Name | Type | Text | Timestamp | Image |
Romil T | message | Thanks, Romil T! Getting a Desk pad for my friend who has been wanting this for a while. We have been watching for years, thanks for all the good times. o Aol Y ;. o~ | Timestamp | ![]() |
Brad F | message | Thanks, Brad F! Can't wait to complete my Orange screwdriver notification request! I know it'll be awhile until this, but are the Expensive Edition & Creator Editions still planned? Creator edition could become a “I've made it!” | Timestamp | ![]() |
Brad F | reply | Reply @Brad F! We'd love to look at more crazy editions, nothing to report yet though! - | Timestamp | ![]() |
Justin C | message | Thanks, Justin C! I Lab 2 let's go. Can't it into the shirts/clothes but I can buy other stuff lol. | Timestamp | ![]() |
Justin B | message | Thanks, Justin B! I'm really annoyed with slow smart tvs and since I have a shield I never use it do you think Asus or anyone else will release a bfg with ARK since all TV's are smart.... Have a good weekend!! | Timestamp | ![]() |
Justin B | reply | Reply @Justin B! They definitely could be coming soon! The push for BIG gaming displays has been expedited with the new consoles which is AWESOME. S RS a3 | Timestamp | ![]() |
Tommy S | message | Thanks, Tommy S! Waffle shirt when? | Timestamp | ![]() |
Tommy S | reply | Reply @Tommy S! Workin on many new things ;) | Timestamp | ![]() |
Richard H | message | Thanks, Richard H! ) Hey Linus! I start anesthesia school soon, and would love to get the backpack for my day to day. How does it work as for general ¥ applications, not just techie? Can't wait to get my hands on that Y S - | Timestamp | ![]() |
Richard H | reply | Reply @Richard H! The backpack is great for non-techies! The ton of pockets makes it super convenient even when you don't have charging cables/systems to worry about Y SEEmt - | Timestamp | ![]() |
Jacob F | message | Thanks, Jacob F! Thank you all for the great times since 2014! From getting my first gpu (gtx 650) to 3 years at my current IT position, THANK YOU! | Timestamp | ![]() |
Lloyd L | message | Thanks, Lloyd L! Matching Sweats for the Indoor Hoodie. Please!! Cant wait for the screwdriver and backpack. Will be buying as soon as avail! ey | Timestamp |
Derik A | message | Thanks, Derik A! .cum <3 | Timestamp |
Derik A | message | Thanks, Derik A! .cum <3 v s ey PRLCHE U B et TN | Timestamp |
James C | message | Thanks, James C! Got a towel last week. It was sick. Got another this week. | Timestamp |
Thomas F | message | Thanks, Thomas F! First cum first served | Timestamp |
Anthony H | message | Thanks, Anthony H! Won't take my money for the screwdriver? FINE. TAKE IT FOR SHIRTS. Y TSEEERY -~ | Timestamp |
Nana E | message | Thanks, Nana E! This order is for my husband's birthday, his BDay is today!! Would you mind saying "Happy Birthday, Stuart"? s /Y T HEEEEEY xY | Timestamp |
Nana E | reply | Reply @Nana E! Happy Birthday, Stuart!! | Timestamp |
justYn g | message | Thanks, justYn g! love what you folks are doing! keep up the good work B DY . st | Timestamp |
KiiKinar | message | Thanks, KiiKinar! Hi Guys, Been watching for years,thank you so more for all the awesome content you and the team put up for us. Is there any sports gear in the lineup like tees or shorts? Would love to wear some while o ‘Y I | Timestamp |
KiiKinar | reply | Reply @KiiKinar! Got some stuff in the pipeline, but nothing official to announce yet! e | Timestamp |
HandMeat | message | Thanks, HandMeat! 1 don't need a new beanie, I do need this shirt though. N . N @ O amr M | Timestamp |
Johannes S | message | Thanks, Johannes S! Thanks for getting me into CS Linus. #lttstore.cum gamg A B~ B « IS . SE— g | Timestamp |
Bobis32 | message | Thanks, Bobis32! Is there a Chance there will be a LTT messenger bag as the quality your products have been it would be one of the only way i would replace my circa 2001 IBM Bag. PN T U «~ D ol - =4 | Timestamp |
Bobis32 | reply | Reply @Bobis32! Definitely possible! Try messaging @NickLMG on twitter during the PR T U «~ DY Al - T | Timestamp |
Joseph B | message | Thanks, Joseph B! | Timestamp |
Joseph B | message | Thanks, Joseph B! Ittstore.cum boiiiii PENS Y U N 4 | Timestamp |
erotic_mango | message | Thanks, erotic_mango! Can you weigh in on whether or not MEEKA is an above average dog? 5 Y ] . e LR YA T | Timestamp |
erotic_mango | reply | Reply @erotic_mango! All dogs are above average dogs <3 | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Float plane is down | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Not anymore! | Timestamp |
Rey R | message | Thanks, Rey R! * Welp if 'm going to make an order might as well make it a good one. | Timestamp |
Daniel B | message | Thanks, Daniel B! Dare LTT to make the domain ".cum" for a month - , y T - - & 3 3 PRS- - _ - | Timestamp |
frosty_kyogre | message | Thanks, frosty_kyogre! It's always "cum” this and "cum” that, how about you "cum" up with a better joke. | Timestamp |
Daniel E | message | Thanks, Daniel E! Every time I hear, "spared no expense,” I can't help but flashback to Jurassic Park. Just saying. | Timestamp |
Daniel E | message | Thanks, Daniel E! I / e S Y TEEEmY i- | Timestamp |
just_the_facts_please | message | Thanks, just_the_facts_please! Do a "I bought it first” Screwdriver shirt presale and the t-shirts are included with the screwdrivers for those who are truly willing to support the Labs... N . : | Timestamp |
Joseph L | message | Thanks, Joseph L! Any plans to enable Apple Pay on | Timestamp |
Joseph L | reply | Reply @Joseph L! We're always looking at ways to help make supporting Ittstore easier! Nothing to announce on Apple Pay yet though | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! MERCH MESSAGE CHECK ® | Timestamp |
Clay H | message | Thanks, Clay H! Current favorite song? Luv | Timestamp |
Clay H | reply | Reply @Clay H! Check out the LMG Clips short about Luke and Linus' music tastes! Y Y —oammmae , g . | Timestamp |
Joshua Z | message | Thanks, Joshua Z! on YouTube during a long format video; does watching 1/2 of it one day, does YouTube count it all as one watch? Also have you seen that the Y S - | Timestamp |
Joshua Z | message | Thanks, Joshua Z! on YouTube during a long format video; does watching 1/2 of it one day, | Timestamp |
Joshua Z | reply | Reply @Joshua Z! It's all good! Watch as you would. The total watch time is what counts (If I recall correctly) | Timestamp |
Alec W | message | Thanks, Alec W! Ittstore.cum | Timestamp |
Alessandro M | message | Thanks, Alessandro M! " Hi guys, I follow all your content but the one thing I never miss is WAN I show 'cause is where you talk about LTT as a firm and I've always I dreamed of having my own startup. I've got a Kickstarter going on, it's ’ = - N Y TSRy - | Timestamp |
Alessandro M | reply | Reply @Alessandro M! Thanks for watching! | Timestamp |
Dalton T | message | Thanks, Dalton T! love the shirt this is my first LTT purchase o Y TR | Timestamp |
Max W | message | Thanks, Max W! Any news on the Short Circuit hoodie? | Timestamp |
Max W | reply | Reply @Max W! Soon... PaIWACE. Dy T i | Timestamp |
Max W | reply | Reply @Max W! Soon... | Timestamp |
Sol L | message | Thanks, Sol L! - Hi Linus and Luke. I custom make ballpoint pens out of circuit boards. . \ How can I get some to you? | Timestamp |
Sol L | reply | Reply @Sol L! 1% - . "WYY W . o | Timestamp |
Sol L | reply | Reply @Sol L! g Send an email to! | Timestamp |
Nickolas S | message | Thanks, Nickolas S! iy Video idea: Utilizing extra space on your home NAS to offload your Il “g il f steam drive with iSCSI! I've been looking at building a NAS for a long & 8 time now, and being able to use it for multiple purposes (Linux images PR T o <« -~y | Timestamp |
Nickolas S | reply | Reply @Nickolas S! Not a bad idea! Drop it in the "video suggestions" section of our forum! P E T O o 's @ a8 o | Timestamp |
Matt G | message | Thanks, Matt G! r/Place shirt too funny to pass up... | Timestamp |
Mauricio G | message | Thanks, Mauricio G! LMAO WEENIES! | Timestamp |
Grant B | message | Thanks, Grant B! I helped defend the .COM of LTTSTORE.CUM! | Timestamp |
Pierce W | message | Thanks, Pierce W! Linus, are you insane?? LAB 2?! crazy ambitious investments pay you do 71 I can't wait to see how these . It's an absolute joy to follow what +% 24 . B o ' @ O ammrs - “d | Timestamp |
Stanley M | message | Thanks, Stanley M! For the LAN center, was a “X gamers, X cpu(s)” ever on the table? VAR U +~ DY A T | Timestamp |
Stanley M | reply | Reply @Stanley M! We've got quite a few plans for Linus' LAN center..! | Timestamp |
Zach D | message | Thanks, Zach D! o] Love you guys, keep doing you! | Timestamp |
Brian Al | message | Thanks, Brian Al Buying the gift card for the backpack later. ‘w . Y D | Timestamp |
Zachary P | message | Thanks, Zachary P! Been watching you guys for years love the content, love the merch, lets get the screwdriver notifications up to 69,000 :) A/ T 3~ | Timestamp |
Bryan C | message | Thanks, Bryan C! Can't wait to buy the screwdriver and backpack or content from the labs. Keep doing awesome things. oY THEEEY i~ | Timestamp |
CoJackjr | message | Thanks, CoJackjr! Who should I contact about having my company work with/ sponsor an LTT Video? v ~YER . o oY TSRy - | Timestamp |
CoJackjr | reply | Reply @CoJackjr! w ’ \ _ . \ < o | Timestamp |
Jocylen F | message | Thanks, Jocylen F! ‘i’g‘ ‘]fi LTTSTORE.CUM SUPREMACY (_ | Timestamp |
Colton S | message | Thanks, Colton S! Arlo merch next!?!? -‘M o ’ PR TR . | Timestamp |
Chance K | message | Thanks, Chance K! 'flfll l IM EXCITED | Timestamp |
Eli K | message | Thanks, Eli K! Hey! I just bought a water bottle and sent a merch message about ATT bricking RCS. I also wanted to let u know I dm'ed you on Twitter from @emkirsh with info, to @linusgsebastian If you could cover this I'd be so | Timestamp |
Myles C | message | Thanks, Myles C! You have my sword, and my axe, and a contribution to help the LTT cause ;) Yoo Y et v P L W - Y S | Timestamp |
Mitch D | message | Thanks, Mitch D! %‘3““‘ i,‘ Hey LTT crew! Looking forward to the new gaming controller for my ) , > daughter. Maybe this means she’ll stop trying to chew on mine & | Timestamp |
David L | message | Thanks, David L! Y'all got me on this one. RIP my wallet. | Timestamp |
Wilson H | message | Thanks, Wilson H! "”“ Fourth or so time buyer, first time stream messager. Love the quality of AL all your items, keep it up! Also adding myself to the pile of people nagging about a lanyard with a clip off end. hl g | Timestamp |
Cassie W | message | Thanks, Cassie W! Buying this for my Husband, I always call your show the Wet Ass Nerd show (in reference to WAP) Please say Hi to Andrew from yourself Linus 2) R Ay 2 D | Timestamp |
Cassie W | reply | Reply @Cassie W! Hi Andrew!! ,-.‘.Y'-, L A, Y R - | Timestamp |
Cassie W | reply | Reply @Cassie W! ) Hi Andrew!! S W | Timestamp |
Joshua P | message | Thanks, Joshua P! We need LTT store lanyards next | Timestamp |
Jarrett B | message | Thanks, Jarrett B! Love your videos Gang, I have been watching since early 2013 and been following since. You guys have helped me through many a computer issue (Especially for ram troubleshooting!!). Love the shirt, | Timestamp |
Jacob R | message | Thanks, Jacob R! To Linus, have you thought about not using or not promoting ubiquiti's products as much because of their actions. I am personally switching back to my pfsense router because of it. v Y THEEEEY o~ | Timestamp |
thomas C | message | Thanks, thomas C! never forget the the battlegrounds that was r/place | Timestamp |
horribleboss69 | message | Thanks, horribleboss69! Why does WAN Show always make me want to spend money? Damn you Sarah! #merchqueen Sw . NI BN G . >~ | Timestamp |
Joey P | message | Thanks, Joey P! I never thought my first LTTStore purchase would have the word "cum” on it, but here we are | Timestamp |
Robin L | message | Thanks, Robin L! Thanks for the great content! What do you feel about the new SCOTUS confirmation? | Timestamp |
Robin L | reply | Reply @Robin L! Since we're not American, we don't have any thoughts on it that are worth sharing DY W . B | Timestamp |
Jason L | message | Thanks, Jason L! LTTSTORE.COUM. Thank you for everything that you do! | Timestamp |
Stuart C | message | Thanks, Stuart C! Does Ubiquiti have something faster than 100Mbps. I work at a mine site with a relay going from town up to a mountain top and down to the site. o 2 Bd o B - D I SEEEE— - i | Timestamp |
Dakota R | message | Thanks, Dakota R! I'm on Team DotCom but respect to Team DotCum | Timestamp |
thelunchboxguy | message | Thanks, thelunchboxguy! When video of what small form factor PCs can fit in the backpack? (B YA U +~ D L | Timestamp |
thelunchboxguy | reply | Reply @thelunchboxguy! We do have that idea written down! P S YA U ~ Y ', | Timestamp |
Khaidin S | message | Thanks, Khaidin S! When will there be more colour options? Thanks :) | Timestamp |
William L | message | Thanks, William L! .cum :P A~ - | Timestamp |
alexander m | message | Thanks, alexander m! You might have covered this before but how is it decided who goes next for intel extreme tech upgrades? | Timestamp |
alexander m | reply | Reply @alexander m! Random draw out of a hat! | Timestamp |
Dylan F | message | Thanks, Dylan F! Thanks as always for the amazing content! ; L - vy R R Ay ey | Timestamp |
Preston T | message | Thanks, Preston T! Shipping to Singapore is pretty rough but I couldn't pass up the Ittstore.cum shirt! Also, Linus are you still heading to Computex in Taiwan? ’ ~ S R A 02 ey | Timestamp |
Preston T | reply | Reply @Preston T! We hope to go! It depends on the isolation rules as we can't quarantine for weeks! M A 020 e T3 | Timestamp |
Brian R | message | Thanks, Brian R! = \fi&‘ Will there be an ECX bit available for the screwdriver? ('t .,\&. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Thanks for talking about cyber security and thanks for the shirt. Y S | Timestamp |
Robert W | message | Thanks, Robert W! mw How can we (LTT community) best help to support the channel as you take on the financial burden from the backpack and screwdriver projects? | Timestamp |
Robert W | reply | Reply @Robert W! We always want people to get something for their money, so Merch purchases are ALWAYS appreciated :) Yoo Y et AL U ¢ - | Timestamp |
kennedy k | message | Thanks, kennedy k! glad to be apart of r/place! | Timestamp |
Lyndon S | message | Thanks, Lyndon S! . 8w Nice shirt Y SmEmmt | Timestamp |
Rhonda S | message | Thanks, Rhonda S! Will the short circuit long sleeve tee come back D -‘m“ - 1 '.. | Timestamp |
Rhonda S | reply | Reply @Rhonda S! Try asking @NickLMG on Twitter! He'll have more insight into merch questions like this \ I il 2 XX Vy Y SEEEmy - | Timestamp |
Aidan B | message | Thanks, Aidan B! Sarah really seems to be killing it! Also, I want two of the screwdrivers and plan to eventually give them as gifts! $70 seems pretty reasonable s for a best in class screwdriver! W | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Looking forward to LMG becoming a merch business that produces videos on the side v’ B et ) » S | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Gt hydration check Ittstoredotcom T ke N | Timestamp |
Jeremy P | message | Thanks, Jeremy P! Heya guys, do you like bowling? Asking for a friend | Timestamp |
Jeremy P | reply | Reply @Jeremy P! 3%l | Timestamp |
Jeremy P | reply | Reply @Jeremy P! 5 sus PR L U 4 Y TEEEEEERY ot~ | Timestamp |
Elijah A | message | Thanks, Elijah A! I love the quality of your merch, you are an inspiration! I would love if you guys did a circuit design vid about improvements made over the yrs and/or a vid about circuit design and how to get into it. LTT LABS? “w . NI RN - o~ | Timestamp |
Joshua H | message | Thanks, Joshua H! Really making me pay $20 to advertise LTTSTORE.CUM | Timestamp |
Thomas A | message | Thanks, Thomas A! Ah, I see a product of culture as well % | Timestamp |
Matthew J | message | Thanks, Matthew J! o “ Hey Luke and Linus. Any chance for an LTT glasses case? Most cases il fli /I "} end up breaking the hinge, with liner delamination, or are too flimsy. I'd : love a well-designed hardshell case that I can throw in a bag and not e Bd .. B - I . - "2 | Timestamp |
Matthew J | reply | Reply @Matthew J! Not a bad idea! Try messaging @NickLMG on Twitter during the week! | Timestamp |
Russ H | message | Thanks, Russ H! o | Timestamp |
Krishan P | message | Thanks, Krishan P! can we have a shirt with dropped item product names, wan show quotes, hot takes, and wan show clips like the pro display power cable o ae B . B - (S I . EEE— 4 - | Timestamp |
Krishan P | reply | Reply @Krishan P! That would be a very busy shirt! | Timestamp |
Kevin M | message | Thanks, Kevin M! 1 am excited about the screwdriver! Any thoughts of making a precision bit set like the iFixIt kits? Also, would make the screwdriver and any tool & in the future jeopardize your relationship with iFixIit as a sponsor? PR E TS o N @ a4 ) | Timestamp |
Kevin M | reply | Reply @Kevin M! iFixit screwdrivers are pretty different from what we have made here, so PR S TOAE U +“ Dy A | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! .cum supremacy | Timestamp |
Andrew Al | message | Thanks, Andrew Al Love the shirt design, good job team | Timestamp |
Stanislav P | message | Thanks, Stanislav P! Hey guys, trying to ask this question 3rd time. Hope it gets through this time. I got a new desk pad recently to replace my old one and it became thinner. Just trying to understand why did you change v B Y s~ | Timestamp |
Stanislav P | reply | Reply @Stanislav P! That'd be a question for @NickLMG on Twitter! Try messaging him - | Timestamp |
Gabriel W | message | Thanks, Gabriel W! Also working on a consulting work for building computers. What's the best advice you can give for those building pcs for others. As well is there any chance of more red shirts or hoodies coming soon? | Timestamp |
Gabriel W | reply | Reply @Gabriel W! The best advice is to not over-promise! Learn from Artesean Builds P . S—— A TS e | Timestamp |
Eric K | message | Thanks, Eric K! Long time watcher first time merch message. Thanks for the amazing content and can't wait for screwdriver! | Timestamp |
Jacob M | message | Thanks, Jacob M! Hi Guys, I just wanted to say thank you for all of the content you upload. It made me realize my passion for computers and helped me find my career! | Timestamp |
Jackson F | message | Thanks, Jackson F! Regarding R2R. Many of these companies are paying anti-R2R lobbyists. These lobbyists have lied saying "We already provide repair materials to everyone" before. I'm worried they're doing this to feed that | Timestamp |
Timothy R | message | Thanks, Timothy R! Hi Linus, Luke and Team. First time sending a merch message, woot! Can't wait to see all the lab content. Any word on LTT socks? I'd love to be dressed head to toe LTT Apparel. v B s N . X > | Timestamp |
Timothy R | reply | Reply @Timothy R! Soon... We want to make a GREAT product! | Timestamp |
Jacob S | message | Thanks, Jacob S! haha the shirt says cum | Timestamp |
Jordan B | message | Thanks, Jordan B! Doing my part dropping CUM pixels | Timestamp |
Radu A | message | Thanks, Radu A! Regarding preorders: why not let people put down payment information, but don't bill until it ships. That way you can have better estimates and the customer guarantee delivery in the early batches. VN BN s oy | Timestamp |
IronCaliber_ | message | Thanks, IronCaliber_! First purchase on LTTstore, and certainly not the last! I cant wait for The Lab 1! | Timestamp |
Michael G | message | Thanks, Michael G! lettstore.cum let's goooooo | Timestamp |
Magnar P | message | Thanks, Magnar P! Bought an dell xps 13 2 in 1 after your review of it. i loved it but recently i discovered that half of the battery has been dead since arrival, explaining why it didnt last 2 hours in microsoft word at school. Dell wont | Timestamp |
Cameron B | message | Thanks, Cameron B! Linus needs more money? Well it's a good thing I need a mousepad for my new desk ’ - e Y R Ay 2 s | Timestamp |
sarcly | message | Thanks, sarcly! im going to Ittstore.cum | Timestamp |
Christopher B | message | Thanks, Christopher B! Aggressive expansion! Hope this help. Keep it up. N . I | Timestamp |
Steven Q | message | Thanks, Steven Q! Can you do a video for VR I'm not sure if I should get a head set or witch one to get now. N O A e RES | Timestamp |
Sean B | message | Thanks, Sean B! Linus Gabriel Sebastian (born August 20, 1986) is a Canadian YouTube personality. He is the creator and host of the YouTube channel Linus Tech Tips (LTT). He is also the founder of Linus Media Group a N~ ¢ <y N | Timestamp |
Hunter C | message | Thanks, Hunter C! Love the shirt Luke!!! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! I hate myself for how many pillows I own when I'm not even at a point to have them out. Thanks for consuming a lot of my time and now my money ;) PR TOAE U <~y Ay | Timestamp |
Collin W | message | Thanks, Collin W! Hey y'all, Love the content. When is the next studio tour :) N . <~ A | Timestamp |
Collin W | reply | Reply @Collin W! Likely this summer! | Timestamp |
Anthony L | message | Thanks, Anthony L! I really hope you manage to make more backpacks so that we can have enough so we can all buy them. I've never been this excited for a backpack in my life. Any ideas how you'll avoid scalpers, given the P U o EEEEEEEEEEE e — Jp—— | Timestamp |
James S | message | Thanks, James S! I'm going to wear this to work and see how many people will recognize it ¢ and lolz e B o B - DG I SEEE— - | Timestamp |
Jazztin | message | Thanks, Jazztin | Timestamp |
Simon S | message | Thanks, Simon S! Hi guys, this is my first merch purchase, getting the com/cum shirt and a bottle! I love the content and am more than happy to support you guys working on the rapid expansion! " .- ~ D L | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! We're still fighting right to repair; smasungs and googles repair policies arnt fully featured and we still need to pressure them more. Fight for right to repair and fight for an open source internet N - ~ Y ' e | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Ittstore.cum! S Jy - ¥ | Timestamp |
Koby M | message | Thanks, Koby M! AN i Hi guys, loveing the vids, keep them up even the silly ones (gas ) fl&»\., powered cooling). Hi from Australia. Sw Aol R 0 o~ | Timestamp |
Dustin W | message | Thanks, Dustin W! LTT S0 oY TR - i~ | Timestamp |
Thomas B | message | Thanks, Thomas B! I need a subtle shirt while I wait for my orange screwdriver, what a meme. s Ay 2 e | Timestamp |
Alex A | message | Thanks, Alex A! My cat really likes the stickers I got with another order. He especially likes the keyboard one, he tried to eat it. | Timestamp |
Victor L | message | Thanks, Victor L! Is a news letters archive still being considered? | Timestamp |
Taylor D | message | Thanks, Taylor D! I watched a video of yours in Sth grade detention and now I'm about to graduate with a BS in Comp Engineering! Love the videos, can Linus Say Trans Rights? <3 = . P PR3 YO U N 444 amm T e | Timestamp |
Taylor D | reply | Reply @Taylor D! Trans rights are human rights! | Timestamp |
Ryan T | message | Thanks, Ryan T! \ ° } Hey! Thanks for all the great content. I was wondering how the accounting works on giftcards, like do you get to use the money as soon as I purchase a gift card, or is there some kind of delay. PR T o «~ D A | Timestamp |
Olivier S | message | Thanks, Olivier S! Hey guys the lttstore tshirt finally conviced me to buy from y'all :) PN TR U < I . A —— | Timestamp |
Christopher M | message | Thanks, Christopher M! Merch Restocks when? (deskpads/etc) Stay awesome LTT/FP/Merch Teams! PN TS U = S | Timestamp |
Christopher M | reply | Reply @Christopher M! As soon as possible! The sea shipping is sloooowly speeding up | Timestamp |
Carlos D | message | Thanks, Carlos D! Love you, TEAM! keep your word! it's why your community trusts you. PNy T P | Timestamp |
Derek A | message | Thanks, Derek A! First ever purchase! Finally have a new PC and gaming setup and near MSRP, now the accessories to match! Everyone here is awesome, keep atitl! Pl T O o ' a0 o | Timestamp |
digidude512 | message | Thanks, digidude512! Take this to help with Lab 2, Backpack and Screwdriver. Are there any long term projects you're looking forward to for LTTStore or is that to be decided after Screwdriver and Backpack? 8 ~ Y . e | Timestamp |
digidude512 | reply | Reply @digidude512! Nothing solid to share yet, we do have some REALLY exciting hardware coming though..! / B <~y A | Timestamp |
Alexander K | message | Thanks, Alexander K! W‘ They just soured 1 x Insulated Water Bottle at | Timestamp |
Antti E | message | Thanks, Antti E! Finally getting some merch so you can source more screwdrivers and back backs! Thanks for providing years of quality content! D R Y Y . - | Timestamp |
Matt Z | message | Thanks, Matt Z! Gotta get the shirt before it's gone. Iy | Timestamp |
Captain_Coel | message | Thanks, Captain_Coel! _ No hot takes, I don't believe you. | Timestamp |
Captain_Coel | reply | Reply @Captain_Coel! Okay, maybe a few hot takes N @A == | Timestamp |
Eugen P | message | Thanks, Eugen P! ) LTTStore.EU..? Please consider EU warehouse. Shipping and customs get very expensive and I would rather use the money to support LMG... £ And the last shipment took 2 month & =3 n LS v - REN | Timestamp |
Jason Y | message | Thanks, Jason Y! ‘ ‘L Love you all! | Timestamp |
Philippe H | message | Thanks, Philippe H! Hoping the water bottle can clench the thirst of a new /r/hydrohomies follower! Thanks for keeping my interest in tech high! <3 | Timestamp |
Lukas A | message | Thanks, Lukas A! “”m Hey, are there any updates on the maker apron? Also have you I considered letting merch messages be queued up over a week? Maybe once per account? Mainly a podcaster and can't catch the show ’ Y SR . - I | Timestamp |
Lukas A | reply | Reply @Lukas A! Having queued messages isn't a bad idea! For the Apron, we want to make sure it's perfect! o | Timestamp |
ANTOINE H | message | Thanks, ANTOINE H! I would like to know if there will ever be a solid platform from Itt to use keyboard and mouse on sofa? Thanks! You can put this order with my other order I just make(save shipping ;) ) Y S - | Timestamp |
Marcus M | message | Thanks, Marcus M! Hey guys, keep up the great work! Any idea when the indoor hoodie will be back in stock? e | Timestamp |
Marcus M | reply | Reply @Marcus M! As soon as possible! Y SmEmy - | Timestamp |
Cory S | message | Thanks, Cory S! I Touch my camera through the fence | Timestamp |
Sheldon B | message | Thanks, Sheldon B! All the shirts for me. Y Sy - . '. | Timestamp |
Corey P | message | Thanks, Corey P! Would you consider making cargo shorts or pants? Would be nice to have some useful but comfy shorts. | Timestamp |
Corey P | reply | Reply @Corey P! Any merch ideas can be suggested to @NickLMG on Twitter during the week! Shorts would be really cool though... ;) | Timestamp |
Andrew S | reply | Reply @Andrew S! We're working on some exciting new stuff! S Y T | Timestamp |
Austin B | message | Thanks, Austin B! Can't decide on food for dinner, started watching WAN SHOW instead. PN - ) | Timestamp |
Bardia R | reply | Reply @Bardia R! Hello from Surrey! | Timestamp |
Bronson B | message | Thanks, Bronson B! Can I request reviews of tools and power tools on a separate channel? BOLTR doesn't do objective testing and none of the other publications have very transparent financing. . - o~ / B N & e | Timestamp |
Bronson B | reply | Reply @Bronson B! Maybe someday! « Ty | Timestamp |
Haley T | message | Thanks, Haley T! I need this shirt... « | Timestamp |
Lukas L | message | Thanks, Lukas L! hey linus, luke and person responding to the question! are there any plans for more ltt pants like jeans and such? love the content and as a fp subscriber tugboat gets my thumbs up :) PN T o « N A - “=d | Timestamp |
Lukas L | reply | Reply @Lukas L! We're working on some legwear! | Timestamp |
Franc J | message | Thanks, Franc J! 1 don't shop much but this new shirt design is awesome, had to get one. | Timestamp |
Anthony S | message | Thanks, Anthony S! } Hey, guys! I am a uni student looking to get a new car within the next year and I want to get a hybrid vehicle of some sort. What are your opinions on hybrids that use a gas generator vs plugin hybrids. Also 2 B o B - SO . S e . | Timestamp |
Anthony S | reply | Reply @Anthony S! Our recommendation is almost whatever you can get, unfortunately. i B e B - Y A - T | Timestamp |
JP C | message | Thanks, JP C! » ' '@ Linus and Luke! Any thoughts/tips on learning programming languages 4 to future proof one's career? PR TS U «+ D .Y - | Timestamp |
JP C | reply | Reply @JP C! It's a GREAT idea. | Timestamp |
Joel W | message | Thanks, Joel W! Love you guys! First live watch! | Timestamp |
Juan S | message | Thanks, Juan S! %\ ?" USPS doesn't seem to be working for shippments to argentina, the first Y time i order something it got lost when they got it from you, the second order hasn't moved since january, i already got a refund for the first, is T .. 4 S A~ | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Hope everyone has good holidays coming up and thank you to all It staff for everything you do | Timestamp |
Justin C | message | Thanks, Justin C! I travel a lot and accidentally Left my LTTSTORE.CUM water bottle at work. So here is more money because I love water bottles. Y T EEEEYY O e | Timestamp |
Ricky L | message | Thanks, Ricky L! Here is my monthly purchase for my Privateering ways. Yar! o Y "THEEEEY ae | Timestamp |
Devin G | message | Thanks, Devin G! Looking to upgrade my pc, what is a good, cheat upgrade for the motherboard and CPU? GPU is a 460 2g | Timestamp |
Devin G | reply | Reply @Devin G! Try posting in the "New Builds" section of our forum for advice! Our fans are SMART. o /Y TSRy - | Timestamp |
Art R | message | Thanks, Art R! Buying the mystery shirt because I'm waiting on the screwdriver. Any thoughts of a PB M.2 server? Could that be even possible in the land of unlimited money? e g | Timestamp |
Art R | reply | Reply @Art R! Not a bad idea... | Timestamp |
Parker K | message | Thanks, Parker K! ! Finally put my name down for the screwdriver. - ) | Timestamp |
Zach S | message | Thanks, Zach S! Thanks for sticking to your word, as hard as it may be. While I don't agree with you on every political issue, I can see every issue you say is something you deeply believe in. PS, Me, my mother and Linus share a | Timestamp |
Ryan Z | message | Thanks, Ryan Z! But I already subscribed to floatplane just so I could pre-order the screwdriver so... Yoo Y et | Timestamp |
Rhys K | message | Thanks, Rhys K! Love the direction LTT is travelling in! All the best to everyone involved. w PR YU o | Timestamp |
Thomas S | message | Thanks, Thomas S! Hey guys! Just wanted to quickly thank you for helping me get into pc building and in general helping me learn more about computers. Any advice (that you haven't already given) for someone trying to m - . | Timestamp |
Eric R | message | Thanks, Eric R! @Luke I just started a full time software development job working with the programming language Flutter (by Google) what are your thoughts I on it ? Have you looked at it? | Timestamp |
Joshua W | message | Thanks, Joshua W! Get my friend Taylor Welden at Carryology to check out your backpack. That community loves a well made bag.v | Timestamp |
Lornie M | message | Thanks, Lornie M! I was saving up money for the backpack, but I just couldn't pass this up. This is my favorite store!! | Timestamp |
Coker L | message | Thanks, Coker L! Hey Linus and Luke! Been watching since 2014! I was curious to know how about what parts to pick for a pc. Does it solely depend on what it's use case will be or do other factors play as well (with the exception of © . RS e 3. | Timestamp |
Coker L | reply | Reply @Coker L! Check out our How to build a PC guide video coming soon! =~ o070 G THEEEERY - | Timestamp |
Alexander S! ‘ | message | Thanks, Alexander S! ‘ kS | Timestamp |
Alexander S | message | Thanks, Alexander S! Whoever is reading this, I hope you're having a great night! :D ; s Y T | Timestamp |
Alexander S | reply | Reply @Alexander S! Thanks 3) | Timestamp |
Noah H | message | Thanks, Noah H! Hey im looking forward to purchase the backpack once available I bike everywhere and hopefully it will last through the BC rains storms T, A 92 =. | Timestamp |
Frederick A | message | Thanks, Frederick A! Watched the battle on place all last weekend! Been building PCs for 7 years now thanks to LTT, thanks for everything! . 2 : s T Y I R T | Timestamp |
jaquan w | message | Thanks, jaquan w! long time Itt viewer ltt is of the few youtuber merch i have bought r/Thebluecorner survivor of the cum/com wars lol PR L VR Ty I O ) | Timestamp |
Daniel K | message | Thanks, Daniel K! I noticed that you did not really look at the physical security aspects of Apple's ssd's as a trade off when you have been discussing them or the % data integrity issues. Also, possible bonus bin idea: challenge coins. Oy I\ | Timestamp |
Rick K | message | Thanks, Rick K! » LTTSTORE.CUM It « I - | Timestamp |
Alex H | message | Thanks, Alex H! ‘ First time maklng a purchase. Just wanted to throw some support. Can't wait to see where you take the channel in the future. ;) Pl T e e P —— L | Timestamp |
Joshua H | message | Thanks, Joshua H! the problem is the people we want to be billionaires wouldn't let themselves become billionaires P o SRS e —— | Timestamp |
Auston T | message | Thanks, Auston T! } Hey guys! long time viewer. Thanks for the many years of great content. Question 1. Are you guys going to make a longer version on the boxers? Hope y'all have a great day. e ae B < B - SR S— oy | Timestamp |
Auston T | reply | Reply @Auston T! It's not in the cards for now! = | Timestamp |
Andrew M | message | Thanks, Andrew M! Too good to pass up. Supporting Daddy Linus is of utmost importance PR S T - +~ Y . N | Timestamp |
Michael M | message | Thanks, Michael M! Love the WAN show!! oy | Timestamp |
Samuel V | message | Thanks, Samuel V! #I Thanks a lot for all the things that you do! I really appreciate the attitude that you have towards quality in what you do! ~ Iy | Timestamp |
Andrew S | message | Thanks, Andrew S! Hey Linus love the show, I was wondering what you opinion of Edison motors is and what you think of their concept truck. w N a2 T | Timestamp |
Andrew S | reply | Reply @Andrew S! Check out MKBHD's recent video on electric vehicle launches... I “» O HOEEEEY Y . s>~ | Timestamp |
Jordan E | message | Thanks, Jordan E! Best water bottle ever. Spout lid FTW | Timestamp |
John K | message | Thanks, John K! What's up WAN show! Need me some cable ties bad! Can finally empty that drawer full of twist ties and random velcro straps. | Timestamp |
Justin L | message | Thanks, Justin L! mw Speaking of positive male role models, I have a person I want to /01 1¥ I recommend. He's hardworking, principled, and honest, and transparent about his thoughts, while also being successful with ADHD. Stay , B - v a2 Ay 2 ey | Timestamp |
Damian O | message | Thanks, Damian O! HOT TAKES! Keep em sizzlin"! | Timestamp |
James T | message | Thanks, James T! I'm a bit late, but I'd like to see Razer join the right to repair movement. | Timestamp |
Blake C | message | Thanks, Blake C! CUM SQUAD | Timestamp |
Blake C | reply | Reply @Blake C! ayo? ‘!. y BT Ay 2 AN | Timestamp |
Blake C | reply | Reply @Blake C! ayo? | Timestamp |
Jack H | message | Thanks, Jack H! Bezos hacked the straw poll . I | Timestamp |
Jack H | reply | Reply @Jack H! Daddy Bezos* | Timestamp |
djd23_theabsolutehorrer | message | Thanks, djd23_theabsolutehorrer! 4 r | Timestamp |
Stephan P | message | Thanks, Stephan P! did linus quit braces or was that a prank? | Timestamp |
Jacob I | message | Thanks, Jacob I! Hello from Australia. Love EB games Gl ) - > - Y Y - | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! - Bought one for my 12-year-old son! | Timestamp |
Samuel F | message | Thanks, Samuel F! Elon isn't the problem, the issue is the system that created him. People like Bill Gates, but his hawkish position on vaccine intellectual property is indicative of his real priorates. o Y TSR - | Timestamp |
Scott F | message | Thanks, Scott F! New underwear! | Timestamp |
Toys0125 | message | Thanks, Toys0125! Greatest Limited-Time Shirt possible | Timestamp |
Owen L | message | Thanks, Owen L! Gotta get those stickers! J Oy | Timestamp |
Kenneth B | message | Thanks, Kenneth B! Thanks Linus! “Jy R | Timestamp |
Patrick V | message | Thanks, Patrick V! Hii Linus, Luce and Jake! Buying a gift card for the screwdriver :) How about a wish list for Ittstore.cum? By the way, my mineral oil PC is working! Took it out and it turned on, it's back in the aquarium :D " Pe PR 3 U O Y N | Timestamp |
Theresa H | message | Thanks, Theresa H! Gotta get me one of the cum shirts | Timestamp |
Daisukekun13 | message | Thanks, Daisukekun13! Polo shirts in the store, please! Let's go! +~ Y L | Timestamp |
Christos C | message | Thanks, Christos C! Love the shirt, can't wait for the bag and screwdriver N <« Y ) A | Timestamp |
TD V | message | Thanks, TD V! .com .cum amazing - JEE— | Timestamp |
Josue I | message | Thanks, Josue I! I only wear LTT Apparel. It's the only way to go. - | Timestamp |
Josue I | reply | Reply @Josue I! Facts = JE—— | Timestamp |
Anthony P | message | Thanks, Anthony P! shoutouts to the jerma spot on r/place, I was messing with the It store spot when the Jerma Sus face was complete Pt T o -« ' Y - o | Timestamp |
Prateek C | message | Thanks, Prateek C! ¥ Yoo0000, is there any option to stagger deliveries rather than paying for shipping every time? I understand you guys do not have the warehouse capacity right now but any plans in the future? PR TS o «~ T A | Timestamp |
Prateek C | reply | Reply @Prateek C! Not a bad idea! Try sending an email to | Timestamp |
ZOulOu25 | message | Thanks, ZOulOu25! What do you think about the Chinese GPU that came out ? | Timestamp |
Andre V | message | Thanks, Andre V! 1 need my screwdriver, I have all these screws that need to be screwed. | Timestamp |
Matthew S | message | Thanks, Matthew S! wi hat did we win guys? I came in late :/ | Timestamp |
Matthew S | reply | Reply @Matthew S! Right to repair is slowly gaining momentum! s A T O e | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Linus- you made a video a while ago about chromebooks. Have you seen they've since released Chrome OS Flex which can be installed on anything? Pretty cool, put it on an older notebook and it's made things s /Y T HEEEEEEY e | Timestamp |
Heston H | message | Thanks, Heston H! Oh my! | Timestamp |
Sherry B | message | Thanks, Sherry B! Can't wait for the screwdriver! | Timestamp |
Gabriel S | message | Thanks, Gabriel S! | Timestamp |
Gabriel S | message | Thanks, Gabriel S! Y Sy - g ? - | Timestamp |
Gabriel S | message | Thanks, Gabriel S! v 1. am going to keep skipping your baked in ads, but thank you for everything you guys do. | Timestamp |
Gabriel S | reply | Reply @Gabriel S! Ouch. - Bell (guy who writes sponsor integrations) | Timestamp |
Peter R | message | Thanks, Peter R! The strawpoll results updated, Luke won 54% - 46% | Timestamp |
Peter R | reply | Reply @Peter R! Daddy Luke wins! | Timestamp |
Joshua G | message | Thanks, Joshua G! Hams of BC and WA say Hi! | Timestamp |
Maxwell P | message | Thanks, Maxwell P! Keep up the great work! Super pumped for LTT Labs. | Timestamp |
Haskan | message | Thanks, Haskan! Time for the rise of .cum ] { wrterboy | Timestamp |
Haskan | message | Thanks, Haskan! ,.,,.l.... Time for the rise of .cum | Timestamp |
Andrew M | message | Thanks, Andrew M! Wanted to get some more amazing shirts and got a few more things to make it worth the shipping :) | Timestamp |
Levi F | message | Thanks, Levi F! mm“[ ‘1 Floatplane having a few issues tonight | Timestamp |
Levi F | reply | Reply @Levi F! Yeahh.... we're trying to fix ASAP! - o oY TSRy - | Timestamp |
EllieJellies | message | Thanks, EllieJellies! Can't afford a screwdriver or backpack but hope this helps! | Timestamp |