty - | Timestamp |
Paul T | reply | Reply @Paul T! Try messaging @NickLMG on Twitter during the week! He's the merch man - ‘flL SN | Timestamp |
Axel Arthuro N | message | Thanks, Axel Arthuro N! Bought the (ttstore.cum shirt but wished it was with the new shirts, so I'll compare them with this new one, keep up the good work, y'all are killing it, super excited for LTT Labs! w N, | Timestamp |
Dhruv G | message | Thanks, Dhruv G! Is there any interest in a video figuring out how to turn a cloud VM with GPUs, like an Amazon EC2 instance, into a personal cloud streaming service? AL 2SN | Timestamp |
Tyler F | message | Thanks, Tyler F! Hi Linus & Luke. I was curious about your opinions on the Secret Labs chairs y'all use on WAN show. I think my body size is more like Luke and other chairs like them just fit me too small. Love the content! | Timestamp |
Tyler F | reply | Reply @Tyler F! We actually use Secret Labs chairs for like 90% of the people here! They're pretty comfy. < e . | Timestamp |
Ash Al | message | Thanks, Ash Al First time purchase at the store! Thanks for being a consistent voice in tech news that I can trust. Sl A7 | Timestamp |
Samantha T | message | Thanks, Samantha T! Hi! Can you make wash clothes to go with the towels? . v ae | Timestamp |
Russell S | message | Thanks, Russell S! Got the new-ish shirt. Thanks guys! N e | Timestamp |
Zerefta | message | Thanks, Zerefta! First-time buery, mid-term watcher. Hoping to play more 'light' games after my final uni submission in two weeks. Which Steam Deck version would you recommend? Or would something like the AyaNeo be better Dt S | Timestamp |
Zerefta | reply | Reply @Zerefta! Just get a big SD card! The performance difference isn't /that bad/ X R s S | Timestamp |
Nick M | message | Thanks, Nick M! Luke - any chance of a Floatplane dark mode? Linus, love the smart house series, please keep it up! T Rl | Timestamp |
Nick M | reply | Reply @Nick M! You can send suggestions over to! | Timestamp |
Cecilia D | message | Thanks, Cecilia D! Thanks Linus! Me and my boyfriend are big fans of your content! <3 bought us matching water bottles ! Weeee! ST e — | Timestamp |
Drew K | message | Thanks, Drew K! Hi Guys, Love your merch! Any chance that LTT will make a "secret shop" season 37 | Timestamp |
Drew K | reply | Reply @Drew K! We've got some stuff in the works..! | Timestamp |
Ethan D | message | Thanks, Ethan D! Hope y'alls evening is going well! Love the stream! | Timestamp |
Sean M | message | Thanks, Sean M! Do you anticipate with the addition of Labs and expansion of Techlongers additional coverage on bleeding edge tech applications? (i.e. 5G applications, development of new comms standards, more | Timestamp |
Jaq D | message | Thanks, Jaq D! Been waiting for the constellation shirt to come back! Yay! | Timestamp |
RICHARD F | message | Thanks, RICHARD F! Long sleeves! See you again when the screwdriver launches...or something else new I impulse buy during the WAN show. | Timestamp |
Benjamin S | message | Thanks, Benjamin S! And lllllllyeeeeellllNNI will always love y0000000UULULLULL00000U0000000 Will always love yoooooooooouuuuuuu ohhhh I will always love you!! —— | Timestamp |
Michael B | message | Thanks, Michael B! Yay Gary!!! Love to hear about your plans for the future!!! | Timestamp |
Kyle T | message | Thanks, Kyle T! In your teaser video for the backpack you mentioned the capacity of the backpack, but can you share the dimensions (LxWxD) of the backpack? | Timestamp |
Justin S | message | Thanks, Justin S! Loved the new shirt and so does my wife so we we both decided to order one. For Linus, have you fully decided on products to use for your computer being in your server room while working in your upstairs X R | Timestamp |
Justin S | reply | Reply @Justin S! We've got videos coming! T AT e A | Timestamp |
Stuart B | message | Thanks, Stuart B! Great show guys. Take it from an Aussie I understand your internet woes = O | Timestamp |
Edward T | message | Thanks, Edward T! Was holding out for colorful tshirts. The LTT blend > american apparel. Is there any chance we can get a swacket with the a denser design of party shirt? R P | Timestamp |
Ahmed A | message | Thanks, Ahmed A! Love the content and the merch. any advise on how to start a new career in developing/coding in my early 30s and have basic information on coding. Thanks TC A e | Timestamp |
Ahmed A | reply | Reply @Ahmed A! Start practicing/taking lessons and building your portfolio! s | Timestamp |
Christopher T | message | Thanks, Christopher T! Constellations shirt is epic! Thanks for bringing it back! Now release the dam screw driver!!! | Timestamp |
Pinaq S | message | Thanks, Pinaq S! I wanted to create a NAS for storing my personal files as well as surveillance footage. Is it better to have 2 independent machines or one single one. Having 2 will give me other options as well. Additional w e, | Timestamp |
Pinaq S | reply | Reply @Pinaq S! Having the two separate would likely be safest especially when law/crime comes into play in case you need to provide footage w A, | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Cynicism re: Apple is sort of an inevitable consequence of paying attention to what Apple says and does... R Yas | Timestamp |
Christian S | message | Thanks, Christian S! g Sending merch messages does not work when using shop to checkout. “ Q‘g‘g This seems like it is something worth looking into fixing. Just spent =454 $120 and no message :( - Make a rackmount PC case. « P A | Timestamp |
Stuart C | message | Thanks, Stuart C! Tell Nick to open wide to take my money. 2nd ABC's of Gaming that I have bought for others had or having kids. I will continue to keep buying them. Looking forward to more books. < | Timestamp |
Ben K | message | Thanks, Ben K! Is there somewhere I can obtain a digital version of the GPU Wasteland design? I want to make it a desktop background. Also, hi Jake B. QA' :flcv‘), | Timestamp |
Ben K | reply | Reply @Ben K! Hi Ben! Try pinging @NickLMG on Twitter during the week, I'm not sure if we are releasing the design or not but he would know! « L *®? (1, =1/ | Timestamp |
Gabriel B | message | Thanks, Gabriel B! is the best website I ever seen. An amazing design. Looks very trustworthy. I believe Apple truly put their best efforts towards this. < | Timestamp |
NuDimon | message | Thanks, NuDimon! Looking forward to the LTT Labs content! x" ‘J)&_‘f’;’, | Timestamp |
Wade S | message | Thanks, Wade S! l'i] qfl Rebecca, you are one naughty gamer and everyone knows it. « By | Timestamp |
Stacey U | message | Thanks, Stacey U! Mmmm... Shirtness! w | Timestamp |
JoeR | message | Thanks, JoeR! Any plans to make a lunchbox? I could really use a better one. | Timestamp |
Hugo L | message | Thanks, Hugo L! Hey guys love the show (obviously!) any chance to see Digital Foundry 9 \., on Floatplane ? Seems like a great fit to me ! Shoutout to my team at +» . a Cloud Chamber (game studio) & my team at Ubisoft Montréal ! | Timestamp |
Hugo L | reply | Reply @Hugo L! Digital Foundry ROCKS. We'd love to have them on Floatplane! | Timestamp |
Alex P | message | Thanks, Alex P! Love everything you guys are doing, can't wait to see what Labs can do. T A e | Timestamp |
hhectorlector | message | Thanks, hhectorlector! Did you guys end your Honey sponsorship? I heard their service eats up affiliate link money and was always hoping you guys would drop them. Kinda awks if not xD but yeah good stuff if so e e | Timestamp |
hhectorlector | reply | Reply @hhectorlector! We did! Overriding affiliate isn't cool. R G | Timestamp |
Zachary B | message | Thanks, Zachary B! ‘r L My wife thinks I base all of my tech buys on you guys (1 kinda do). Thanks! A S S | Timestamp |
Giovanna A | message | Thanks, Giovanna A! Happy birthday and happy graduation, Derek!!! Enjoy your electrical engineering and computer science degrees <3 Here are some cable e ties to start organizing your 5000 cables R P | Timestamp |
Rick B | message | Thanks, Rick B! Will the screwdriver bits have a case if we want to buy multiple to keep themallin? | Timestamp |
Matthew B | message | Thanks, Matthew B! How long do you think Apple should be supporting his this self service system? iPhone 87 iPhone 67 Etc. L | Timestamp |
Matthew B | reply | Reply @Matthew B! Having it go back to the glass back phones (8 forward) would make sense so they don't have too many variables | Timestamp |
Nathan H | message | Thanks, Nathan H! What is your favorite retro console and game? | Timestamp |
Nathan H | reply | Reply @Nathan H! All three of us love the Super Nintendo! Linus' favourite game is FF VI | Timestamp |
Anudeep V | message | Thanks, Anudeep V! All the best with the labs. Can't wait for the great content! | Timestamp |
Ed D | message | Thanks, Ed D! | Timestamp |
Ed D | message | Thanks, Ed D! I want Scrapyard Wars back and S1 version! | Timestamp |
Jared T | message | Thanks, Jared T! Can't wait for labs content & screwdriver. Stay hydrated! | Timestamp |
DAVID J | message | Thanks, DAVID J! fi. You are all amazing. You have made commercial television look amateur. Looking forward to hearing some more My Little Riley lol | Timestamp |
Jesper H | message | Thanks, Jesper H! Cool beans — | Timestamp |
Taehoon S | message | Thanks, Taehoon S! Going to wear this to my stargazing trip! | Timestamp |
Daniel F | message | Thanks, Daniel F! Why does Linus need the bleep button now that the producer has one? Lmao T Rl | Timestamp |
Daniel F | reply | Reply @Daniel F! I have no clue when he's gonna drop a bomb since I'm answering these! X T R | Timestamp |
Kyle K | message | Thanks, Kyle K! hi, wen Floatplane dark mode? D | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! My wife does not believe that bananas are orange. B . 7 | Timestamp |
Brian L | message | Thanks, Brian L! Started watching a few months ago. I already love you guys. Welcome Gary! e | Timestamp |
Alec 0 | message | Thanks, Alec 0! Now that the intro is dying (hope you keep it where ad spots would be on FP) will you tell us the story behind the bit that you said has to be in allintros? Love the quality merch! R LI G | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! As a self taught programmer, how hard would it be to geta programming job with no high school diploma? Would a good portfolio be enough? N~ G | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! If you have the knowledge and the portfolio, you'll be able to find something! If you want to work for a major company or the gov, you may need more though R~ G | Timestamp |
Ruben v | message | Thanks, Ruben v! thank you guys for the the ltt tips you guys made building a pc easy and fun... | Timestamp |
Antonio L | message | Thanks, Antonio L! Where is the imprint and "about us" of floatplane? « e | Timestamp |
Antonio L | reply | Reply @Antonio L! touche L e | Timestamp |
Juan V | message | Thanks, Juan V! Long time viewer, excited for party shirt restock! Cant wait to wear these to work, great for the IT guy:) Can you wish my mom Gina a happy birthday?Its this weekend! <3 #Teamlohnny € Bl | Timestamp |
Juan V | reply | Reply @Juan V! Happy birthday Gina!! ) | Timestamp |
Jonathan C | message | Thanks, Jonathan C! Hi Luke's mom! B | Timestamp |
Ben B | message | Thanks, Ben B! n]m Im currently majoring in CyberSecurity at WVU.What do you think I about the growing need and world of Cyber Security?Do you think LTT would ever hire a CS guys for internal use or maybe even videos/labs "L | Timestamp |
Ben B | reply | Reply @Ben B! Cyber Security is HUGE. Great thing to be majoring in right now | Timestamp |
Ryan D | message | Thanks, Ryan D! 'li‘izq Congrats on the lab IR « T | Timestamp |
Chase K | message | Thanks, Chase K! Good luck with everything on Labs! Wish I could apply but I live in California and am a machinist, not a techy like it seems your look for. Maybe one day! L Tao | Timestamp |
Kevin D | message | Thanks, Kevin D! Got married in Dec, closing on first house next week. Not going to have cable tv, would using the existing coax with MoCA adapters be as fast and reliable as running cat6? & I got my wife Rajah to build her 1 pc N, | Timestamp |
Kevin D | reply | Reply @Kevin D! MoCa adapters work GREAT if your wiring is setup correctly! (I used MoCa for a few years as my only connection) L~ G | Timestamp |
Scruffy M | message | Thanks, Scruffy M! Have you heard of the critically acclaimed T-Shirt Constellations has reprinting, and includes the new LTT blend shirt AND the award- winning Long sleeves expansion, Up to 3XL Sign up and order one R B Z ™ | Timestamp |
Jorge G | message | Thanks, Jorge G! - [ From: Jorge G, Shout out to my Brother Jose E! A | Timestamp |
Johnathan R | message | Thanks, Johnathan R! 4 . Having my buy myself a NEW Hat and Waterbottle, since the Fiancé STOLE mine! e . | Timestamp |
Ivan B | message | Thanks, Ivan B! Finally, I get to have a piece of the forbidden LTT merch. I am so happy Q: (If only I bought merch years earlier lol) Also, is the ram shirt making a comeback at a later point? Btw it does not seem like I can send a . e | Timestamp |
lvan B | reply | Reply @lvan B! There's a chance, but old designs are rare to come back Dt SR> | Timestamp |
Martin M | message | Thanks, Martin M! Yay | Timestamp |
Daniel G | message | Thanks, Daniel G! Best LTT design ever | Timestamp |
RAYMOND ( | message | Thanks, RAYMOND (! Yo Luke and Linus! WAN show is my favorite part of the week. Finally Q’ g . getting the water bottles for me and the wife. Coming back for the ? constellation (finally!) in a few minutes so I don't have to wait for this | Timestamp |
Nicholas K | message | Thanks, Nicholas K! Take my merch message, and my money! w ‘)&_. N | Timestamp |
Abhijit C | message | Thanks, Abhijit C! I'm a computational math PhD student and you guys added the comp. to that, thanks for the great decade! Q: Do you have any insight as to why NVIDIA is able to put so much engineering into HPC/enterprise but w avg, | Timestamp |
Robert H | message | Thanks, Robert H! Will indoor hoodie come back in stock? « Ty | Timestamp |
Robert H | reply | Reply @Robert H! We planonit! « B | Timestamp |
James N | message | Thanks, James N! I loved my old iPhone but the battery started going bad and I had to upgrade. I honestly wish I could've just fixed it and kept using it. Keep up the great content guys!! QA ;‘uCy_‘ | Timestamp |
RAYMOND C | message | Thanks, RAYMOND C! Back for the constellation shirt! I had been watching a used ryzen 2600 PC for a couple months when you suddenly released the "best used cpus” video on FP featuring the 2600. Had to grab it quick before R T~ G | Timestamp |
JOSHUA H | message | Thanks, JOSHUA H! Hello Linus and Luke First merch message been addicted to y our stuff for a while now tho. T AT e A | Timestamp |
Chris B | message | Thanks, Chris B! Any tips on unboxing 500 chromebooks? I work in IT for a school district and we are getting another shipment of these. R ™ ) | Timestamp |
Chris B | reply | Reply @Chris B! I hope you have a helper..! T | Timestamp |
Jacob H | message | Thanks, Jacob H! So excited for all of my new merch! I was looking for a new long sleeve, so this is great timing! Shoutout to my sweet wife for encouraging me to get all of this swag! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Looking forward to making perfectly calibrated measurements. e | Timestamp |
Nathan W | message | Thanks, Nathan W! Hey Linus & Luke, long time viewer recent WAN show listener. I have a Radeon R9 290x and it plays most games fine but I'm looking for an upgrade. Do I buy now or should I hold out for Intel ARC? Thanks | Timestamp |
Nathan W | reply | Reply @Nathan W! Intel Arc is supposedly right around the corner, so why not wait? N Ie e | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Do Live shows work on Android for Floatplane? Like WAN show ® ny | Timestamp |
Tatton K | message | Thanks, Tatton K! -« Wanted to say Thank you for he my own PC again after 15 years! stream deck until g2 do you hav | Timestamp |
Tatton | reply | Reply @Tatton The Steam Deck’s consist More Informatiol | Timestamp |
SHAHIN E | message | Thanks, SHAHIN E! . What kinds of things do you plan to test with labs? If youre planning to do audio stuff, do you think you could do a video or write up on speaker/headphone burn in? | Timestamp |
SHAHIN E | reply | Reply @SHAHIN E! We have a LOT planned for audio and written work | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! 9_9.) N g s | Timestamp |
Carlos P | message | Thanks, Carlos P! Can't wait to install this on my PC N v ae | Timestamp |
Allan C | message | Thanks, Allan C! ““"l?‘?‘ How about a sprite made for each employee so that if they are guests I g g { onthe WAN show, and they can walk in with Linus in the intro??? T IS e | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Woman's underwear my girlfriend keeps asking e | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! We've got stuff in the works! O Ie e | Timestamp |
Nick S | message | Thanks, Nick S! How's the content for that Series X Dev Kit going? May have sniped one from y'all and sent it to GamersNexus, but apparently it was banned :(. Your team would have the unique opportunity to play games on one / ‘o C'j‘ 2 ™ | Timestamp |
Nick S | reply | Reply @Nick S! We are working on a few video ideas at the moment.. ;) Qn' ;)C(—'n_fi | Timestamp |
John Al | message | Thanks, John Al Could we get a walkthrough on how merch messages work? I have no idea where to enter these. | Timestamp |
John A | reply | Reply @John A! You did it! (I'll pass on the feedback) | Timestamp |
Eric D | message | Thanks, Eric D! : Congrats on getting Gary for the Lab, loved reading his articles on \ , AnandTech back then I i S ) | Timestamp |
Alaa J | message | Thanks, Alaa J! I love you guys, great conten! Suggestion for LTTstore: Like the gift chooser feature, but I think you should add an option to not get a gift. No need to get something I won't use, especially if you already have all | Timestamp |
ELi W | message | Thanks, ELi W! “ Love you guys and what you do! -weird A~ G | Timestamp |
Philip G | message | Thanks, Philip G! Is LTT going to do any summer or beach wear like swim suits, goggles, or straw cups? (Thank you for keeping me entertained since 2017) | Timestamp |
Lilith C | message | Thanks, Lilith C! Thanks so much for the content Linus. As a woman do you have any more items coming designed for women? I — | Timestamp |
Lilith C | reply | Reply @Lilith C! We're working on it! No official announcements yet | Timestamp |
Joshua H | message | Thanks, Joshua H! Long time watcher but I've never manage to catch WAN show live as it's 4 am here in the UK. I can't sleep today so what better to do than buy some merch! Love my OG water bottle so I'm buying another for —— | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! 4 \ Linus are you still using the Steam Deck or have you ended up using \ , the Aya again? N g e | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Still rocking the Steam Deck! Il S | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! do what now « BT | Timestamp |
Juan C | message | Thanks, Juan C! Hey Linus and Luke! I love the underwear! Are there any updates in the 5 - [ pipeline? New colors? New designs? New (more friendly, less plastic) sm . a packaging? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Secret Shopper? | Timestamp |
George F | message | Thanks, George F! This is to make up for years of me losing you money as an og floatplane subscriber N v ae | Timestamp |
Richard W | message | Thanks, Richard W! You checked out the Fossil H2 Hybrid watch? It a e-ink smartwatch with similar features to the pebble? I went with this instead of the Withings ScanWatch and find it great | Timestamp |
Richard W | reply | Reply @Richard W! I love my Fossil Hybrid! w e, | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! - Any plans to to review the Hyundai loniq 57 ‘ 'l »1\0‘! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Keep an eye on ShortCircuit! | Timestamp |
Alexander L | message | Thanks, Alexander L! Will you add the product's name in the title of the YouTube video once it's been released for a while? It would be nice since it would be easier to find that video about the product. X T Nl | Timestamp |
Alexander L | reply | Reply @Alexander L! We try to go through old titles at the end of every month! T Rl | Timestamp |
Richard L | message | Thanks, Richard L! I wonder what Linus thinks of Genshin Impact and its relation to the gaming space g as | Timestamp |
Kyle J | message | Thanks, Kyle J! \ , Hire me to writer. I can grammar and the tech. Fo shizzildie dizzle stuff | Timestamp |
Kyle J | reply | Reply @Kyle J! e | Timestamp |
Caleb A | message | Thanks, Caleb A! ki I love cats! & )‘%1» | Timestamp |
Bradley W | message | Thanks, Bradley W! l ¥ i] Sup Linus, getting a water bottle! Any updates we should know about the backpack? R T | Timestamp |
Bradley W | reply | Reply @Bradley W! No major updates yet! b e ~ TSN | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! o you have any plans on making merch in "Tall" Sizes? o R > | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Yes! More sizes are coming, but no official announcements yet! D — | Timestamp |
Jeremiah W | message | Thanks, Jeremiah W! I was buying this and had no idea you were still live LOL. Go to bed Linus!! | Timestamp |
Russ J | message | Thanks, Russ J! Linus certification videos... TBH you guys make IT learning more entertaining than I've seen anywhere else and that's necessary ongoing education. S il S " ) | Timestamp |
Francisco G | message | Thanks, Francisco G! Hey Luke and Linus. Love the house build/project videos. Very long wanshow this week which is great. Good luck on Final Exams for all students. A R | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! aw hell yeah jeff! T R - | Timestamp |
David J | message | Thanks, David J! oh no, I'm bad under pressure. | Timestamp |
David J | message | Thanks, David J! oh no, I'm bad under pressure.....uh..GPUs and X T N | Timestamp |
Sean G | message | Thanks, Sean G! llfl gg Hello Chat! Shop at w v, | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Can we get a series of Sarah dinosaur cards for birthdays, holidays etc? Would buy | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Not a bad idea... try messaging @NickLMG on Twitter during the week! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Thank you for all you do! @ | Timestamp |
Catherine S | message | Thanks, Catherine S! " goofy ahh e | Timestamp |