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March 31, 2023

Merch Messages

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Name Type Text Timestamp Image
Noah P reply Reply @Noah P! Clickbait is a fine art, and it's always the goal to find something informational but also bait like. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Besides darn tough socks what other non lttstore clothes do you buy? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! Shoes/ Timestamp
Joseph B message Thanks, Joseph B! They just scared 1= Rackstuds at LTT 100 o Timestamp
Allan M message Thanks, Allan M! Hey Luke and Linus! have a great show. I just want to say I love you Diane! Timestamp
Fred E message Thanks, Fred E! Big chungus water baby #hydrohomies Timestamp
Jonathan K message Thanks, Jonathan K! Hey Luke, Dan and Linus, putting some of my tax return to use here. I recently subscribed to Floatplane and now I am hooked. Is there some sort of a public rough Roadmap for Floatplane(features)? Timestamp
Jonathan K reply Reply @Jonathan K! Maybe eventually. Would be a good idea. Timestamp
Dakota K message Thanks, Dakota K! @Linus - Who is your favorite character, and why is it Boba Fett? Timestamp
Joshua G message Thanks, Joshua G! Buying studs for the second hand 42U rack cabinet I am getting on Monday. goodbye cage nuts. Hello oversized consolidated computer hardware center for you to Drag next time you do a setup roast. Timestamp
John G message Thanks, John G! Hi. There is now a Jailbreak for Chat-GPT called “ChatGPT_Dan" that give uncensored answers to prompts. Maybe try roasting yourself? Also, when will 600x400 Northern Lights Desk Pad be in stock? Timestamp
John G reply Reply @John G! g It's based on me and I'm sorry. Timestamp
Laefer L message Thanks, Laefer L! what is the favorite upgrade to ltt's network ? fiber? 10gbe internet ? Timestamp
Laefer L reply Reply @Laefer L! 10gig EVERYWHERE Timestamp
Max H message Thanks, Max H! I Linus, Luke & Dan; What is something about the current WAN set that you wish would change when you (eventually) do a makeover? ~ Timestamp
Max H reply Reply @Max H! Having the guys be able to sit together symmetrically. Also, more monitors for me. Timestamp
Brian L message Thanks, Brian L! . Glad to see this size in this color way. Following up on a topic from last M. .! week, more Dan Butt streams, have you guys considered just having somebody from LMG live on Floatplane all the time? Timestamp
Brian L reply Reply @Brian L! That would be INSANE Timestamp
RICHARD A message Thanks, RICHARD A! Love y'all Linus couldn’t you rename Yvonne to wife in contacts to workaround voice assist. Timestamp
RICHARD A reply Reply @RICHARD A! Mai Waife Timestamp
David D message Thanks, David D! Hey guys love the show, normally everything I buy on l' g ships in the same week but my CPU pillow has not shipped yet after 2 =1 weeks? Any idea when they are going out? Timestamp
David D reply Reply @David D! As soon as possible! Timestamp
Bryan P message Thanks, Bryan P! &2 : Got me some rack studs whoo!!! Timestamp
Michael J message Thanks, Michael J! Just wanted to say thanks for all the laughs and knowledge over the years! Timestamp
MELISSA R message Thanks, MELISSA R! Can't wait to try on my new undies. The confetti ones made my eyes all messed up though. Timestamp
Matthias W message Thanks, Matthias W! Why does some Phones interfere with Audioequipment and others i not? Timestamp
Matthias W reply Reply @Matthias W! Might have to do with the directionality or power of the gsm antennas. It's something I'd love to look into. Timestamp
Patrick M message Thanks, Patrick M! Thanks for everything you do. How has the recovery from last weeks gone? Timestamp
Patrick M reply Reply @Patrick M! We want more! Timestamp
Nate B message Thanks, Nate B! Al Question. Luke, what do you think of the Al Generated Jay-Z song (using his samples) that was shown this week? It generated the music with his voice. Timestamp
Nate B reply Reply @Nate B! They are seeming pretty cool. Should see continuing development on them. Timestamp
Dmitriy B message Thanks, Dmitriy B! Hi Luke, Linus, and Dan. How do you deal with burnout? Timestamp
Dmitriy B reply Reply @Dmitriy B! Make time for yourself. Nothing time needs to be planned. Although, as a chronic burnout sufferer... seek therapy. Timestamp
Catherine R message Thanks, Catherine R! Love what you guys do for the community! Have you guys considered creating content geared towards programmers/developers? Timestamp
Catherine R reply Reply @Catherine R! Probably not something we can talk about and add something to it. Maybe in the future, or occasionally, but it's a hard topic. Timestamp
Joseph M message Thanks, Joseph M! T Linus going full CEO mode pushing for upsell shelf. Are there any ¥ products at a stage juicy enough for you to leak that will make Kyle * storm onset? Timestamp
Joseph M reply Reply @Joseph M! It's going to happen this show. Timestamp
Cameron P message Thanks, Cameron P! I cannot wait for LTX ,unfortunately I am going alone. I am looking for a date or friends for the weekend;) !! Driving from Abbotsford if anyone wants to car pool!! Greatly appreciate you Dan!! R S Timestamp
Ryan F message Thanks, Ryan F! Thanks for providing Studs to replace my Nutz. Luke and Dan need to chill out with going hard on the Over Time if they want to hire more people to do more Over Time. Timestamp
Ryan F reply Reply @Ryan F! MORE WAN MORE ALWAYS MORE WAN Timestamp
Ki F message Thanks, Ki F! Your deskpads make fantastic Magic The Gathering mats, but the thickness makes them not fit in a standard playmat tube. Will you make large enough travel tubes for both LAN enjoyers and magic players? o LSS TN Timestamp
Ki F reply Reply @Ki F! Try messaging @NickLMG on Twitter during the week! Timestamp
Max B message Thanks, Max B! Linus: What's up Losers? Nice to see Linus talk to Twitch for once. From Floatplane. Timestamp
Max B reply Reply @Max B! Thanks loser. Timestamp
Sebastian W message Thanks, Sebastian W! Hello You all, excited about screwdriver. I have Question for Linus, what is Your favorite Beat Saber song/songs? « Timestamp
Sebastian W reply Reply @Sebastian W! Linus and Luke have answered this before, check out our channel LMG Clips! Timestamp
Jordan V message Thanks, Jordan V! $77.90 of this for Pouchy McPouchface version, when!? Timestamp
Peter W message Thanks, Peter W! Lanyards for days, lets goooooooo Timestamp
Zach R message Thanks, Zach R! Do you plan on having error bars or some other method of showing the error in measured values in videos and in future written content from labs? Timestamp
Zach R reply Reply @Zach R! Feel free to send an email that can be found on our YouTube page! Timestamp
Chandler T message Thanks, Chandler T! Hello from a fellow loser. Timestamp
Chandler T reply Reply @Chandler T! Hey there loser. <3 Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Will FP livestreams eventually support rewinding livestreams and catching up at 1.5x speed? Hard to keep live the entire time but FP video quality is much better than YT or Twitch. Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! We've got a few different features planned, but you can always email with suggestions! Timestamp
john d message Thanks, john d! 42 and having a baby this one is going to get all the gamer gear Timestamp
NOOR M message Thanks, NOOR M! Hey Luke and Linus. Did you know that there are 2FA solutions out there that protect again session token hijacking? Insert plug here for Duo 2FA. Timestamp
Luke N message Thanks, Luke N! i Another one for the collection, My wardrobe continues to expand and shows no sign of stopping. When do I get my punch-card? Timestamp
Andrew S message Thanks, Andrew S! Hey Luke, OG floatplane subscriber here. I'd love to have a floatplane emote by giving you more of my money. Please make this happen I have too much money lying around not going towards Floatplane Timestamp
Sam F message Thanks, Sam F! Has or is the LTT team considering any content on aftermarket car speakers? Whether in a video or just testing in the labs? Timestamp
5am F reply Reply @5am F! Certainly something on the mind. But it might be kinda, car dependent? We recommend posting video ideas in the 'Video Suggestion' section of our forum! Timestamp
Aaron S message Thanks, Aaron S! Looking forward to sharing the LTT underwear majesty with my S.0. I love the underwear and would like a whole weeks worth (7days). Any chance of a mystery 4 pack of LTT underoos? Thanks guys!! Timestamp
Aaron S reply Reply @Aaron S! I Maybe one day! Timestamp
Anthony M message Thanks, Anthony M! Good evening Linus, Luke, & Dan, where do you hope LMG & Floatplane, etc. will be in 5 years? And what tech would you hope to see in 5 years as well? Timestamp
Anthony M reply Reply @Anthony M! We can barely plan 3 months in the future. Timestamp
Bryan of T message Thanks, Bryan of T! '@ Linus, Luke and Dan, what was your dream non-tech childhood toy? (Mine was the Soccer Boppers) Timestamp
Bryan of T reply Reply @Bryan of T! One of those out-door model railroads you can ride on. Timestamp
Warren F message Thanks, Warren F! Do you think Elon is on the pause train with Al because he is just trying to catch up on his Al project? Timestamp
Warren F reply Reply @Warren F! What about his car company, or his neural implant company? I'm not sure honestly. Timestamp
Billy R message Thanks, Billy R! Will labs get Manufactures to test their products? Timestamp
Billy R reply Reply @Billy R! Not 100% sure yet! Timestamp
Hans-Patrick M message Thanks, Hans-Patrick M! Will you ever bring back past merch? The only shirts I'm missing are the RAM and USB-C ones. Timestamp
Austin H message Thanks, Austin H! When will LTT release paid social media platform that doesn't sell data? Timestamp
Austin H reply Reply @Austin H! Linus Tech Twitter? That kinda thing? Timestamp
Sarah P message Thanks, Sarah P! loving the new womens wear. Is there going to be anymore womens stuff coming out soon? Timestamp
Sarah P reply Reply @Sarah P! Hopefully! Timestamp
Maverick M message Thanks, Maverick M! m I hope that LTT makes a messenger bag that will hold a laptop. If you do Timestamp
Maverick M reply Reply @Maverick M! ([Possibly in the works]] Timestamp
Fernando R message Thanks, Fernando R! Let's gooooooo boys!!!! First live merch message. Dan you are the ® man!!! Linus and Luke keep up the great work!!! Timestamp
Jacob M message Thanks, Jacob M! Hey guys I was planning on attending Nucamp in May and I was wondering what you guys think if coding bootcamps and if you think it would actually be a good path into software development jobs. o Timestamp
Jacob M reply Reply @Jacob M! Can be great for getting a lot of directed training real quickly. Timestamp
Mark L message Thanks, Mark L! Any chance of getting timestamps or auto email responses for merch msg? It's hard to see a typed response unless you read the bar for the entire 4 hours, especially with how many come in now. Timestamp
Mark L reply Reply @Mark L! Sent to the developer! Timestamp
John A message Thanks, John A! Have you ever considered a SOC as a service for LMG? Timestamp
John A reply Reply @John A! Socs are coming, for you feets. But yes, we have. We've got a bunch of changes to make. Timestamp
Blair F message Thanks, Blair F! Hi. I just started a new career working in game dev for a great indie studio last year. Want to upgrade to a new desktop next year for working on Java in Intelli), any suggestions regarding what CPU? Timestamp
Blair F reply Reply @Blair F! Try posting in the 'New Builds and Planning' section of our forum! Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! m This bill is similar to the bill banning encryption a few years ago. It got written by people who know nothing about technology, and the politicians involved are already starting to withdraw support Timestamp
Charles 0 message Thanks, Charles 0! Got floatplane because of the hack and now first time merch buyer. Question I have is what is going on with the upgrade for Luke and his PC and storage? Hopefully safe for his birds!! i Timestamp
Charles 0 reply Reply @Charles 0! More info to come! Timestamp
Roberto T message Thanks, Roberto T! Hi linus, a few weeks back you talk about a security cdmara video. Is there any update on that. Timestamp
Roberto T reply Reply @Roberto T! More info coming soon. Timestamp
Michael R message Thanks, Michael R! @ Curious on your thought as we move to more cloud and online systems, how this would impact countries where internet is still not accessible. In Cuba, its difficult to setup phones and laptop. Timestamp
Michael R reply Reply @Michael R! It's bad for a number of reasons beyond being unable to access internet. Yeah. Sad. Timestamp
Ben G message Thanks, Ben G! I am so LLT Stored geared up! I am about to make all the things with a screwdriver! Timestamp
Connor M message Thanks, Connor M! Hey L & L & D. Luke, as a fellow FTL aficionado, do you have any recommendations to other games you like to play solo? Timestamp
Connor M reply Reply @Connor M! Factorio. Timestamp
Brendan U message Thanks, Brendan U! I Hi Linus Luke and Dan! I'm graduating this May, and an going to work as a Mechanical Engineer at a silicon fab. What's the coolest - technology/process you have seen in your times touring fabs? Timestamp
Brendan U reply Reply @Brendan U! Those little robots that run across the ceiling. Timestamp
Jonathan E message Thanks, Jonathan E! I'm loving the quality of the merch I've purchased previously. Do you guys have favorite piece of clothing from LTT that you reach for more than the others? Timestamp
Jonathan E reply Reply @Jonathan E! Underpants for sure. Timestamp
Mark L message Thanks, Mark L! Linus, I'm fully expecting a Dan-remastered vinyl Christmas album this year. Timestamp
Mark L reply Reply @Mark L! SHHHHHHHHHHHHH Timestamp
Kathleen B message Thanks, Kathleen B! JJ" Timestamp
Kathleen B message Thanks, Kathleen B! Software "Bug” Lets You Overclock AMD's 5800X3D to Death In Seconds. Intentional/unintentional feature to bypass motherboard BIOS restrictions? Timestamp
Joshua G message Thanks, Joshua G! G Just wanted to say thanks. My job at my dream org was given to India a couple of months ago. Made me really question being loyalty to a </l company. Start a new job soon at lower pay but less corporate. Timestamp
Kaushal P message Thanks, Kaushal P! Will the laptop reviews cover support for the newest USBPD3.1 support for charging with >100W in future? Why not name shame the proprietary charger connectors? Timestamp
Zu En S message Thanks, Zu En S! Linus and Luke, what certifications would you recommend going for if you want to start out in IT? I understand that you guys weren't hot about CompTIA's certs in past shows. Timestamp
Aaron G message Thanks, Aaron G! Hey guys! This question is for any of you. The first quarter just finished today. What company goal did you achieve? What goal didn't you achieve? Timestamp
Aaron G reply Reply @Aaron G! We made it to "real company." Timestamp
Ben 0 message Thanks, Ben 0! - .+ Dan, Luke, Linus, how would you describe each other when the camera I isn'ton? Timestamp
Ben 0 reply Reply @Ben 0! Passionate. Timestamp
Harlan P message Thanks, Harlan P! Any plans to X-ray products in the lab? I do dental IT work and it's always fun to zap my devises to see the guts & #LukeTransformerTips Timestamp
Harlan P reply Reply @Harlan P! What a cool idea. Timestamp
David K message Thanks, David K! Hey guys, do any of you enjoy, or ever had any Polish food, kielbasa, pierogi etc...? Timestamp
David K reply Reply @David K! Oh yeah we have a big Polish community hear. Almost all of it and it's allawesome. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hey team, I'm one of the poor souls who actually purchased a Radion VII. Worst, most frustrating experience ever. Constant driver issues. Couldn't even sell it to crypto miners because of its problems Timestamp
Daniel H message Thanks, Daniel H! Could you add a segment to the electric vehicle reviews on if or how it ' .' is able to offload power? The ability to use an EV as backup power during an outage is something I think more people should know Timestamp
Daniel H reply Reply @Daniel H! We recommend posting video ideas in the 'Video Suggestion' section of our forum! 1 Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! What CDN does Floatplane use for video? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! We built it ourselves! 100% custom. Timestamp
Brian B message Thanks, Brian B! I've seen you use the Bambu Labs X-1 Carbon & P1P. I'm looking at getting a 2nd printer and was wondering if you would recommend one of them or wait and see how the new Prusa MK4 or Creality K-1are? Timestamp
Brian B reply Reply @Brian B! Wait and see for the new Prusa XL. CoreXY or bust these day. Don't bother with a bed slinger. Timestamp
Colton H message Thanks, Colton H! It would be great if there was a central repo for your current PC setups. I've been looking at large format monitors recently, and would love to know what specific hardware you are running. Timestamp
Colton H reply Reply @Colton H! We change like daily though. Or do you want home setups? Timestamp
Jordan G message Thanks, Jordan G! I already have a high refresh rate gaming monitor. Do you have any recommendations for a secondary monitor for media? OLEDs are still so expensive, but I really want that HDR experience Timestamp
David M message Thanks, David M! To Luke & Linus: if you could take a few features from obsolete versions of Windows and put them back into Windows 11, which ones would you pick? Timestamp
David M reply Reply @David M! ; Expanded taskbar buttons. Timestamp
Al M message Thanks, Al M! This week Prusa released a new model of their main 3D Printer. The LTT screwdriver made a cameo in their marketing video. What is the most surprising place you've seen LTT merch? Timestamp
Al M reply Reply @Al M! The Olympic swimmer had a water bottle which was awesome. Timestamp
Nathan C message Thanks, Nathan C! Greetings Dan, Linus, and Luke (DLL)! This is my second WAN show through Floatplane and the preshow was a blast! Have you considered having the WAN show uncensord as a feature for Floatplane? Timestamp
Nathan C reply Reply @Nathan C! Dual streams might be a bit complicated, but we are considering doing a form of multi-camera production for floatplane. Might be possible in the future. Timestamp
Matthew A message Thanks, Matthew A! Hey luke linus and the all powerfull Dan! Long time viewer first time messager. When do you guys thing something like Bing gpt will become commonplace in most or all browsers? Timestamp
Matthew A reply Reply @Matthew A! At this rate? Probably 2 weeks or so. Timestamp
Barry B message Thanks, Barry B! Thank you to all Yvonne Umbrella Corp employees. Just want to say thank you. Timestamp
Joseph M message Thanks, Joseph M! : Hey all! I'm starting my first non customer facing IT job Monday, and since I need to go in office now, I figured I might as well do it in style! Any advice for returning to office after WFH? Timestamp
loseph M reply Reply @loseph M! Don't change your clothing habits. Timestamp
Joe B message Thanks, Joe B! Linus, do you have any plans or video ideas for what you will do with your current Framework laptop mainboard/parts once the new 16 Inch comes out? Showing off creative alternative uses would be cool! Timestamp
Neal M message Thanks, Neal M! Linus; Are you going to make a floatplane exclusive out of painting your bike lambo pink and green? I'll sub for it. Better yet. Have Dennis do it. Timestamp
Neal M reply Reply @Neal M! That's right! Timestamp
Michael P message Thanks, Michael P! Timestamp
Michael P message Thanks, Michael P! Linus, have you ever considered getting a touring motorcycle or just taking long trips on your current one? Timestamp
Michael P reply Reply @Michael P! I think he likes his current one too much Timestamp
Sean M message Thanks, Sean M! Hey Luke and Linus! I am using my old gaming pc w/ Intel 17 920 w/ gtx 1060 for media and files. What's the oldest hardware that LMG is currently employing? Timestamp
Sean M reply Reply @Sean M! Some of the laptops here are ancient. Timestamp
Braulio A message Thanks, Braulio A! Are you aware of the marketplace Jawa.GG? Its been a great thing for gamers! Timestamp
John Jeffrey E message Thanks, John Jeffrey E! Linus,Luke,Dan,How do you balance the freedom in using social media apps and letting a country not only manipulate psychology of young ones but possible data gathering? Tiktok ban in CN is interesting Timestamp
John Jeffrey E reply Reply @John Jeffrey E! This is an incredibly nuanced and complicated discussion, which we will be trying to touch this WAN. Terrifying world we're in currently. Timestamp
Joshua V message Thanks, Joshua V! Hey Linus, ABCs of Gaming is one of his favorite books. I bought him a controller and he asks about the kitty at the end a lot. Is there any chance the idea of a plushie console kitty could happen? Timestamp
Tim M message Thanks, Tim M! Hi Gentlemen, As a soon-to-be Business Graduate I was wondering if you guys had plans to expand your operations team as LMG expands. (Lookin for jobs you feel me <3) Timestamp
Tim M reply Reply @Tim M! We actually don't have any operations department. I attempted to become an OpMan, but it just doesn't seem to be needed at the moment. Maybe in the future. Timestamp
Gregory B message Thanks, Gregory B! - fi'! @linus @Luke @Dan Have you heard the news of Disney layoffs for D+? m‘ I &y Most streaming services are losing money; what do you think the future of steaming is? Timestamp
Kobe T message Thanks, Kobe T! Hi Linus, Just wanted to say my first video i remember seeing from you M}l .n is the one you made on the samsung g7, and now pretty much 2-3 years later that is my main monitor, thanks for the awesome videos Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hello! As a Unreal Level Designer and other such things relating to game dev and in the context of LTT Labs, Do you guys have any In- depth Jobs planned for Unreal/ Unity Stress/ General Hardware Test. Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! » Maybe in the future. Keep your eyes posted to the jobs board. Timestamp
Robert H message Thanks, Robert H! You guys inspired me to open my own small Electronics Repair shop, and I was curious if either of have any infestation stories in your days. I just had a PS4 come in with HUNDREDS of live roaches. Timestamp
Robert H reply Reply @Robert H! Oh good god. Worse I did was a smoker's iMac. THICK BLACK GUNK the whole entire insides of the case. Timestamp
Adam M message Thanks, Adam M! What are your thoughts on the potential Tik Tok ban. BTW your hoodies are literally the best! Not a joke Timestamp
Dax Y message Thanks, Dax Y! 'w' . I'am currently deploying an archival/deep storage server at the - company I work for and I was curious how LMG operates theirs. Timestamp
Dax Y reply Reply @Dax Y! 6pb of spinning. 1 on site, 1 offsite, 1 cloud. Timestamp
trevor w message Thanks, trevor w! Luke, will we ever see you at DEFCON? Seems like you would have a blast Timestamp
Braxton C message Thanks, Braxton C! Iwork IT for a large healthcare company(Gov Contractor). We dispose of millions a year of equipment. What do you think would be a secure way of destroying the data and not just creating e-waste? Timestamp
Braxton C reply Reply @Braxton C! Probably properly recycling it. If there even IS a place that deals with that properly. It sucks honestly. Timestamp
Benjamin F message Thanks, Benjamin F! I'had a hard time trying to find a good controller for precision games like Pizza Tower. Are there plans for the Lab to look at controller quality issues ghost d-pad inputs and ergonomics/button feel? Timestamp
Benjamin F reply Reply @Benjamin F! Possibly in the future yes. I'd say thats a pretty important market to test. Timestamp
Avery F message Thanks, Avery F! Any update on the status of the WAG hoodie? Do you have any plans for other pet-related merch? Timestamp
Aaron B message Thanks, Aaron B! Thank you guys for everything! Love the show, love LTT store! Can't wait to see more content on labs and the upcoming changes to the IT infrastructure. Can't wait for the stubby screwdriver! Timestamp
Louis S message Thanks, Louis S! Is there any possibility of a 1/2" wide slotted screwdriver? I have to hand tighten 1/2"/12mm wide slotted screws for my job and it's very hard to find a really wide screwdriver (non ratcheting) Timestamp
Jonathan W message Thanks, Jonathan W! = Hey Linus, when you are doing photo shoots for clothes, have you ever considered having a model wear multiple sizes so we can see the comparison? Seeing the 2 would be super helpful in picking for me Timestamp
Liam K message Thanks, Liam K! Hey guys, as someone who enjoys going to the the gym. Would you I} ever consider making a larger handle spout lid, for the 640z water " bottles. Timestamp
Daniel H message Thanks, Daniel H! Luke! One of my biggest reasons for using youtube premium is the ability to lock my phone and listen to the video. Is there a plan for the floatplane app to allow this feature too? On android bt Timestamp
Michael R message Thanks, Michael R! Bought the backpack on launch and it has done me so great. My only critique is that the top handle is a bit harsh on the hand when loaded. You guys are really competing with my love for Peak Design <3 Timestamp
Michael D message Thanks, Michael D! Hey guys, I need a tech tip. I want to do a 12 man Halo 3 Lan party for my bach party. Should I get 3 older Xbox's and do system link? Or try PC somehow. I want to play popular old forge customs too. Timestamp
Michael D reply Reply @Michael D! Do it on PCyeah. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Linus, we've seen smartphones stagnate somewhat after developing rapidly for a decade, do you think EVs will do the same and how long will it take? Do you think we'll get a universal plug ala usb-c? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! &) I hope that happens as these techs mature. Timestamp
MARCUS B message Thanks, MARCUS B! You have talked in the past about making a rack mounted case. I know afew people in the market and need a couple personally. Any progress Timestamp
MARCUS B reply Reply @MARCUS B! Cases are just extremely hard to make. Maybe in the future but unsure right now. I Timestamp
Matt H message Thanks, Matt H! D,L&L: On most keyboards, left alt is directly beneath WSAD, causing poor ergonomics (and hand cramps) in certain games. What long- standing gripes do you have with the status quo in keyboard design? Timestamp
Matt H reply Reply @Matt H! - ~ Different form factors for the enter key. Timestamp
Thomas D message Thanks, Thomas D! THANKS for subjecting me to comic sans while trying to diagnose my AMS POST issues. I would love to know: What was the most memorable or funniest tech related April Fools joke you guys have seen? Timestamp
Thomas D reply Reply @Thomas D! Probably tomorrow Timestamp
Joseph B message Thanks, Joseph B! WILLLTT Store ever offer different shipping tiers? Standard can take a while even from Canada to U.S., but pricing is fair. I'm willing to pay more for faster shipping. Timestamp
Tyson S message Thanks, Tyson S! Hoping to get the grey colour for the mystery to match the red, green and blue ones I have. Thanks for the great quality of clothes Timestamp
Robert M message Thanks, Robert M! ¥ Question for Linus: The AYANEO 2 looks like it would be a faster, more portable option over the SteamDeck, but is it really worth the price = premium? Timestamp
Robert M reply Reply @Robert M! I've had like 3 on my desk to fix. 'm not entirely sure it feels like it yet. I'd wait and see as I know some new players are coming to the market. Timestamp
Dylan M message Thanks, Dylan M! Hello guys! Since you now have testing capabilities, could you do a video explaining the ins and outs of LLC - Load line calibration with CPU - overclocking. There isn't much information out there. Thx! Timestamp
Sam E message Thanks, Sam E! Hey there Linus, Luke, and Dan! Buying a screwdriver as a birthday gift for my dad. I'm building my first NAS soon and was wondering if you had any tips/suggestions you wished you knew building yours? Timestamp
Sam E reply Reply @Sam E! Get a CPU with onboard video Timestamp
Will M message Thanks, Will M! Have you updated your protection systems for desktops vs. Malware? I as a IT manager use the Shrek opinion of protection and layer systems on workstations, MalwareBytes + Eset + MS Security. Timestamp
Will M reply Reply @Will M! Yes currently in process. Timestamp
Andrew H reply Reply @Andrew H! There was a security hole with CPU exploits. I'd check for that, but you might be in the clear. Timestamp
Bryan S message Thanks, Bryan S! Linus, in PC building you've said you prefer to setup fans to pull air through a radiator for easier cleaning, but I haven't seen you do the same with air coolers. Any reason? Luke, keep being you. Timestamp
Sam S message Thanks, Sam S! 5 I'm a software dev going back to the office and need a backpack. I have been watching since the NCIX days and just wanted to say thanks for helping grow my passion for tech. Timestamp
Exode P message Thanks, Exode P! These guys are trying the China approach to avoid China. Same people that "grilled” the CEO. Also with Al, is it wrong for me to jump ahead where universal income happens? No skill necessary to live.. Timestamp
Mike F reply Reply @Mike F! [([[ MAYBE 1]]] Timestamp
Charles F message Thanks, Charles F! What keeps you coming back to the WAN show each week? Do you consider this a hobby of yours at this point? Timestamp
Charles F reply Reply @Charles F! 2 friends getting to chat and catch up. :) Timestamp
Justin P message Thanks, Justin P! Got big desk energy. Got a big desk pad. Timestamp
DANIEL R message Thanks, DANIEL R! Yo L-Man, L-Dawg and D-Pain. Tell me how many times in your life you have installed Windows. I expect ONLY 100% accurate answers. Thank you! Now hurry up and give us a 24HR WAN show. L Timestamp
DANIEL R reply Reply @DANIEL R! Like, maybe 10-20 a year. Timestamp
Andrew B message Thanks, Andrew B! - Hi Luke, Linus,and Dan, audio only listener here. Are there any m hobbies/activities that you guys used to be into/do that you don't anymore, and do you ever want to get back into them? Timestamp
Andrew B reply Reply @Andrew B! I'd love to get back into cross-stitch. Timestamp
Caleb M message Thanks, Caleb M! Tech Question, I randomly hear a pop/creak from my monitor (Gigabyte G34WQC ultrawide) It occurs while in use and while PCis in Timestamp
Noah G message Thanks, Noah G! - - Hey Everyone, I was wondering what are some of your favorite Anime are? Mine is Evangelion which Short Circuit build was based off of. 4 Thanks for the decade of content! Timestamp
Noah G reply Reply @Noah G! serial experiments lain Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Will the Steam Strap/Deck Dragger have room for the OEM charger? I'd also love a pocket for a small mechanical keyboard, mouse, and compact controller, but I know that's a lot. #DennisSaw2Much Timestamp
Joachim K message Thanks, Joachim K! Hi Linus I bought a couch ripper pillow as part of graphics card giveaway on 3/21. I see the giveaway has ended 3/27. My order has not shipped yet, based on rules would that mean I'm out of running? Timestamp
Brian S message Thanks, Brian S! Need an update on your AMD gpu switch. I had to return my red devil 7900xtx due to terrible destiny 2 performance :( Timestamp
Drew G message Thanks, Drew G! [ Hey guys! Just got the screwdriver! Are there any plans to make a backpack for tools? I work in an amusement park and need a bag that £ can hold my tools but I can't seem to find one that is durable! Timestamp
Brandon K message Thanks, Brandon K! Hey LTT team! I'm here for Luke's Generative Al Power Hour! In all seriousness, has generative Al tools like chatGPT changed your Timestamp
Brandon K reply Reply @Brandon K! We're still trying to find ways to make it work. Timestamp
Luke M message Thanks, Luke M! m I'm wanting to buy the LTT screwdriver but ever since seeing the stubby driver I'm wanting both! are you guys going to do a package deal when the stubby finally comes out? Aus postage is $$$ thats all Timestamp
Richard W message Thanks, Richard W! It's the three amigos! Question: Do you think AMD's future 3D V-Cache 1!. .”\ CPUs would benefit from a P-core / E-core architecture? You and the team are OUTSTANDING keep it up! Timestamp
Richard W reply Reply @Richard W! I think we just need more FAST Timestamp
Ali M message Thanks, Ali M! Hey Linus, I just got a z fold 4. I have hated every case I have tried. As a fellow foldable owner what is your favorite case and do you feel it's worth protecting when the screen will probably break. Timestamp
ALi M reply Reply @ALi M! Get some overpriced stickers for it. I don't think Linus uses a case at all. Timestamp
Heriberto B message Thanks, Heriberto B! Love the content, Keep up the work. Any update on the tall-sized shirts? And any update on whats next for ChannelSuperfun? Timestamp
Heriberto B reply Reply @Heriberto B! I hope they get some done soon. Desperate. CSF is on hiatus right now, not updates on that. Timestamp
Chandler P message Thanks, Chandler P! Hey Luke and Linus. Hope the day was a good one for yous. Any Dan based content in the works? Get this man as a host! Have a wonderful night! Timestamp
Chandler P reply Reply @Chandler P! Floatplane exclusive on the WAN Show setup! Timestamp
Nicholas K message Thanks, Nicholas K! - :“ Hey Luke and Linus! The world seems so bleak these days, what's the m . I1} best way a normal person can combat things like the RESTRICT act and =] potential death of Internet Archive and Wayback machine? Timestamp
Nicholas K reply Reply @Nicholas K! We'll be talking about it more today Timestamp
Michael H message Thanks, Michael H! Watching tonight with the wife and she’'s like "they have women's clothing now?" So of course I'm buying her some @ Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Can we get a Dino Desk mat. Full artistic freedom of course? Also we gonna need some 10gig internet once 8k vr livestream adult content comes out. Perhaps some haptic feedback. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Linus and Luke- you buy CD's to play in your CAR. Lots of people drive older cars. Timestamp
Jonathan B message Thanks, Jonathan B! Hi Lukus! (Luke+Linus) Have you ever considered creating/supporting “ tech outreach initiatives such as Coding Camps, maker/hacker spaces, Girls Who Code, etc? Timestamp
Brian T message Thanks, Brian T! After watching online game retailers discontinuing games, some of Timestamp
Brian T message Thanks, Brian T! After watching online game retailers discontinuing games, some of which I've "owned", I don't trust that the electronic purchase I made will be there to play in 5 years. That's why I buy CDs. Timestamp
Zach H message Thanks, Zach H! What's a video that you want to make but it's too difficult and/or not worth it to actually make it? Timestamp
Tyrel P message Thanks, Tyrel P! Former hater turned regular viewer via the left leaning PC, about to build my first hard tube water cooled pc any advice? also, Ball gags? Timestamp
Tyrel P reply Reply @Tyrel P! Don't use coloured coolant. Clear only. Ball gags are great. Timestamp
Jared H message Thanks, Jared H! ‘WM s Justsayin Hiand thanks for being awesome and keeping me lz1 "1 entertained and informed in the tech space! Timestamp
Tyler D message Thanks, Tyler D! Will there ever be LTT gloves or a pc case? I think pc case would be really awesome! Also hi Dan Timestamp
Tyler D reply Reply @Tyler D! Probably not a case no. Timestamp
Emeric G message Thanks, Emeric G! I work in security and am currently preparing my CISSP exam. I was wondering, is it something you're looking for at floatplane ? Not looking for a job, I love mine, just curious. Timestamp
Emeric G reply Reply @Emeric G! Keep your eyes posted to our job board Timestamp
Maximilian D message Thanks, Maximilian D! Big fan of Luke here! What is your guys favorite turn-based strategy game? Timestamp
Benjamin B message Thanks, Benjamin B! b Honestly WAN show is my go to while commuting to work. Love listening to you both it makes it so much more enjoyable. Do you see " ChatGPT integrating into healthcare at some point. Timestamp
Benjamin B reply Reply @Benjamin B! Everything. EVERYTHING. Timestamp
Linda P message Thanks, Linda P! b Hi Linus! My husband is a fan - I REALLY hope he sees this lol. How did you and Yvonne handle a newborn while building LMG? We're . expecting our first soon. Any good baby tech? advice? Timestamp
Dylan B message Thanks, Dylan B! - t l Hello just wanted to say thank you for the great content! Timestamp
Dalyn C message Thanks, Dalyn C! Can Intel Arc gpus be used for a two gamers one gpu setup? This would probably work well with the A770 since it has 16GB of vram. Timestamp
Franz Darren T message Thanks, Franz Darren T! Darren here. Unless you want to bring back Scrapyaed Wars, would you consider a small gaming station contest? Ex. the best ITX machine with a tiny keyboard, mouse, and some Chinese 144Hz 15" display. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Any detrimental or positive effects to slapping on a thermal pad the length and width of the backplate to a GPU? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! Pressure is important. Level of squish must be consistent. Timestamp
Aiden M message Thanks, Aiden M! So happy to finally watch live on my birthday no less! Will we ever get that LTT cat toy? I have a Maine coon and he goes through like two teaser toys a month! Timestamp
Aiden M reply Reply @Aiden M! fl I am so jealous of your Maine Coon. Always wanted one. More toys are hopefully coming. Pet toys Timestamp
Viktor L message Thanks, Viktor L! " Hey there! Do you automatically upload all your videos or is that manual work? And if it is manual have you considered automating it? Timestamp
Viktor L reply Reply @Viktor L! /" Alautomatic Timestamp
Brodie P message Thanks, Brodie P! Hi Luke, Linus, and Dan. Don't have anything of value to say so have a nice weekend :) Timestamp
Joey G message Thanks, Joey G! Why do you think recently PC ports of games are becoming increasingly I garbage when it comes to optimization and performance? Ex: Last of us P2: 2 hours to compile-shaders VS RE4 Remake 60FPS on S Deck Timestamp
Joey G reply Reply @Joey G! 4 Easy. Money. Timestamp
Matthew B message Thanks, Matthew B! Going through school I always argued that Linux was not inherently more secure than windows because it's open source, how do you feel about (relatively) recent vulnerabilities in mainstream Linux dist Timestamp
Matthew B reply Reply @Matthew B! Never underestimate nerds with access to source code. Timestamp
Junio Valerio T message Thanks, Junio Valerio T! Will you be expanding on the PC parts plushies? Giving a Motherboard, a CPU, a RAM kit, a case and everything else to the GPU (with maybe some magnets to connect everything) would be pretty cool Timestamp
Junio Valerio T reply Reply @Junio Valerio T! Hopefully yes!! Timestamp
ADAM R message Thanks, ADAM R! Recently you have been taking efforts to add more less-than-standard clothing sizes. I love the clothes, but my sizes are completely ridiculous. I am a Longboi™, and need long arms/legs but thin waist Timestamp
Joshua C message Thanks, Joshua C! Hey Linus, I love the durability and materials of LTT backpack but I feel it's a little bulky. What's your opinion on a slimmer version for laptop/college carry without ‘the compartment of holdings" Timestamp
Joshua C reply Reply @Joshua C! Might be something on the way. ;) Timestamp
ernesto a message Thanks, ernesto a! ~ I Youvetalked about how Al cant be successfully regulated due to the ¥ global arms race, but arent other dangerous research subjects like med © or nuclear govt regulated? PS: blue white & pink bottle? Timestamp
ernesto a reply Reply @ernesto a! Yeah but now everyone can do those things in their bedroom. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! I don't know why but the photo of Linus Modeling his ass for the underwear would make such a great meme. Can I make it into a meme? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! Linus' ass is not an NFT. Right click it bro. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Luke, any tips for a new grad software developer? The market has been BRUTAL. (Not just big tech, all companies, no matter the size). What do you look for? Timestamp
Luke N message Thanks, Luke N! Keep up the good work Dan! Timestamp
Michael D message Thanks, Michael D! Love the car reviews, any plans to expand to as a new channel? Timestamp
Michael D reply Reply @Michael D! Not on a new channel probably. Timestamp
David S message Thanks, David S! Luke and Dan is awesome. Linus Late as always. Timestamp
Leo H message Thanks, Leo H! Are you guys going to be covering the RESTRICT act today? Timestamp
Jacob D message Thanks, Jacob D! I love my water bottle now I am getting the screwdriver. Cheers, I'll smoke this blow of weed in your honor :D Timestamp
Felix N message Thanks, Felix N! I live in Nunavut Canada and my internet has always sucked, until star link arrived. Back Timestamp
Robbie M message Thanks, Robbie M! Do you ever see less expensive, single purpose electronic devices like Music players or calculators making a comeback in a world of computers that can do all of the same things? Timestamp
Robbie M reply Reply @Robbie M! It's an app now Timestamp
Asher A message Thanks, Asher A! Have you heard of deeper vpn? They claim to be a decentralised vpn or dpn (decentralised private network) Timestamp
Michele Y message Thanks, Michele Y! Would you even buy this jacket ? Love your content, keep doing what you are doing, first purchase on LTTStore Timestamp
Alex B message Thanks, Alex B! Thoughts on Ikea's smart home stuff? Timestamp
Alex B reply Reply @Alex B! luseit and it's pretty okay Timestamp
Josh B message Thanks, Josh B! Update on the luxury backpack? I want one. Timestamp
Josh B reply Reply @Josh B! Timestamp
Hamdan C message Thanks, Hamdan C! Building my first gaming PC, wish me luck! (Also, bite me Peter) Timestamp
Douglas P message Thanks, Douglas P! need some new undies and I have been eyeing the tech pouch long time viewer since the NCIX days Timestamp
Michael R message Thanks, Michael R! I finally ordered parts for my first all-new PC build since 2015, as well as a Northern Lights Mousepad to match. What is the longest you have gone without replacing an "essential" PC/Tech Component? Timestamp
Mike F message Thanks, Mike F! Luke, what anti-virus / anti malware do you recommend for a corporate environment? Do you deploy AV for both Windows and Mac? Many people still believe AV is not needed on mac. Timestamp
Mike F reply Reply @Mike F! We use SentinelOne Timestamp
Justin M message Thanks, Justin M! Thanks for all you're doing for the industry with labs. Do the reports on products plan to be targeted at mass market or will you go into heavy details for heavily technical engineers and experts? Timestamp
Justin M reply Reply @Justin M! My understanding is the products are mass market, but the details are OBSCENELY detailed, with easy to digest stuff at the start. May be changing though. Timestamp
Luke B message Thanks, Luke B! I've been very curious how different display technologies impact the power usage of otherwise comparable monitors, and the effect on UPS - use time. Is this something you have considered covering? Timestamp
Justin M message Thanks, Justin M! Dan what's your take on current Waves plugin fiasco!? Timestamp
Justin M reply Reply @Justin M! ‘! Oh god I better do some googling... D; Timestamp
Colby T message Thanks, Colby T! =z You have talked about how there is no money in security. Does the \ ¥ 4 recent incident change you mind about including it more in you videos? I want to see you discuss security and privacy along with perf. Timestamp
RICHARD F message Thanks, RICHARD F! For the zipper pull reattachment, what about a 3D printed clamp that slides over the zipper, then a plastic screw that is positioned over the pull that you turn with the key to clamp it back down? Timestamp
Alan W message Thanks, Alan W! getting my baby and a friend the sorter and my brother a bday screwdriver that i love. BTW, any chance for a sequel to ABC's of gaming or are the plushies coming back in stock? (great backpack btw) Timestamp
Jonathan T message Thanks, Jonathan T! Hi Luke and Linus! Wondering if either of you are into photography enough to carry a DSLR/mirrorless around occasionally, and if you do, which body and lens do you go for? Timestamp
Jonathan T reply Reply @Jonathan T! Camera phone. :c Timestamp
Andre P message Thanks, Andre P! Any plans to review Graphene0S for Mobile? Timestamp
Joseph R message Thanks, Joseph R! Why is linus so against changing out the zipper handles. Cant you just make them easier to switch out going forward? Id love exchangeable zippers for customizing what is otherwise just a black bag. Timestamp
Axel M message Thanks, Axel M! m Hi! 'm currently studying computer engineering, and I love watching Timestamp
Axel M message Thanks, Axel M! Hl' I'm currently studying computer engineering, and I love watching - your videos. Do you think the internet has reached its peak in innovation? And if not, what could the future look like? Timestamp
Axel M reply Reply @Axel M! Al Time Timestamp
Marco P message Thanks, Marco P! ==y Timestamp
Leopoldo L message Thanks, Leopoldo L! = ‘ Hey Linus. Have you thought about providing a mold to go over the Timestamp
Bradley W message Thanks, Bradley W! -y For those of us who have changed addresses since we got the ,m I ¥ backpack, what will the process of getting the replacement zipper be = like? Will support reach out to get new shipping addresses before Timestamp
Andrew B message Thanks, Andrew B! Linus would you be more willing to offer the carabiner zip replacement ) things for sale if people hadn't bullied you into providing a written warranty? (Dan just say Colton approved this message. <3 Timestamp
Riley H message Thanks, Riley H! Has there been consideration of releasing a camera pouch for the LTT backpack or having releasing an edition with a Velcro(hook and loop) section on the front? Timestamp
Riley H reply Reply @Riley H! Yep Timestamp
Jason E message Thanks, Jason E! I recently got a Bambu P1P and its pretty excellent. I blame Dan. Do you have a good 3D print you have found the most useful for a product that doesn't exist? Timestamp
Jason E reply Reply @Jason E! All my prints are one of a kind normally. That's the beauty of 3D printing. Timestamp
Joshua P message Thanks, Joshua P! Love the content. Been a fan for nearly a decade now. How's the search going for the infrastructure administrator? Especially in light of what happened last week. Timestamp
Joshua P reply Reply @Joshua P! Lengthy Timestamp
Emily P message Thanks, Emily P! Long time watcher first time caller. Thanks for the years of entertainment. You helped me build my first computer, now I'm the go to girl for everyone I know. Thanks. I think. Timestamp
James K message Thanks, James K! [0 flm ok so. I NEED Linus to address happened to the LTT Minecraft server. It s just disappeared One day. I haven't heard anything about it since the video. I did actually play it quite a bit. World Download? Timestamp
Jason W message Thanks, Jason W! Hey guys, I just finished up my network closet in my apartment, what do you think is the biggest networking upgrade that people can make? Timestamp
Jason W reply Reply @Jason W! 10 gig! Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! 7}’ With the US RESTRICT act being justified because of foreign % surveillance, any one else find it funny that the US also uses social media for that (NSA PRISIM program) Timestamp
Justin G message Thanks, Justin G! Have you considered 3D Printing a "compliant” pair of pliers for reattaching the zipper pull? They could be made in-house and would be lightweight and can be quite strong. Timestamp
Cody B message Thanks, Cody B! Bought the team red CPU pillow 50x50 during the 500 fps pc stream and it still hasn't shipped Timestamp
Bryan M message Thanks, Bryan M! Have wanted the Desk Pad for a while and the lanyards are a bonus. Timestamp
Matt G message Thanks, Matt G! I Hey LL+D! Opinions on changing jobs and losing tenure in the frame of ongoing tech layoffs? P.S. More choices for zipper pulls is a good thing! Timestamp
Steven L message Thanks, Steven L! Hey Linus, Luke, and Dan! Happy world backup day! What's a good NAS for cheap? Looking for something that I can access files onsite or offsite. Perhaps something like a Synology dual-drive? Thanks! Timestamp
Daniel A reply Reply @Daniel A! That's all up to you. Timestamp
Marshall H message Thanks, Marshall H! -y l Hi everyone! Finally picking up an LTT Store Water Bottle. Timestamp
Austin B message Thanks, Austin B! Is there any plans for a smaller backpack or satchel? Would love a fl II g . backpack but that is just too big for my needs. Thanks and much love. Timestamp
Kalim S message Thanks, Kalim S! I I just picked up the ASUS Pro Art Monitor featured today on Mac Address after watching the video. This is exactly the monitor I was Llooking for to use with my PC and MacBook Pro. Thank You! € Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Is there a chance for pride-themed merch in June? I'd love to see a . pride-themed color-block hoodie. Timestamp
Jesiah Z message Thanks, Jesiah Z! Related to the Tarkov debacle earlier this month, do you think an open- source multiplayer online game could work? Theoretically the players themselves could prevent hacking by finding issues faster. Timestamp
Jesiah Z reply Reply @Jesiah Z! Very very interesting concept. Not entirely sure crowd sourcing info sec is always a good idea in that regard. But it could certainly work. Timestamp
asher b message Thanks, asher b! I Great stuff! Keep expanding the store, would love to see other creators onit as well. Timestamp
Zach L message Thanks, Zach L! Linus can help me break my bed any day Timestamp
Connor K message Thanks, Connor K! I recently bought the Ltt backpack to replace my old razor one. So far its been a great upgrade, however I do miss the included razor rain cover. Any plans for an ltt backpack rain cover? Timestamp
Aven G message Thanks, Aven G! I wish content reviews would talk about the raid controllers on intel and AMD as switching I didn't know AMD ryzen 7950x did not have the ability to do raid 5 so I lost a lot of my data Timestamp
James C message Thanks, James C! The backpack survived the PAX East test with flying colors. Cheers on the quality merch, yall. Timestamp
Brandon G message Thanks, Brandon G! L Hello WAN team! First off Dan missing the bell last week was the funniest thing to happen on the WAN show this year. What .« changes/bug fixes did you roll out for the huge Floatplane influx last Timestamp
Brandon G reply Reply @Brandon G! So much back-end rework. Oh many so many things Timestamp
Scott G message Thanks, Scott G! My girlfriend STILL has a DVD-RW drive in her PC precisely so she can listen to CDs. Lots of indie artists/bands still use them when first starting out. Timestamp
Kurt R message Thanks, Kurt R! Ordered a Shape Sorter and got a Screwdriver instead but fortunately your support team got me squared away ASAP. Figured I should buy some bits and shirts to go with my free screwdriver. Thanks! Timestamp
Chelsea B message Thanks, Chelsea B! t- o Hello DAN Show with Linus and Luke! Since your VOD on Raspberry Pi } alternatives, all of them have price spiked. Any new thoughts on the © pricey Pi situation? Also, Happy Birthday to my brother Austin! Timestamp
Chelsea B reply Reply @Chelsea B! I just want like 30 Pi-zeros Timestamp
Taylor H message Thanks, Taylor H! Hey Guys, First time long time;) I know it has been brought up before but I think you guys need to start streaming games!! Timestamp
Matthew S message Thanks, Matthew S! m Have you considered making LTT gloves that have good touch accuracy/ sensitivity for touch devices such as phones or tablets? I have used gloves with this feature and they have only been okay at Timestamp
Joshua T message Thanks, Joshua T! Torx head bits have been out of stock for a hot minute, when might we see them back in stock? I realize any bits can fit in my screwdriver but I am "ocd" about keeping all the bits symmetrical Timestamp
Rodney S message Thanks, Rodney S! Hello from NZ, looking forward to the Nas software Soon™ Timestamp
Mal A message Thanks, Mal A! Have you thought about reviewing fitness equiptment, sort of like what you did with Dashcams? I've been in the market for treadmill and from what I can see Nordic and Peleton lock down their systems Timestamp
Mal A reply Reply @Mal A! Maybe in the future! Timestamp
Shenae B message Thanks, Shenae B! Can't wait to receive my cute outfit Timestamp
Brian D message Thanks, Brian D! Hey Linus, With all the Tech you have at the house, Do you just have a room full of box's or do you actually throw them away? I have an obsession with saving them to keep the item safe when not in use Timestamp
Brian D reply Reply @Brian D! Yeeted to recycle land. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! m l ain't nothing like drinkin a cold beer and watching WAN show Timestamp
Joshua T message Thanks, Joshua T! I manage IT for a department and am looking for a way to centrally manage our PCs. You guys use Pulseway to manage your servers, but do you also use it for PCs? If not, do you use something else? ] (. Timestamp
Joshua T reply Reply @Joshua T! Pulseways for PC's not the servers. Timestamp
Joshua M message Thanks, Joshua M! I love larger water bottles, but they always make them too fat to properly fit in cupholders in a car. Any chance you could look into making a taller and skinnier 1L water bottle? Timestamp
Alejandro C message Thanks, Alejandro C! Does anyone in the office like Kei cars? They're awesome cute cars, I'd love to get one imported one day. Timestamp
Christian B message Thanks, Christian B! Hey DLL! How do you feel about the Dark and Darker news? Timestamp
Christian B reply Reply @Christian B! Sounds about right for our time period. Timestamp
George E message Thanks, George E! Love the carabiner replacement ideas! Is there any chance for LTT store to carry CGP Grey and Myke Hurley's Sidekick Journal? It fits perfectly b/w the keyboard and the edge of the desk. Synergy! Timestamp
Burren M message Thanks, Burren M! Linus you have previously said that you are glad that schools adopted 3d printers early. is there anything else that you are happy that schools picked up early or that you wished that they would have. Timestamp
Burren M reply Reply @Burren M! Computers! Timestamp
Ruri M message Thanks, Ruri M! Any chance of an LTT Handbag in the future? There's a huge lack of v geeky small bags and purses. Timestamp
Colin C message Thanks, Colin C! 1 When you put the next screwdrivers on the store will you be making a A tool roll for them? I currently carry the LTT ratchet screwdriver in my motorbike toolkit and getting a good tool rolls a pain Timestamp
Phillip P message Thanks, Phillip P! Wasup gyes thanks for the content and comedy relief. Have you ever though of a vest type Merch? Like a 3D down Vest? Timestamp
Joshua B message Thanks, Joshua B! Keep up the good work, Frist time catching you guys live. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Have you ever considered LTT pet leashes and collars? Timestamp
Shannon B message Thanks, Shannon B! L__ This is my second desk pad purchase. Definitely recommend. Thanks guys for awesome products. Timestamp
max a message Thanks, max a! Happy Trans Day of Visibility! Any plans to do some "programmer socks"? Timestamp
max a reply Reply @max a! I believe that was discussed. I'd wear them at work. Maybe one day. Timestamp
Joshua Al message Thanks, Joshua Al Are many folks at LMG into Flight Sim? Have any of them flown on a Full Motion Flight Simulator? (I used to work on developing and certifying full motion flight sims, they're pretty awesome) Timestamp
Joshua A reply Reply @Joshua A! Racing only at this establishment sadly. Timestamp
Luke K message Thanks, Luke K! Hello L+L+Dan the man! Do you guys typically work weekends? Or does it vary per department? Timestamp
Luke K reply Reply @Luke K! Whole company is generally M-F 40 hours a week. If we're working weekends something needs to get done thats critical. Timestamp
Danny H message Thanks, Danny H! Was waiting for this shirt to appear, first LTT t-shirt that I've purchased. Question for both Linus and Luke, have either of you found a good alternative to LastPass yet? Timestamp
Danny H reply Reply @Danny H! Yes we have a new manager now! Timestamp
Tyler H message Thanks, Tyler H! I was watching the Prusa MK4 announcement video, and at one point in the video an LTT screwdriver is shown being used. Are there any unexpected times you've noticed someone using an LTT product? Timestamp
Tyler H reply Reply @Tyler H! Discussing this now! Timestamp
Matthew P message Thanks, Matthew P! Hey all, what's the status on the magnet cable management product? Really been looking forward to that so I hope it's coming soon! Timestamp
Daniel R message Thanks, Daniel R! How can Al be used to enhance North American security without sacrificing individual privacy and civil liberties? Timestamp
Daniel R reply Reply @Daniel R! This is a slippery slope Daniel. I'm afraid I can't let you do that. Timestamp
bruce t message Thanks, bruce t! Running two 3090's (SLI) W.C. System crashed last Sat. in heavy raytracing area. coolant temp at 58C smelled boiling coolant. (50/50 XL8/distilled). besides push pull M.Rad any other tips? Timestamp
Heinrich T message Thanks, Heinrich T! Hook and loop velcro patches and/or messenger bag when? Timestamp
BLAKE M message Thanks, BLAKE M! Is there a story as to why you use Crab Rave to test speakers? Legendary track by the way. Timestamp
BLAKE M reply Reply @BLAKE M! It just accidentally became an internal meme. Timestamp
Luis R message Thanks, Luis R! just make sure the gym bag can fit a set of shin guards and a pair of boxing gloves and we good bby. luv u guys <3 especially dan c: dan synth tips when??? Timestamp
Luis R reply Reply @Luis R! Maybe I should start live streaming myself. This is getting out of hand. Timestamp
Aidan D message Thanks, Aidan D! Hey everyone! What is all of you favorite LTT store product besides somethinglike a screwdriver or backpack since we all know you love those. Also, favorite ice cream flavor? Also idea, LTT USB Stick Timestamp
Joshua L message Thanks, Joshua L! 3 Hey Linus Luke and Dan I dont need a Framework but I like their design and Im all about being able to upgrade a laptop what are somethings I could do with a Framework that I cant do with a PC and Deck Timestamp
Cody B message Thanks, Cody B! Hey Linus and Luke! I got my first IT job and I'm already looking forward. Have you considered doing more cyber security/ethical hacking content? Timestamp
Cody B reply Reply @Cody B! It's complicated! Maybe in the future. Timestamp
Joseph M message Thanks, Joseph M! Hey there WAN Show, I'm wondering if you guys have played games that allow/explore the progression from bitwise operations to ALUs to Assembly etc. or if you've learned about that low level of tech. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! ljust love these STUDS. Timestamp
Vincent L message Thanks, Vincent L! My father wants a custom steam machine for couch gaming. Is now a good time for building a custom lower-mid tier gaming computer? Timestamp
Robert K message Thanks, Robert K! When can we expect Dan's Christmas Album Remaster? Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! ) Hi Linus, Luke and Dan, What do you think of the Rogers / Shaw 1 merger? Did you know it was just allowed to go through. Canada sucks for oligopolies! Timestamp
Colby S message Thanks, Colby S! 4 labs test dongle audio fidelity? Timestamp
Patrick S message Thanks, Patrick S! Crosscode good, Sea of Stars has a release date for this year, in the interim might I recommend Chained Echoes. FFVI in style, very relaxed gameplay with enough depth to keep it interesting. Timestamp
George M message Thanks, George M! Dan. Thanks for being the man behind the scenes on Wan Show! Being I!l the "go-to" guy for my own company on IT questions, who is the "go-to" " =~ for Linus on his day to day workflow? Love you all as go-tos! Timestamp
George M reply Reply @George M! Luke and the rest of his company tbh Timestamp
Ryan Al message Thanks, Ryan Al Hey Luke and Linus, I love what your are doing with the lab, will you offer certified status to companies whose products you test? Timestamp
joacim b message Thanks, joacim b! Hi. can't wait for my new desk pad If I was streaming on a platform and I have more of your gear and clothing on, and to save time, could I have a link in my bio to send my viewers to your site? Timestamp
John W message Thanks, John W! b Luke is right about the aggregate companies. It seems impossible to explain why exactly but it feels like selling your soul or in this case your integrity. It's a slippery slope to start compromising Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! I'm presuming at LTX if the in house internet sucks you'll be putting up a squid/proxy server? Would wireless backhaul from the office using Ubiquiti if the event space is close to the office? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! It's a contract thing sadly. Timestamp
Andrew W message Thanks, Andrew W! Where do you see yourselves (all hosts included) in 5 years? Timestamp
Cody B message Thanks, Cody B! have the affiliate link let the clicker know what your terms were with the page/group who led them to click it? Timestamp
Michael G message Thanks, Michael G! Were they new mouse pad designs? Will those be available in the store or are they LTX-exclusive? Timestamp
Michael G reply Reply @Michael G! LTX Exclusive Timestamp
Zac K message Thanks, Zac K! Hey Guys, Love the channel and show been a longtime viewer! Question: Have you considered doing a review of password managers with the recent last pass hack? Timestamp
Zac K reply Reply @Zac K! We may have some content on it, as we searched and tried a bunch in our goal to leave Last Pass. Timestamp
Steven A message Thanks, Steven A! I found your recent comments on walkability too defeatist. At the very least, don't you think we can try to ensure new development is walkable, and try to preserve and expand areas that already are? Timestamp
lohn Z message Thanks, lohn Z! Lukes concern about affiliate programs was lack of disclosure why not just have your affiliate links trigger a display of a disclosure on your store page, controlled by you? Timestamp
Mohammad E message Thanks, Mohammad E! Hey Luke and Linus, I'm a software dev in the e-commerce sector. I was wondering since the insane growth of creator warehouse has LMG subscribed to the ridiculously priced ShopifyPlus, is it worth it? Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! What you thing about the ban of ChatGPT in Italy, because of privacy H concerns? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! Come on, let the Al take over... Timestamp
Colin A message Thanks, Colin A! m' l‘ 2 Sadly Black/Gold 400z is out of stock. ETA? This episode needs more I interjection from Dan. Thank you! Timestamp
Colin A message Thanks, Colin A! Timestamp
Patrick S message Thanks, Patrick S! Love all the products. Been following you guys for a couple of years. Keep up the great work ! I haven't seen any recent videos of you firing ® Colton. ;) Timestamp
Tiernan R message Thanks, Tiernan R! Aussie here - even news about sports is sponsored by betting co.s and sportspeople cross-promote the sponsor betting co.s. You're considered weird if you don't gamble or play in tipping comps Timestamp
Micah S message Thanks, Micah S! Yall lookin' mad cute today, gentlemen. What piece of LTT merchandise do you use most-often? Timestamp
Micah S reply Reply @Micah S! Underwear. Have the same pair on for weeks at a time. Timestamp
Nicholas T message Thanks, Nicholas T! Thanks me and my older sister will like these items.. Is gambling okay if you can't transfer items gained from it in game.... IE they are locked to you account/legal name? Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! [ I long time viewer first time buyer, recently lost a some weight going q from 486-361lb I look forward to the day I can confidently purchase - some of your clothing, ETA on Pajama Pants restock? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! ASAP! Hopefully with some new size options too. Timestamp
Colton W message Thanks, Colton W! Speaking of gambling, I highly recommend you read the novel Addiction By Design written by Dow Schiill. It goes quite indepth w/machine gambling innovations to manipulate/better keep users addicted. Timestamp
Joshua C message Thanks, Joshua C! & Swimming in Chat is Hard, Had to buy a Gift Card! lol Is there a slowdown on those CPU pillow and possible CPU's? ordered and still hasn't shipped, thought I'd bug Linus before Support :D Timestamp
Joshua C reply Reply @Joshua C! I'm sure there was a huge surge because of the deal. We'll get them out of there as soon as we can. Timestamp
Nicholas P message Thanks, Nicholas P! Linus, in one of your recent videos when you talk about your channel getting hacked, you were naked at home. Did you edit that out yourself or did you have to have "the talk" with one of your editors? Timestamp
Nicholas P reply Reply @Nicholas P! We talked about this last week actually. Dennis added the strawberry, and thankfully has a technique to not have to see anything. Timestamp
Robyn G message Thanks, Robyn G! Dan your cable management for WAN Show is lovely. Seeing the stress on the mic cables before you fixed it made my insides hurt. Timestamp
Robyn G reply Reply @Robyn G! DONT LOOK BEHIND THE COMPUTER THOUGH Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Speaking of the metal 3D printer you have; did you guys see that the I . .' first 3D printed Rocket was launched by Relativity Space last week? It did not make orbit but went higher than Space X's 1st launch Timestamp
Nathan M message Thanks, Nathan M! For Chat GPT, do you think that it can encroach on software engineer and disrupt fields that rely on text based programming? Timestamp
Nathan M reply Reply @Nathan M! It's going to disrupt everything. Not just programming. Timestamp
Ben E message Thanks, Ben E! My girlfriend told me not to get her this shirt... Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Having almost lost LTT has made me want to buy your merch more! With your upcoming cable management merch in the near future, are there still more ideas or products LTT has in mind to sell? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! Oh my gosh there are dozens on the horizon. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Linus: I had 2 cats but one recently passed away. I am looking to try and get a new toy or product to lift the remaining cat's spirits. What is the best cat toy or product you have ever purchased? e ————— Timestamp
Chandler D message Thanks, Chandler D! Hellu Linus, Luke, and Dan! Just got a new desk and had to decorate it - with an LTT desk pad. Do you plan on doing in-depth audience demonstrations for each of the testing stations in Labs? Timestamp
Chandler D reply Reply @Chandler D! Maybe at LTX! Plans are still up in the air. Timestamp
Myles B message Thanks, Myles B! k. hello from Scotland hey luke, linus and dan what is a piece of technology that made a huge difference in your life but is not a big deal " to most people, Timestamp
Myles B reply Reply @Myles B! For me it was smart bulbs. Super weird thing. Timestamp
Christo J message Thanks, Christo J! Hope you guys have pushed up your security! Timestamp
Christo J reply Reply @Christo J! Oh crap I knew there was something I forgot to do. Timestamp
Kristopher B message Thanks, Kristopher B! Hi Linus, have you considered having currencies other than USD? Such as CAD for us people in Canada? Timestamp
Peter S message Thanks, Peter S! First Merch Message. Timestamp
Joshua C message Thanks, Joshua C! 25 Gift Cards L8tr M8! Gonna take this backpack swimming! Lol Hope the portal accepts 25 Codes, had to make a spreadsheet! :D Any Dev Job updates from Luke? Timestamp
Joshua C reply Reply @Joshua C! Wooo super exciting! Congrats! We're still trying to fill our lead infra position. But it's a pretty complicated role. Lots more hiring to do too. D Timestamp
Matt F message Thanks, Matt F! Happy friday! Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! USB-PD's 240W range covering the majority of devices that use external adapters(routers, monitors, etc.), how can manufacturers be pushed to switch over from the myriad of DC barrel plugs to USB-C? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! All of them I hope. Timestamp
Christopher S message Thanks, Christopher S! Please talk about the twitter API tiers; free, basic, enterprise+, enterprise++, and enterprise insane. Timestamp
Dvij B message Thanks, Dvij B! Woahhh, hello L&L and WANLord "DAN"! first time on Merch Messages, looking for software development Co-op opportunities in this developer-flooded market. Do you have co-op hoomans? Have a lovely Timestamp
Dvij B reply Reply @Dvij B! We generally don't. But I think we've been exploring some options recently. Have a look at our job postings. Timestamp
Michael R message Thanks, Michael R! I love your desk pads . Quick question has their been delays in the cpu pillow giveaway orders. I played it on the 22nd and thinking it got lost in the shuffle and might have missed out on the chance Timestamp
Michael R reply Reply @Michael R! They should still be shipping. Probably a bit of a backlog because of the surge. Try messaging @NickLMG on Twitter during the week! Timestamp
Seth C message Thanks, Seth C! Came here JUST to say. Totally want the Zipper pulls and mod kit for YKK. Don't be lame Linus! Timestamp
Noah P message Thanks, Noah P! Hey guys, do you think a potential monetizing of chatGPT could be selling tools to universities that allow for a encyclopedia-like tool but also track use for plagiarism detection by professors? Timestamp
Noah P reply Reply @Noah P! We're going to see a whole new swath of very interesting monetization opportunities on the horizon. Things are going to get REALLY weird really quick here. I am scared. Timestamp
Rebecca E message Thanks, Rebecca E! Hurray lady undies!!!! <3 Love how they are separate, too, so you can get the right combination. Timestamp
Stephan L message Thanks, Stephan L! G'day Linus Luke and Dan! I'm one of the dozen WAN-cast listeners. I Can'twait to get my screwdriver. I fix Canadian built planes and I'm looking forward to matching it up against my snap-on GLHF Timestamp
Christian H message Thanks, Christian H! Cars are jimmy-proof because everyone has access to a thin metal strip with a notch cut in. Security tools MUST be widely accessible before manufacturers are FORCED to address them - history tells Timestamp
Austin P message Thanks, Austin P! Would you use the NAS software you have invested in for ltt videos instead of truenas when it becomes available? Timestamp
Austin P reply Reply @Austin P! Details will come when they can! Timestamp
JOHN H message Thanks, JOHN H! Hey Linus and Luke! Love the black shaft screwdriver. What are the chances of a black handle screwdriver w/ short circuit accents? Have you tested a preworn “stone-washed" finish for the shaft?? Timestamp
Quinton S message Thanks, Quinton S! Where are the indoor hoodies?! They've been out of stock for so long...also, are your old style shirts being printed on your own fabric now or are they still American Apparel? Timestamp
Greggory Al message Thanks, Greggory Al Hello from NZ! Been waiting for the big chungus for the gym! Timestamp
Spencer C message Thanks, Spencer C! I'm slowly replacing my entire wardrobe with LTT gear. What about a duffle bag/travel bag? Timestamp
Zach C message Thanks, Zach C! " Happy to finally get the backpack, Is there any plan to stream in 1440p or 4k with AV1 streaming coming to youtube? EposVox just made a /" greatvideo about it. Timestamp
Zach C reply Reply @Zach C! Probably not, we might think about it eventually though. Timestamp
Jack D message Thanks, Jack D! First WAN stream. Second Ltt Water Bottle. Its a good Friday. Timestamp
Kaelin N message Thanks, Kaelin N! Do you guys ever see operaring systems moving away from the standard file/folder structure of data storage to a system like objects/containers? Or will data always be linked to old paper data Timestamp
Kaelin N reply Reply @Kaelin N! Skeuomorphism tho Timestamp
Matthew F message Thanks, Matthew F! ‘“‘ Hey linus and Luke what are your thoughts on intel gpus and the recent " @' leaks of how the upcoming battlemage lineup looks. Timestamp
Matthew F reply Reply @Matthew F! We might have some content on that! Timestamp
Rylan W message Thanks, Rylan W! Just became a Floatplane user! Becoming a dev has given more appreciation for apps. Luke, what are some websites or apps you appreciate in functionality and/or user interface? Timestamp
Zach I message Thanks, Zach I! Hi future me Timestamp
Joseph D message Thanks, Joseph D! Didn't we talk about how internal names don't matter earlier? Timestamp
MATHEW U message Thanks, MATHEW U! LTT has experience running conventions would you fill the gap that E3 leaves if the opportunity presented itself. Timestamp
MATHEW U reply Reply @MATHEW U! Game releases at LTX??7? Timestamp
Steven G message Thanks, Steven G! Hello DLL, I'm really *really* excited about some projects you guys have on the horizon and I'm wondering if you can give us an updated timeline. Cable management magnets, and the NAS software partner Timestamp
Dennis T message Thanks, Dennis T! Irule Timestamp
Aritra R message Thanks, Aritra R! Hi Linus I am using an LG27GNSO, I am using an ROG G15 from 2022. But it is not running on 144hz I contacted LG used latest drivers but nothing seems to work. Any suggestions? Timestamp
William R message Thanks, William R! Not sure if it's been asked before, but what are your thoughts on EV integration in infrastructure in the next few years, with countries pushing bans on IC engines in the near future. Timestamp
William R reply Reply @William R! I think it's a good thing, although I would like to see a more unified Timestamp
Jason Y message Thanks, Jason Y! I always come in late, but I enjoy watching till late at night/early in the morning Timestamp
Corey S message Thanks, Corey S! Have you ever considered setting up a pay-per-course teaching area of the labs website to help make Labs more profitable. Things like teaching programming, basic networking or other skill. Timestamp
Corey S reply Reply @Corey S! I don't think the lab is for making money, but that might be a good idea. Feel free to send an email that can be found on our YouTube page! Timestamp
Oskar N message Thanks, Oskar N! Thank you Linux, I hope to enjoy this as much as I enjoy your operating system. Timestamp
Taylor H message Thanks, Taylor H! Playstation or X-Box? Also Shoutout to my boys Marky-Mark and Lub- Lub. Love yall <3 Timestamp
Taylor H reply Reply @Taylor H! 2 ', Playstation Timestamp
Chester G message Thanks, Chester G! Luke, happy world backup day! What changes would you like to make to shore up LMG/Floatplane data resiliency? Timestamp
Chester G reply Reply @Chester G! L More SAN Timestamp
Jeff S message Thanks, Jeff S! I feel like my parents got into a fight while at dinner, and spaghetti got thrown at the wall. What was the last fight you 2 got in to before today? Timestamp
Jeff S reply Reply @Jeff S! This isn't a fight it is a happy argument with only a little screaming. Timestamp
Kristoffer E message Thanks, Kristoffer E! I YEAH im spending money!!!!....dont tell my tech youtube “‘! qfl channel EVER Timestamp
D.J. T message Thanks, D.J. T! il Fl W00 WAN SHOW!!! Also happy World Backup Day! Timestamp
Benjamin W message Thanks, Benjamin W! Just got my Passport for LTX (which is hard in the US right now due to volume), very excited! For Linus, you said in the AMD upgrade you don't like paying for wall art, what do you do for home decor? Timestamp
Benjamin W reply Reply @Benjamin W! Stuff and things, lots of memories rather than art. Timestamp
Gregory H message Thanks, Gregory H! Any plans for a video on incorporating Home Assistant & HomeKit? Maybe on MacAddress? Timestamp
Lee H message Thanks, Lee H! Linus inovelli publicly state the switch is the Linus project on their homepage. They are clearly marketing off of your name without permission. Timestamp
Nathan H message Thanks, Nathan H! Love Luke's excitement with all the Al updates each week. Timestamp
Mary Alice W message Thanks, Mary Alice W! Hi Dan! Missed last week. Trying to get my streak back on track with a weekly gift card Timestamp
Forrest G message Thanks, Forrest G! I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. The Trees say drink your water. Timestamp
Stephen B message Thanks, Stephen B! Any comments on the Rogers Shaw merger that passed today? Does this mean that prices for internet and cell phones will go up? Timestamp
Stephen B reply Reply @Stephen B! Less choice! Woo... Timestamp
Jacob R message Thanks, Jacob R! I've been doing a lot of home renovations from big to small and using screwdriver every step of the way! Any updates on the shorty version?? Timestamp
Mark T message Thanks, Mark T! Luke and Linus, what is your guys favorite retro consoles? Also shoutout to Taylor H Timestamp
A] 0 message Thanks, A] 0! m Quick It's 2013, you just bought a certain little up and coming Youtube channel from your former employeer. Everone agrees starting a company in Vancouver is too expensive. Where do you move? Timestamp
A) 0 reply Reply @A) 0! South Korea Timestamp
Alex A message Thanks, Alex A! Hello Linus & Co, is there a reason floatplane people don't get uncensored versions of videos, and depending on the reason would it be possible to for this to be a benefit for the higher paid tier. Timestamp
Alex A reply Reply @Alex A! ) I think beeps are better for comedic value -LS Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Will we ever get a Bell / Dan WAN show? Two producers for two hosts only seems fair with all the new traffic! Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! fl Never! We will never break the streak! -LS Timestamp
nicholus d message Thanks, nicholus d! with the hack and all the videos that were private now out there how do you feel that people downloaded them/saved them Timestamp
nicholus d reply Reply @nicholus d! ‘1 Kinda weird tbh Timestamp
Zachary H message Thanks, Zachary H! Love this channel and the content! Keep up the great work! Timestamp
thomas f message Thanks, thomas f! If you LTT were to close it's doors today what position would you target in the search for a new job? Timestamp
Stephanie W message Thanks, Stephanie W! Just discovered LTT & your merch looks high-quality. Shout out to Yvonne. She seems fabulous. :) Timestamp
Daniel E message Thanks, Daniel E! When might we see the Stubby Screwdriver? What is the development on it so far? I'm dying to get one! L Timestamp
Ronnie S message Thanks, Ronnie S! Good evning L&L, could we get an ETA on long sweatpants for us tall bois out there Timestamp
Alexzander C message Thanks, Alexzander C! Hey Linus & Luke, What was your favourite retro console growing up? Timestamp
Michael M message Thanks, Michael M! Dan: How long after you joined WAN did you realize you were in for the longest haul with Luke and Linus? Anything you would do differently? Timestamp
Michael M reply Reply @Michael M! I'had no idea I would end up this involved. I should have asked for more monitors heh. Timestamp
Christopher L message Thanks, Christopher L! [ ® With the rise in Al, how much do you think you will incorporate Al into UTT as a whole? Timestamp
Christopher L reply Reply @Christopher L! We're trying to find places where we can stuff it. But it's going to end up everywhere soon throughout every business. Timestamp
JAVIER C message Thanks, JAVIER C! Hi! I am a Mechatronics Engineer that works aautomating and digitalizing procesess in a BIG tech Company. I am hands-on and problem solving oriented, would you have consider to hire ppl from Timestamp
JAVIER C reply Reply @JAVIER C! Check our job postings! Timestamp
Benjemin J message Thanks, Benjemin J! Do ya guy's know when Torx bits will be restocked? . - A O - 3 Timestamp
Benjemin J reply Reply @Benjemin J! As soon as possible! I A o 2 aammemmmee N Timestamp
Jared M message Thanks, Jared M! Would it be worth it to buy a Valve Index now, or wait till the next one launches. Given the speculation that they should announce a new headset this year? Timestamp
Leyland R message Thanks, Leyland R! Hello, I think you have mentioned this before but do you have a suggestion about dealing with heat in a home office with a mini rack in it? I have been thinking of adding another HVAC vent to the room Timestamp
Seth R message Thanks, Seth R! I Thanks for putting so much work into your products and all you do ltt team! Timestamp
Andrew W message Thanks, Andrew W! 'm really excited about the new smart light switches. Luke and/or Linus, what do you think will be the next huge smart home . advancement? Timestamp
Andrew W reply Reply @Andrew W! Alin the whole house you can talk to. Which is happening currently. Timestamp
Christopher C message Thanks, Christopher C! Hi Dan you probably won't see this message this late but I hope you have a good weekend Timestamp
Christopher C reply Reply @Christopher C! I see every merch message. Thanks <3 Timestamp
David H message Thanks, David H! Thank you for the 4 hour show, were you aware that some people seemed upset that you sleep in the nude? I do too. Any idea why they might be upset? Timestamp
Allen P message Thanks, Allen P! Got me with the exclusive going away. Hoping I can be one of those small channel struggling against you one day xD Timestamp
Obinna E message Thanks, Obinna E! You guys don't read this but this is my first LTT purchase. Hey Dan Timestamp
JUL EZEKIEL D message Thanks, JUL EZEKIEL D! buhDan. drink water Timestamp
Joseph S message Thanks, Joseph S! Hey Luke, what is the tech stack for floatplane and other internal tools? Do you limit what languages are used internally to avoid orphaning of projects if someone leaves? Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hey Linus, Luke, Dan, Catra here, love the new merch interface If you could modify any and/or every part of your bodies however you wanted, money, tech, SO, no problem, how/what would you do? chang Timestamp
Joshua C message Thanks, Joshua C! Can you guys do another roast, only LTT peeps roast Linus (FP Exclusive) & previous roast jokes not allowed. Also FP devs and Linus roasts Luke? Also can the three of you roast each other on stream? Timestamp
Robert H message Thanks, Robert H! Love the Show, LTT need more DAN! and LLM talk. Also Riley reminds me of an unhinged Ned Flanders from The Simpsons. Timestamp
Rachel R message Thanks, Rachel R! Just wanted to say you guys make my Friday nights! Timestamp
DaniiR message Thanks, DaniiR! In the past month, ChatGPT 3.5 and the new 4 model has assisted me IMMENSELY in my work at a small MSP. Scripts have never been quicker. Has LMG used ChatGPT in any way that's been beneficial? Timestamp
Danii R reply Reply @Danii R! I'm trying to implement it in a useful way. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! What's the Ideal resolution for the 3070 to drive without performance losses, I'm shopping for wide curved screen monitor and I don't want to fallin the trap of buying something my card can't drive. Timestamp
Gregory S message Thanks, Gregory S! ki ‘. .u Just switched out my motherboard and used my LTT screwdriver for i almost every screw. Linus, would love to hear an update about the cats Timestamp
Joseph R message Thanks, Joseph R! The Gone Phishing will be my new jammies. Timestamp
Brent S message Thanks, Brent S! How do you feel about GM phasing out Android Auto/Carplay from their EV line? Traditional ICE automakers were finally doing something right ~ I with infotainment and now they are poised to move away. Timestamp
Brent S reply Reply @Brent S! Gotta have that closed ecosystem.... Timestamp
Johnnie W message Thanks, Johnnie W! Yay for LTTStore haul, and I got the Gone Phishin' shirt! I had to do a cybersecurity training for work. Of course, there's the standard “anatomy of a phish" image. Gone Phishin' is definitely better. Timestamp
Jessica S message Thanks, Jessica S! Recently got a VR headset and got in to beatsaber and having a blast so far. Question for all what if your favorite music to listen too? Do you have a goto for testing audio gear as a baseline? Timestamp
James V message Thanks, James V! So much great content and products. Ever think about making wall plates/photos of the water bottle box patterns? I cut up a few and really dig the look. Timestamp
Gay K message Thanks, Gay K! J The design for the phishing t-shirt s a banger Shoutout to Sarah. Also, ; I'sec many colors for the cable ties are unavailable for some time When will they be restock? Waiting for black/aqua Timestamp
Maria Jose M message Thanks, Maria Jose M! Have you heard/talked about bill C-11 yet? I heard Kallmekris talk about it recently. Will it affect LMG in an impactful way as well? Regards from afar away nosy neighbor. Timestamp
Maria Jose M reply Reply @Maria Jose M! Eaarlier on the show Timestamp
Paul H message Thanks, Paul H! I may have missed it, but when did Luke become the CTO? Timestamp
Paul H reply Reply @Paul H! Couple weeks ago Timestamp
Eric S message Thanks, Eric S! Any word/update on the smaller sling? Would kill for a LTT sling to fita tablet Timestamp
danny c message Thanks, danny c! Greetings from Belgium Timestamp
Chris S message Thanks, Chris S! What are your thoughts on the terms common sense vs critical thinking. I think common sense is more like the popular thinking of the people which may not be factual correct thinking. Timestamp
Chris S reply Reply @Chris S! Seems exclusionary. Timestamp
Craig S message Thanks, Craig S! Today is my sons birthday and he wanted the LTT backpack. Can you give a shot out to Triston in Kansas City for his birthday, it would mean the world to him. Thanks Timestamp
Nate J message Thanks, Nate J! Matching phishing shirts for your biggest CyberSecurity-Couple fans. We love you guys! Thanks for the laughs and lessons Timestamp
Michelle P message Thanks, Michelle P! Hi LLD! Wan show has become a tradition for our home. Keep up the great work Dan! :) Timestamp
lan W message Thanks, lan W! Long time watcher, first time merch messager. JUst wanted to say thanks to everyone at LTT. You guys are the reason I am now in school for IT and have changed me into being a lover of tech. Timestamp
Anthony S message Thanks, Anthony S! Linus, keep up the great work. Make sure you can grow your company, I support your open book policies. Timestamp
Quinten K message Thanks, Quinten K! Been watching since my middle school years, you guys are probably the reason I am now going to school for computer science. Not bought anything yet but the closer I looked at this the more I laughed. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hello LLD Taco or burrito? Timestamp
Andrei B message Thanks, Andrei B! Hi guys, thanks for the tips of the underwear for women! Timestamp
Clark M message Thanks, Clark M! m_ I.. - Hey Luke, have you seen anything on Microsoft's TaskMatrix Al? They're claiming it's a their 'super Al' that supposedly learns more efficiently than ChatGPT. Timestamp
Clark M reply Reply @Clark M! We're trying to not let Luke dominate the conversation with Al stuff. But when big things happen he'll be allowed to monologue. Timestamp
Roy T message Thanks, Roy T! " Really appreciate the transparency, it's cool information. Love the HOT opening debate! Would you guys share with us why other media outlets will almost never disclose stuff like how you guys do? Timestamp
Roy T reply Reply @Roy T! Consider how often we're in the public eye for saying wrong things. Other companies don't want that. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! How many shirts do I need to buy before you can afford to get MKBHD to show up to LTX? Timestamp
Tiffany K message Thanks, Tiffany K! You guys are the best!! Can't wait for the LTX! Timestamp
Zachary F message Thanks, Zachary F! How are you still streaming? Making a midnight purchase I hope I won't regret @ . What do you think of framework getting into the Dex game, - would love a long term hardware device. Timestamp
Zachary F reply Reply @Zachary F! One day Timestamp
Steve L message Thanks, Steve L! Happy birthday Albert! Timestamp
Cody M message Thanks, Cody M! Love me a good screwdriver Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! What do you think tech will be like in 10 years that would make you super excited? Timestamp
Sonia G message Thanks, Sonia G! ! Dan for MV/P! Timestamp
Troy S message Thanks, Troy S! I disagree about the Credits/Tokens for reading the next chapter. I would like to see NY Times & similar go to that model. I don't want a sub to the newspaper, but I would pay per news article. Timestamp
Christopher G message Thanks, Christopher G! Any chance with a collab with StuffMadeHere for the scoring system? He makes similar systems in his videos! Timestamp
Jennifer L message Thanks, Jennifer L! Hey Linus, Luke and Dan you are standing in fornt of a cosmic table l ) with dials to adjust ANY metric about the World or Humans what would itbe? Timestamp
Jennifer L reply Reply @Jennifer L! Make rice 5 times the size. Timestamp
Joel C message Thanks, Joel C! Talking about Open Ai. Why not make a show using chatGPT to build a Pc. Maybe use it to see what parts it uses and how it configures it all, or make it a competition. An Ai Pc Build. Timestamp
Brian L message Thanks, Brian L! Is it too late to send a Merch Message? If not, What is your favorite screwdriver bit? Timestamp
Luke S message Thanks, Luke S! Question to both Luke and Linus: You both have touched many lives. Do === you ever take solace in knowing that you have helped make millions of people around the world more tech literate? Timestamp
Luke S reply Reply @Luke S! It's super cool -LS Timestamp
William B message Thanks, William B! Hey Linus & Luke, I'd love to hear your opinions regarding the shadow banning of YouTube channels that make content on Tobacco such as Cigars. There is a clear hold when it comes to serving conten Timestamp
William B reply Reply @William B! YouTube needs better transparency... -LS Timestamp
Zach M message Thanks, Zach M! Luke, I've been a freelance web developer for the past S years. I just I.I!il i} made my first hire and was wondering what advice you have for =2:2:1 managing a team of developers. Timestamp
Zach M reply Reply @Zach M! Find a team of people who are genuinely passionate, and you can't go wrong! -LS Timestamp
Frank M message Thanks, Frank M! ! Hi Linus, you mentioned a partnership with an MCN on a previous WAN show. Other creators have talked about how many MCNs are scams. Do . you still work with one, and what has your experience been? Timestamp
Frank M reply Reply @Frank M! we don't work with anyone anymore -LS Timestamp
Adam R message Thanks, Adam R! Just wanted to tell you both that the show is awesome! Timestamp
Phillip G message Thanks, Phillip G! WM ¢+ What do you think the viability of something like a combined portable Q, 3‘ hard drive/ battery bank for something like the steam deck Timestamp
Phillip G reply Reply @Phillip G! Tottally a thing! Just plug one in! -LS Timestamp
Dillan P message Thanks, Dillan P! = Hey Guys! What is your favorite place to travel in the US?! Timestamp
Dillan P reply Reply @Dillan P! New York is pretty sick -LS Timestamp
Jordan L message Thanks, Jordan L! I was wondering if you guys have ever played kerbal space program. The sequel just came out and I am having a blast Timestamp
Jordan L reply Reply @Jordan L! It rocks! Timestamp
Youssef K message Thanks, Youssef K! thank you for all the fun wan shows. How is dolby vision on your sony qd-oled, and is it that much better than lg's. Timestamp
Youssef K reply Reply @Youssef K! I haven't compared them side-by-side since I picked the Sony and I haven't looked at the new gen ones that are coming out now -LS Timestamp
Ryan Al message Thanks, Ryan Al l“lh ‘ (Don't think last message got through because of something that V ' happened at checkout). Linus, what is your opinion on CrossCode's post-game DLC, and what do you think of Project Terra? (Same Studio) Oeeuerea———— Timestamp
Ryan A reply Reply @Ryan A! I never played the DLC, but I'm definitely going to check out Project Terra -LS Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Have you guys ever considered having other LMG people on the wan ‘i. . '} show, possibly depending on the topic or in rotation like Anthony or Jake T? Also is the NAS 0S going to be opensource when released? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! We gotta keep the streak alive!!!! Not sure the details of the upcoming NAS 0S -LS Timestamp
cobble_ c message Thanks, cobble_ c! Hi Linus, Luke & Dan. question for linus, awhile ago you showed off a phone with built in thermal imaging, if it was tha CAT S61 what is your s view on it? i have daily driven it for 2 years & love it! Timestamp
cobble_ c reply Reply @cobble_ c! Super cool device and unlike most android devices it clearly stands out from the crowd -LS Timestamp
Jacob K message Thanks, Jacob K! Long time viewer, first time asker! What is the most meme thing that % you have each done at LTT and was it worth it? Timestamp
Jacob K reply Reply @Jacob K! Get hired at LMG. The joke doesn't stop. Timestamp
Mohamad Helmy B message Thanks, Mohamad Helmy B! Hi Linus & Luke! Long time fan of the show. Is there any AR or hologram technology that you guys are interested in to be become mainstream? Timestamp
Mohamad Helmy B reply Reply @Mohamad Helmy B! AR would be great for social networking imo but also creepy -LS Timestamp
Daniel A message Thanks, Daniel A! Hi guys, love the show, even though I'm always 1 episode late. Luke, did you see the angry Bing Chat Al, or should I say Sydney, as it calls itself? Timestamp
Daniel A reply Reply @Daniel A! Yep - We have a bunch of content on it in previous WAN shows :) -LL Timestamp
Donovan W message Thanks, Donovan W! I love my LTT water bottle, Have you thought about making a LTT travel coffee mug with button release lid? Timestamp
Donovan W reply Reply @Donovan W! yes we'll have to do this at some point -LS Timestamp
Luke F message Thanks, Luke F! Absolutely love the show Linus, Luke and Dan, it's always the highlight of my week. Are there any updates on the new zippers for the - backpack? And/or, any new products, near or far off, you can leak? Timestamp
Luke F reply Reply @Luke F! we gave an update earlier :) -LS Timestamp
Alexander K message Thanks, Alexander K! Hey Luke, can we just get a new channel dedicated to you just talking about Al and LLMs. Thanks for the cool merch. Timestamp
Alexander K reply Reply @Alexander K! Lol not for now -LS Timestamp
Thomas H message Thanks, Thomas H! i Sl ! How do you both feel about the Floatplane Downloader? I use it to put i Hl my subscriptions into Plex because I constantly get logged out of = Floatplane. Timestamp
Thomas H reply Reply @Thomas H! This is the first I'm hearing of it -LS Timestamp
Brandon S message Thanks, Brandon S! Have you guys considered looking into using acoustic cameras for the labs in the future? It would be interesting to see results from home theater setups, largest noise sources in computers, etc. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! We'll do our best to explore new categories as they crop up :) -LS Timestamp
Noah M message Thanks, Noah M! It's been a while since the LTT server died RIP. Have you considered making a video showcasing builds? I made my base hoping this would happen. And there are many other great builds. vanil -112,69 net Timestamp
Scott H message Thanks, Scott H! How are you enjoying the Bambu Labs printers? Got mine recently and it's been great! Timestamp
Scott H reply Reply @Scott H! N Love! Timestamp
Eivind B message Thanks, Eivind B! I Hello all, and good mlrgning from Norway, quastion, how bad is it to run and Rtx 3060 with and 17 4790, is it time for an upgrade? Love the content, hiluke Timestamp
Edward T message Thanks, Edward T! Hi L&L, on the topic of ethical marketing have you guys considered working with Novo? They are a ad agency with an emphasis on connecting brands with authentic influencer marketing Timestamp
Edward T reply Reply @Edward T! No I don't think it's ever come up -LS Timestamp
Ramsey E message Thanks, Ramsey E! Thanks for ... a teenager worth of years of knowledge and entertainment. And extra thanks for not making me regret being a viewer for 13 years. Timestamp
Stephen K message Thanks, Stephen K! m Hey Linus, Luke, and Dan! Any advice for a photo/video professional wanting to enter the tech journalism space? I want to shift gears and do what I can to help with Right to Repair Love the show Timestamp
Stephen K reply Reply @Stephen K! It's going to be a really tough space to get into. Find something you're passionate about and start as a hobby imo -LS Timestamp
JUL EZEKIEL D reply Reply @JUL EZEKIEL D! NO0OO! -LS Timestamp
JUL EZEKIEL D reply Reply @JUL EZEKIEL D! We're not allowed to talk about that. Timestamp