Name | Type | Text | Timestamp | Image |
Pierce T | message | Thanks, Pierce T! ~7 | Timestamp | ![]() |
Michael A | message | Thanks, Michael A! so when do I get my doubled crypto back... | Timestamp | ![]() |
Robert C | message | Thanks, Robert C! Props to all the Floatplane devs! <3 | Timestamp | ![]() |
Marc-Antoine G | message | Thanks, Marc-Antoine G! Hoping not to fall asleep during the stream! | Timestamp | ![]() |
Jonathan S | message | Thanks, Jonathan S! Any new updates on the new zipper pulls for the backpack? | Timestamp | ![]() |
Jonathan S | reply | Reply @Jonathan S! ; As soon as possible! | Timestamp | ![]() |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Wishing y'all a super chill weekend after all this chaos. R - e P | Timestamp | ![]() |
Thomas S | message | Thanks, Thomas S! We need more sarah streams! I BN | Timestamp | ![]() |
Louis S | message | Thanks, Louis S! 7 Theyjustscored1xBlank T-shirtat 1 1tcrc com | Timestamp | ![]() |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! I love phishing. I SEEEmmS - | Timestamp | ![]() |
Ryan R | message | Thanks, Ryan R! Floatplane apple tv app when? B o | Timestamp | ![]() |
Ryan R | reply | Reply @Ryan R! We've got a few different features planned, but you can always email with suggestions! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Good luck Dan | Timestamp |
Kevin E | message | Thanks, Kevin E! First time my girlfriend got more stuff than me from | Timestamp |
Ryan G | message | Thanks, Ryan G! Ya'll work so much harder than I do. More color prints :D | Timestamp |
Daniel J | message | Thanks, Daniel J! Welcome back! Take my $$$ | Timestamp |
Nate B | message | Thanks, Nate B! Let's go'l; | Timestamp |
Eric E | message | Thanks, Eric E! I'm glad you guys are back. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! If you're seeing this, I'm glad! S .. YT = | Timestamp |
Amey R | message | Thanks, Amey R! glad to see you back!! | Timestamp |
Ethan M | message | Thanks, Ethan M! Long time fan, first time merch message sender. Congrats to the team for the fast incident response! | Timestamp |
Andrew D | message | Thanks, Andrew D! Il “ Not watching tonight but I'm sure it's a spicy one can't wait to see the . voD. | Timestamp |
Nathan G | message | Thanks, Nathan G! Luke, after today's breach, has this event caused you to rethink allowing all users to post links in FP chat? | Timestamp |
Nathan G | reply | Reply @Nathan G! No, this was unrelated | Timestamp |
Carl H | message | Thanks, Carl H! Welp Sarah’'s merch the s just too dang fine to pass up | Timestamp |
Sam H | message | Thanks, Sam H! Given LTTHackGate 2023, do you think 3+ multifactor auth would be worth businesses looking into? Hey Linus, Luke, and of course DAN! Glad I FINALLY joined Floatplane. | Timestamp |
Sam H | message | Thanks, Sam H! Hey Linus, Luke, and of course DAN! Glad I FINALLY joined Floatplane. Given LTTHackGate 2023, do you think 3+ multifactor auth would be worth businesses looking into? | Timestamp |
RICHARD F | message | Thanks, RICHARD F! Great job with dealing with everything LTT staff. You did great! Also the viewers who sent super chats to warn people...awesome. Oh, and more Sarah and Dan pre-shows on Fridays would be great! | Timestamp |
Alan K | message | Thanks, Alan K! I feel your pain, been there. Will you ever offer the underwearina 3 pack of ONE color? I'm boring and don't like to have to think in the morning. | Timestamp |
Peter H | message | Thanks, Peter H! Congratulations on getting back on YouTube!!!! What are the chances of background play being a thing on the iPhone App? This is the thing that pulls me away from floatplane more than anything else. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! What are your thoughts on the future of A.l technology, and how do you see it impacting our lives in the next few decades? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Al is going to create many amazing tools that will help us do our jobs and provide entertainment. We are extremally excited for the future this holds | Timestamp |
Andreas G | message | Thanks, Andreas G! &' Hey Linus and Luke! Just subscribed to Floatplane. Any chance of adding ability to download videos? Big reason I got YT Premium was to download Wan Show episodes. Thanks! | Timestamp |
Jeff H | message | Thanks, Jeff H! Great job this week team! | Timestamp |
Ralph C | message | Thanks, Ralph C! Top 5 Breakfast food Items? | Timestamp |
Ralph C | reply | Reply @Ralph C! In order: Cereal, french-toast, pancakes, waffles, yogurt | Timestamp |
Marco C | message | Thanks, Marco C! Here to support you guys!! Glad everything is back and running. | Timestamp |
STEVEN B | message | Thanks, STEVEN B! We Trust You Bro! We got you! Luke: Don't throw the laptop!! | Timestamp |
Brandon R | message | Thanks, Brandon R! Thank you keep it up | Timestamp |
Alexander J | message | Thanks, Alexander J! Been waiting to catch a wanshow to give the LTT underwear a shot and today they launch new awesome looking colors so that's what I'm picking up! | Timestamp |
Will G | message | Thanks, Will G! Picking up a screwdriver to support you guys. Question: you mentioned that during the hack, videos were being deleted. Are those videos gone forever or does YouTube have some way to recover those? | Timestamp |
Eric J | message | Thanks, Eric J! First time purchaser loving the chance to support y'all! | Timestamp |
Chris F | message | Thanks, Chris F! Linus, I'm a UPS tech and I'm grabbing the screwdriver for work. If it's not to late, have you considered Vertiv for your lab? You're UPS luck isn't the best, but I haven't seen any of ours catch fire | Timestamp |
AnthonyVI | message | Thanks, AnthonyVI @ ‘ ) .. Please tell me you're considering black hardware on the leather " backpack & | Timestamp |
Brandin L | message | Thanks, Brandin L! Is there going to be a revision 2 of the screwdriver in order to address the robustness of the bit holders? I also picked up ABCs and the shape sorter for my 1year old cousin on a separate order. | Timestamp |
Brandin L | reply | Reply @Brandin L! yes - - | Timestamp |
Tyler O | message | Thanks, Tyler O! Any updates on that magnetic cable management system you were talking about for desks? Also, I feel like I've been signed up for an alert on black / orange cable ties for 6+ months or so. Thanks! | Timestamp |
Tyler O | reply | Reply @Tyler O! ) Soon B e | Timestamp |
Rebekah H | message | Thanks, Rebekah H! this merch message is also a shout out to my dad, who celebrated his birthday recently and who is responsible for us watching WAN every week: what's your favourite memory of a parental figure? | Timestamp |
Shaun W | message | Thanks, Shaun W! A Bought one for the kids and me. We helped contribute to the creation, [} sowouldn't be right not to get one for each of us. & | Timestamp |
Collin M | message | Thanks, Collin M! Hope the team is holing up well. good to see you guys on tonight. | Timestamp |
Adam H | message | Thanks, Adam H! Love the new shirt, and hello to future me on monday! I know you are working on tall boi t-shirts but will tall boi hoodies or jackets ever come to the store? -Sincerely, a tall boi | Timestamp |
Adam H | reply | Reply @Adam H! Hopefully! I I | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Can't wait to show these shirts to our cyber culture team at work :) | Timestamp |
Louis S | message | Thanks, Louis S! Is there any chance for you guys to make an extra wide flathead screwdriver? I'm a piano technician and we use screws with 1/2" wide slots on the piano harp that get the final tightening by hand. | Timestamp |
Louis S | reply | Reply @Louis S! Try messaging @NickLMG on Twitter during the week! | Timestamp |
SCOTT S | message | Thanks, SCOTT S! Super happy to have you guys back! Question for Linus, how did your Taycan handle driving during the winter and how do you like the car so far in general? T LE—— | Timestamp |
5COTT S | reply | Reply @5COTT S! It seemed to work pretty dang well actually. | Timestamp |
Richard C | message | Thanks, Richard C! what's your favorite “useless" smart product? I saw an Alexa enabled SOAP DISPENSER the other day and it was hilarious. love the show, thanks for the tips! | Timestamp |
Richard C | reply | Reply @Richard C! Smart salt shaker | Timestamp |
Robert G | message | Thanks, Robert G! Sorry you got hacked, I hope merch messages are working L | Timestamp |
jared t | message | Thanks, jared t! ,’. .' Here take my money and have a good show guys. I'm glad you're back q8-D | Timestamp |
Farrell J | message | Thanks, Farrell J! Splurged on a year of 4k floatplane so what's a bit more money right? | Timestamp |
Isaac S | message | Thanks, Isaac S! Got two packs of underwear today, and I had to come back for more - and a pillow, it'll go great in my living room! LTT Socks when? I need to be able to rock this high-quality merch from head to t | Timestamp |
Ryan W | message | Thanks, Ryan W! Just wanted to say happy to see you guys are back! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Who stayed overtime last night to censor the, uh, "sensitive" portions of the boss's home security footage for yesterday's late night upload? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Strawberry | Timestamp |
Orren S | message | Thanks, Orren S! Ready For A Nice Long Show After That Wait | Timestamp |
Aaron B | message | Thanks, Aaron B! New Floatplane subscriber let's go! | Timestamp |
Dennis Z | message | Thanks, Dennis Z! I also sleep naked because I hate the feeling of clothing tugging while I'm in the covers. Linus, what are your reasons? | Timestamp |
Dennis Z | reply | Reply @Dennis Z! skin | Timestamp |
Sebastian M | message | Thanks, Sebastian M! Hey Linus, Luke and Dan, used ChatGPT to generate this Merch Message: "Test sit/stand desks in LTT Labs? Benefits for WFH setup. Thanks!" Love the show and you guys! | Timestamp |
Sebastian M | reply | Reply @Sebastian M! ChatGPT does not think that standing desk manufactures are being honest about its ability to provide for you being able to sit and or stand | Timestamp |
Priyank P | message | Thanks, Priyank P! Glad your back! Can't wait for socks, when? | Timestamp |
Andrew L | message | Thanks, Andrew L! Hi Dan Luke and Linus, Linus, you menchend in a prvious stream about rechargable barrerys. any progress in battery testing @ Labs? | Timestamp |
Andrew L | reply | Reply @Andrew L! Not at the moment, but eventually I hope. | Timestamp |
Vince P | message | Thanks, Vince P! During the 'outage, did you see a bump in subs on LinusCatTips? | Timestamp |
Vince P | reply | Reply @Vince P! Yes! | Timestamp |
Christoph G | message | Thanks, Christoph G! Hi or "Servas" from Austria. Loving my backpack. Any updates on the zipper? Also the rubber bands inside the chest strap seem to get exposed. Known issue? And will the trust me bro warranty cover it? | Timestamp |
Sam H | message | Thanks, Sam H! Linus and Luke, with stable diffusion and large language models improving at a rapid pace, do you think Al progress is following Moore's Law? | Timestamp |
Sam H | reply | Reply @Sam H! I think Al will progress faster than Moore's Law for a long time | Timestamp |
Robin L | message | Thanks, Robin L! Just wanna say great response to the breach. Setting an example the tech sector clearly needs (cough LastPass, Eufy, Expedia). What do you think keeps other companies from being as mature as you? | Timestamp |
Robin L | reply | Reply @Robin L! We're not really responsible for customer data | Timestamp |
Jacob W | message | Thanks, Jacob W! Could a mass-sign-out switch/program be added in the future in the event an attack that accesses an account happen again? | Timestamp |
Jacob W | reply | Reply @Jacob W! Something... something would be better | Timestamp |
Tyler P | message | Thanks, Tyler P! FYI - there's no gender select for the new 3-pack. Also, great job with new Floatplane Luke and team! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Glad to see the channel back up again! :) | Timestamp |
Ezekiel J | message | Thanks, Ezekiel J! Been watching you guys for years love the content! Have you guys considered using the lab as a 3rd party lab that companies could pay you to test and independently verify products? | Timestamp |
Ezekiel J | reply | Reply @Ezekiel J! 7:] More info to come as it developes. - e | Timestamp |
Jonathan W | message | Thanks, Jonathan W! tried to upgrade my floatplane sub from $5 to $10/month to support you guys, but was told by the amazing support team that it would be better to cancel and resub. Love you guys, and keep up the work! | Timestamp |
Patrick M | message | Thanks, Patrick M! Linus and Luke, Just wanted to say thanks for all the content and I hope things are better after you are able to get some sleep. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! FINALLY!!! Been waiting for the female underwear for years! Glad we didn't lose our tech lord this week! <3 | Timestamp |
Dillon R | message | Thanks, Dillon R! When do we get the Dan and Sarah show? | Timestamp |
Quinn D | message | Thanks, Quinn D! We love you Dan! - | Timestamp |
Greg D | message | Thanks, Greg D! Backpack money makes lab go brrrrrrrr | Timestamp |
Andrew D | message | Thanks, Andrew D! Hey Linus, Luke, and Dan! Congrats on the channel recovery, wondering if we can get a LinusPaintTips video, maybe as an April 1st upload. WAN B - . show is keeping me sane at work, glad to catch it live! | Timestamp |
Daniel U | message | Thanks, Daniel U! Has LMG considered content on the philosophy of technology at all? I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on older essays such as "The Question Concerning Technology,' and modern, complex works. | Timestamp |
Daniel U | reply | Reply @Daniel U! It all went down hill when we tricked rocks into thinking. T T | Timestamp |
Andrew W | message | Thanks, Andrew W! Since I'm already a floatplane sub I'm going to show my support by finally pulling the trigger on the backpack. Hopefully it gets here in time for my next work trip. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! & Do you guys plan on releasing a video for the 7950X3D? You can ot partially hear someone talking about it in the photoshoot FP Exclusive. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! We recommend posting video ideas in the 'Video Suggestion' section of our forum! | Timestamp |
Robert L | message | Thanks, Robert L! Do you pay your editors hazard pay when they have to edit your nude videos? | Timestamp |
Roberto M | message | Thanks, Roberto M! Dear Linus, now that you were given another awakening to how important security is, do you plan on doing some content on cybersecurity? | Timestamp |
Roberto M | reply | Reply @Roberto M! Cancel your internet plan, and we're good to go. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Stay strong Dan, my your fingers survive the night | Timestamp |
Alex F | message | Thanks, Alex F! Love your content! Does skipping the sponsor part of a video effect your revenue? I'm a premium youtube user to avoid ads sooo most the sponsor parts I just skip. sorry not sorry? | Timestamp |
Alex F | reply | Reply @Alex F! It's all about % engagement watch time. | Timestamp |
Evan D | message | Thanks, Evan D! Luke, will background play similar to youtube premium be coming to floatplane 10S app? Rip floatplane lovehug. Welcome back | Timestamp |
Evan D | reply | Reply @Evan D! ” It's in the works! | Timestamp |
Rob L | message | Thanks, Rob L! m With the recent Tarkov events in mind, what do you make of the F1 2022 game cheating that came out today? For an eSport with millions in prizes to be embarassed by Alex Gillons video earlier today... | Timestamp |
Christopher S | message | Thanks, Christopher S! Why do you sleep naked? No LTT underwear? | Timestamp |
Robert D | message | Thanks, Robert D! I am so proud of our community! LTT is a TANK. Long time a viewer. | Timestamp |
Sarah K | message | Thanks, Sarah K! YAY for some merch specifically for women? What other women's clothing do you have dreamed up, even if not in the works quite yet? | Timestamp |
Sarah K | reply | Reply @Sarah K! All sorts of new stuff in the works | Timestamp |
Erik A | message | Thanks, Erik A! - @ Any plans to have a silicon boot for the water bottle or a black shaft stubby screwdriver? | Timestamp |
Erik A | reply | Reply @Erik A! Nothing in the works currently but keep watching LTT Store for any future updates! | Timestamp |
Jeff L | message | Thanks, Jeff L! \ So glad the plane floats since it can't fly right now. | Timestamp |
lJeff L | reply | Reply @lJeff L! We're soaring right now! | Timestamp |
Mike M | message | Thanks, Mike M! good thing we had foatplane to keep us busy during the hackening | Timestamp |
Paul T | message | Thanks, Paul T! I Happy birthday to my wife! | Timestamp |
Paul T | reply | Reply @Paul T! Happy Birthday Wife!!! | Timestamp |
salvador s | message | Thanks, salvador s! - Would it have been better or worse if the scammers tried pretending UTT coin was launching? | Timestamp |
salvador s | reply | Reply @salvador s! That would have absolutely made it worse | Timestamp |
Isiah S | message | Thanks, Isiah S! Hi Dan! How would you recommend someone with an audio i . .n background who doesn't have the means for formal education to learn AVolP networking and other skills to progress further in event | Timestamp |
lsiah S | reply | Reply @lsiah S! I Buy some of the things, try and learn exactly how to get them working perfectly at home. | Timestamp |
Arvin Kumar A | message | Thanks, Arvin Kumar A! Another T-shirt for the collection | Timestamp |
Kyle R | message | Thanks, Kyle R! Awesome stuff for me and my SO! Thanks for this guys! Love you Sarah! | Timestamp |
Easton P | message | Thanks, Easton P! I get it, “phishin”. | Timestamp |
Matthieu S | message | Thanks, Matthieu S! Why does Apple hinder their products with poor software choices? Just found out that Macs output at max resolution. On a 4k display, you can potentially be stuck at 30hz even if it is scaled to 1080p. | Timestamp |
Cody P | message | Thanks, Cody P! Any Plans to attempt to find who did this all to you and persue legal action. Surely the hacker wasn't 100% obscured. Thanks for all you do and love you guys! | Timestamp |
Justin F | message | Thanks, Justin F! Glad to see y'all made it out alright. Have you seen any of the US ‘- committee's hearing with TikTok's CEQ? They seem real set on forcing - them to find a US buyer. | Timestamp |
McClain M | message | Thanks, McClain M! Hilinus & luke, I was wondering, you always complain about how bad Teams & Slack are. What is stopping you from using Discord. Is it security? or the possible sensitive info that needs to be shared? | Timestamp |
McClain M | reply | Reply @McClain M! Don't they now log every single chat on the entire platform? | Timestamp |
Emmanuel B | message | Thanks, Emmanuel B! Great to see y'all back! With all the crazy things going on this week, what is one thing that you are looking forward to now that the chaos is hopefully calming down? | Timestamp |
Jake S | message | Thanks, Jake S! Must have LTT phish merch! Please capitalize on this wonderful ! opportunity. | Timestamp |
Marcus V | message | Thanks, Marcus V! i . . _ thanks for everything you all do at LTT. Have been watching for almost L n 10 years hoping to watch for many more. | Timestamp |
Austin G | message | Thanks, Austin G! Love the channel have been watching for a very long time and it never gets old! Also is goggle/YouTube going to improve their security to possibly get rid of the issue your channel faced? Or no? | Timestamp |
Alexander M | message | Thanks, Alexander M! How do you ask a merch message? | Timestamp |
Geoffrey R | message | Thanks, Geoffrey R! Amazing job on everything! Been a fan for a couple years now and love watching! | Timestamp |
Evan W | message | Thanks, Evan W! How's the weather been up there this winter? The Southwest has been drenched, so does that mean the PNW/BC has been drier? | Timestamp |
Evan W | reply | Reply @Evan W! It's rained all week, I got soaked biking home yesterday cause there was torrential rain | Timestamp |
Jaden S | message | Thanks, Jaden S! Got a year on Floatplane. R. I. P YouTube | Timestamp |
Alex P | message | Thanks, Alex P! Sarah's designs J | Timestamp |
Tirth P | message | Thanks, Tirth P! How was this experience and what do you think you'd be doing differently going forward? | Timestamp |
Tirth P | reply | Reply @Tirth P! Probably a lot more training and looking at reasons behind this. We'll be talking about it today. | Timestamp |
Sasha G | message | Thanks, Sasha G! Glad you guys made it through this mess okay. | Timestamp |
Chris H | message | Thanks, Chris H! I can finally justify getting a few things from you guys. Have the issues with the backpack zipper pulls now been fixed? | Timestamp |
Jeremy F | message | Thanks, Jeremy F! Just got a Vive Pro 2, full kit. Upgrading from Quest 1. Pretty pumped about it. What do you guys see for the near future of VR tech, say in the next five years? | Timestamp |
DiAnne C | message | Thanks, DiAnne C! Il F. " Needed to show support! | Timestamp |
William C | message | Thanks, William C! I have a new AM5 system ready to go and am waiting on the "opportunity” to buy a 7950x3d. What can be done to stop paper launches? I was thinking of a queue to buy, would a newegg or amazon | Timestamp |
William C | reply | Reply @William C! Just, wait untilit's not I guess. Lying through stock shortages can't really be dealt with | Timestamp |
Sean M | message | Thanks, Sean M! Has this week changed opinions on 2FA vs hardware key authentication? Most corporations seem to have moved to physical security devices- we'd be interested in your thoughts! | Timestamp |
Sean M | reply | Reply @Sean M! See our latest video about it. 2FA most likely wouldn't have helped at all. | Timestamp |
John Henry W | message | Thanks, John Henry W! Finally both underwear options! Now everyone can be comfy. Since Foolish Bailey also got hit with this fake sponsor email scam, will email services need to change to prevent these things? | Timestamp |
John Henry W | reply | Reply @John Henry W! Who knows honestly | Timestamp |
Mathieu T | message | Thanks, Mathieu T! PHISHING! LET'S GO0O0000. | Timestamp |
Scott B | message | Thanks, Scott B! A leather-looking LTT Backpack was caught on a video/livestream. Any potential release there? | Timestamp |
5cott B | reply | Reply @5cott B! X maybe?? 2?22?2777 77777777777 | Timestamp |
5cott B | reply | Reply @5cott B! maybe??? 2NN | Timestamp |
Taramina G | message | Thanks, Taramina G! First Merch message here! Just hoping everything is well on the team. Is there an eta on pin and scarf restocks? | Timestamp |
Taramina G | reply | Reply @Taramina G! I can't say anything but keep your eye on the store 3% | Timestamp |
Jacob 0 | message | Thanks, Jacob 0! Linus, Luke and Dan. I feel all ad spots need to be Dennis ad spots. Also please put this up so my wofe Jessica can see it. | Timestamp |
Cameron P | message | Thanks, Cameron P! Thank you Luke. Inverted Cordon Bleu still has 100% success rate. :) | Timestamp |
Lucy L | message | Thanks, Lucy L! Glad the WAN Show happened! Looking forward to testing my new underwear. Any other clothes for women in the pipeline that you can preview or spoil? Also, what was the most stressful moment this | Timestamp |
Lucy L | reply | Reply @Lucy L! Hopefully some more! Nothing I'm going to spoil right now | Timestamp |
Maren P | message | Thanks, Maren P! Love you guys! Joined Floatplane in the maddness this week! :) | Timestamp |
Miguel S | message | Thanks, Miguel S! What is some tech stuff you wish you would've learned in school? I'm a LAN admin with a student intern and wanna know how I can better prepare them for after high school! Also, Titanfall2 Linus? | Timestamp |
David N | message | Thanks, David N! Thanks for the tech tips and phishing advice. Why are usbc docks so hard to shop for and validate? Anything you would recommend under $175 usd? | Timestamp |
David N | reply | Reply @David N! Try posting in the 'New Builds and Planning' section of our forum! | Timestamp |
Leif E | message | Thanks, Leif E! - Subscribed to Floatplane to feed my need for LMG while you were gone fishing. Live it! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Finally replacing my Water Bottle. No question- just wanna shout out I.“ ‘1 Sarah for the great job on the Livestream earlier! | Timestamp |
Brendan S | message | Thanks, Brendan S! 9 What do you guys think of "glossy" OLED screens like the new one from Dough? Are they actually better than matte displays or is it just /) another marketing gimmick? I e I | Timestamp |
Scott H | message | Thanks, Scott H! Have you ever thought about adding a cutout to the desk pad to go around monitor bases kind of like a tree skirt? | Timestamp |
Jonathan D | message | Thanks, Jonathan D! Hello Linus Luke and Dan.long time viewer and first merch msg. Shout out merch messages the only WAN ROl.sorry for the bad week.What is one of your favorite memories with Luke and\or Yvonne. | Timestamp |
Jonathan D | reply | Reply @Jonathan D! Linus and Luke have answered this before, check out our channel LMG Clips! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! m Hey guys! I was wondering if you were considering measuring sustainability of products (packaging, product recyclability, etc) as a metric for the lab. I'd love to help if able! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Could totally include it. Good idea. | Timestamp |
Kaleb N | message | Thanks, Kaleb N! Hey Dan, Linus, Luke. Any update on we re-print of the Floatplane shirts? I was too slow to get my size last time. | Timestamp |
William B | message | Thanks, William B! Who censored Linus in the last video? Also what did they do to make you hate them so much? My friends think it was Dennis, but I think it was Colton because he needs job security. | Timestamp |
Isaac K | message | Thanks, Isaac K! Hey Linus, Luke, & Dan. Do you expect to see big/tall sizes for hoodies and sweatpants? or just shirts? Also, any plans to post old youtube or wan content on FP a la Stuff You Should Know Selects? | Timestamp |
lsaac K | reply | Reply @lsaac K! . Yes | Timestamp |
EDWARD G | message | Thanks, EDWARD G! Linus where do you like to ski? Luke and Linus if you could image any new tech into being what would it be? | Timestamp |
EDWARD G | reply | Reply @EDWARD G! Whistler | Timestamp |
Jared P | message | Thanks, Jared P! © Irecently got a 32:9 Ultrawide. The stream is showing up larger than ‘\,I. .fl my screen height. I have to scroll down to see the bottom third of the screen and controls. VODs play fine. What up? | Timestamp |
Jared P | reply | Reply @Jared P! You can always email but we are VERY aware of a LOT of problems right now. | Timestamp |
Justin D | message | Thanks, Justin D! After the fun-filled week you have both had, what are some other catastrophes that you have survived in LTT's history? | Timestamp |
Justin D | reply | Reply @Justin D! Colton's hiring. | Timestamp |
Saul T | message | Thanks, Saul T! With the company growing so large, and with the need to share knowledge throughout the company, have y'all thought about moving to a Wiki type system? ie, Notion, Coda, Anytype, Obsidian? | Timestamp |
Saul T | reply | Reply @Saul T! < Hopefully | Timestamp |
Chuck P | message | Thanks, Chuck P! Have you guys ever considered that 200 characters isn't enough length for a merch message that has some real, actual substance to it? I mean, sure it's longer than a tweet, but is that really a metric | Timestamp |
Tyler P | message | Thanks, Tyler P! - Merch message #2 for the week just cause I wanted the underwear ASAP and not have to wait for this cool shirt | Timestamp |
Aston D | message | Thanks, Aston D! I'm very excited to try out the screw driver. I'm very glad the channelis up and running. LTT means a lot to me. Thank you Linus for all the years of tech tips! | Timestamp |
Ben S | message | Thanks, Ben S! From one IT Professional to you all at LTT. Glad you guys are recovering so quickly! I understand the "fun” of your past few days. | Timestamp |
Nathan P | message | Thanks, Nathan P! I Firsttime getting to watch live in almost a year. I have my first kid on ¥ . .m the way so probably won't be getting more free time but keep up the great content. | Timestamp |
Joseph T | message | Thanks, Joseph T! Luke, did you have auto scaling on your FP servers? Did your cloud provider have to step in to help? | Timestamp |
Billy P | message | Thanks, Billy P! S/0 to the OG FloatPlane crew! Also, have you ever thought about looking at DiGiCo and their consoles, the way they run Windows with FPGA based audio engines for live event work? Could be a cool video — - | Timestamp |
Kim K | message | Thanks, Kim K! Glad to see you guys live and still bulling on! Dan, are your fingers on FIRE yet? Let's gooooo! | Timestamp |
Brandon T | message | Thanks, Brandon T! MORE UNDIES!!! Awful to see LMG get hit with the same hackening/hijack scam. Glad y'all managed damage control fairly effectively; appreciate the transparency and bringing us along. | Timestamp |
Max B | message | Thanks, Max B! &' Glad to see LMG back on their feet. Massive props to all crew involved. In the wake of the hack. Any security measures you recommend your community do or enforce for more safety? Regards from Guern | Timestamp |
Max B | reply | Reply @Max B! Don't open any PDFs | Timestamp |
Gary K | message | Thanks, Gary K! - @ Glad your YouTube channels are back in your control! Thank you for being you. | Timestamp |
Gary K | reply | Reply @Gary K! Thank YOU for being you! | Timestamp |
Henry B | message | Thanks, Henry B! Shoutouts to Dan! | Timestamp |
Daniel P | message | Thanks, Daniel P! Linus is there a location items are shipped in the states for faster shipping? Also any word on torq bits being in stock? | Timestamp |
Daniel P | reply | Reply @Daniel P! Mostly border issues | Timestamp |
Michael K | message | Thanks, Michael K! I Hi guys! The hack turned out to be a great teaching moment. I was talking to my kid about computer security the afternoon before the hack. It didn't seem too important to him. It does now... Thanks? | Timestamp |
Ryan B | message | Thanks, Ryan B! For Luke or Linus, have you guys looked into Lean Six Sigma to help . . ." clean up some of your processes around the office, or anything like it? (It's a QA tool/program I've used in the Navy) | Timestamp |
Marco C | message | Thanks, Marco C! LTX WAN Show going to break 4 hours...? | Timestamp |
Dan B | message | Thanks, Dan B! Signed up for Floatplane, but having to use Hydravion to watch on my Google TVs. When official Floatplane Android TV app? | Timestamp |
Eric L | message | Thanks, Eric L! Hello from Ontario! Im currently buying my first house, I'll be setting up my first server in it to handle NAS, Media, Minecraft and maybe more. Is your server software investment only NAS or more? | Timestamp |
Eric L | reply | Reply @Eric L! Can't really talk about it | Timestamp |
Joshua L | message | Thanks, Joshua L! Get some rest! I R . | Timestamp |
Garrod A | message | Thanks, Garrod A! &) 5id A w Do you think the forcing of Sony to release the exclusives deals that they had on games will cause any change in the industry? | Timestamp |
Garrod A | reply | Reply @Garrod A! They seem to want money and release them on PC later anyway. I guess, hopefully one day we'll just have an open system | Timestamp |
Hudson A | message | Thanks, Hudson A! First time managing to place an order during the stream, glad to support the channel, especially this week. Keep up the good fight, and Dan, Linus, and Luke, make sure you get some sleep! | Timestamp |
Ryan P | message | Thanks, Ryan P! o Good evening everyone! Do any of you have favorite strategies or tracking methods to ensure you stay on budget or put away savings ' while still enjoying luxuries, personally or professionally? Cheers! | Timestamp |
Ryan P | reply | Reply @Ryan P! Extremely detailed book keeping | Timestamp |
Nathan H | message | Thanks, Nathan H! Hey Linus, Long time viewer. Currently sitting with my friend who was just in a motorcycle accident, Have you ever had any accidents / close calls riding? Glad you got the channel back. P.S He is fine | Timestamp |
Jake C | message | Thanks, Jake C! Have you considered blocking non allow listed executables via a tool like policypak for non power users or would that be too disruptive to your workflow? | Timestamp |
Jake C | reply | Reply @Jake C! Good plan | Timestamp |
John U | message | Thanks, John U! Hiy'all, avid "WAN show as a podcast” listener here. How do you think the format of this show will change over the next 10 years? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Hi L+L+D! You guys talk about how digital privacy is important, but continue to use Discord, Google, etc. I was recently called out as a hypocrite for doing similar things.How do you approach privacy? | Timestamp |
Ryan Y | message | Thanks, Ryan Y! Always a shame to lose an independent review outlet. | Timestamp |
Joshua A | message | Thanks, Joshua A! Thanks for the great clothing. Hang in there. PS. I hope they find some way to figure out who is hacking all these YouTube channels... | Timestamp |
Pierre-Luc D | message | Thanks, Pierre-Luc D! Still waiting for my free BTC!! | Timestamp |
Pierre-Luc D | reply | Reply @Pierre-Luc D! Personally I put $40k in, hoping it comes before the end of the month! | Timestamp |
Cody C | message | Thanks, Cody C! Can you explain what's been going on with the Floatplane app? Subscriptions not being listed. Forced log out. Extremely difficult time loading the WAN pre-show. Lots of issues with the newest update. | Timestamp |
Cody C | reply | Reply @Cody C! It's very broken. We're very VERY aware and doing out best. | Timestamp |
Cody B | message | Thanks, Cody B! Just watched the explanation video & loved how dbrand stepped up, finally grabbed the stuff I've wanted for too long. | Timestamp |
Christopher C | message | Thanks, Christopher C! - In your entire DIY PC building experience, has there ever been a m I i component purchase you got hyped on, yet regretted in the long run? Or a purchase you initially dismissed, but turned out to be good? | Timestamp |
Nathan S | message | Thanks, Nathan S! Welcome Back Linus | Timestamp |
Stephan L | message | Thanks, Stephan L! i g The ABCs of Gaming was the first book I read to my daughter. Love that 0¥ ml you guys are making products for children. When will the ABC Book . Character Plush be coming back in stock? Can't wait to buy it! | Timestamp |
Alex 0 | message | Thanks, Alex 0! Hey guys! I've been looking for an amp/DAC combo for my setup but have had a hard time finding one with solid reviews for the price. Do you guys have any recommendations or use one yourselves? | Timestamp |
Sean M | message | Thanks, Sean M! As a robotics instructor I am always a little concerned when I see YouTubers playing with industrial robots. I was glad to see Labs using a collaborative. Are you guys planning to use more robots? | Timestamp |
Sean M | reply | Reply @Sean M! 100% but our guys are technically professionals. | Timestamp |
Nick M | message | Thanks, Nick M! How is the AMD challenge going? I am trying to chose between a 7900xtx and 4080. | Timestamp |
Nick M | reply | Reply @Nick M! We've had, other things on the mind lately. | Timestamp |
Rhys T | message | Thanks, Rhys T! Intel Cofounder Mr Moore just died :( Also, all three of you including you Dan have been both as executives and the underlings. How on both sides of things have you dealt with constructive criticism? | Timestamp |
Rhys T | reply | Reply @Rhys T! Fix the things that are criticised. | Timestamp |
Dylan G | message | Thanks, Dylan G! il What's up Dan? Gotta hydrate. | Timestamp |
Denis T | message | Thanks, Denis T! T 00060600 | Timestamp |
John F | message | Thanks, John F! I'had to work a 22 1/2 hour shift last week wearing one of your shirts. It was as comfortable at the end as it was when I put it on. I am sold on four more! | Timestamp |
Matthew V | message | Thanks, Matthew V! Mac Address holding the line O | Timestamp |
Mike R | message | Thanks, Mike R! You should hire the DP guys for the labs!!! B - e | Timestamp |
William M | message | Thanks, William M! § So long and thanks for all the phish! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! As an AWS data center technician I can say first hand they are going crazy with cost cutting internally and getting rid of a lot of perks like team lunches and swag even | Timestamp |
Zack D | message | Thanks, Zack D! o Do you guys use Bitfocus Companion for the streamdecks or just the default elgato software? | Timestamp |
Zack D | reply | Reply @Zack D! Defailt | Timestamp |
Niels H | message | Thanks, Niels H! Last year I started a business building pc's/servers, setting up networks and maintaining them. Do you have any tips. Also set my alarm at 2 AM this morning and had to wait 2 hours. Absolutely worthit | Timestamp |
Julian I | message | Thanks, Julian I! Can you explain how NDAs work? Do you have a general one with each company, or sign a new one every time? Who signs them, everyone, or just people working with the thing under NDA? Any funny stories? | Timestamp |
Julian I | reply | Reply @Julian I! Don't say things or lawsuit. | Timestamp |
Jacob L | message | Thanks, Jacob L! "Give a man to teach a hotdog, a day. Eat a man to give a hotdog: lifetime" - steven seagull | Timestamp |
Andrew T | message | Thanks, Andrew T! As containerization becomes more prevalent, have you considered content spotlighting this tech? Perhaps some Docker-based game server content or 5 CPUs 1 gamer using k8s? Would love this. | Timestamp |
Patricia G | message | Thanks, Patricia G! Hi Linus and Luke! I would love to make a talk at a security conference about yesterday's hack and would like to get the details straight. Would someone on your team would be open to be interviewed? | Timestamp |
Patricia G | reply | Reply @Patricia G! Throw us an email! | Timestamp |
Paul B | message | Thanks, Paul B! Been following Chris and Jordan before they joined DPReview and will follow them to PetaPixel. Glad to see them here (and glad there's a “here" again!) | Timestamp |
Morgan K | message | Thanks, Morgan K! Yeah! Another not black shirt. Best Regards. | Timestamp |
Derek P | message | Thanks, Derek P! I Hey linus, i have tried a few times to contact your business team in regards to a pc build idea. Would you ever be interested in building an all lego pc but with actual pc parts, ram mobo etc | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! When colleagues and peers push back on strong passwords, MFA, auto-locking workstations, how do you respond efficiently? I'm 5 years deep in a tech career and feeling like I'm pushing against a wall. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! The balance is hard | Timestamp |
David 5 | message | Thanks, David 5! I was really glad to hear you wouldn't be disciplining the phished ~. o . . " employee. I'm curious if you have a standard Blameless Review / Postmortem / Incident Review / Correction of Error process? | Timestamp |
Filip T | message | Thanks, Filip T! &' I Will Floatplane chat ever have (tab) autocomplete for @mentions? Currently the only way it to click with mouse on the name or type the name out. Subbed yesterday and excited for this WAN show at 4am:D . - | Timestamp |
Filip T | reply | Reply @Filip T! We have lots of new features in the works, but I'll share your feedback with the team! | Timestamp |
Sahil D | message | Thanks, Sahil D! With the JerryRigEverything knife and Ludwig's Bidet (Soon™) being on LTT store, Do y'all plan to make the store a onestop shop for Creator merch? Are floatplane creators next? Much love boys! | Timestamp |
David T | message | Thanks, David T! Linus you always say you wanna be a real company, do you feel like you've hit that point already, have another point in mind, or could always be real-er-er? | Timestamp |
David T | reply | Reply @David T! It's a real-ness shmeer | Timestamp |
Michael H | message | Thanks, Michael H! Stuck around waiting for y'all to go live today! Sad to see you get hacked but glad you're back up so quickly! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Nice to add another LTT Meme shirt to my collection | Timestamp |
Scott B | message | Thanks, Scott B! ‘& What are your thoughts on FrameWork's announcement this week? & The community seems very excited and satisfied with everything! | Timestamp |
John C | message | Thanks, John C! F(beep) the Hackers! Floatplane stay flying high! | Timestamp |
Matthew S | message | Thanks, Matthew S! Always love your merch and excited to introduce my wife to the underwear... Do you think Al / ML / Large Language Models will make phishing attacks more sophisticated? How to we protect against that? — B | Timestamp |
Matthew S | reply | Reply @Matthew S! It's going to make everything more sophisticated. RS | Timestamp |
Jacob 0 | message | Thanks, Jacob 0! Hi L&L, I've had my own share of IT disasters at my company, I'm just curious, if you rated ones you've gone through, which was the worst? Or which did you learn the most from? Data Loss, SMS, Telsa? | Timestamp |
Sami T | message | Thanks, Sami T! Finally a start time for WAN show that works for early EU gang. | Timestamp |
Leo S | message | Thanks, Leo S! When it comes to the lab, do you plan to make it just data based, or more like a consumer reports with recommendations? Or do you plan to take it a step further like with budget recs etc..? | Timestamp |
Leo S | reply | Reply @Leo S! As far as we can | Timestamp |
Patrick G | message | Thanks, Patrick G! Last time you mentioned getting into fragrances. How about a steam deck steam scent? | Timestamp |
Patrick G | reply | Reply @Patrick G! It's glorious | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Has there been any thought to having Floatplane subs have access to the labs site early to get user feedback before going fully public? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! A good idea. Hopefully | Timestamp |
Daminico W | message | Thanks, Daminico W! Hey Linus,Luke and Dan, glad you guys where able to stream today. Question I have is if you had to make a new YouTube channel and not use your name to build it. What would it be called and about what? | Timestamp |
Daminico W | reply | Reply @Daminico W! Badminton probably. | Timestamp |
Gary L | message | Thanks, Gary L! Glad to see the channel is okay (thanks to Luke of course)! Got any insider hints as to what we can see for merch in the near future? Personally waiting for a messenger bag! | Timestamp |
Gary L | reply | Reply @Gary L! I'm not telling you anything about the leather bag with sterling silver zippers | Timestamp |
Christopher D | message | Thanks, Christopher D! I recently recommended a blanket to go with your couchrippers. What are your thoughts and might I recommend it being designed as motherboard or graphics card. I R | Timestamp |
Ethan L | message | Thanks, Ethan L! Long time listener, first time buying some merch. Hope next week was better than this one, crossing my fingers for 5 hour WAN show also hi Dan B - 0 e | Timestamp |
JUSTIN M | message | Thanks, JUSTIN M! E i Floatplane v The Wan Show v Gone Phishin' v Let's go! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! I've been waiting for the women's underwear line for the longest time B | Timestamp |
YuG P | message | Thanks, YuG P! Been waiting for midnight green form months lol! Glad it is here! Linus how do you plan on making your company more sustainable (energy wise) over the years? | Timestamp |
YuG P | reply | Reply @YuG P! More grass . S | Timestamp |
Joshua W | message | Thanks, Joshua W! If your viewers would spend $1k on a single LTT product, what would you want to sell them? Not me of course ... I'm broke. | Timestamp |
Joshua W | reply | Reply @Joshua W! It might be backpack shaped e e | Timestamp |
Erik Al | message | Thanks, Erik Al Glad you're back Linus. Have you enjoyed seeing where the steam deck is today after all the software updates over the last year? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! My GF loves napping to the WAN show | Timestamp |
Austin P | message | Thanks, Austin P! Any plans for more accessories like the scrunchies? | Timestamp |
Austin P | reply | Reply @Austin P! We have lots of stuff in the works, stay tuned! | Timestamp |
Jerald F | message | Thanks, Jerald F! m‘ I‘ " Thank for all the great content. You got give up 1. Metric system or " *I Health care. Thanks Floatplane for waking up Linus | Timestamp |
Jerald F | reply | Reply @Jerald F! Neither, both are essential | Timestamp |
Brandon D | message | Thanks, Brandon D! To help out from the cost from the recovery from the hack today, getting some stuff for the GF in Norway to ship to her. Thanks for not missing a WAN show and showing more Canadian content DPreview <3 | Timestamp |
Mohamad K | message | Thanks, Mohamad K! Hi Linus, I wanna raise a lil hell over the fact that Xbox doesn't allow audio-out USB (other than licensed headsets) making headsets that are plug n play on PC and PS useless on Xbox. It sucks alot | Timestamp |
James M | message | Thanks, James M! Current Amazon employee here, is there anything that we can do or ask after to help with the dp review situation? I feel like there has to be a way to convince daddy bezos to take the free PR. | Timestamp |
Zachary R | message | Thanks, Zachary R! Just wanted to say thank you for the great content and it's good to see you back so quickly. Have a relaxing weekend, if you can! | Timestamp |
Miles D | message | Thanks, Miles D! Question about the LTT backpack. Have you considered making a pannier version for those who cycle for their commutes, or is that just too niche? | Timestamp |
John M | message | Thanks, John M! With Apple and Samsung seeing slowdowns in people buying phones, do you think it would be better to go to a bi-yearly phone release? | Timestamp |
John M | reply | Reply @John M! I think we're good | Timestamp |
Matthew T | message | Thanks, Matthew T! Can we see more video content around technology Creator Warehouse I uses? I've really enjoyed Labs and Eng content, and Sarah did an -l amazing job with the Pantone content on Short Circuit - I need more! | Timestamp |
Edward V | message | Thanks, Edward V! Congratulanons to the scammer for finally convincing so many of us to | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Do you edit your nude scenes yourself then pass the completed footage to the editors, or has the whole editing den seen your tech tip? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Linus just looks like that | Timestamp |
Evan W | message | Thanks, Evan W! ). . ¥ hichat | Timestamp |
John S | message | Thanks, John S! Really love the Floatplane beta! Having channels is really nice. Previously I'd only watch recently uploaded videos because it was difficult to find what I was interested in. | Timestamp |
Joshua S | message | Thanks, Joshua S! Linus, with LG dropping Harmony, I'll eventually have to replace my remote. The Yio Remote Two looks promising. Is there any QoL tech that you have thought of developing due to lack of decent options? | Timestamp |
Joshua L | message | Thanks, Joshua L! Complying with rule 1, always bring a towel. So with the EVENT I know you posted a position for a Sys Admin, will you also be looking at a security compliance position in the future as well. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Linus. The InternetArchive and Physical Libraries and are all a bit under attack. Have you ever considered building a nonprofit, or your own public digital preservation resource or an InternetA mirror T~ ) | Timestamp |
David F | message | Thanks, David F! Iwork in IT and we challenge our users monthly with simulated phishing attacks using KnowBe4! We also send them quarterly training to keep them informed. Definitely check them out! Glad your back!!! | Timestamp |
Jon G | message | Thanks, Jon G! Have you ever thought about having a LTT Store merch subscription, like $25/month for the latest T-shirt. Maybe have the possibility to skip a month or more to save up for a higher priced item later. | Timestamp |
WILLSON L | message | Thanks, WILLSON L! Hey Dan! I recently got a flipper zero. What kind of cool things do you do with it? I use it to store my garage keys and store key fobs | Timestamp |
Escapement D | message | Thanks, Escapement D! Most Awesome Dan. Please do an FP BTS on WAN show pre-show setup. It comes off so well and those of us that have ran their own podcast studios would real geek out on it. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! With the Nintendo eShop for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS shutting down this week, there will be a ton of games, particularly DSiWare, that will only be available through piracy. What are your thoughts? | Timestamp |
Bryn W | message | Thanks, Bryn W! Seeing as how much they came in clutch today for the first video post hack - do either of you remember the first time you got trolled by Dbrand? Much love from Calgary! | Timestamp |
Danielle G | message | Thanks, Danielle G! Yay more women's merch! Convinced me to make my first LTT store purchase! Linus, in the lean days was there ever a crisis where you were prepared to drop LMG? Luke, where you were ready to walk | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Thanks for the great toy for my son! I'm active-duty military & would ove a quality shirt to wear under my uniform. Have you considered making blank tees in Tan 499 (the color we must wear)? | Timestamp |
Jacob W | message | Thanks, Jacob W! st Hi guys, so glad you could finally make it. This will go along nicely with my TMB Warranty shirt. Still waiting on my water bottle straw lid though.... | Timestamp |
Timothy T | message | Thanks, Timothy T! Hello! I was looking at the 3D Down jacket and was wondering what is the fill power of the down and how breathable is it (RET scale)? It would be great if u could add it in the description! | Timestamp |
Emilia K | message | Thanks, Emilia K! Hi! I RMA'd my GPU and got an Intel Arc A380 in the meanwhile. It was surprisingly okay on Linux. It's in my NAS now for Jellyfin encoding and it works great!Do you think Intel can find success here? | Timestamp |
Aaron H | message | Thanks, Aaron H! Will there be any cyber security focus at LTX for how important it is these days? What degree in cyber security should the average person be expected to have for the society we live in today? | Timestamp |
Gabe C | message | Thanks, Gabe C! Been meaning to pick up the 640z water bottle but it was never in } stock, glad to finally get it! Could we ever see a grippy insulated screwdriver for tradesmen working in high-voltage situations? | Timestamp |
John F | message | Thanks, John F! I just got one for a co-worker too! | Timestamp |
Jack L | message | Thanks, Jack L! m I just realized I subscribed to Floatplane 4 years ago now and it's only gotten better. It's been a long time since the $3 tier was grandfathered. Are there plans to move us to the $5 tier soon? | Timestamp |
Austin H | message | Thanks, Austin H! Congrats on the wedding Nathaniel! | Timestamp |
Robert H | message | Thanks, Robert H! - Did the floatplane severs see a noticeable hit from the people flooding it after the hackening? | Timestamp |
Robert H | reply | Reply @Robert H! That's why we are so late today! It's craaaaazy | Timestamp |
Cody L | message | Thanks, Cody L! Going to be building my first PC in a SFF case tomorrow. Any tips for cable management in small cases? B v | Timestamp |
Cody L | reply | Reply @Cody L! Do your best! | Timestamp |
Josh G | message | Thanks, Josh G! ' Thanks for the great quality Merch! Can we get a strawberry pattern a underwear print in the future? & & | Timestamp |
Jared V | message | Thanks, Jared V! Glad to see y'all recovering so fast! Have a good show and get some sleep soon! I | Timestamp |
Joey S | message | Thanks, Joey S! Hello Linus, Luke, and Dan! Do you think you're going to dive into maker and DIY content beyond 3D printers? | Timestamp |
Ruzzel S | message | Thanks, Ruzzel S! Glad you guys are back! What are each of you looking most forward to in the upcoming LTX 20237 Can't wait to see you guys there! | Timestamp |
Caleb H | message | Thanks, Caleb H! I just wrote the bylaws today for my college's Electronics Club. We plan to make a working R2-D2. Where you ever in your school's tech/ electronics club, what extracurriculars did you participate in? | Timestamp |
Anthony C | message | Thanks, Anthony C! Finally gonna give these a try, hopefully they're good | Timestamp |
Juan M | message | Thanks, Juan M! *“-‘l“‘?’ I'm sorry you guys got hacked! Hope this helps even a bit!! I love all H! d your vids! | Timestamp |
Andrew B | message | Thanks, Andrew B! Linus,Luke and Dan, you guys rock! Linus, would you ever consider . .I doing limited outside artists pieces, shirt, sticker pack, ect. as collaborations at all? | Timestamp |
Andrew K | reply | Reply @Andrew K! 'l_ We've already cashed in | Timestamp |
LexieR | message | Thanks, LexieR! E_ ’ '2,_ Luke do you think Microsoft has scraped there next version of windows and are trying to make an os around chatGPT and would it be a game changing os. Ps I hope the new under and bralette get me luc | Timestamp |
Andrew V | message | Thanks, Andrew V! WaPo and NY Times are reporting Intel co-founder Gordon Moore, of Moore's law fame, passed away. | Timestamp |
William M | message | Thanks, William M! What do you miss most and least from the old internet before the days H I ! fl _ of Facebook, Google, and the like? | Timestamp |
William M | reply | Reply @William M! Everything was so innocent and just fun | Timestamp |
T J | message | Thanks, T J! Been a follower for years and glad you guys are on top of the issues. | Timestamp |
Ryder D | message | Thanks, Ryder D! Linus, did the long-range internet you installed at your parent's island house ever get fully set up? When the video ended the ISP hadn't connected the main base station. | Timestamp |
Justin S | message | Thanks, Justin S! ) Congrats on handling the hacking very well. Had to grab the Phishin’ shirt. Looking forward to seeing you guys at LTX. Keep up the great work!! 3 A \ | Timestamp |
Andrew H | message | Thanks, Andrew H! Greetings from Denmark! Glad to see everything is back. Do you have any updates on the NAS software Linus invested in? | Timestamp |
Alexander D | message | Thanks, Alexander D! Hey guys glad to see you back in action after Sudden "telsa" takeover | Timestamp |
Thomas B | message | Thanks, Thomas B! Glad you got your channe; restored. How do you feel about some of the private video going public? You should be allowed to have your privacy. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! @ You strongly implied Colton was responsible for the hack. Colton fired when? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Luke, what are some of the items you are looking forward to the most with your floatplane team? Also, floatplane shirt when? I have the beta squadron, but it's well used and do for a replacement soon. | Timestamp |
lan E | message | Thanks, lan E! Linus, knowing what you know about making videos. Is there any past video that you would like to go back and remake? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Are there plans for other colors of the Henley or another shirt design with the fabric? Its one of my new favorites due to how it feels but I don't want to wear the same shirt everyday! | Timestamp |
wiltiam G | message | Thanks, wiltiam G! % Excited for LTTEXPO! Going with my foodie girlfriend. Where should we o eat? | Timestamp |
William G | reply | Reply @William G! 0Oh man there are so many great places to go in Vancouver. Definitely explore downtown and experience some of the local cuisine, "Lunch Lady" is great! | Timestamp |
Sylvie M | message | Thanks, Sylvie M! As someone who works on an old and antiquated system (older than 1980s), what is your favorite big system of "old tech” that you've gotten towork on? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Pe ey Would y'all please keep up some of the obscure random videos that got t . ‘ I shown when videos got reinstated? It was fun watching random stuff ~ from the years of LMG | Timestamp |
Michael H | message | Thanks, Michael H! Great to see yall bounce back. Finally getting a screwdriver and wife is excited for the new boy shorts! | Timestamp |
Lucas L | message | Thanks, Lucas L! \ ® ,’ Do you think that your channel getting hacked will cause improvements p on googles side for overall site security. | Timestamp |
null | message | Thanks Joel R! More merch messages | Timestamp |
Diego C | message | Thanks, Diego C! I made a bet with my dad, a professional contractor, that the LTT screwdriver would be better than his DeWalt screwdriver and if itis then he'll pay for it. Anything you can say to convince him? | Timestamp |
David C | message | Thanks, David C! Luke/Dan, we've seen lots of Linus' house, but what are your home setups like aside from your PC? Any rack mounted tech? Looking to buy a house and curious what other tech savvy approaches you use. | Timestamp |
Francis C | message | Thanks, Francis C! One interesting byproduct of the hack was that all private videos were public for a bit. Have you considered adding niche vids like the Ltt Style Guide to the floatplane catalog? Best of luck to team! | Timestamp |
Daniel B | message | Thanks, Daniel B! With every YT video asking people to hit the bell icon to be notified of new videos, am I the weird one for just going to my sub feed and actively seeking out new videos from my favorite creators? | Timestamp |
Ben K | message | Thanks, Ben K! Howdy | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! I know PO means priority O super serious issue, but I think Linus just defined P-No time to put on underwear | Timestamp |
Kevin B | message | Thanks, Kevin B! I'm on Luke's side :D | Timestamp |
Peter T | message | Thanks, Peter T! What do you weigh heavier for LTT outage: whonnock data loss or ltt being hacked? | Timestamp |
Damian R | message | Thanks, Damian R! 'm. 'l THEY'RE BACK! | Timestamp |
Jesse H | message | Thanks, Jesse H! This shirt design makes it all worth it | Timestamp |
Stephen S | message | Thanks, Stephen S! I I was one of the many confused at the sudden appearance of Linus ' Tesla Tips yesterday and glad you got the accounts back. Gone Phishing shirts are perfect and as always code fivefootone | Timestamp |
Kristen C | message | Thanks, Kristen C! So pleasantly surprised to see WOMEN'S UNDERGARMENTS!!! WOWEE- JEEZUS THANK YOU! This is so ironically well timed for me. Spouse sings praises about his and I can finally have some of my own!!! <3 | Timestamp |
Megan A | message | Thanks, Megan A! Any updates or ETA on the magnetic cable management clips? | Timestamp |
Megan A | reply | Reply @Megan A! Soon™ | Timestamp |
Roman Al | message | Thanks, Roman Al Who are some youtubers that you used to watch but no longer make !' content or have left the platform? | Timestamp |
Nicholas K | message | Thanks, Nicholas K! Hey Luke and Linus, What do you think about the current legal case against the internet archive for letting users "check out" digitized copies of physical books? | Timestamp |
Pieter C | message | Thanks, Pieter C! ‘I. .m Can you say Hi to my girlfriend star? Thanks I | Timestamp |
Justin P | message | Thanks, Justin P! Subscribed to Floatplane during the fiasco. Was wondering if there's any shot of an Android TV app? | Timestamp |
Kai M | message | Thanks, Kai M! ol Give yourself a 1.7 second break and don't reply to this, Dan, justa shout out to the incredible team working behind the scenes to keep everything going <3 | Timestamp |
David T | message | Thanks, David T! I work in cybersecurity, and don't envy the time you had. There are definitely ways products could be more secure, but management worries about the effect of security “friction" on revenue. | Timestamp |
JORDAN M | message | Thanks, JORDAN M! Hey Linus and Luke! I've been watching for years and you have helped many pc builds and purchases! With the recent hack are you considering using virtual machines for separate business functions? | Timestamp |
Kyle M | message | Thanks, Kyle M! Me and the GF have been waiting for the womens underwear! Bonus point for making a matching set! Any plans to make them for the other 3 sets of mens underwear? | Timestamp |
Robert S | message | Thanks, Robert S! Subscribed to FP in January and today sealed a long term customer. Sorry we all hugged FP too hard this evening :). Has the latest uptick in subs changed plans for future infrastructure expansions? | Timestamp |
Mark L | message | Thanks, Mark L! What is the most surprising thing to occur (other than the obvious) in the past 48 hours? Any super proud moments of the team? | Timestamp |
Antoine S | message | Thanks, Antoine S! I'M SLIPPING UP THERE, GET ME THAT LADDER, QUICK ! | Timestamp |
Elijah S | message | Thanks, Elijah S! Hey Luke and Linus my husband love LMG and we have been really into the Linus house updates are there going to be one soon? | Timestamp |
Trent K | message | Thanks, Trent K! Hey Linus and Luke! I'm a cybersecurity major with networking minor at Arizona state university, do you have any recommendations on types of roles/ companies to apply to? Hope to see you both at LTX! | Timestamp |
Freddy N | message | Thanks, Freddy N! This Kinda Funny Best Friend is excited to take the LTT Backpack globally. | Timestamp |
Garrett D | message | Thanks, Garrett D! I work in the security department for may states judicial system and ) . .‘ brought up your situation to my bosses and co-workers as something to be aware of. | Timestamp |
Aaron F | message | Thanks, Aaron F! Shout out to work buddy Dann! Last week I went early and my Merch Message was lost to the pre-show. Will there ever be an archive to see our messages? LTT polo shirt when? IT guys in chat post p —= = | Timestamp |
Aaron R | message | Thanks, Aaron R! Wife said I could only get a shirt if she could steal it. | Timestamp |
Bryce H | message | Thanks, Bryce H! Also thanks to the channel going down, I actually went to the gym :0 | Timestamp |
Bryce H | message | Thanks, Bryce H! Just wanted to check in and ask if the black shaft shorty coming? ? Also thanks to the channel going down, I actually went to the gym :0 | Timestamp |
Gregory S | message | Thanks, Gregory S! Watching WAN show, wearing an LTT shirt, using my LTT Screwdriver to work on an old laptop, and buying a Tech Sack. A good Friday. When was the last time Luke bathed? | Timestamp |
Tadeas K | message | Thanks, Tadeas K! Thanks for all the amazing clothing, I keep waiting for LTT jeans! | Timestamp |
Michael L | message | Thanks, Michael L! Alittle offering to the tech security gods for the LTT channels... e ——— | Timestamp |
Gabriel G | message | Thanks, Gabriel G! Y'all have mentioned previously about thinking of getting a dedicated cybersecurity person on the team, after this incident and given the number of users in the org, is that back on the table? | Timestamp |
Kevin M | message | Thanks, Kevin M! LTT got me into tech and now I have a silicon valley engineering job. Just subbed to floatplane and now buying LTT screwdriver. Thank you for all your content and happy to support! | Timestamp |
Luke S | message | Thanks, Luke S! Just wanted to show my support for the channel. Looking forward to LTX 2023. | Timestamp |
Cassidy D | message | Thanks, Cassidy D! This shirt seems a little phishy... | Timestamp |
Mara d | message | Thanks, Mara d! No message please. Just the deskpad is okay. | Timestamp |
Julian S | message | Thanks, Julian S! Just spent $69 (nice) on the phishing shirts and a desk pad. Luke and Linus, what was your favorite meme you've seen of the whole LTT hackening so far? Crazy to see the whole thing live. Love the show | Timestamp |
Nathan B | message | Thanks, Nathan B! ) Does Labs intend to test 3d printers? Also any word when the torx set will be back in stock for the screwdriver? Thanks! I Em— | Timestamp |
Timothy 0 | message | Thanks, Timothy 0! Do you guys use any hardware based 2fa like Yubico? Any recommendations? | Timestamp |
Jackson H | message | Thanks, Jackson H! Glad you guys are back. Are there any other resources you found to educate users on the hacking issue in addition to Theoloe? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Any plans to send fake phishing emails every now and then? All the big orgs do it to give extra training to anyone who opens the malware pdf Y | Timestamp |
Andrew B | message | Thanks, Andrew B! Glad you guys got everything sorted, was a good reminder to re-sub to Floatplane, Surprised the OG tier still works :) | Timestamp |
Michael C | message | Thanks, Michael C! ‘ Love you dan <3 Keep up the great work! Iy | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Quick pitch for a April fool's vid. Going off the hackening, the real reason it happened was Lie-nus trying to scam his viewers for cryptocurrency and whatever other reasons you want to add. | Timestamp |
Brendan K | message | Thanks, Brendan K! Do you think raytracing will get to the point where it will be worth the performance hit? | Timestamp |
Geoffrey N | message | Thanks, Geoffrey N! Linus and Luke, I work as a developer and regularly use tools like GitHub copilot and chatGPT. But with a child who is an artist, what advice do you have to help quell fears about Al taking jobs? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Why can't we login to lttstore with a password anymore? I'm only getting the option to login with a code sent to my email which is a bit annoying. PS good luck Dan's hands | Timestamp |
Peter M | message | Thanks, Peter M! Tried a friend's backpack, now I gotta save up to get one of my own! Glad to see y'all back up and running. Have y'all heard of Beeper before? Great service and it's free now! | Timestamp |
Harrison R | message | Thanks, Harrison R! I'm glad that you all are back up and running! I'm one of the refugees, and Floatplane has been AMAZING so far! | Timestamp |
Stuart P | message | Thanks, Stuart P! Glad to see you're bouncing back after everything that happened. What are your thoughts on the iCloud keychain Password management / storage feature? Should it be used / trusted? | Timestamp |
James B | message | Thanks, James B! Allyour hase are belong to us. Stay bt guys'! | Timestamp |
Jayath G | message | Thanks, Jayath G! Love the channel! New floatplane subscriber and loving every minute! | Timestamp |
Hayley E | message | Thanks, Hayley E! Thrilled that the womens underwear is finally here! One of everything for me and a matching 3 pack for my husband! | Timestamp |
dennis o | message | Thanks, dennis o! great job at crisis management LTT team girlfriend will love her new stuff just like her 2 mouse pads and water bottle wearing out dan's mouse one click at a time | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Good job recovering from this issue. | Timestamp |
Mark J! PHIS] | message | Thanks, Mark J! PHIS] I saw a lot about being excited about how you would be monetize this event. Do you enjoy being known as the ki = monetization? | Timestamp |
Steven Q | message | Thanks, Steven Q! - let go floatplane stressTest #BRANCHMARK #STRESS L | Timestamp |
Steven Q | message | Thanks, Steven Q! | Timestamp |
Steven Q | reply | Reply @Steven Q! - First Floatplane goes down, now Merch Message servers are crying in pain | Timestamp |
William LU | message | Thanks, William LU! Hey Luke did you feel like you were Zerocool saving LTT? | Timestamp |
Russ H | message | Thanks, Russ H! Bought the Fishin’ shirt before the stream started, but just wanted to say Welcome back! | Timestamp |
Killian H | message | Thanks, Killian H! I am so sorry Dan, best wishes to your fingies :) I was intending to buy Gane Phishin in black but the 3xl appears to be unavailable. Either way wanted to commemorate this hectic week. | Timestamp |
Patrick W | message | Thanks, Patrick W! o Hey Luke and Linus! Haven't kept up with the show recently but was just wondering if there's any update on the backpack replacement zippers as most of mine have broken through regular use. Thanks! | Timestamp |
Josh C | message | Thanks, Josh C! Glad your back online. Is there any update on the new carabiner pulls for backpack? | Timestamp |
shane m | message | Thanks, shane m! B I Wil Hi Dan I hope you are doing okay. | Timestamp |
shane m | reply | Reply @shane m! We're not | Timestamp |
I Demand D | message | Thanks, I Demand D! At last the 640z is back! Thank you, I'm getting everything rn including the GP shirt I hope everyone got at least some sleep before the show. Also congrats on being up and running again so FAST | Timestamp |
JOSUE G | message | Thanks, JOSUE G! What is one tech or tech feature that you were excited for when it was demoed but ended up being a huge disappointment. | Timestamp |
Matti O | message | Thanks, Matti O! Hey Linus and Luke! Glad you got your channels back. I'm not able to A sign in on floatplane except on the phone app. What's up with that? | Timestamp |
Caleb M | message | Thanks, Caleb M! Thank you for the vids! Would you day windows 11 is worth it to switch to? Do you believe that there is a product that would make people want to swich | Timestamp |
Christian N | message | Thanks, Christian N! \ b1 4 Glad everything turned out OK. Merch message in a historical WAN show, and LTT gear for my wife to boot! | Timestamp |
Terrence S | message | Thanks, Terrence S! Felt the loss when the channel disappeared. Glad everything is back up though! Dan, make sure you mention the total sale count near the end of the show. Must be a record! | Timestamp |
Miguel T | message | Thanks, Miguel T! 1 ’. .M Wanted to support the show and new to FP! Just bought the screw driver, should I return it for version 2?7 | Timestamp |
Florian H | message | Thanks, Florian H! - Today/yesterday was my birthday (I recently moved to New Zealand and now live in the future, where I can finally watch WAN Show live) = = andIdid get a FP subscription as a present. Perfect timing! | Timestamp |
Nathan S | message | Thanks, Nathan S! Hey guys, were any other aspects of the business compromised? Are emails from your customer service received recently safe/not scams? Love you guys, thanks | Timestamp |
Brandon R | message | Thanks, Brandon R! Love everything you do and love the high quality gear. Keep it up :) | Timestamp |
Kasey G | message | Thanks, Kasey G! &- Hey guys! Question for Luke. Did you manage to watch John Hammond's video on the LTT hack? He mentioned that he reached out to you in his video. (Possible collab at some point??7) | Timestamp |
Skylar B | message | Thanks, Skylar B! Besides the hack, what was the most stressful situation you have all been in and handle it? | Timestamp |
Erin B | message | Thanks, Erin B! Relieved that the channel was recovered - Beeping phishers! Super excited for the new women's undies! :D | Timestamp |
Stepan K | message | Thanks, Stepan K! Kudos to Luke and the Floatplane team for keeping it up the last couple of days and especially today! Any tips for the cover letter if I want to -_ join you? Never wrote one lol | Timestamp |
Matthew W | message | Thanks, Matthew W! Hi, Mom! Look, I'm on TV! | Timestamp |
Billy R | message | Thanks, Billy R! Would you play EFT for the AMD challenge and to see if the cheaters is better? | Timestamp |
Maxwell N | message | Thanks, Maxwell N! Been using the 400z for ages and lovin' it, been sitting tight for the 600z to come back in stock am happy to afford and support the team. | Timestamp |
Mark A | message | Thanks, Mark A! Used DPReview extensively when I first bought my camera for video and astrophotography. Later I went through basically every wide angle lenses reviews before deciding on one that best suited my needs. | Timestamp |
Tyler Y | message | Thanks, Tyler Y! Linus, you have talked about your daily driver socks being Darn Tough l flfl socks. To what extent could their colour scheme have affected LTT's “4 colour scheme. (the work socks are dark grey and orange) | Timestamp |
Jared D | message | Thanks, Jared D! With everything considered on how a different account was compromised, what do you think would be the ideal way to lockdown a channel with multiple managers in the future? | Timestamp |
Alex L | reply | Reply @Alex L! Chivalry 2, Dota 2, and super excited for Exoprimal! | Timestamp |
Alexander M | message | Thanks, Alexander M! First ever merch message. Let's go!! | Timestamp |
Michael G | message | Thanks, Michael G! What do you guys think about the creators on YT pushing "Prompt engineers" going to make 6 figures with no experience for chat GPT? | Timestamp |
Jack B | message | Thanks, Jack B! Hi L&L&D, I am 20 and my boss thinks I am a gamer. My suggestions for work hardware get ignored. How do I get him to understand that I recommended the best hardware for the job like duel channel RAM. | Timestamp |
Bryan P | message | Thanks, Bryan P! Hi Linus and Luke, long time listener, first time buyer - | Timestamp |
Chelsea R | message | Thanks, Chelsea R! Hey guys! On the bralettes, was subjective comfy-ness tested by anyone on the team/Yvonne? My husband watches, and now you have my attention :P | Timestamp |
Michael T | message | Thanks, Michael T! thank you so much cant get enough pairs of these underwear!!! | Timestamp |
Joseph M | message | Thanks, Joseph M! Love you guys! Welcome back! Making dark mode exclusive to whale tier floatplane is evil. I love it! Also, any hope for screen-off playback or livestream "DVR" for Floatplane? I'd use it more if | Timestamp |
Mitchell D | message | Thanks, Mitchell D! My first merch message! Dan and Linus (not Luke), did you see the new Sonos Era stuff and do you plan on adding some of it to your arc setup? | Timestamp |
David E | message | Thanks, David E! Hi Linus, excited about the fixed screwdrivers. Please make them thru tang though for durability. | Timestamp |
Justin G | message | Thanks, Justin G! Glad I stayed up a bit longer to catch the show. Dan works so hard he needs a raise =) Still hoping gamebits get released for Nintendo cartridges and consoles. Perhaps consider Apple pentalobe too :) | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Glad you're back! Can Linus address why he decided to stay naked and if he stayed naked the whole time he was working on bringing the channel back? | Timestamp |
Joseph Al | message | Thanks, Joseph Al Happy to support y'all, thanks for the many years of entertainment. @Linus have you thought about a sub channel for comp build streams ala robeytech? Rotate hosts, use merch messages etc one a week | Timestamp |
Daniel R | message | Thanks, Daniel R! Love you guys. Thank you for everything you do. | Timestamp |
Dillon R | message | Thanks, Dillon R! My girlfriend is happy that you have cute bralettes now. Question: Dan, what's your average MMPM (Merch-Messages Per Minute)? | Timestamp |
Dillon R | reply | Reply @Dillon R! We see these stats in our admin dashboard. The current rate is about 15MMPM, but average is probably around 3MMPM | Timestamp |
Logan 0 | message | Thanks, Logan 0! Hey guys! First time getting merch to support you in this weird time. What exactly happened? What's the timeline on getting the channel back? Is everyone okay? Also congrats on the floatplane success! | Timestamp |
Cooper C | message | Thanks, Cooper C! &' Hey Linus and Luke, I'm 16 and just wanted some advice about how to dip your toes into getting into the tech industry. I can code and just need to figure out a way! Thanks and LFG 4 Hour Show! | Timestamp |
Paul R | message | Thanks, Paul R! For my best friend in pc gaming. From lending you my first pc with the Q6600 & HD7750, & passing down every GPU I had. Thanks for joining me all these years. Congrats on your completely new build! | Timestamp |
Tyler V | message | Thanks, Tyler V! Hey guys I have been a long time watcher, I have always loved dogs and cats equally so can you tell me why you seem to prefer cats so much more than dogs. Also shoutout to my partner Maddie :) | Timestamp |
Wade W | message | Thanks, Wade W! I feel you! I was up for 54 hours on Jan.8, 2003 mitigating the largest DDoS attack on the internet at Verisign. Still the largest number of devices ever involved in a DDoS attack MAD adrenaline rush! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Hey Linus, Luke and Dan I'm curious to know have any of you been ¥ using Chat gpt or Bing chat in your day to day life? If so what do you personally find it useful for? | Timestamp |
Heiko T | message | Thanks, Heiko T! m Hi Linus, you talked about seperate subscriptions to LMG-channels on FLOATPLANE - will this mean that the $5 for all channels/videos will go away? | Timestamp |
Sean G | message | Thanks, Sean G! Love everything you guys are doing with the lab etc.. Happy to support. | Timestamp |
Joshua Al | message | Thanks, Joshua Al Love the stuff you do. I'm glad the channel is back! keep doing great things guys! | Timestamp |
Joshua A | message | Thanks, Joshua A! G | Timestamp |
David L | message | Thanks, David L! Glad you guys are back. Love the channel | Timestamp |
Michael D | message | Thanks, Michael D! We need a Sarah/Dan-osaur show. Keep up the good work! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Glad you guys have it sorted out! Hope you guys have a restful weekend. | Timestamp |
Nicholas L | message | Thanks, Nicholas L! BROOQO 64 oz is life it | Timestamp |
Michael R | message | Thanks, Michael R! Gotta buy merch to make up for my $3 floatplane sub. Hope y'all get some much deserved rest! PS Very excited for LTX! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! ) = Hey Guys! Just wanna ask how you guys feel about the Tik Tok congress ’ Lfi thing, if you haven't already talked about it. Glad to see the channel back up and running. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! ) I haven't actually seen it yet -LS | Timestamp |
Eric L | message | Thanks, Eric L! '.fl “5 Thanks for the awesome content! All the hard work appreciated. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! I've been on both sides of this spectrum, both Pen testing and cyber defense aspects. The energy you're feeling is addictive. I recommend using that same energy to invest in a team that can do both. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Luke's been addiccted for years haha -LS | Timestamp |
Zachary W | message | Thanks, Zachary W! Amazing Team and Amazing Products! | Timestamp |
Alexander D | message | Thanks, Alexander D! I would love the hydrophobic hat with my work I have to wear a company jacket with out a hood and walk around outside is there anyway we could get a blank hat or maybe a velcro strip for a patch | Timestamp |
Kyle F | message | Thanks, Kyle F! Cant wait to wear this to my job in Cybersecurity! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! It's okay if you don't read a respond to this one | Timestamp |
jakub k | message | Thanks, jakub k! Thanks! Glad to see you are getting things sorted! Love the shirt :) | Timestamp |
Jamin L | message | Thanks, Jamin L! - Lfi Phishing for a CPU! | Timestamp |
Elizabeth H | message | Thanks, Elizabeth H! _u Glad you are back up and running! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Pls rehire Colton | Timestamp |
Michael T | message | Thanks, Michael T! How do you feel about AMDs 8000 series premiering this year? | Timestamp |
Jason B | message | Thanks, Jason B! m- @, does this pillow need a support bracket? Hello nessquick :3 humu ! humu humu | Timestamp |
Jeffrey L | message | Thanks, Jeffrey L! ‘ q’ Can't wait for that hydrophobic hat. Living in the PNW, that will be so useful. | Timestamp |
Jacob S | message | Thanks, Jacob S! Hello Dan, thanks for all you do! | Timestamp |
Jason B | message | Thanks, Jason B! Can't wait for the boys (ness) to see me in these humu humu humu | Timestamp |
Matt M | message | Thanks, Matt M! Glad you guys are back up. I hope you and the entire team can destress V and take it easy for a bit | Timestamp |
Joseph L | message | Thanks, Joseph L! Just helping overload the server with my second purchase of the night, good luck guys!!!! | Timestamp |
Tomas M | message | Thanks, Tomas M! Hey guys like the show. | Timestamp |
Jacob C | message | Thanks, Jacob C! Hi Aimal! | Timestamp |
Nelson O | message | Thanks, Nelson O! k.S m ‘ Best wan show ever! & | Timestamp |
Cole D | message | Thanks, Cole D! ‘N What's the promo code for | Timestamp |
Cole D | reply | Reply @Cole D! FIVEFOOTONE | Timestamp |
Albert L | message | Thanks, Albert L! t"'“ .+ HiLinus, Luke and Dan, thanks for always filling my Friday evening with I I some good content! | Timestamp |
Allan I | message | Thanks, Allan I! Dan, you're the man. | Timestamp |
David M | message | Thanks, David M! — You're killing it Dan. Make Linus get you a hand massage or something after this. Happy to hear you're joining the streak! WAN show unhinged baby!! | Timestamp |
Jarrod H | message | Thanks, Jarrod H! 5th attempt to make purchase with paypal | Timestamp |
Jacob K | message | Thanks, Jacob K! To add to the 1500 message pile. Thanks for all you guys do. Any chance of having a basic logo poster by LTX for people to sign? | Timestamp |
Andrew M | message | Thanks, Andrew M! Excited for these nice undies! | Timestamp |
Joshua S | message | Thanks, Joshua S! Long time viewer and customer, first time leaving a merch message. Here's another one for the queue, Dan! | Timestamp |
Ronald B | message | Thanks, Ronald B! Seriously great work LTT Team! | Timestamp |
Cole D | message | Thanks, Cole D! 1“. .M This is my second bottle. My first one hasn't even shown up yet. | Timestamp |
Shane G | message | Thanks, Shane G! I'll subscribe to Floatplane as soon as playback location is saved :D | Timestamp |
Jason L | message | Thanks, Jason L! Strawberry | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Hey y'all, glad to see you bounce back after the hack. This lanyard is going to hook on to my medical kit to help me find it in the dark. Thanks for making quality products. | Timestamp |
Matt M | message | Thanks, Matt M! Will there be an Apple TV Floatplane app? I want to sign up but I watch my videos mainly on an Apple TV | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! FUN FUN FUN FURN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FURN FUR FUR FUR FUA FUn run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run time to go home now.... from Australia | Timestamp |
Kolton H | message | Thanks, Kolton H! . . I am so glad you guys came through that debacle! I was so scared for ” you guy, and so irritated that this is happening to such amazing people. | Timestamp |
Josh W | message | Thanks, Josh W! What's the saddest loss of a game that you guys have played? And can no longer play. | Timestamp |
Nathen F | message | Thanks, Nathen F! . v I you flip the team red pillow, does the dimple in the center function as acatbed? | Timestamp |
Jonathon S | message | Thanks, Jonathon S! Lfi Just wanted to say I love the content and glad to see you guys back in action! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! t l . The steamdeck pouch look awesome! | Timestamp |
Michael D | message | Thanks, Michael D! Give a man a phishing warning and he'll click the first attachment.... Give a man a phishing attack and he'll be paranoid for the rest of his life. | Timestamp |
Michael D | reply | Reply @Michael D! TRUE -LL | Timestamp |
Richard L | message | Thanks, Richard L! LTT camera bag/sling ? | Timestamp |
Patrick M | message | Thanks, Patrick M! How long are you going to sleep for once you go to bed? | Timestamp |
Patrick M | reply | Reply @Patrick M! 3years-LL | Timestamp |
Mario P | message | Thanks, Mario P! ‘ l Sending love and some money for your recent woes @ | Timestamp |
william R | message | Thanks, william R! “. . . May I have the black hat Linus just threw away!? I've been looking for a : m plane black hat for a long time! | Timestamp |
William R | reply | Reply @William R! ;) -LL | Timestamp |
Elizabeth W | message | Thanks, Elizabeth W! =g 1 we <3 Dan! No questions but would love a bigger messenger bag! | Timestamp |
Gaven G | message | Thanks, Gaven G! Saw this and had to get one.. Can you make the prices for shirts $19.69(nice) instead of $19.997 Just a thought. | Timestamp |
Gaven G | reply | Reply @Gaven G! Nice | Timestamp |
Kyle W | message | Thanks, Kyle W! hi:) | Timestamp |
Samuel M | message | Thanks, Samuel M! The best lessons are learned by watching others get phished! Thanks LTT team! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Love the content guys. Are you guys going to do an in depth video covering the hack down the track? Maybe with John Hammond? | Timestamp |
Alex P | message | Thanks, Alex P! Your channel has gotten me through rough times thanks for all the positive & funny content | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Linus, would you ever consider going on Painkiller Already again? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Hasn't come up -LS | Timestamp |
Carlos B | message | Thanks, Carlos B! ¥ Notonly do i want the CPU, but i want a Mobo and Memory....JK. I wish you had the pins for the bonus bin. | Timestamp |
Troy S | message | Thanks, Troy S! 3rd order of the night. Love the body inclusivity of the women's undergarments. Getting the other pillow. Luke, anyway to get 1.5x speed in app during LIVE like YT? I'm @ work & pause it @ times. | Timestamp |
Troy S | reply | Reply @Troy S! At some point but not soon! Sorry :( -LL | Timestamp |
Alex D | message | Thanks, Alex D! GIVE DAN the MAN A BREAK!!! | Timestamp |
Kannen R | message | Thanks, Kannen R! Glad you guys are alive. are you planning on creating any other colors of the ratcheting screwdrivers? | Timestamp |
Nikki P | message | Thanks, Nikki P! Long time Floatplaner, first time Lttstorer. Girard buying the entire 3DS and Wii U library is an amazing case for new legislation to allow for genuine access without having to resort to privateering | Timestamp |
Joseph M | message | Thanks, Joseph M! > ¥ Would you be interested in finding a distributor in California? You have my email. | Timestamp |
Justin 0 | message | Thanks, Justin 0! Gone phishing, caught me. Win? See you at LTX! | Timestamp |
Liam D | message | Thanks, Liam D! Hi Luke and Linus (and Dan % )! I have a job history in power generation and am going to college in 2024 for EE. Many colleges combine that with CS. Anv tips for someone who's not coding-inclined? | Timestamp |
Liam D | reply | Reply @Liam D! Use online resources! There's MANY great ones :) -LL | Timestamp |
Josie H | message | Thanks, Josie H! SO excited to see new women's merch! I'm recently out as trans and it's great to be able to get some gender affirming merch. Have y'all considered making pride merch? I'd love to see CW's take on it! | Timestamp |
Richard T | message | Thanks, Richard T! You guys rock thanks for being sleep deprived! | Timestamp |
Jeffrey H | message | Thanks, Jeffrey H! Greetings! My phone crashed while writing this. Android 14 is _very_ stable... | Timestamp |
Adam H | message | Thanks, Adam H! Congrats on 40k floatplane subs! | Timestamp |
Michael R | message | Thanks, Michael R! I bought one (0-W-N-E) item from LTT Store! | Timestamp |
Mark L | message | Thanks, Mark L! Love 2FA! | Timestamp |
Ryan H | message | Thanks, Ryan H! Thanks for all the quality merch and years of entertainment. | Timestamp |
Keagan Y | message | Thanks, Keagan Y! Will you do more videos in the future about privacy and security? | Timestamp |
Stephen M | message | Thanks, Stephen M! Oof... Wild week for ltt. Congrats on 40k floatplane! | Timestamp |
Nathan F | message | Thanks, Nathan F! Hey Linus! And everyone at LGM and beyond... Keep Being Awesome! | Timestamp |
Brian N | message | Thanks, Brian N! /7 I Hilove everything you guys do! | Timestamp |
Brad K | message | Thanks, Brad K! Happy BDAY Levi | Timestamp |
Ronald W | message | Thanks, Ronald W! I enjoy relaxing to the WAN show and like the chatGPT updates every week | Timestamp |
lan B | message | Thanks, lan B! Thanks for everything you do, glad that issue was resolved so quickly | Timestamp |
Dylan J | message | Thanks, Dylan J! Hey linus! love your content, if you ever plan to film in new zealand keep me in mind | Timestamp |
Clay H | message | Thanks, Clay H! Bros, get some sleep | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! ' gone phishing is so cute I had to buy it. Also finally picking up a screwdriver. Lots of love. <3 -Micca | Timestamp |
Frank K | message | Thanks, Frank K! Have you heard anything about Al anti-cheat, anybrain? This seems both amazingly promising, especially for FPS games, but also very scary when you get to the details. | Timestamp |
John Henry W | message | Thanks, John Henry W! Press F to pay respects for the lost Merch messages. | Timestamp |
John Henry W | reply | Reply @John Henry W! I wanna cry -Konrad | Timestamp |
Nestor M | message | Thanks, Nestor M! Honest question: if you HAD pants much doodoo would you have had in them? | Timestamp |
Cierra L | message | Thanks, Cierra L! — The gift card has 69 reviews, nice. Thank you for the female apparel and inclusive models!! | Timestamp |
Michael S | message | Thanks, Michael S! I guess the silver lining of your hack is that I get a pretty clever shirt... | Timestamp |
Martin S | message | Thanks, Martin S! ! Glad the WAN is on today. Can we get a native Nvidia Shield FP app H I!d _ please? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! d- Got here late, did yall talk discuss the potential tiktok ban ny the US gov? | Timestamp |
Matthew W | message | Thanks, Matthew W! Dan, you're doing an amazing job, I hope you get some rest and some I cake. | Timestamp |
Nathan C | message | Thanks, Nathan C! Is this the latest WAN show ever? lol Glad things are somewhat back to norm. Thanks for the content, as always | Timestamp |
Collin C | message | Thanks, Collin C! ‘l Woot just MilletBirb with the big purchase, spending my tax money! | Timestamp |
Jesse Y | message | Thanks, Jesse Y! "Thanks Linus Tech Tips for all the laughs, tears, and thermal throttling. You're the Jerry Lewis of tech!" -ChatGPT | Timestamp |
amethyst e | message | Thanks, amethyst e! I think this hoodie is ugly, but my wife loves it. So take my money. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! We're no strangers to love You know the rules and so do I (do I) A full commitment's what I'm thinking of You wouldn't get this from any other guy I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make | Timestamp |
nicole p | message | Thanks, nicole p! I'm about to own underwear that has computer parts on it #lyfeisgood | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Hey Linus and Team, long time watcher just wanted to say love your work and hope yall stay safe. | Timestamp |
Zane H | message | Thanks, Zane H! So glad y'all were able to come back so quickly. The fans always have A 4 y'all's back! Super excited for stuff coming next from the Labs, and thanks for all the awesome stuff you do! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! So excited for the women's underwear! Although I'm going to be wearing mine more than the wife will wear hers T_T | Timestamp |
Nicholas D | message | Thanks, Nicholas D! I am feeding fuel to the chaos! Thank you LTT for all the content you make. The blunders along the way have also been excellent entertainment. | Timestamp |
Theron D | message | Thanks, Theron D! First Merch Purchase; been watching since NCIC. Glad you guys are doing ok after the phishing. Hope you all get some rest! Keep it up, and can't wait to see what's coming down the pipeline. ¥y | Timestamp |
Alexander B | message | Thanks, Alexander B! Glad you guys got your channel back. 24 hour commemorative WAN show when? | Timestamp |
Aichlinn-Jace J | message | Thanks, Aichlinn-Jace J! Hey Linus, sucks about the fiasco, but glad you guys are back on your feet already. Keep up the content. | Timestamp |
Isabel N | message | Thanks, Isabel N! You guys should do a review of motorcycle airbag technology and get Linus on his SV. | Timestamp |
Joe W | message | Thanks, Joe W! fi Love ALL the content and super appreciative of all the Knowledge you Bl guys have shared. WILL LTTSTORE EVER DO PULLOVER HOODIES??7? | Timestamp |
Adrian P | message | Thanks, Adrian P! - Long Live LTT ! | Timestamp |
Dwight P | message | Thanks, Dwight P! Fun fact: the pillow can live through an awful cat peeing on it after some very thorough cleaning. In the meantime hopefully this pillow comes with a work machine upgrade! | Timestamp |
Rhiana M | message | Thanks, Rhiana M! Hey guys! Glad to see your spirits are ... manically high! Keep up the good work :) | Timestamp |
Nicholas B | message | Thanks, Nicholas B! Sorry Dan. Thanks for all you do. Linus - any hope of the indoor hoodie coming back in stock? | Timestamp |
Francisco S | message | Thanks, Francisco S! Does this make this the most profitable WAN Show ever? On a side note, any updates on a quick-release lanyard for work? | Timestamp |
Francisco S | reply | Reply @Francisco S! Absolutely, it's not even close | Timestamp |
Kelly B | message | Thanks, Kelly B! Thanks for spreading the word on this hack. Another small channel I watch was also hacked by these guys and it took a long time for him to recover everything. Hope the attention helps get stuff done. —_— : | Timestamp |
Nicholas P | message | Thanks, Nicholas P! “. .m I been waiting for this 640z Insulated Water Bottle for a month. Thanks L “I for restocking it. RIP MERCH MESSAGES. :( I hope this one gets through. | Timestamp |
Micah A | message | Thanks, Micah A! Hey Linus, First time managing to be around for a stream and so first time to get the merch message. Noticed there are women's underwear in the store now. Is there going to be more of these? | Timestamp |
Zachery G | message | Thanks, Zachery G! ‘u The MM will live long and prosper! | Timestamp |
Ryan B | message | Thanks, Ryan B! Hi you three(expect a wave haha), Luke to you prefer React or Angular? And what do you think a new developer should do to get a decent job in the industry; —~ | Timestamp |
Ryan B | reply | Reply @Ryan B! React > Angular 100%. The future of webdev is React. Definitely learn Javascript/Typescript if you want an easy time getting a job | Timestamp |
Jacob C | message | Thanks, Jacob C! I work at an MSP and we are constantly hiring and then losing employees to bigger companies. What are your thoughts on this problem? | Timestamp |
Jacob C | reply | Reply @Jacob C! It absolutely sucks but it's just part of the industry | Timestamp |
Patrick S | message | Thanks, Patrick S! - :“ I'm so proud of you guys bouncing back from one of the worst weeks m‘ ‘ i that you have had and just subscribed to floatplane and got this amazing water bottle | Timestamp |
ryan w | message | Thanks, ryan w! Congrats the new subscriber count. You guys are a force to be reckoned with, dealing with a cyberattack and breaking records? Hell yeah. Someone get this man a cake and a sugar free cake! | Timestamp |
Joshua C | message | Thanks, Joshua C! Luke, the current security breach got me curious, I'm reworking my Portfolio/Resume site so I can apply to LMG as a Software Engineer. Am I wasting my time? Will you open my site? Or is it to risky? | Timestamp |
John G | message | Thanks, John G! Slowly catching up on the WAN show and figured I'd get the shirt and make some more work for Dan. Glad everything worked out eventually with the hack and that you guys are mostly back on your feet! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! — Watching WAN show on a 43 minute delay. Here to contribute to throttling the Merch Message Server | Timestamp |
VINCE R | message | Thanks, VINCE R! .m First merch message. Love you guys. Dying laughing from the show. Glad you guys got your content back so quickly. SHOW MUST GO ON! | Timestamp |
Mark M | message | Thanks, Mark M! L'i Hi folks! Thank you for the content and good vibes. Any ETA on metric screwdriver bits? N | Timestamp |
Mark V | reply | Reply @Mark V! Unsure, sorry! -LL | Timestamp |
Andrew D | reply | Reply @Andrew D! More info on this later in the show! | Timestamp |
Elinor C | message | Thanks, Elinor C! The hack video on LTT was the hump that got me to subscribe to The bag is awesome. I hope it comes to soon! | Timestamp |
Elinor C | reply | Reply @Elinor C! Thanks for joining! -LL | Timestamp |
Dustin W | message | Thanks, Dustin W! Luke or Dan, on, is “Best Sellers" auto-updated or do you have to change it manually? Thanks! | Timestamp |
Dustin W | reply | Reply @Dustin W! The best sellers updates automatically, and actually reflect the sales of the store | Timestamp |
Ryan W | message | Thanks, Ryan W! The LTT employees are just amazing, I love to see how much you all are VI. .’A so dedicated to giving us goofy videos about tech stuff every week, much love!! | Timestamp |
Beth L | message | Thanks, Beth L! So happy to finally have LTT women's underwear!! Always feel outnumbered as a woman in the tech space, and happy to celebrate it with a graphics card on my butt. Victoria's Secret could never | Timestamp |
Samuel M | message | Thanks, Samuel M! Danis the best. Please tell him we love him | Timestamp |
Matthew R | message | Thanks, Matthew R! Love the content, keep making cool videos!! | Timestamp |
Trevor W | message | Thanks, Trevor W! Print idea for the next batch of Underwear. Nude colored with a strawberry on the front and a crack on the backside. | Timestamp |
Adler G | message | Thanks, Adler G! lll]':!fl This is kinda epic. Glad you guys are back! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! I heard you need some questions. Here is a question for Bing Chat: What are some of the things that you still want to learn or get better at? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Understanding human emotions and expressions better, Generating more creative and diverse content, Handling complex and ambiguous queries, Providing more personalized and contextualized responses | Timestamp |
Dom M | message | Thanks, Dom M! Can we get a full breakdown of the malware used in the attack? Colab with John Hammond would be cool! Late stream = impulse buy | Timestamp |
Bruce S | message | Thanks, Bruce S! Greetings from Germany! Since you guys are currently doing interviews, what would you say are the most important things you look for in an interviewee aside from qualifications? | Timestamp |
Bruce S | reply | Reply @Bruce S! Enthusiasm and passion first. You can train the rest -LS | Timestamp |
Edward L | message | Thanks, Edward L! Good Steam & | Timestamp |
RyanR | message | Thanks, RyanR! ‘ * Just glad to know LTT is doing well after the hack, thanks to everyone J‘fi at LTT, Floatplane, and Labs for a great show! Also D-brand got a new customer for that ad spot. | Timestamp |
William A | message | Thanks, William A! hi mom | Timestamp |
Andrew M | message | Thanks, Andrew M! R ¥ Ihope I wina CPU! I'm glad you were able to get your channel back so j fi' quickly. Has YouTube been transparent about how they're going to change their policies to maybe prevent this in the future? | Timestamp |
Andrew M | reply | Reply @Andrew M! Not yet -LS | Timestamp |
Aaron D | message | Thanks, Aaron D! Glad you guys turned it around so quick! Get some sleep and cake & | Timestamp |
Ryan B | message | Thanks, Ryan B! Hi from Oz, really enjoy the content, glad to see that you're back. Agree on the underwear design idea \\\ s | Timestamp |
John H | message | Thanks, John H! Hope my fiancée isn't upset with me when she wakes up for this impulse purchase. At least I got her a sick hat! | Timestamp |
Edgar J | message | Thanks, Edgar J! I'd love to see an actual day bag, sling style that can be worn on either side. Maybe have an insert that you choose for a switch or steam deck ~ soyou only have to make one bag | Timestamp |
Alex C | message | Thanks, Alex C! Had to get this shirt, the design is absolutely perfect. Glad to hear things are mostly back up and running. Hopefully you all get some rest soon. ~ ; | Timestamp |
Phillip S | message | Thanks, Phillip S! Hope all the dust settles on the chaos and you all get some extra vacation time. | Timestamp |
Christian G | message | Thanks, Christian G! v Hey Guys, Great job with everything. Super excited about the pillow and I like those 3/25 odds. Hope you guys get some good rest after this. | Timestamp |
Harry L | message | Thanks, Harry L! Have you considered doing more regular content focused on cybersecurity topics? Privacy and data security issues, threat vectors being seen in related communities, ... | Timestamp |
Harry L | reply | Reply @Harry L! It hasn' really been our bread and butter - maybe check out thiojoe -LS | Timestamp |
Jerome F | message | Thanks, Jerome F! Saw about 30 mins in to the hack what was happening and was very concerned. Couldn't think of a proper way to alert you at the time but I am glad to see everything worked out. Much love. | Timestamp |
Luc G | message | Thanks, Luc G! Dont worry we can all just buy more things | Timestamp |
PAUL W | message | Thanks, PAUL W! Hello thought about this while watching d brand plug. Have you thought about doing a vid on old sponsors? Or would that push away future opportunities? | Timestamp |
PAUL W | reply | Reply @PAUL W! that sounds fun! you can share video ideas in the video ideas thread on our forum. we do take video ideas from there sometimes! | Timestamp |
Lucas Al | message | Thanks, Lucas Al love ya dan! you ve made the show much better imo | Timestamp |
Jonathan C | message | Thanks, Jonathan C! The cakeis a lie. | Timestamp |
Bryan S | message | Thanks, Bryan S! Hows It going Linus and Luke. Built my first pc (13700kf and 4080) and everything went smoothly which I credit to the years of watching your channel. Thanks and keep it up | Timestamp |
Manuel S | message | Thanks, Manuel S! Glad to see the channel is back up but I'm just curious if you will ever " release a gamers dream tv stand or if its something that is in the works after you changed your tv setup a few weeks back | Timestamp |
Duncan G | message | Thanks, Duncan G! I'm very excited about that NAS OS that's in development. I'm trying Scale for backups etc. but I have NO IDEA what I'm doing. Any updates on that? Also, congrats on launching the ladies underwear!!! | Timestamp |
Duncan G | reply | Reply @Duncan G! Some updates, but nothing I can share publicly yet :( -LS | Timestamp |
Michael M | message | Thanks, Michael M! i Do you guys have plans to hire a Security Engineer or architect? Side Note as someone who works in InfoSec. I love the phishing shirts!!! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! First merch message, love the new confetti women's underwear look! Hope more designs are offered in the future and more bonus bin enamel pins are available in the future! Missed out on the sweet pins! | Timestamp |
Javier H | message | Thanks, Javier H! v I would like to point out that the superior podcast (They're just movies) never went done | Timestamp |
Jonathan P | message | Thanks, Jonathan P! I'm too deep in Yt premium to go to Floatplane but take my money you wonderful gamers | Timestamp |
Raymundo U | message | Thanks, Raymundo U! Love you guys, but when will the Torx set come back? | Timestamp |
Raymundo U | reply | Reply @Raymundo U! ’ as soon as possible!!! Can you check with lttstore support? -LS | Timestamp |
Jessica S | message | Thanks, Jessica S! Glad yall got things sorted as quick as you did, saw the notification on my phone and promptly said fuck off elon idgaf. Leather backpack and -« = backpack pull fix when? | Timestamp |
Jessica S | reply | Reply @Jessica S! Unknown! -LL | Timestamp |
John B | message | Thanks, John B! Sucks you guys had a terrible week but to see the bounce back is ~ incredible. You're all amazing | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! 0G Floatplane subscriber, and would prefer to pay annually instead of monthly. I don't want to actually save any money, charge me 12 times the discounted rate, you will even save on card processing. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! There will be a better solution eventually :D -LL | Timestamp |
Zachary B | message | Thanks, Zachary B! Late night LTT- so cool to sign on at 11PM and see you here. I know it I was a tough week. Thanks for sticking it out and still doing a WAN show. | Timestamp |
Zachary B | reply | Reply @Zachary B! HELL YEAH!! -LS | Timestamp |
Scott M | message | Thanks, Scott M! 4 Linus Drop Tips channel on floatplane, please! | Timestamp |
Alexander B | message | Thanks, Alexander B! ® Did you pressed charges against the attackers? I think you and me know, that the attackers will almost certainly not be found, what do you think the goverment(s) should and can change, to adress this? | Timestamp |
Alexander B | reply | Reply @Alexander B! reailstically there'd be nothing we could do :( -LS | Timestamp |
Fernando L | message | Thanks, Fernando L! Love your content! Congrats on the 40K floatplane subscribers. | Timestamp |
John L | message | Thanks, John L! Glad you guys are back up and running! Definitely #TeamLargerBag I need a LTT Bag of holding! | Timestamp |
Jorge L | message | Thanks, Jorge L! Hey Linus and Luke glad your back please don't get hacked again. | Timestamp |
Po-Jen C | message | Thanks, Po-Jen C! Hey guys thanks for all the years of great content! Hope this helps take the edge off the stress! Hai Arjun!!! /wave from Burnaby!! | Timestamp |
Cosmo T | message | Thanks, Cosmo T! For Satchel, want something size of backpack, strap that doesn't chafe or slide around, and multiple layers of magnets so the lid can't flap around. All pain points I've dealt with in the past! | Timestamp |
Sean N | message | Thanks, Sean N! Can Floatplane get some chat moderation with all of the YouTube peeps spamming? | Timestamp |
Sean N | reply | Reply @Sean N! It is something we hope to be working on in the future - Jonathon_B | Timestamp |
Alan M | message | Thanks, Alan M! Hey Linus, Luke and Dan. Just wanted to say hi You and your team are amazing! As a person with partial sight loss i face more difficulties =+ when building a pc any ideas on an accessability video | Timestamp |
Evalyn R | message | Thanks, Evalyn R! First time trying out LTT clothing, and I'm thrilled it's the Hackening t- shirt. Glad y'all recovered, and hope you can get some sleep tonight! | Timestamp |
Andrew C | message | Thanks, Andrew C! I bugged Linus to make home media server videos years ago - now I'm I “"fll h' physical only. Y'all debated modern vs mechanical - I want to own it, slide it in, and play - with no fight - SETTLE THIS NOW! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Iwork in IT security. DNS Filtering, Proxy Filtering, Etc. it all helps, but none of it is perfect, and none of it will stop the human factor, only slow it down. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Do you have any plans or have you considered testing/review of . .H medical equipment? I think it'd be pretty cool content. Curious of your thoughts. —_—~ | Timestamp |
Andrew ( | message | Thanks, Andrew (! You guys rock! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! I reallyyyyy don't need another pillow, but we'll see if I get a bonus fi' bonus to possibly share with a friend. I truly don't appreciate how much of my money y'all take. XD | Timestamp |
Seth H | message | Thanks, Seth H! Don't Hack Me, bro shirts when? | Timestamp |
Juan V | message | Thanks, Juan V! - Enjoying the show. Great to be learning from your mistakes. Have you § played any other Zelda games BotE? If so, what was your favorite ~ moment? — | Timestamp |
Juan V | reply | Reply @Juan V! They're all incredible | Timestamp |
Ashlyn E | message | Thanks, Ashlyn E! GO TO BED!!':D L E | Timestamp |
Austin S | message | Thanks, Austin S! Excited to see your thoughts on the new 16" framework laptop! | Timestamp |
Matthew G | message | Thanks, Matthew G! Just keep up the good work...and don't mind me helping to try to kill the Merch Message server again. | Timestamp |
Adeel A | message | Thanks, Adeel A! Any chance of making a hobby variety channel (3d printing, drones, RC, etc), I think people maybe looking for a channel that has consistent content like but not only focus on just one hobby. | Timestamp |
Adeel A | reply | Reply @Adeel A! No plans right now, but we have videos about a variety of things on Short Circuit | Timestamp |
Elijah B | message | Thanks, Elijah B! mfi Dan's cam looks like he is in a hostage room, nothing wrong with that, just found it humorous. | Timestamp |
Asaf N | message | Thanks, Asaf N! Hi Linus, I'm 24 and I have just got an IT specialist job. I think most of H Il g the credit is due to your channel, I think I've learned a lot, keep it going =~ do you think about a day-to-day backpack? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Still hoping that one day, smaller/women'’s sizes of the regular hoodies o and shirts will be available for us small folk. - | Timestamp |
Jenna L | message | Thanks, Jenna L! Take my money!!! | Timestamp |
Christopher R | message | Thanks, Christopher R! With the normal console cycle as it is, if it comes out, what would you like to see out of a playststion 5 pro? Is there any chance AMD+Sony rest on their laurels and skip a “pro” this gen? | Timestamp |
Christopher R | reply | Reply @Christopher R! It sounds like Sony is already gearing up to announce a Pro model, but it doesn't feel like it's coming any time soon since even the current PS5 still has room for performance | Timestamp |
Mathew T | message | Thanks, Mathew T! Rough day for you! Great Show :) | Timestamp |
Donald M | message | Thanks, Donald M! 1st Time order, had to support during crisis mode! | Timestamp |
Lucas H | message | Thanks, Lucas H! Glad you guys are back and doing what you do best! | Timestamp |
Ranil F | message | Thanks, Ranil F! Hey Linus, Luke & Dan! I was wondering what part of LTX 2023 are you most excited for? | Timestamp |
Ranil F | reply | Reply @Ranil F! The BYOC Whale LAN. The Merch store. The Build a keyboard event. And getting to meet all you of lovely fans | Timestamp |
Matthew N | message | Thanks, Matthew N! Love the show, thanks for powering through the insanity! | Timestamp |
Brenden D | message | Thanks, Brenden D! I install fire protection systems in alberta and it was super cool for you to talk about it in the labs video ! | Timestamp |
Ryan M | message | Thanks, Ryan M! . v Supporting the show and grabbing some gear. Awesome job handling the whole hijacking issue. Good video and great WAN show. Keep it up! | Timestamp |
Michael A | message | Thanks, Michael A! dang you weren't kidding on the black shaft driver... grabbing this one ] to save my favorite one. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Swimmer here, Backpack Savings! I'm a hosp. dev and leadership is wanting to EXPLORE chatgpt, I'm a lilworried for hosp. users and feeding ai api's user data as a “feature"? concerning future?tofast? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Definitely getting dystopian vibes from this | Timestamp |
Samuel F | message | Thanks, Samuel F! Ji E' What happened with all those ninebot gokarts? | Timestamp |
Samuel F | reply | Reply @Samuel F! lol I ride them with the kids -LS | Timestamp |
Michael N | message | Thanks, Michael N! m You mentioned 10gigabit being overkill for most people forever, at what point do you think we'll reach that with gpus with dlss and fsr how long til 240 4k hdr is easy where new gpus arent even needed | Timestamp |
Michael N | reply | Reply @Michael N! Probably never... -LS | Timestamp |
Joshua S | message | Thanks, Joshua S! Do you plan to begin offering more non-black options for hoodies and " shirts? Something more... pet hair compatible. | Timestamp |
Austin w | message | Thanks, Austin w! Hi Dan!! | Timestamp |
Francisco C | message | Thanks, Francisco C! Been a subscriber since 600k have really enjoyed seeing the channel I grow Upgrading from 4770k to a 11900K with case, motherboard, and ram for $400 Is it worth it or upgrade to a 13900k? | Timestamp |
Francisco C | reply | Reply @Francisco C! If what you have now works perfectly fine, then there's no reason to upgrade | Timestamp |
Josh ( | message | Thanks, Josh (! So why when you look at storage it never is the full amount on the sticker? Ex. 8 Tb drive will be 7.34 TB. can't manufacturers add more to make to hold the back end stuff? | Timestamp |
Josh C | reply | Reply @Josh C! they could, but they just don't want -LS | Timestamp |
Dillon M | message | Thanks, Dillon M! I bought 1 shirt OWNE | Timestamp |
Brian C | message | Thanks, Brian C! !' l ' ] APPROVED OT LET'S GOOOO | Timestamp |
April B | message | Thanks, April B! I love that you have been covering Al so much on the WAN Show. Al is my passion, and listening to your opinions and enthusiasm about it makes my Friday night watching WAN Show even better! | Timestamp |
Miles R | message | Thanks, Miles R! Hi guys! I'm glad you got your channel back! Will we see an AMD ultimate tech upgrade for Luke and see how much stuff he has taken from the office? | Timestamp |
Andrew D | message | Thanks, Andrew D! Happy 18th birthday Mark! What's the most unexpected or surprising thing you've learned about the tech industry since starting your careers? | Timestamp |
Andrew D | reply | Reply @Andrew D! In terms of software development, nobody knows what they're doing and we're all just running with the punches | Timestamp |
Adam F | message | Thanks, Adam F! DAN THE WAN MAN! Would love a FP exclusive deep dive into the { ) security aspects of this - you should reach out to John Hammond to get him to help out! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! The screwdriver was one of the best purchases I've made recently, glad to have it! Do you plan on making any right to repair merch, such as making pins or stickers available for purchase? | Timestamp |
Christopher R | message | Thanks, Christopher R! fi l_. .' I love all my LTT gear and how y'all have impacted my tech career! | Timestamp |
Nathan G | message | Thanks, Nathan G! I've been watching NCIX days. I just want to tell Linus thank you for getting me into the G3258. The devils canyon Pentium. What cpu or pc part got you into computer building? | Timestamp |
Nathan G | reply | Reply @Nathan G! Personally I got it cause Roblox wasn't running fast enough | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Tap water sucks. Spring water is better amirite | Timestamp |
DONOVAN E | message | Thanks, DONOVAN E! * GOOD EVENING, I had to get up from the bed to go order the phishing ~ shirt. I am currently taking A CCNA course so I find it highly relatable. Also gambling is bad, but a new CPU sounds cool. | Timestamp |
Xzavien M | message | Thanks, Xzavien M! A couple of weeks ago you were asked about what fictional technology you would like to review, since then all I want is an April fools video where you review some sci-fi tech, fully straight faced. ~Z | Timestamp |
Xzavien M | reply | Reply @Xzavien M! we'll have something good for ya, but it's not that -LS | Timestamp |
Ramiro E | reply | Reply @Ramiro E! yeah but it'll take some time -LS | Timestamp |
Ruben v | message | Thanks, Ruben v! Linus and Luke. Why can't I get on FP with just paypal? ljust don't have a CC, but enough money on my paypal | Timestamp |
Seth P | message | Thanks, Seth P! !—fi’i fi Glad to see you guys survived the great hacking of 2023! What are C some of your favorite retro games? | Timestamp |
Nghia C | message | Thanks, Nghia C! Cheers to the team for the fast recovery - hope y'all get some extra sleep this weekend! | Timestamp |
Stephan S | message | Thanks, Stephan S! m Greetings from Denmark! What a rare surprise to see you live at this hour. Being as large a company as LTT is, have you encountered legal issues that merit hiring a lawyer? Cheers! | Timestamp |
Stephan S | reply | Reply @Stephan S! We use lawyers for lots of things such as our privacy policies and stuff like that | Timestamp |
Elvin S | message | Thanks, Elvin S! s Congratulations on 40k Floatplaners and hello from Salt Spring Island! Hoping you guys will still be hiring for engineers in 5 years when I finish my degree because this Thursday at LMG seemed fun! | Timestamp |
Tom C | message | Thanks, Tom C! I'm honestly just glad you guys are back online and were able to recovery quickly! It's a good example for anyone to talk about in the security space! Also Luke keep talking about GPT, Love it! | Timestamp |
Lawrence B | message | Thanks, Lawrence B! The 7900XT and the 4070ti are now virtually the exact same price ‘ ) (~820). Given the lukewarm reception to the value proposition to both cards, whats the better buy today? Or just go for the 7900XTX? Do | Timestamp |
Lawrence B | reply | Reply @Lawrence B! They're both great! | Timestamp |
Lawrence L | message | Thanks, Lawrence L! EA First merch purchase! Love your content! Been watching since \ pandemic 2020! | Timestamp |
Johnathan R | message | Thanks, Johnathan R! Love y'all and glad you're not DOA! Have a relaxing Weekend! | Timestamp |
Zachariah C | message | Thanks, Zachariah C! = ' o Iwasinthe middle of my cyber security class when I began hearing and m i i seeing about the channel being hacked. What is your plan to educate your employees and even yourself farther for the future? | Timestamp |
Zachariah C | reply | Reply @Zachariah C! we already kinda addressed this -LS | Timestamp |
Corey H | message | Thanks, Corey H! Finally got me some some merch | Timestamp |
Martin L | message | Thanks, Martin L! &' Hallo Linus, I was wondering if you ever thought about using organic cotton for your clothing in the store? Happy that your channels are back again. Kind regards from Austria. | Timestamp |
Martin L | reply | Reply @Martin L! getting ANYTHING up to our standards was really challenging. It's something we'd like to explore at some point though -LS | Timestamp |
null | message | Thanks Anonvmous I caught a WAN show live! I was happy to hear "sh’t rolls uphill” after hearing the opposite at my own workplace. I've really been impressed with Linus's takes as an employer I'm looking around' | Timestamp |
Bucky C | message | Thanks, Bucky C! w fi Thank you for your detailed response so we can all benefit from this L craziness! I Finally used my Screwdriver to build a computer this week. Any chance you'll ever add stand-off driver bits to a pack? | Timestamp |
Bucky C | reply | Reply @Bucky C! We have new bits in the works and an exciting new bit shopping experience waiting to be used! | Timestamp |
Karl P | message | Thanks, Karl P! In the US, 5G home internet is becoming available to many more homes (and I don't mean tethering). Do you think it might be the long needed competition to big monopoly ISPs? | Timestamp |
Karl P | reply | Reply @Karl P! I still have doubts about the capacity of the airwaves compared to fiber and copper. It'll be hard to compete -LS | Timestamp |
Chelsea B | message | Thanks, Chelsea B! After Sarah's Epic art stream with Dan today on FP, would you consider a new regular podcast with a fantastic duo like Sarah and Dan? I'd love to see more of Sarah and the Danasaur! They Rocked! | Timestamp |
Chelsea B | reply | Reply @Chelsea B! They're awesome, but they have jobs they're awesome at and we need them there! -LS | Timestamp |
Matthew F | message | Thanks, Matthew F! Perfect memorabilia for a s***** situation, also I want the new lid. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! ~ Inregard to an intel entity citing you guys, I work in intel and have cited content creators before. Your recent hack is being talked about with upcoming cyber threats we face. Many thanks for Banana | Timestamp |
Mario R | message | Thanks, Mario R! Hi Luke, from the experience of the hack in the LTT account what learning or improvements you think could be applied to floatplane to avoid this to be an issue for the platform? | Timestamp |
Mario R | reply | Reply @Mario R! Not much! But there are some ideas around making some admin controls easier | Timestamp |
Cheng T | message | Thanks, Cheng T! Hi Linus, greetings from Singapore. Are you visiting the relatives in SG H' ' H _ anytime soon? Have you been brushing up on your Singlish? | Timestamp |
Cheng T | reply | Reply @Cheng T! no time soon :(-LS | Timestamp |
Eric M | message | Thanks, Eric M! Hey there! Heard about the phishing shirts and I instantly knew I wanted one. Question about the screwdriver, are there any plans for precision bits or a precision bit adapter? | Timestamp |
Steven L | reply | Reply @Steven L! Unlikely! We don't generally do reviews of waterblocks... Maybe featured in avideo? -LL | Timestamp |
Steven L | reply | Reply @Steven L! lolno -LS | Timestamp |
Wyatt P | message | Thanks, Wyatt P! = r I've been trying to sign up for floatplane, but it keeps giving an error -7 whenl try to input the address or add a payment card. Love the screw driver and desk pad. | Timestamp |
Pavel M | message | Thanks, Pavel M! Glad you guys are back on YT. Are there plans to return the GPU T-shirt? H I!H _ Mine's a bit worn out. | Timestamp |
Pavel M | reply | Reply @Pavel M! Stay tuned for updates! | Timestamp |
Steven L | message | Thanks, Steven L! Do you have any plans to do a review of the EK waterblock for Intel Arc graphics cards? | Timestamp |
john h | message | Thanks, john h! L hi guys i was wondering if there was a defunked peice of software that I doest work on modern hardware. and getting a backpack cause mine ' died | Timestamp |
Scott B | message | Thanks, Scott B! I plan to use my screwdriver to fight the Aussie wildlife! Hey Linus, all protein shakers suck. You should totally devote a similar level of effort as the with the screwdriver, to make a killer one. | Timestamp |
Scott B | reply | Reply @Scott B! hmm I've never used one so I don't know if I'd be able to lead that effort -LS | Timestamp |
Meako-Anna B | message | Thanks, Meako-Anna B! Long time viewer, LTT Saved my IT Career, now I am in InfoSec and I always appreciate how open you are about your security incidents. Do you think you will consider hiring a Cybersecurity specialist? | Timestamp |
Meako-Anna B | reply | Reply @Meako-Anna B! We will have people who's job it is to work on this... not not ONLY this - L | Timestamp |
Austin F | message | Thanks, Austin F! I work InfoSec and Infra for my company. Any concerns with lateral network spread with this attack? aka moving via network to other computers? Also why not block threat countries at the firewall level | Timestamp |
Austin F | reply | Reply @Austin F! Not much - we have data on all actions the program took - it wasn't from another country | Timestamp |
Jesse L | message | Thanks, Jesse L! Just wanted to say I appreciate your leadership both for your coworkers and this community. My shoulder surfing girlfriend says she also appreciates your healthy and body positive photo shoots. | Timestamp |
Jesse L | reply | Reply @Jesse L! All bodies are beautiful | Timestamp |
Jutian M1 | message | Thanks, Jutian M1 © " Hello to Luke and Linus from Malta. Amazed to wake up and find the 1] show is live. Please give a shout-out to my wife Michele. | Timestamp |
Julian M | reply | Reply @Julian M! Go Michele! | Timestamp |
Ricardo G | message | Thanks, Ricardo G! When willitend!! | Timestamp |
Jesse B | message | Thanks, Jesse B! How are your cat(s) doing Linus? It's 7am here and I'm watching live with my cat (Franky) watching too :) | Timestamp |
Capcom C | message | Thanks, Capcom C! Hey cute Dan when will torx bits gonna be in stock. Had issue getting one screws out of laptop b/c depth. Any longer bits? | Timestamp |
Capcom C | reply | Reply @Capcom C! No plans currently but stay tuned! | Timestamp |
Frank K | message | Thanks, Frank K! What are your individual opinions when it comes to the possible Microsoft and Activision deal? Especially with Sony outright refusing all ten year deals Microsoft has offered on Call of Duty titles. | Timestamp |
Frank K | reply | Reply @Frank K! I think we are both pretty anti-more consolidation in the gaming industry -LS | Timestamp |
Evan A | message | Thanks, Evan A! I appreciate your ability to stay positive through this. Thank you for teaching me to build my first several PC's. You are the man Linus. You are cool to Luke. Dan is the G.O.AT. | Timestamp |
Alexander R | message | Thanks, Alexander R! This is the first time that I have ever spent more than ten dollars on clothing... That being said, I would definitely buy a set of strawberry w= = underwear. Keep up the good work and God bless you guys. | Timestamp |
Joshua B | message | Thanks, Joshua B! L N is there a plan for a audio during sleep on the float plane app? I mostly listen to the wan show while at work with my phone in my pocket, so ive been stuck on youtube | Timestamp |
Joshua B | reply | Reply @Joshua B! It's already in the works! | Timestamp |
Robert K | message | Thanks, Robert K! ~ v Do you think labs would ever do white hat hacking and try to find vulnerabilities in the software you use? | Timestamp |
Robert K | reply | Reply @Robert K! No | Timestamp |
Akhil V | message | Thanks, Akhil V! ChatGPT Plug-ins discussion when??? | Timestamp |
Akhil V | reply | Reply @Akhil V! We already had it! Make sure to check the VOD | Timestamp |
Jacob K | message | Thanks, Jacob K! Glad to see you are back! With the recent hack, how do your balance the extra time and effort takes with staff and training, vs reasonable precautions vs just saying enough security is enough. | Timestamp |
Kris L | message | Thanks, Kris L! How do I apply to be your CISO | Timestamp |
Kris L | reply | Reply @Kris L! We're not currently hiring for this position | Timestamp |
Enrique M | message | Thanks, Enrique M! -y m t i Cake please | Timestamp |
Ethan M | message | Thanks, Ethan M Second purchase of the night, I think my first message got nuked. Anyway, hello again L+L+D! | Timestamp |
Ethan M | reply | Reply @Ethan M! So sorry! Will be fixed for next week -Konrad | Timestamp |
Nicholas D | message | Thanks, Nicholas D! Have fun money or have kids? Long time LTT viewer (in cyber security lol) approaching my 30s and need dad tips. Also turnip. | Timestamp |
Loren J | message | Thanks, Loren J! Long time watcher. Great job on such a rough week that keeps coming . back for more hits!! Hearing all the details of LMG employees in the recent videos and the WAN show have been heart warming <3 | Timestamp |
zachary t | message | Thanks, zachary t! Any hope of y'all making a Velcro morale patch in the future? | Timestamp |
Philippe F | message | Thanks, Philippe F! Happy you guys are back, I've had my fair share of naked emergency IT responses in the middle of the night. Any plans on selling the framework (maybe joint with dbrand) on Lttstore for broader reach? | Timestamp |
Philippe F | reply | Reply @Philippe F! No plans currently | Timestamp |
Matthew M | message | Thanks, Matthew M! Thanks for adding more clothes for women. My wife loves your stuff. | Timestamp |
Scott T | message | Thanks, Scott T! - i ul Can't wait for LTX23! Love you all! <3 | Timestamp |
Millie W | message | Thanks, Millie W! Ladies undies now?! Heck yeah! Love seeing more accessories and female-sized merch in the store. Hello from a minority law student aspiring to work in-house with digital media and consumer tech ¥ = | Timestamp |
Evan C | message | Thanks, Evan C! Need some more ties, Let's go till Saturday! | Timestamp |
Dustin W | message | Thanks, Dustin W! WAN Train to Saturday, ALLABOARD!! Uncensored “Linus Dealing with Hack Footage" FP Exclusive when?! | Timestamp |
Dustin W | reply | Reply @Dustin W! CHOO CcHoO!™ | Timestamp |
Roberto P | message | Thanks, Roberto P! Congrats on getting the channel back | Timestamp |
Bryan F | message | Thanks, Bryan F! Saw Luke's excitement from hack and got Floatplane ASAP. With the size of channel I know you could influence some right to repair law in Canada. I have ideas who to talk to from all parties. | Timestamp |
Isak H | message | Thanks, Isak H! Question for Luke and Floatplane. Seems that you guys use Angular version 5 for the web app which is over five year old. Any reson for that? | Timestamp |
lsak H | reply | Reply @lsak H! Floatplane is unfortunately stuck with a lot of tech debt that makes development very slow and difficult | Timestamp |
Kevin c | message | Thanks, Kevin c! Do you see there being an influx of what is essentially shovelware apps being created by Al flooding the app stores? | Timestamp |
Kevin c | reply | Reply @Kevin c! and more to come! | Timestamp |
Matthew M | message | Thanks, Matthew M! Keep up the good work! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Especially because of the hatred transgender people are currently facing stateside - can an upcoming video feature a kind message for International Transgender Day of Visibility (March 31st). | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! We'll look into it! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Been watching since the ncix days, thanks for always being cool | Timestamp |
Aimee C | message | Thanks, Aimee C! Apologies, wasn't expecting you to still be live. Was there any discussion about possible defense-in-depth and/or are suggestions useful to you at this point? Or thoughts on future indicent reponse? | Timestamp |
Aimee C | reply | Reply @Aimee C! I we've got a lot on our roadmap right now -LS | Timestamp |
Florian S | message | Thanks, Florian S! We have an expression in Austria which you guys are just living: ,Get up, straighten your crown and move on!" Nicely done! @& | Timestamp |