Name | Type | Text | Timestamp | Image |
Theodore G | message | Thanks, Theodore G! As you saw on Twitter please please please do some reprints of the old Linus tech tips shirt and or hoodie I would buy it in a heartbeat NOTRY UOOP | Timestamp | ![]() |
Joshua P | reply | Reply @Joshua P! Fold 3, Horizon ScanWatch, Framework! AAYY N e T Nw | Timestamp | ![]() |
Richard G | message | Thanks, Richard G! Any interest in interacting with Orion in mission control during Artemis ” | Timestamp | ![]() |
Richard G | reply | Reply @Richard G! I mean, of course! | Timestamp | ![]() |
Dylan D | message | Thanks, Dylan D! For Linus: How big do you think LTT will need to get before having a dedicated IT team? For Luke: Chanel 5 recently ran into issues with Patreon regarding explicit content, would Floatplane be open to having | Timestamp | ![]() |
Dylan D | reply | Reply @Dylan D! We're very likely to have a dedicated IT team VERY soon with having multiple buildings and so many staff. We'd love to work with Channel five! FP is 100% open to mature non-sexual content. | Timestamp | ![]() |
W K | message | Thanks, W K! I wrote a while ago asking about a WAN Show studio tour video and you (Belle) said maybe after a renovation. Has the time come? Also, what make/model/specs for the table Luke and Linus use on cam? | Timestamp | ![]() |
W K | reply | Reply @W K! We've still got a lot of WAN Set changes coming! For the table, I have no idea, but we do have a new custom table being made.. | Timestamp | ![]() |
Jordan H | message | Thanks, Jordan H! Hi Luke and Linus, finally ordered a backpack! Also having a left total hip replacement on Monday (sarcastic "yay"). You have been a massive inspiration to me since the work injury in 2019 and when I get better, | Timestamp | ![]() |
Foster L | message | Thanks, Foster L! Hello! Getting my steam deck soon, what games do you reccomend? | Timestamp | ![]() |
Foster L | reply | Reply @Foster L! Vampire survivor, SkaterXL, Shotgun King! | Timestamp | ![]() |
digidude512 | message | Thanks, digidude512! The race beings for Lab42 Life, the Universe and Everything | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Hiya! As an American that's been super interested in the content + organizational culture of LMG, what are the chances of hiring getting opened up to Americans in the future? e rw T [ —— o | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! It's possible, but there are a lot of great Canadians available for hiring so it's hard to open it up to international applicants (but it's not impossible!) < . - TR o7\ ol | Timestamp |
Neil E | message | Thanks, Neil E! Linus, you mentioned you let your children play with the vr setup you have, I was looking to buy my daughter (9) a vr headset, but unsure due to concerns about possible health risks regarding young children -y " RPN g~ R | Timestamp |
Neil E | reply | Reply @Neil E! It's tough, most manufacturers recommend 12 and older, but in limited use, it should be /okay/. Just need to be careful of eye-strain! e . LA 4 AW — ~e | Timestamp |
Orlando R | message | Thanks, Orlando R! Saludos hasta Panama Central America < ONY VAR e T R | Timestamp |
Coker L | message | Thanks, Coker L! Hey Linus, I wanna thank you for getting me into the IT industry I got to -7 start my career two months ago! I am Junior technical support for financial company! Keep up the great work! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! How's the home cell repeaters doing? I'm looking into cell booster options for my workplace, and the Cel-Fi system looks promising. Any issues or regrets? NI NSO et | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! They're working great! QBT eTHOMYY WO Tl | Timestamp |
Jamie P | message | Thanks, Jamie P! WA Finally got my steam deck on order. What do you guys recommend for E‘ g II protective cases and basic programs to install? | Timestamp |
Jamie P | reply | Reply @Jamie P! The dbrand case is pretty great! | Timestamp |
Hunter L | message | Thanks, Hunter L! Would you into the idea of using some of the designs on polo's for the ’ l business casual attire that want something tech? AR THOAYY D) e | Timestamp |
Hunter L | reply | Reply @Hunter L! It's definitely possible! Try pinging @NickLMG on Twitter during the week with ideas! TAWY R e — | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! How can presale products be sold out? Isn't the point of a presales to get exactly as many as you need before ordering? I want a shirt =[ shutupandtakemymoney.jpg ewy g | Timestamp |
Bertold J | message | Thanks, Bertold J! Hey guys, are you planning to install a hydraulic car lift to the lab? I'd love to see some more car reviews from you! CORT BRI e — o | Timestamp |
Bertold J | reply | Reply @Bertold J! It's possible! At the moment I don't believe it's in the plans -y LA 4 AW gr— g | Timestamp |
Natani_the_Lombax | message | Thanks, Natani_the_Lombax! Does LMG hire folks from the USA and or sponsor for Visa? A . 7 ' BRI » A ", | Timestamp |
Natani_the_Lombax | reply | Reply @Natani_the_Lombax! Not currently TR L ™ -~ | Timestamp |
Jesse R | message | Thanks, Jesse R! Hey LTT! Looking for forward to seeing if the backpack can turninto a motorcycle backpack or not. I know Linus Rides. Any thoughts? Also, thanks to the team for all the helpful info over the years. I know not all | Timestamp |
Jesse R | reply | Reply @Jesse R! Linus wore his backpack while riding and had no complaints! It's not a “Riding bag" but it fits | Timestamp |
DangerDook | message | Thanks, DangerDook! LAB126 is Amazon's R&D for Kindle ect, keep that in mind too! | Timestamp |
Conor C | message | Thanks, Conor C! Does buying one gift card get you unlimited merch messages? Let's spend $10 and find out! | Timestamp |
MATTHEW H | message | Thanks, MATTHEW H! Hey Linus/Luke, I really love your tours of industry partners manufacturing facilities, would you ever consider branching out of consumer products into more other engineering field such as | Timestamp |
VIATTHEW H | reply | Reply @VIATTHEW H! Definitely open to more facility tours! We've got a couple in the works that should be WILD! | Timestamp |
matthew j | message | Thanks, matthew j! For Everyone. Will there ever be a color correct water bottle with filled sockets and components? The mousepad message never went through X( | Timestamp |
matthew j | reply | Reply @matthew j! That'd be a question for @NickLMG on Twitter! Try pinging him during the week | Timestamp |
Aidan C | message | Thanks, Aidan C! Has designing and selling the backpack and the screwdriver changed your opinion on right to repair or repairability in any way? T | Timestamp |
Aidan C | reply | Reply @Aidan C! It's ALWAYS important. AT U e | Timestamp |
Brvan ( | message | Thanks, Brvan (! Working on an IT career, currently an IT intern at a mid-sized company. To get a good paying IT job, is it really worth it to get into student debt for a bachelor's, or would an associates with experience work? W T U OYY RPN B e W | Timestamp |
Bryan C | reply | Reply @Bryan C! It will REALLY depend on the company you're applying to. Experience or a portfolio is super helpful for many positions though! V! o A 4 BRI g e | Timestamp |
Douglas H | message | Thanks, Douglas H! ’/ Wondering about the backpack, how is the size regarding using it as a carry on for flights? SRR . Wt o L g oA Y . FT~— e | Timestamp |
Douglas H | reply | Reply @Douglas H! Should fit snuggly! =™~ A T » ol | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Excited for the RGB Hoodie, it looks so cool! Do you think the labs will ever do Reverse Engineering of consumer electronic/I0T hardware/software? Looking for things like telemetry or nefarious | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! We do plan on looking at security of products, but we haven't nailed down the exacts yet! | Timestamp |
Jackson K | message | Thanks, Jackson K! I was wondering if you could talk about how which videos get the LTT intro and which don't. Seen a few more lately without the intro and was curious what the cause for the change up might be! | Timestamp |
Jackson K | reply | Reply @Jackson K! We're doing testing to see if the intro affects retainment or not! | Timestamp |
Samuel A | message | Thanks, Samuel A! Hey Linus and Luke! Thoughts on T-Mobile partnering with SpaceX to eliminate cell service deadzones using Starlink? | Timestamp |
Samuel A | reply | Reply @Samuel A! We'll be talking about it more in a bit! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Time to put my money where my mouth is and get in on Wave 3. Thanks for hearing and responding to our concerns. e | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Linus and/or Luke, do you have any thoughts about Nebula - the Floatplane competitor that many YouTubers join and promote? Any talking points to why Floatplane is better, or maybe you don't see them — T R —————— po | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Nebula is pretty different! Floatplane is more of a patreon competitor PR — BT o il o | Timestamp |
Dominic R | message | Thanks, Dominic R! ‘ Logged into the stream and saw almost $100 in superchats. Thisis a reminder DONT BUY SUPER CHATS. Get yourself a nice gift card like I did for a rainy day fund :). ST e ” AR g~ — i | Timestamp |
Bruce B | message | Thanks, Bruce B! &' Any updates on when the Multi Nep shirt will be restocked? Also shout out to all the behind the camera staff LTT has, especially editors and designers!! "o AUTANY RN e | Timestamp |
Bruce B | reply | Reply @Bruce B! It'lL probably be awhile, we weren't able to get much stock for the first launch. @NickLMG on Twitter would have a better guess! | Timestamp |
Charles M | message | Thanks, Charles M! Hey Linus and Luke, I'm 35 and finally going to college for a comp sci degree on the Gl bill. Any recommendations on paths I should look into or avoid? I have a background in electrical and networking and Linux. ATTIANY IO e | Timestamp |
Charles M | reply | Reply @Charles M! Do whatever will be the most interesting for you, not just what's easier or pays the most. You want a job you wont hate in 8 years! et & | Timestamp |
Garrett H | message | Thanks, Garrett H! Hey, this is my first Piece of LTT Merch! can't wait for the Screwdriver! I wanted to upgrade from my GTX 1660 but the GPU shortage happen and now I'm wondering if I should buy a 3080 now, or wait for 4000 .*?, ‘:;"‘ Yy e g iy ™ 4 L2 o | Timestamp |
Garrett H | reply | Reply @Garrett H! Hard to say since there are so many rumours about delays for the 40 series. Depends on how badly you want a new GPU! - - e mgen - P e~ | Timestamp |
Helson M | message | Thanks, Helson M! = Will you bring back the short circuit long sleeve shirt in black again or an updated version? ST TRIRAYY DN oy W | Timestamp |
Alex S | message | Thanks, Alex S! For some reason my order including the Trust Me Bro shirt says it shipped, but with no updates. Any clue why this is? Also, wondering if I will be able to buy multiple LTT screwdrivers when they come out. I R R T < I | Timestamp |
Alex S | reply | Reply @Alex S! That'd be a question for! Send them an email with your order number :) T A TOWY BN B W | Timestamp |
Zachary 0 | message | Thanks, Zachary 0! Linus, I want to say how much I appreciate the quality you demand for your products. Waste is a huge pet peeve of mine, I trust this jacket is going to last for a while which is great. And tell Luke he's a cool dude, T ' 4 BRI I T~ - | Timestamp |
Zachary 0 | reply | Reply @Zachary 0! Can confirm: Luke is very cool TN AT o | Timestamp |
Nicholas T | message | Thanks, Nicholas T! Love ur content have enjoyed ur content forever. Got any Dorm tips, with two people in one room and 2 pcs that both have 3070tis and i7s it's hard to stay cool. Also shoutout my bro Justin we bond over the | Timestamp |
Nicholas T | reply | Reply @Nicholas T! Only play one at a time | Timestamp |
Daniel Q | message | Thanks, Daniel Q! Been a long time fan! Finally purchasing some LTT merch! | Timestamp |
Miles S | message | Thanks, Miles S! With all of the comments about the price of the screwdriver being kind of high, on the community post announcing the pop-up, are you having second thoughts about the price? | Timestamp |
Arnold O | reply | Reply @Arnold O! ) SC on the fold 4 coming soon! (but linus is still using the Fold 3) | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Working for a non-profit buisness doing refurbishing for more than 20 years. Your thought on the lost of all the 7th gen and lower after the end of Windows 10 support with W11 REQ when it's enough for light | Timestamp |
Jakub C | message | Thanks, Jakub C! I adore the aesthetic of 2 x 200mm fan cases, and will almost certainly get the HS00M for my next build, but the market for them seems miniscule. Have either of you heard anything at all that might indicate | Timestamp |
Jakub C | reply | Reply @Jakub C! I mean, with new GPUs looking to require more power and likely putting out more heat, it could start to shift soon, but it's hard to say | Timestamp |
Samuel R | message | Thanks, Samuel R! First time buying lltstore! Q: I have an online business that is starting to get traction, but my parents are worried about loss of job benefits and gaps in resume. Also, as an employer, does a side business make a | Timestamp |
Samuel R | reply | Reply @Samuel R! Doesn't necessarily make you less likely to be hired, but the time requirement of your business may make it hard for a new biz to want to hire. Just gotta be vocal about your needs in an interview | Timestamp |
Dan T | message | Thanks, Dan T! Just want to let you know @Linus that the Drop Pandas you've touted have had some serious QC hardware issues and horrendous firmware support; it broke my heart cause I have them and loved them. They're | Timestamp |
Matt I | message | Thanks, Matt I! Tell Riley that my wife wants him to shave his mustache! s LA d AW gre—— e | Timestamp |
Ben W | message | Thanks, Ben W! Here's a dumb non tech question for you. If wisdom teeth are so smart how come they hurt so much coming in? Here's hoping the retail ' therapy helps. Keep up the good work :) .".":-". X | Timestamp |
XenosGamer | message | Thanks, XenosGamer! code-d0/ Hey can you guys help me out with this? I really need to get my system back up for work and ASRock has basically ghosted me AT O e | Timestamp |
Joshua A | message | Thanks, Joshua A! Hey Linus! I was wondering if you've thought about working with l q Framework to create LTT-themed accessories such as keyboards, =:1 bezels, touch pads, etc. Thanks! P g | Timestamp |
Joshua A | reply | Reply @Joshua A! We haven't so far, but maybe someday! " THOAEY TN oy e, | Timestamp |
Oliver R | message | Thanks, Oliver R! Have you all ever considered expansion by acquisition? Or perhaps offering excess editing capacity as a service to other content creators? | Timestamp |
0liver R | reply | Reply @0liver R! We definitely don't have extra editing capacity (we release a LOT of videos!) and acquisitions maybe could happen, but starting something new and growing it is a great experience. | Timestamp |
Joshua D | message | Thanks, Joshua D! You guys and Jay are responsible for my comfort in buliding pc's now and have helped my kids get into it too. Keep being honest guys, and Luke keep "Boom Roasted" going. | Timestamp |
Jeffrey s | message | Thanks, Jeffrey s! Thoughts on the how garbage durable phone options are? 'm a W welder/mechanic/truck driver and just want a phone with decent specs that stands a chance. My note 5 was the last phone I could use | Timestamp |
Jeffrey s | reply | Reply @Jeffrey s! We haven't covered one in awhile, but you can put suggestions in over | Timestamp |
Piper P | message | Thanks, Piper P! Ya finally got me with the new hoodie | Timestamp |
Christopher B | message | Thanks, Christopher B! Dear Linus, Thanks for all the fun videos. Have you ever thought of doing a video showing how to teardown a gaming Laptop for yearly Servicing? | Timestamp |
Christopher B | reply | Reply @Christopher B! Not a bad idea! Try posting in the video suggestions section of our forum! | Timestamp |
David K | message | Thanks, David K! Hey Linus and Luke, I liked how last WAN show Luke talked about what he eats and his diet. Luke, what do you do when you exercise? Cardio? Weights? I like when you go off topic haha. <vy BRI S il ™ po | Timestamp |
David K | reply | Reply @David K! Cardio! He goes for regular long walks and listens to podcasts — BRI & il P | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! m Loving the show! Can't wait for the moment I have enough gift cards for the backpack and screwdriver. Any videos coming up for the new Galaxy Watch5/pro? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! 5 ’ SC video coming soon! | Timestamp |
Edward G | message | Thanks, Edward G! Hey guys can't wait to get my backpack and I just completed my order for my steam deck. I heard that valve is going to make a "next gen" steam deck. What do you guys think about a new steam deck | Timestamp |
Edward G | reply | Reply @Edward G! It'll probably be awhile. An incremental upgrade while honoring the 0G pricing or offering the choice between the two sounds fair though. I just want an OLED screen | Timestamp |
Matt G | message | Thanks, Matt G! ,-‘“ lalmost exclusively use my custom water cooled 011D ,dual 360mm radiator, 5950X-3080 equipped rig for GTAV and YouTube, so I'm excited for Zen 4 that I may continue to under-utilize the hardware I | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! How much experience does LTT look for when hiring writers? Would experience in different technology fields count as "relevant experience"? W TN oEEIWD e e 4 | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Your experience/portfolio is very important! We hire passionate people! | Timestamp |
Robert H | message | Thanks, Robert H! an Hi Linus, I had an idea to start a lan/internet Cafe style business where people can come play games on lan, or use super high speed internet. And also have the chance to experience high end displays, pcs. What's ST RIBREYY P e T | Timestamp |
Robert H | reply | Reply @Robert H! Always very cool for communities to have the option! BTOTHOVAYY IO e~ N | Timestamp |
Chris I | message | Thanks, Chris I! m Hey guys! Planning on building my next gaming/everything PCin a rack in another room. Based on your experience, is there anything I should be aware of while I'm planning it out? 2 IO Y - | Timestamp |
Chris J | reply | Reply @Chris J! measure twice, setup once 2 eHNOWMPY VOO - eyl | Timestamp |
null | message | Thanks again!! W . T OOV oEEI B " W | Timestamp |
David K | message | Thanks, David K! =" Thanks for all the content. You're the one that inspired me to build my first pc. Here we are 20+ builds later, i still cant get enough of your content. Thanks again!! T2 A 4 SVRIRIPY e - W | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! ‘ Investing in USD LLT gift cards with Euro falling... Also what do you do if a manufacturer pulls a bait and switch on a product. Such as using lower quality fabric on an item than previously? Do you get your -y "4 BRI Y gp— = | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! If you're asking about, that'd be a question for @NickLMG on Twitter! But probably just find a new manufacturer T T - VAR L B e A | Timestamp |
Joshua D | message | Thanks, Joshua D! Now that the steam decks been out for awhile, do you think valve is still doing alot to improve the software? Does it still feel unfinished? | Timestamp |
Joshua D | reply | Reply @Joshua D! I use my steam deck daily and there are pretty regular updates that keep things running pretty smoothly! | Timestamp |
theeanthO | message | Thanks, theeanthO! Hey Linus! I've been thinking an about the next generation of thunderbolt recently, and wanted to know your thoughts on the possibility of PC handheld devices being flexible enough to become a | Timestamp |
theeanthO | reply | Reply @theeanthO! That'd be amazing! We're definitely getting to the point where the loss of performance for things like eGPUs could be getting low enough for it to be completely feasible — P . | Timestamp |
John S | message | Thanks, John S! &r Linus, will there be opportunity for community feedback on Labs Reviews on products? Like stars or comments. It'd be cool to get extra commentary. | Timestamp |
John S | reply | Reply @John S! Not a bad idea! Noted. T A B - | Timestamp |
Aaron P | message | Thanks, Aaron P! hay Linus what happened to the your old car the labo! Y | Timestamp |
Aaron P | reply | Reply @Aaron P! Check out the LTT video "What Happened to Linus' Car??" = W OTY G Fe——— W | Timestamp |
Carlos S | message | Thanks, Carlos S! &' Hey Linus & Luke can't wait for my backpack from a different order but I have displates of the fans gpu cpu ram and Hdd but want more of the new desgins on the displate store why aren't they? thanks! | Timestamp |
Sindrax_42 | message | Thanks, Sindrax_42! Hope you guys have a good popup weekend. Bummed I don't live closer. R e | Timestamp |
Warren H | message | Thanks, Warren H! ‘ I think it's ridiculous that anyone thought you were flexing money. Your ) cars make it clear that you are modest with spending and not just flexing. You were talking about how expensive it is to professionally T I e | Timestamp |
Derek M | message | Thanks, Derek M! Long time viewer, first time buyer. Love the content! Happy to support and get cool merch! OBRYY GO e e | Timestamp |
Elijah B | message | Thanks, Elijah B! Hey Linus and Luke! Have you ever considered translating your videos I @i] into other languages to reach a larger audience? Many other channels =% have done it with pretty good success. 2RSTRONY IO - Tl | Timestamp |
Elijah B | reply | Reply @Elijah B! —' 7/ Potentially! R s T | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Hi, you shown your updates/repair of your vault, but what happened to the 1Mill$-Server aka the extreme SSD-Server? - -:.;,'- e 4 :.‘ ~: el | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Still in progress! Jake is just very busy | Timestamp |
Joshua S | message | Thanks, Joshua S! ""1 .. My second water bottle to keep at my desk! Any plans to make an g % :! updated Hackintosh video? PCCTIOVENY VO e | Timestamp |
Joshua S | reply | Reply @Joshua S! Probably not. With the switch to ARM it's not something that's super doable anyways | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! 'll”Eg more LTT underwear when? LT RIOBEY NP e T W | Timestamp |
Christopher S | message | Thanks, Christopher S! Just a thank you message. I've watched since middle school (6-8 grade). LMG is definitely apart of the reason I'm majoring in IT & CS and will work in technology. Thank you for influencing me as a kid CWY SRR e | Timestamp |
Caleb Ht | message | Thanks, Caleb Ht I would love to hear Bell's beautiful voice say "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" :) Might be upgrading comp soon, what should I upgrade next? specs: corei3 10100, UHD 630 graphics, 16 - LT e L2 4 BRI _gr—— g | Timestamp |
Caleb H | reply | Reply @Caleb H! Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! It's time for a CPU upgrade my friend L) - AR gr— g | Timestamp |
Guyon C | message | Thanks, Guyon C! First purchase after 11 years of watching LTT vidyas and I just wanna say hi to Luke's mom if she's still watching every WAN show | Timestamp |
Joshua S | message | Thanks, Joshua S! My girlfriend got tired of holding my 400z in the car bc it doesn't fit in the cupholder, so i figured Id solve that problem, get a sick hoodie, get a sequin pillow, and add to my sticker stockpile. S p—— > . | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Every tech industry giant including Apple and Google is enacting or rumored to soon be enacting layoffs, is that coming to LMG as well? Is that a wise financial choice for the greater good of the company? LAWY YLD e — | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! We're doing okay! Laying people off should always be the last resort, so sometimes it may be 100% necessary, unfortunately. OB TR A 12 | Timestamp |
Scott R | message | Thanks, Scott R! Hi Linus, I was a bed wetter later than normal as well. It's hallmark for I Ll qfl serial killers. So, I guess we made it! v LA 4 VAR G- — | Timestamp |
Sean M | message | Thanks, Sean M! Hello from Australia | Timestamp |
Dmitry Z | message | Thanks, Dmitry Z! Awesome hoodie, can't wait to get it! Also shoutout to one of your other biggest fans and my fiancé, Francis <3 | Timestamp |
Dmitry Z | reply | Reply @Dmitry Z! Shout out to Francis! | Timestamp |
John D | message | Thanks, John D! Hey Linus and Luke! I am a huge fan of the show and LMG in general. LTT STORE DOT COM!!! But seriously, where did the name for “floatplane" come from? SO GO e e | Timestamp |
John D | reply | Reply @John D! Check out the LMG Clip "Buying our domain was CRAZY!" ROV IO - Tl | Timestamp |
Joel R | message | Thanks, Joel R! WMy Hi Linus/Luke as LTT was taking off can you think of any defining moments that you feel really shaped the community and company? 2RO YOOy el | Timestamp |
Joel R | reply | Reply @Joel R! Buying the our main HQ! 2o THOMYY YOO - el | Timestamp |
David J | message | Thanks, David J! Will the Lab look at projectors and screens? I use a short throw . projector for backyard movies, but its a few years old now and due for an upgrade. Also, it would be nice to see how the theatre room evolves | Timestamp |
David J | reply | Reply @David J! Very likely! | Timestamp |
Cole M | message | Thanks, Cole M! m Any more tool products that you have planned in the future or anything that you'd like to make at some point? Good luck at the pop- up shop tomorrow | Timestamp |
Cole M | reply | Reply @Cole M! Eventually we're gonna have to make Luke's hammer if the Kickstarter doesn't pull through | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Been Watching for over 5 years now. Keep up the good work :) | Timestamp |
Jenna S | reply | Reply @Jenna S! Very cool! I loved my anbernic! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! m do you have team members who have no interest in getting screen time and do you feel this is odd? Also how about a way for those not in your timezone to send merch messages before the show. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! We do! It's not odd at all, not everyone wants face time or the attention! T WA > @ [ - | Timestamp |
Christopher B | message | Thanks, Christopher B! Luke needs to model more stuff for LTTstore. Need a reference for taller guys! - TR WP | Timestamp |
Joshua G | message | Thanks, Joshua G! G'day From the Great Down Under, With Talk of LTX next Year, Will we have Access to a Live Stream for the Event, for us out of towners....? 2w ROV WY SO - | Timestamp |
Joshua G | reply | Reply @Joshua G! LTX 2023 is still in the works, so it's possible! BT WO IO el | Timestamp |
Josh C | message | Thanks, Josh C! m Love the videos and can't wait for the screwdriver! Looking forward to the lab and all the testing to come! What would an i5 or i7 (12th gen) be better for gaming? Thanks again e BRI &7 et — | Timestamp |
Josh C | reply | Reply @Josh C! i5 is enough for most people, but if you're adding in streaming or anything you may need an i7! | Timestamp |
Alex K | message | Thanks, Alex K! Has Dennis adjusted to the tree life? > I | Timestamp |
Benjamin W | message | Thanks, Benjamin W! Linus, are you truly that bad at CS:GO or do you always just meme it for the videos? | Timestamp |
Benjamin W | reply | Reply @Benjamin W! He's bad AT T AU TONY SIRTEPD e e R | Timestamp |
Jose D | message | Thanks, Jose D! . you say everyone at your company helps you guys a lot, what would ll“flg you do if your most important people leave? Also, can I get a pc lol | Timestamp |
Jose D | reply | Reply @Jose D! Try to keep them! | Timestamp |
Matt B | message | Thanks, Matt B! Long time listener first time buyer! I am so excited for this RGB Hoodie it looks awesome. Will there be any more “Trust Me Bro Warranty” t- shirts? | Timestamp |
Matt B | reply | Reply @Matt B! Limited edition shirts are pretty rare to reprint, but you can always ask @NickLMG on Twitter during the week! | Timestamp |
Dustin D | message | Thanks, Dustin D! Choose your adventure question: 1) I used to play at LAN centers a lot. Will you ever do a video on the slew of different software a LAN center might use to manage their PCs? 2) How intuitive is your inventory | Timestamp |
Dustin D | reply | Reply @Dustin D! 1) Probably not, but you can put suggestions in the forum!! 2) It's not too bad | Timestamp |
Jeff C | message | Thanks, Jeff C! Loved the new home gaming setup! Would love to see a comparison between the new C2 from that and the newly announced Asus ROG Swift OLED PG42"UQ (plus the bendable corsair).Trying to see which is | Timestamp |
Erich S | message | Thanks, Erich S! Please add more Anthony-themed merch so I can fill the emptiness in my soul - TR o ol ™ - | Timestamp |
Scott P | message | Thanks, Scott P! Any recommendations or upcoming phones for an upgrade from my 4 year old OnePlus 6, before you saying "anything" I would like a headphone jack. I v P g — - | Timestamp |
Scott P | reply | Reply @Scott P! ASUS Zenfone 9! [ | Timestamp |
Brian G | message | Thanks, Brian G! Bell, what's your take on Linus as a boss? | Timestamp |
Brian G | reply | Reply @Brian G! Honestly, he's great! He's a very busy man, but I feel cared for which is extremely important :) | Timestamp |
Rushil K | message | Thanks, Rushil K! Hey guys! Big fan of the show. My question is: with your current plans 9 ‘.' for expansion, what percentage of the LMG umbrella companies do ~»_ . a Youexpectto stay video/media focused, and what percentage will be | Timestamp |
Rushil K | reply | Reply @Rushil K! At this point the current plan is to continue expanding our video/media side of things faster than written/research | Timestamp |
Stephen J | message | Thanks, Stephen J! Lost a ton of weight this year, 70lbs, so now I need to buy some more merch that actually fits. Plusni broke the lid to my bottle when I dropped not so now I'm getting them at the same time. | Timestamp |
Ryan S | message | Thanks, Ryan S! Are you still using the phanteks p600s in the editing workstations? How do they hold up over a longer time? T ” RN Gr—— - | Timestamp |
Ryan S | reply | Reply @Ryan S! I don't believe we are, the PCs get updated pretty regularly LTERY ot g W g | Timestamp |
Thomas M | message | Thanks, Thomas M! Any interest in reviewing bike computers in the future? Maybe something similar to your dash cam video. ST IEHIWD e — W | Timestamp |
Krystof H | message | Thanks, Krystof H! Hello Linus and luke, i got a couple questions what would you like to see in the next wave of VR headsets? my listin order: 1. Oled. 2. formfactor. 3. wireless. that index wireless adapter, but built in. 4. Awy X | Timestamp |
Krystof H | reply | Reply @Krystof H! Exactly what you have listed! AT . e | Timestamp |
Jayden G | message | Thanks, Jayden G! i love you linus | Timestamp |
David C | message | Thanks, David C! Love you guys! Screwdriver hype is real. I'm sure it's been discussed before, but what bits will be included? Would you guys consider selling LTT branded bit kits in the future? | Timestamp |
Gabriel L | message | Thanks, Gabriel L! Excited to get a backpack to take to work eventually! Out of all the merch you guys have on, which is your favorite? Doesn't have to be most used. - - — AR & il . | Timestamp |
Gabriel L | reply | Reply @Gabriel L! ShortCircuit hoodie! TR RIT ol ™ | Timestamp |
Huimin C | message | Thanks, Huimin C! e Hi Linus, do you think iPhone 14 will really have a notch-less design? a2 T e R WP | Timestamp |
Huimin C | reply | Reply @Huimin C! The pro might! Hole punch is likely to come some day | Timestamp |
Myel L | message | Thanks, Myel L! Besides pants or shorts are you guys going to tri-color all the things, like underwear, cable ties, backpack, etc.? D A — | Timestamp |
Myel L | reply | Reply @Myel L! ] Only time will tell... . AN "OYYW QBN Eee e e | Timestamp |
Samuel M | message | Thanks, Samuel M! Yo dawg I heard you like merch | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Trust me bro 2O YOO i T, | Timestamp |