Why Do Youtubers Keep Destroying Companies

April 19, 2024

Merch Messages

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Name Type Text Timestamp Image
Kevin M message Thanks, Kevin M! Hey DLL, any plans to make a bag/backpack with a VR headset compartment? Would love to have a safe place to put my Vision Pro without needing a case like the Backpack has for the steam deck Timestamp
Kevin M reply Reply @Kevin M! Let LTT Store support know your suggestion! That sounds cool. C Timestamp
Josh L message Thanks, Josh L! I dont have room for this, but here we are. Timestamp
William B message Thanks, William B! Dear LLD, In a previous WAN show you asked why a Premium member would use adblock on YouTube. I use UBlock to filter out certain elements, such as removing shorts. No annoying layout change for me! Timestamp
Cornelia H message Thanks, Cornelia H! Hey DLL I was celebrating my fourth birthday when Jim left AMD, I'm making my own electric vehicle that i want to be self driving, i was wondering do you know how the hardware interfaces with moters Timestamp
Cornelia H reply Reply @Cornelia H! It's just a big mechatronics problem. Closed loop control normally. Sorta like a more powerful RC car. Timestamp
Armando M message Thanks, Armando M! Good morning Terrence, Phillip and Dan! Outside from Gaming, what's a common hobby LMG staff seem to have mostly in common? Currently mid-flight, so will watch later. (Hi to all Techy FA's out t Timestamp
Armando M reply Reply @Armando M! So many of us seem to be into cars! It's a very surprising amount. Cars, making, tinkering, doing art. It's an interesting overlap with tech and computers. Timestamp
Ramon H message Thanks, Ramon H! Any updated on the 64oz water bottles? Don't make me be the next dedicated person! Timestamp
Ramon H reply Reply @Ramon H! Sadly no... we're working on it though! Timestamp
Wesley H message Thanks, Wesley H! Love your content. Thank you for what you do! Timestamp
Erik T message Thanks, Erik T! I love my write off sweatpants. So I ordered 2 more sweats. Will you ever get tall sizes? I'm 7 feet tall in height so even the long ones are still short, though not as short as mundane size. Timestamp
Erik T reply Reply @Erik T! Luke and I are waiting on tall too. I think we're doing big, then tall. But it's happening. Timestamp
Kevin V message Thanks, Kevin V! If I was considering a dramatic career, say from compensation (HR) to finance or IT, then how would one best sell oneself as adaptable and ready for new problems? Timestamp
Kevin V reply Reply @Kevin V! A nice thick resume with lots of different things you've done at lots of different jobs. G Timestamp
William M message Thanks, William M! Wan.dll.exe Do you think Taiwanese semiconductor manufacturers have a "self-destruct" plan for their fabs incase of a visit from their northern neighbors? What might it be? Timestamp
William M reply Reply @William M! Throw some dust on them or something hah no idea. டு Timestamp
Dominic P message Thanks, Dominic P! Hey DLL! First time merch message and wanted to say I can finally get the ABC of gaming book as I am going to be a dad! Timestamp
Dominic P reply Reply @Dominic P! Congrats!!!!!! Timestamp
Chaim S message Thanks, Chaim S! Hey WAN.DLL, It seems like most major games today all seem to be violent. Do you have any recommendations of non-violent games? Either for kids or adults who just don't want that? Thanks! Timestamp
Chaim S reply Reply @Chaim S! There's loads! The indie space is wonderful for non-violent stuff. Too many to list honestly. Timestamp
Sergio M message Thanks, Sergio M! Hey, Dinus, Duke, and Dan have you ever thought of making an LTT backpack V2? If so, have you thought of an option for loop and hook/Velcro to be possible for adding patches? Keep up the good work! Timestamp
Sergio M reply Reply @Sergio M! We've talked about that before, and it will most likely just be a new type of thing! We have some different models in the works, like a messenger bag or something smaller. Timestamp
Jeremiah A message Thanks, Jeremiah A! Some tech literate guys and myself have been asked to discuss safety online and with tech for kids, teens, and adults at our church. What are the most pressing issues you see with online safety? Timestamp
Jeremiah A reply Reply @Jeremiah A! How do you tell what is real, Al generated, a bot, and a scam. Etc. C Timestamp
Matthieu S message Thanks, Matthieu S! Hey, DLL! My family has piled up our old tech to recycle. Finding a household recycler far from a big city has been difficult. Why might that be? How can we find an ethical residential recycler? Timestamp
Matthieu S reply Reply @Matthieu S! Certainly not as profitable as it once was. I do miss recycling or upcycling. Might be a thing to just sell or give it away on Craigslist or something. Lots of people might rehome. Timestamp
Wade F message Thanks, Wade F! Considering recent advancements in Al and machine learning, how do you see these technologies shaping the future of consumer tech, particularly in terms of personalization, privacy, and security? Timestamp
Wade F reply Reply @Wade F! Customization and information tailed on an individual level. Basically hyper-tuned to a single person. Including all movies or music. Timestamp
John D message Thanks, John D! Thanks for all the entertainment over the years! Timestamp
John D reply Reply @John D! Thanks for watching! :D Timestamp
Emilee B message Thanks, Emilee B! Hey casey!!!! Timestamp
Drake P message Thanks, Drake P! Hello future me! And current DLL! Hope you've all gotten some rest after that AMAZING charity stream! Grabbing something I can afford now, labs site looking great! BUHY! Timestamp
Arthur P message Thanks, Arthur P! Can't believe there's no LTX this year :(, is it just over or is there still at least a possibility of LTX 2025? Timestamp
Arthur P reply Reply @Arthur P! No idea... Timestamp
James M message Thanks, James M! Hello DLL when is the white rgb shirt being restocked? And may we please have a hoodie variant as well! Timestamp
James M reply Reply @James M! As soon as possible! Timestamp
Carlos A message Thanks, Carlos A! Which is the best for data viz, Power BI or Tableau? Timestamp
Carlos A reply Reply @Carlos A! Powerpoint. Timestamp
Scott O message Thanks, Scott O! Hi Wan.DLL! What single decision (good or bad) at a company do you think has had the largest impact on tech in the past 10-20 years? Timestamp
Scott O reply Reply @Scott O! Apple removing the headphone jack. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! I purchased another time & needed to exchange my items. Emailed last week & haven't heard anything back. Emailed for update today & still nothing. I'm now repurchasing in hopes to return the original. Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! Can't directly forward this to support as your email wasn't included sadly. Reach out again. Timestamp
Benjamin S message Thanks, Benjamin S! I'm a photographer and I just had a wild wake up call by a potential client telling me they could use Al imaging for cheaper or even free. I have a FT job as a backup, but wow this is just insane. PCMR Timestamp
Benjamin S reply Reply @Benjamin S! It will only get worse. :) Timestamp
Keith B message Thanks, Keith B! Hey LDL, I was wondering if you had see DMS' new headphones. They're partially 3d printed and will be made open source in 1 year. What do you think about 3d printed parts for the future of wearables? Timestamp
Keith B reply Reply @Keith B! Yeah! Super exciting. I think 3D printing is amazing in general, and I love seeing things open source. Timestamp
Centre-Informatique S message Thanks, Centre-Informatique S! Hello Guys, I do RMAs in my job often and I was wondering if you had though of doing a secret shoppers for computer parts like PSU, ssd, motherboards... Some manufacturers have awful warranty... Timestamp
Centre-Informatique S reply Reply @Centre-Informatique S! We recommend posting video ideas in the 'Video Suggestion' section of our forum! www.linustechtips.com Timestamp
Brendon G message Thanks, Brendon G! Hi LLD, I made a hoodie for my wife (Alicia) for her birthday & sent you a picture on twitter. I was wondering what you thought as it is WAN/LTT themed. Please also wish her a happy bday. Timestamp
Brendon G reply Reply @Brendon G! I'll check it out I'm sure it's awesome! Happy birthday Alicia! C Timestamp
Romain C message Thanks, Romain C! Good evening DLL [deal]! Big fan there <3 As a junior software engineer, my feelings about my future are uncertain. Is changing companies every 1-2 years to expand my skills/knowledge a wise idea Timestamp
Romain C reply Reply @Romain C! Really depends on the individual. Not sure we're the best people to provide insight. We've all had the same sort of job for years. C Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Just passed my Professional Engineering Exam. Thanks for keeping me sane through the four months of studying. Timestamp
Alex A message Thanks, Alex A! LTT fail Pen when? Timestamp
Orr P message Thanks, Orr P! Hi dll. I miss Linus leaking products. Maybe you can show a progress bar for store revenue during the show and on reaching the goal Linus can lean one product? Timestamp
Orr P reply Reply @Orr P! Leaning happens when it happens. Timestamp
Jacob F message Thanks, Jacob F! Hey LLD.dll! I'm a STEM instructor for kids, and last night | Debian'd a 2012 Macbook Pro my work let me take home. What's the most fun you've had on a restoration/repair project in recent memory? Timestamp
Jacob Fl reply Reply @Jacob Fl I had a load of fun trying to fix Linus' fold. But probably the best is a plasma TV I fixed with a chopstick. Timestamp
JONATHAN N message Thanks, JONATHAN N! Love all your work guys. Ive been looking at your back pack for a bit, but was wondering if you've ever thought of a messenger bag? Thanks for the years of joy Timestamp
JONATHAN N reply Reply @JONATHAN N! In development! Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hello who sees this! I'm a college student who's going for System Administration. What do you feel is the hardest tech concept to grasp for new comers to any IT field? Any funny stories related? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! What a computer is, verses what a server is, and how they are exactly the same. Seeing the simplicity in computing beyond their physical form. What a hammer does, vs what it is. Timestamp
Jonathon C message Thanks, Jonathon C! Will the new LTT Christmas album be produces by Tenstorrent? Timestamp
Amol G message Thanks, Amol G! Hi Linus and Luke, What's the weirdest tech-related dream you've ever had? Big WAN show fan :) C Timestamp
Amol G reply Reply @Amol G! I was getting buried alive by some automated construction equipment on Mars. Timestamp
Joseph S message Thanks, Joseph S! which was more expensive the computer or the flight to Romania? Timestamp
Joseph S reply Reply @Joseph S! All will be revealed. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Picking up some new bits for doing maintenance on my 3d printer, any update on the precision screwdriver gonna need one for getting in to those small parts. Timestamp
Ivan G message Thanks, Ivan G! I don't buy from companies whose practices I don't like, but is purchasing their items used still supporting the companies by increasing their resale value and thus making more people buy from Timestamp
lvan G reply Reply @lvan G! The economic transfer inside to the company already happened. You're just shifting that money from the original purchaser to you. It's all a monetary pool with now a net negative. Timestamp
Henry N message Thanks, Henry N! Hey LLD, got a question about the merch. My dog has eaten 3 of my LTT underwear, specifically those and no other kind. Have y'all ever heard this happening before? Anyways thanks for the great merch Timestamp
Henry N reply Reply @Henry N! We'll let you know more details soon. Timestamp
Jonathan S message Thanks, Jonathan S! Hey LLD! I need more breadsaurus in my life! I missed the shirts when they were on sale, any chance of bringing them back? Please? Or the plush showed off in the charity stream? Timestamp
Jonathan S reply Reply @Jonathan S! They were a limited edition... Timestamp
Joshua B message Thanks, Joshua B! Hey linus & linus led developers, long time wan watcher here, what's with the underwear pack colors that I liked in my size (XL) saying they won't be restocked? Any plans for new colors &/or designs? Timestamp
Joshua B reply Reply @Joshua B! Not entirely sure actually. I'd probably ask LTT Store support. They might actually be developing a new line. Timestamp
Taylor P message Thanks, Taylor P! If full dive vr comes out with ai generation and the new speeds from fiber. What would be the world you would want to live in C Timestamp
Taylor P reply Reply @Taylor P! I've always imagined a small forested island with a single story brutalist concrete house. C Timestamp
Kenneth B message Thanks, Kenneth B! Super excited about the upcoming Taylor Swift x LTT collab merch! Can't wait! C Timestamp
William N message Thanks, William N! Comfy office work pants when also freakin love the shacket I get a compliment almost every day i wear it C Timestamp
Jason N message Thanks, Jason N! Hey.dll I have been watching WAN Show since the box wall kept falling. I am wondering if LABS will be able to test screens for dithering and flicker/pwm rate. As accurate data is hard to find. Timestamp
Jason N reply Reply @Jason N! I should hope so! Screens are a big one. C Timestamp
Thelonious B message Thanks, Thelonious B! Hey Luke! I bought this to ask how to use search in floatplane. I searched for the mom-and-pop PC store series and couldn't find anything unless I searched for text on the website. plz help Timestamp
Thelonious B reply Reply @Thelonious B! You can always email support@floatplane.com Timestamp
Jonathan H message Thanks, Jonathan H! Hey Linus Luke and Dad, I saw an ad for a service called "erase me" that claims to make data brokers delete any of your data they have, do you know how legit a service like this is? Love the show Timestamp
Jonathan H reply Reply @Jonathan H! They certainly can be! Not all are created equal, but they absolutely do exist. Timestamp
Frederick M message Thanks, Frederick M! Linus! WHERE ARE THE CABLE TIES? (Not angry) I need a bunch for my rack and there's none for months now :( also, new deskpad design when? Timestamp
Frederick M reply Reply @Frederick M! Hopefully soon! Timestamp
Justin W message Thanks, Justin W! Do you have an ETA on the mouse portion of labs? There is an explosion of mice on the market and would love to get some info on them. I'll never cash this gift card if it's some time this year. Timestamp
Eli K message Thanks, Eli K! Hi LLD! friends friend is Al training parttime (mechanical turk but with prompt gen?) and this person started using a competitors Al to write the prompts. I worry abt legal consequences. thoughts? Timestamp
Eli K reply Reply @Eli K! Super super weird... Timestamp
David Z message Thanks, David Z! I just bought 2 of the PTM 7950 for R7 5800x and the Rx7900XT. Hi by the way. Timestamp
David Z reply Reply @David Z! NICE. Hello! C Timestamp
Nick M message Thanks, Nick M! Long time follower, first merch message, I built my first custom pc using the knowledge from your videos (old and new). Currently running onboard grapics (Ryzen 7 5700G) Timestamp
Nick M reply Reply @Nick M! Woooo © Timestamp
Thelonious B message Thanks, Thelonious B! Have you considered hiring someone with sustainability experience for labs? I think LCAs would be really interesting--I'm studying sustainability management at Columbia and would love to get involved C Timestamp
Thelonious B reply Reply @Thelonious B! Interesting idea. Timestamp
Garrett K message Thanks, Garrett K! I'm currently trying to get a new IBM TS7700 Hydra system rebooted after swapping some components. Do you think IBM will remain relevant in another 10 years? B Timestamp
Garrett K reply Reply @Garrett K! Certainly! They pivoted in a great way. Timestamp
Ivan J message Thanks, Ivan J! Hey Lainus, Lük and Dæn, I love WAN and is my favorite video of the week! Which has been your favorite WAN show or what sort of topics make the best ones? Timestamp
lvan J reply Reply @lvan J! TODAY takes the cake actually. Oh my gosh Jim gave me shivers. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! TALL SHIRTS WHEN? TALL SHIRTS WHEN? TALL SHIRTS WHEN!? (<3 you all) Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! TELL SHIRTS WHEN TALL SHIRTS WHEN Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! No more dirty butt in this household. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Y'all still hiring for Junior back end dev? I applied a month ago and never heard back :( Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! Keep an eye on the jobs board. 6 Timestamp
lan R message Thanks, lan R! Knowing Luke has his birds, are there any other exotic pets the team has? Our snakes are docile enough to hang around your shoulders and I'm jokingly thinking about streaming truck sim with them. Timestamp
lan R reply Reply @lan R! Sadly not to my knowledge, unless tropical fish count. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Can't wait to have a robocop enforcement droid for home security. Also, any precision screwdriver updates? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! No updates yet. Timestamp
Jamo M message Thanks, Jamo M! Question for LLD doy any of you guys or your kids ski if so what is your favorite mountain? Timestamp
Jamo M reply Reply @Jamo M! Seymour is pretty dank. Timestamp
Michael A message Thanks, Michael A! Hey DLL, when could we get security hex bits? Also, I was disappointed that my retro driver didn't have a game bit... Timestamp
Michael A reply Reply @Michael A! Let LTT Store support know! Timestamp
Gabriel O message Thanks, Gabriel O! Hey LLD! Yall have been a huge inspiration to me for pursuing an engineering degree (finishing up my first year). Quick Q: Any idea when the cable ties are coming back? Timestamp
Calixto F message Thanks, Calixto F! Hope y'all are doing well. I gotta quick question. I currently have a 5950x paired with a RTX 3080. I want to upgrade to a 4090. Any advice on if this is a good idea? I'll be playing RPG 4k/FPS 14 Timestamp
Calixto F reply Reply @Calixto F! Try posting in the 'New Builds and Planning' section of our forum! Linustechtips.com Timestamp
Paul L message Thanks, Paul L! I wanted a box knife but all I got was a T-shirt because you were sold out... Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! i love my cat Timestamp
Nathan N message Thanks, Nathan N! LTT standing desk? Could be made to fit sizes of desk pads. Timestamp
Victor M message Thanks, Victor M! Hey Dinus, Duke and Lan, how big or small are the products to be tested in LABS?, this week I've been researching 120mm fans for a personal project and almost everything I found was unboxings. Timestamp
Victor M reply Reply @Victor M! Both sizes. Major product categories, but trying for every single thing in them. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Linus, would you reach out to iFixit and request an option to buy the parts and consumables for a repair without a screwdriver and bits? Sending another screwdriver for every repair seems wasteful. Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! Might be something for you to do! Timestamp
Justin K message Thanks, Justin K! I need liNAS, clear screwdriver, metal screwdriver, and precision driver Timestamp
Adam O message Thanks, Adam O! Hey LDL, How do you see the application of Ai affecting traditional manufacturing spaces, such as aerospace. Are technical jobs in danger or are there some things that Al will not be better at? Timestamp
Adam O reply Reply @Adam O! Al will come for everything, eventually. Timestamp
Nathaniel J message Thanks, Nathaniel J! Hello, WAN.dll hat is your opinion on Al's potential influence on assisting dementia patients? Timestamp
Nathaniel J reply Reply @Nathaniel J! Pretty sure it will seep into everything. 9 Timestamp
Roman P message Thanks, Roman P! Hey Luke and Linus and Dan! Been watching you guys for years and wanted to say how awesome you guys are! Stay loafin and Dan, don't forget to stretch your legs in the bathtub ;) Timestamp
Roman P reply Reply @Roman P! <3<3 Timestamp
Steven L message Thanks, Steven L! Hey wan.dll, thoughts on gaming laptops overheating? specifically Alienware? I have an X16, and it's always at 98+ Celsius... Perhaps an Alex-themed engineering video can fix a similar issue? Thanks! Timestamp
Bailey W message Thanks, Bailey W! Hey guys, thank you for all the work that and Thank you for making my Saturday morning Educational but also entertaining, I was wondering, what is Beyond labs, you consider going online educatio Timestamp
Justin G message Thanks, Justin G! How is the smart home going? Light switches and heating? Do recommend zigbee or wifi? I purchase wifi devices based on features but now am having network issues due to the number of devices Timestamp
Lawrence A message Thanks, Lawrence A! Thank you for the hard work you and the team put in to make the great content. Timestamp
Alexander J message Thanks, Alexander J! Did you know about the Microsoft Intune Company Portal app on iPhone it's basically a 3rd party App Store for my company why is this allowed? Timestamp
Alexander J reply Reply @Alexander J! Nope! But apple recently started allowing 3rd party app stores and there are a few out! -LL Timestamp
Patrick S message Thanks, Patrick S! Hi DLL, I love pockets! Will there ever be additional hoodies like the Wan Show and Short Circuit? Timestamp
Patrick S reply Reply @Patrick S! Maybe! Always hard to tell... -LL Timestamp
Miguel S message Thanks, Miguel S! Howdy LDL! (Pronounced ladle) Linus, what's the biggest compromise you or Yvonne have had to make with each other when implementing new tech into your house? Timestamp
Dominic S message Thanks, Dominic S! Hello Wan crew is the labs hoodie the same as the dropout hoodie. I recently got the dropout and hoodie love it as its a really great product. Timestamp
Dane S message Thanks, Dane S! Hey LLD, I love listening to you guys talk about product development. What is something that is significantly more complicated than you thought prior to LTT store or floatplane? Timestamp
Rebecka G message Thanks, Rebecka G! Given his reaction to the news of Bob Ross, which of the team has been tasked with telling Elijah the truth about Santa and the Easter Bunny? Timestamp
Rebecka G reply Reply @Rebecka G! Dude's nearly 30. He should know by now. Timestamp
Max C message Thanks, Max C! Hey DLL, you guys are awesome! i dont normally catch the show live, but i also listen monday mornings. As one of the 12 pixel fold owners, i want your thoughts on its future in the smart phone space Timestamp
Max C reply Reply @Max C! Feels weird, but I actually don't think they are useful. Timestamp
Jaden G message Thanks, Jaden G! Whats up! Timestamp
Jaden G reply Reply @Jaden G! THE CEILING -LL Timestamp
Ryan D message Thanks, Ryan D! LTT Store WHALE here, I own multiples of almost all your merch and love the quality. The one thing the rest of my family loves is the onesie. When will we get a new design? Timestamp
Diego C message Thanks, Diego C! Thx for amazing bday WAN show dll! When working on projects what is your tolerance for risking your personal safety? Personally I tend to solder with no protections and its probably fine... Timestamp
Diego C reply Reply @Diego C! I think linus just let us know his. I also solder with no protection. I literally don't care. Eye stuff??? Don't mess around with WAN show. Timestamp
David C message Thanks, David C! Any chance we'll ever get a thumb ratchet and/or a right angle driver? A stubby is nice but in really tight spaces they're great. Also I have a big and tall body and not enough good shirts just saying Timestamp
David C reply Reply @David C! Maybe one day. Also YEAH Big and TALL NOW Timestamp
Josh H message Thanks, Josh H! Hey DLL, have you had the chance to watch the Fallout show yet and if so what did you think? Timestamp
Alexy M message Thanks, Alexy M! Love the idea of being able to download STL files for product but aren't there potential legal issues of distributing these files? Especially if the ergonomics of the product are a major selling point Timestamp
Alexy M reply Reply @Alexy M! Oh I'm sure... Timestamp
Hugh H message Thanks, Hugh H! Hi WAN.LLD, i bought the chevy volt based on Linus review and it's the best car out there, love it. Any major repair or tweaks you had for the car or what i should do to keep the car in good shape? Timestamp
Bryce S message Thanks, Bryce S! Hey linus and luke. Quick question, when will the cable ties be back in stock. Timestamp
Bryan V message Thanks, Bryan V! Daily drove the stealth hoodie 1.0 for 2 years and it's still going strong with minor fraying. Question: PC components on LTTstore when Timestamp
Bryan V reply Reply @Bryan V! One day maybe! Timestamp
Charles B message Thanks, Charles B! Why still no ATX12V0? I really want to see it take off, and while the BTF format seemed like the perfect opportunity to do it, they're all still using the legacy spec. Timestamp
Bruce O message Thanks, Bruce O! first item bought with the free computer video you just did and the charity pc builds would you consider building a pc for some one willing to pay for the parts and labor to get a pc built by linus. Timestamp
Bruce 0 reply Reply @Bruce 0! Not really honestly. Maybe being an Sl one day. < Timestamp
Luke T message Thanks, Luke T! What is the worst piece of tech that was adopted on mass? Early smartwatches without even a day of battery life seemed like a terrible, mass landfill, product. Timestamp
Andrew C message Thanks, Andrew C! TSA took my black shaft screwdriver so I guess I have to buy a stubby! Linus, you mentioned not doing another onesie--for other low volume products, would you consider something similar to massdrop? Timestamp
Nicole E message Thanks, Nicole E! Happy birthday Tyler. Love you so much! Timestamp
William C message Thanks, William C! I loved the first "big xbox" controller, and hate PS controllers! Team big hands needs info for mice! Also give Dan his own channel and unlimited budget to play with things he finds cool! DanAddress? Timestamp
Josh H message Thanks, Josh H! Linus check out the 3m powered respirator. Recently got one after getting LASIK for using during my house remodel and it's the best $750 I've spent. Super comfortable and I can keep the beard Timestamp
Josh H reply Reply @Josh H! I'll have a look, but I don' think I wanna spend $750 on that :p -LS Timestamp
Caleb R message Thanks, Caleb R! Hi Dalinuke. What do you think about buying online movie you can't own, and then pirating it or screen recording? Is it worth it to buy the movie? Timestamp
Shane B message Thanks, Shane B! Thanks to you guys I have figured out that I want to do something with computers for a career. Love the channel Timestamp
Shane B reply Reply @Shane B! thanks:)-LS Timestamp
Tanner P message Thanks, Tanner P! What is your favorite part of product development? Timestamp