Does What We Do Even Matter?

January 31, 2025

Merch Messages

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Name Type Text Timestamp Image
Aaron J message Thanks, Aaron J! Just got a new mechanical keyboard and so far I hate it because of things like chattering and keys getting mistyped. Is there a way to fix that or what are your suggestions? Timestamp
Aaron J reply Reply @Aaron J! Your message was curated! We will answer it later in the show. Timestamp
Alex S message Thanks, Alex S! Hi LLD, what single thing in tech has made you feel the oldest? My mom's masters project was on raytracing and is now in a museum. Timestamp
Griffin B message Thanks, Griffin B! Good Evening Lina, Lucy, and Dani (iykyk) Getting the backpack for some upcoming travels, Given the increased travel so far this year, has your travel loadout changed much in recent years/months Timestamp
Griffin B reply Reply @Griffin B! Only travelling with what can fit in a backpack. Timestamp
Christoph F message Thanks, Christoph F! Did you ever hear of ETI LAN Launcher and would you consider it for upcoming LAN Parties? Timestamp
Christoph F reply Reply @Christoph F! I'll throw that over the Chase and see if he has heard of it. Timestamp
Victor L message Thanks, Victor L! Hi L2D1! I'm not a morning person, so I have a pretty elaborate morning ritual. Can you walk through your typical morning? Timestamp
Jonathan Q message Thanks, Jonathan Q! I'm loving the look of the new shirt and that I can wear it at work! When will we get some pants to go with it? Would love to have a full LTT office appropriate set! Timestamp
David E message Thanks, David E! Howdy LLD, Linus after watching channel Super fun, do you still find dbrand stickers in your house when Dennis was living in your new house? Also Dan had the most points for sure. Timestamp
Nathan H message Thanks, Nathan H! Hey everyone! I work as an Urban Planner, and technologys importance has been rapidly growing in our field. Did you see/use any cool technology when you were selecting locations for the badminton cntr Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hello Linux, Lux and And. With how the performance uplift (or lack thereof) for 50 series sounds like it's gonna be, will Dinux and Duke boycot this generation of Nvidia graphics card like last time? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! I still want a 5090 just because I want it. It's just... a card with more stuff in the card. It's a whatever generation tbh. Timestamp
Denny M message Thanks, Denny M! How many bananas is the 5090? My case can only hold 1.35 bananas. Timestamp
Denny M reply Reply @Denny M! More than 1 bananas. Timestamp
Kameron S message Thanks, Kameron S! Hello LLD, as a person planning on build a pc soonish do you all think that I should what until all gpu card to be released and reviewed before planning to build a computer. Timestamp
Kameron S reply Reply @Kameron S! I normally just build the everything but the gpu and then throw a gpu upgrade separately. I consider them two entire systems. Timestamp
Keith B message Thanks, Keith B! With frame gen and the known overhead, it would be awesome to get a follow-up of "Does High FPS make you a better gamer?" with and without frame gen on with some more and some less demanding titles. Timestamp
Keith B reply Reply @Keith B! That sounds like a great idea, especially with quarter frames so latency would be nuts. Timestamp
Phil H message Thanks, Phil H! @LTT.DLL I was lucky enough to snag a pink potato hoodie for my wife who *loves* the colour although our cat trashed it within an hour. :( Any chance of releasing a normal hoodie in hot lambo colours? Timestamp
Phil H reply Reply @Phil H! Maybe one day. My cat also destroyed mine. Timestamp
Adam P message Thanks, Adam P! Dear Linus, Are you going to feature the recently updated Crysis 1 VR mod in some upcoming YT/FP content? It just added 6D0F, full hand motion controls, bHaptics vest + ForceTube/Provolver equipment. Timestamp
Adam P reply Reply @Adam P! That sounds incredible. I'd love to throw that out there. Timestamp
Grigoriy G message Thanks, Grigoriy G! Hey Linus! I notice that you have a really deliberate diction especially when similar sounds are in sequence. Is this something you have always done, or a practiced and intentional skill? Timestamp
Jesus. R message Thanks, Jesus. R! Howdy from Texas w Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hey LLD, in a week I am leaving a small IT managed service provider after over 2 years for a new opportunity. I was curious if you had looked into the MSP space before (video topic or otherwise)? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! Certainly. It's a pretty interesting like... whole thing a lot of people don't understand. Timestamp
Mike D message Thanks, Mike D! Hi LLD. Despite the review, I am planning on getting a 5080 for my new build. What do you feel about it for people upgrading from mucholder cards? Currently running a 1650, so it's a huge upgrade. Timestamp
Mike D reply Reply @Mike D! Upgrading to what you want and can afford is totally fine. Going from a 4k to a 5k might make less sense. Timestamp
Shaun B message Thanks, Shaun B! Hey LLD! If you could travel back in time to the 20th century and bring LTT with you, what technology would you love to cover or revisit the birth of? Timestamp
Justin T message Thanks, Justin T! Hey Linus, I noticed you have a certain view of class actions, but they 1)Serve an important role as enforcement mechanisms(US) and B)Usually require firms to work pro-bono for a court approved sum. Timestamp
Marcello P message Thanks, Marcello P! We all know about the jokes in videos of employees stealing everything from the office but I know that not all employees walk out with 4090s. What is the reality of shrink at Creator Warehouse/LMG? Timestamp
Marcello P reply Reply @Marcello P! It's all jokes, c'mon Timestamp
Jackson D message Thanks, Jackson D! Hi Dan! What games are you playing currently? Timestamp
Jackson D reply Reply @Jackson D! PoE2, Assetto Corsa, Uncle Chops Rocket Shop, Balatro, Vampire Survivors Timestamp
David M message Thanks, David M! Hi LLD! What is an item/tool that you would like LMG to create, but hasn't yet, or might not feasibly be able to create? Timestamp
David M reply Reply @David M! Something about a hammer and something else. Timestamp
lan E message Thanks, lan E! Hey DLL. I work in the trading industry as a software developer and I loved the Equinix DC video. Do you think x86 CPUs are going to be able to scale past 128 cores? Excited for the backpack! Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Linus, when are you gonna model yourself? She got her head stuck between a metal folding chairs seat and leg. At this rate, she might accidentally go out the window on stream. JUST CALL FILIAN PLS!!! Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! Elijah has dropped the ball on that I think. Maybe soon? Timestamp
Diogenes o message Thanks, Diogenes o! hey there tech trio, I've been working in tech for coming up on four years. i havent got any certs, or anything more than a HS diploma. at what point do you think my exp. outweighs my lack of edu. Timestamp
Diogenes o reply Reply @Diogenes o! Experience> education in our eyes. Most of us here have nothing. Timestamp
Richard Q message Thanks, Richard Q! Ordering now to make sure there's no 25% tariff. My old bottle's glass bead broke, any change you'll bring the old colors back? I noticed a lot of the old colors are missing Timestamp
Richard Q reply Reply @Richard Q! Maybe one day... Timestamp
Matthew D message Thanks, Matthew D! ignoring gpus, the cpu uplifts this generation have been really disappointing. How come we seen 30%+ performance for arm cpus like the new qc sd8 elite but x86 not so much? Timestamp
mickey M message Thanks, mickey M! Your Reviews are doing good. it saved me $1000 USD also do you know when you are going to restock the PTM7950? i want to use it for my new computer build. Timestamp
mickey M reply Reply @mickey M! Working on it! Timestamp
Jeremy M message Thanks, Jeremy M! Hey LLD! Now that Al video upscaling in real time is here/more available. How would that impact your decisions in building a new media server today. Love everything LMG does, keep it up! Timestamp
Jeremy M reply Reply @Jeremy M! Sounds like we're building an Al bot Timestamp
Joseph M message Thanks, Joseph M! Hey.dll, will there eventually be smaller bit sets for the precision screwdriver? What if i lose one? Also have you considered using the screwdriver shafts from the pens to make a slim fixed driver? Timestamp
Joseph M reply Reply @Joseph M! I think there's more in the works. These would be great questions for support. Fixed drivers are going to be an entire thing I think. 206 Timestamp
John A message Thanks, John A! Do you have any recommendations on restoring the finish on the black shaft screwdrivers? Timestamp
Noah S message Thanks, Noah S! Hi .DLL!! I am a malware analyst. The developments in Al have been really helpful in assisting me with reverse engineering malware. How do you currently use Al or project that LMG will use AI? Timestamp
Noah S reply Reply @Noah S! We're currently investigating doing a pretty nuts ML server Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Had to RMA a Headphone 4 times in 2 years. Each replacement came with a new legal warranty. This time, they offer "goodwill" instead of warranty. Should I insist on my warranty or just switch brands? Timestamp
scott t message Thanks, scott t! Love your content cheers from the UK Timestamp
Nguyễn P message Thanks, Nguyễn P! Hi LTTWS.DLL, i would like to ask about your opinion on more and more modern games requiring hardware shader supports, as it invalidate a lot of great cards like the 1080/ti, the rx 5000 series. Timestamp
aNguyễn P reply Reply aNguyễn P! Yeah that's a whole massive thing right now. But it's kinda always been a thing. I can't tell who is to blame or if it's intended. Raytracing is here to stay Timestamp
Luis V message Thanks, Luis V! Hey guys! Have either of you played Ghost of Tsushima? In my opinion one of the better PS to PC ports Timestamp
Luis V reply Reply @Luis V! I have! Timestamp
Magnus A message Thanks, Magnus A! Hello Lan, Lan & Dan. Question for Luke; I am a Media student, and I have pretty much been relying on Al for my programing assignments. How do you think development will evolve in regards to Al? Timestamp
Joshua Carol C message Thanks, Joshua Carol C! Hey Tech Napoleon, Lafreniere and Scraper Bot Dan, With everything in Tech going the smart or Al route, What are the dumb tech gadgets you guys still use and wish do not receive the Al treatment? Timestamp
Joshua Carol C reply Reply @Joshua Carol C! We saw an Al bike and a coffee machine. :/ Timestamp
Allen P message Thanks, Allen P! This message is bad. Don't read it. Or do, I can't control you - I'm just a long for the ride Timestamp
Christopher D message Thanks, Christopher D! Cats or Dogs? Timestamp
Christopher D reply Reply @Christopher D! Cats. Timestamp
David R message Thanks, David R! Hello LL&D, have you guys ever saved a small animal found in the middle of the road. Saved a small kitten today from a very busy road thanks to your windbreaker. Hope to buy something else soon. Timestamp
David R reply Reply @David R! I got a snake once. Adorable little thing. Timestamp
Douglas Y message Thanks, Douglas Y! Finally purchasing my LTT Commuter! having grown so rapidly what is your suggestion for managing MFA for a small team 10> and growing. we are considering the "buy a phone that stays in the office" Timestamp
Douglas Y reply Reply @Douglas Y! That's an idea certainly. Or a VM with a desktop authenticator. Using texts for 2FA is bad tho Timestamp
Eric E reply Reply @Eric E! Still in progress. Everything we do is slow and I'm sorry. Timestamp
Ryan S message Thanks, Ryan S! Hi LLD, your youtube channel has helped me fall back in love with computer hardware after a decade in the software industry. Whats your favorite personal use of computing outside of gaming/work? Timestamp
Ryan S reply Reply @Ryan S! Watching movies and sharing them with friends. Timestamp
Haylee B message Thanks, Haylee B! Hey LLD! With a 25% tariff possibly coming to Canada tomorrow, do you know what effect this will have on store prices and LMG? Timestamp
Haylee B reply Reply @Haylee B! That's something we'll have to wait and see about. Apparently they have been pushed back to March? So it might just be posturing. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! hey guys, would you ever consider making carrying cases for handheld gaming PCs like the steam deck, rog ally (x), legion go, etc, or perhaps a sling to match other LTT Store bags & accessories? Timestamp
Zach S message Thanks, Zach S! Hi DLL, With my university switching to Office 365 from G-suite, I decided to give Edge a fair shot and I have surprisingly enjoyed it. Have you tried Edge recently and what are your thoughts? Timestamp
Zach S reply Reply @Zach S! Isn't it just also chrome under the hood? I don't like it no. Timestamp
Ben T message Thanks, Ben T! Hello DLL! I work in the auto industry, what do you think of manufacturers trying to walk away from connection standards like Apple CarPlay/Android Auto when their services are infinitely weaker? Timestamp
Ben T reply Reply @Ben T! Absolutely stupid as hell. They want their own control. Timestamp
Michael H message Thanks, Michael H! Got laid off from geeksquad hometheater after 8 years and I just got an amazing job doing computer It for a school district and you guys are 100% the reason for it. Very nervous, but Thank you so much Timestamp
Stephen H message Thanks, Stephen H! Been a longtime supporter Im a pretty savvy tech guy but get lost in todays networking offerings what would you recommend for a compete system that would allow advance settings for things like NAS? Timestamp
Stephen H reply Reply @Stephen H! We have some videos on it. I built our Jonsbo one Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Wasnt able to get my 5080 so I got extra $$... Take it! Timestamp
Jon C message Thanks, Jon C! Hi LLD, I am forced to buy these gift cards until you launch the Modmat that may or may not exist. any updates on the O-ring replacements for the Scribedriver? Parasocial love for you all! -DS240 Timestamp
Jon C reply Reply @Jon C! Reach out to support! Timestamp
Cameron G message Thanks, Cameron G! Howdy LLD, I am planning to upgrade my GPU from a RTX2060 FE to a RTX5070 possibly? CPU is an 19-9900K. How much of a bottle neck should i expect with PCle Gen 3 and my current CPU? Labs 2060 info? Timestamp
Cameron G reply Reply @Cameron G! I'd reach out to the forum. We have a new builds and planning section. Timestamp
Stephen M message Thanks, Stephen M! Hey Linus, Luke and Dan. I'm just wondering if there is an update on the commuter backpack shipping. I was supposed to be in 'Wave 1' and it hasn't shipped yet. Timestamp
Stephen M reply Reply @Stephen M! We're working on it. Reach out to support if you want super up-to-date information. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hi Team! Was hoping a nice dress shirt would come out. Question, my cables are getting worn out. Any hopeful launch window for your cables? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! Soon.TM Timestamp
Wyatt J message Thanks, Wyatt J! Hey Linus. I recently wrecked my car (a 2003 Camry), and am painting a new hood for it. Any problems just using a rattle can for a quick and dirty paint job? Any tips you would suggest? Timestamp
Brandon K message Thanks, Brandon K! i love my club penguin game for DS Timestamp
Michael H message Thanks, Michael H! Hey guys, after doing home theater instaling/troubleshooting for 3 years and Best Buy for 5. I got a job in computer IT for a school district. Very nervous. Any advice? Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Do you think Intel can make larger inroads in the GPU market by gen 3? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! We can only hope... Timestamp
Andrew H reply Reply @Andrew H! Murder kill death flying Al robot thing with an adorable cartoon logo. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! In the past LTT has done Automitive content, just a fun though or hypothetical, what are your thoughts on LTT doing firearms content? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! That would be kinda fun not gunna lie Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! As someone closely familiar with 'people are expensive', I was laid off this week. What are your thoughts on companies that struggle due to the huge amount of misinformation perpetuated over and over? Timestamp
Timothy S message Thanks, Timothy S! I am 19, and in (non-commission) vehicle sales. I've always been a tech nerd and went to college for it for a bit. Are there any sales jobs in the tech industry that are worth pursuing? Timestamp
Timothy S reply Reply @Timothy S! No idea really! We're honestly not the best people to ask as we kinda fell into things. You'd be surprised at the niches out there in tech. Like selling tiny little fans. 0 Timestamp
Roberto P message Thanks, Roberto P! Hey LLD I was lucky enough to get a Zotac 5080 Solid on Newegg. I really wanted the 5080 Astral but it was never instock. Would u keep the Zotac GPU or still try to get the Astral? All my stuff is ROG Timestamp
Roberto P reply Reply @Roberto P! Depends on your aesthetic I guess. They all do math the same. Timestamp
Cameron d message Thanks, Cameron d! Love you guys, sad to see the ladies underwear go, my wife loves them. When do you think we will see the longer Inseam's for the work pants?and where is the mod mat???? I want you to take my money Timestamp
Cameron d reply Reply @Cameron d! Inseam yes if they sell well. SKU are hard. Mod mat sooooon Timestamp
Aaron W message Thanks, Aaron W! I bought the backpack and I'm so impressed that I'm now ordering the screwdriver even though I can't stand most ratcheting screwdrivers Timestamp
Tomass P message Thanks, Tomass P! Hi Lachelor, Daster and Loctor. How important is a higher education degree to you? I've seen people with master's degrees, but in reality, that person can't figure almost anything out on their own. Timestamp
Tomass P reply Reply @Tomass P! Experience > Education Timestamp
Tyler M message Thanks, Tyler M! Greetings Wan.dll, Built my first NAS this week. Making my MCM before purchase now before new tariffs. Any worries how it will affect lttstore? Congrats to Emily! Timestamp
Tyler M reply Reply @Tyler M! I have no idea honestly. They might even be delayed. It's going to effect more than just us. Yes congrats to Emily! Timestamp
Noah message Thanks, Noah! Hi LLD, hope all is well! I'm a Firefighter/Paramedic and was wondering how technology can make first responder work safer or more efficient. I'd love to hear your insight! Timestamp
Matthew H reply Reply @Matthew H! SAAS and cloud apps have been oddly seriously impacting me more than expected. So much is becoming just a browser window. Timestamp
Matt C message Thanks, Matt C! Hi LLD, what is the technology or piece of equipment that you loved the idea of, but never reached its potential or was abandoned because it didn't catch on? Timestamp
Christopher S message Thanks, Christopher S! Hey LLD! I'm putting together a server for Jellyfin. Any recommendations for a GPU for this? also, any new thoughts on Jellyfin Vs Plex? Timestamp
Christopher S reply Reply @Christopher S! Depends if you need to do encoding fast. Mine only has a CPU. Timestamp
Andrew B message Thanks, Andrew B! Do you have a plan for dealing with the impact of US Tariffs on merch sales? I believe you've mentioned bulk shipping orders to the US; could that change to take advantage of de minimis customs? Timestamp
Andrew B reply Reply @Andrew B! I think tariffs are applied to the declared value of the shipment. But we're really just going to wait and see. The knockon for the rest of the economy is more scary. Timestamp
Daniel R message Thanks, Daniel R! BOTTOM TEXT Timestamp
Daniel R reply Reply @Daniel R! WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?! Timestamp
Zachary W message Thanks, Zachary W! My wife was wondering if you have any plans for a straw style water bottle lid? Timestamp
Zachary W reply Reply @Zachary W! I've seen one around the office so yeah Timestamp
Luis R message Thanks, Luis R! No :).ass Timestamp
Alexander T message Thanks, Alexander T! Hey! I really enjoy watching the channel & listening to the WAN Show on my commute. I'm buying a new Water Bottle after I misplaced my current one. Gotta have a nice vessel for hydration! Timestamp
Alexander T reply Reply @Alexander T! Wooooooo Timestamp
Pascal B reply Reply @Pascal B! They got their pound of flesh I guess Timestamp
Jeremy M message Thanks, Jeremy M! Cargo shorts ever going to make a comeback? Loved mine but went and ripped them. Timestamp
Joshua S message Thanks, Joshua S! Been cooking for 25 years and a chef for 13. Incompetence in corporate leaders burned me out. I enrolled in college and completed my CompTIA A+ certs in 11 days. L&D Any advice on future studies? Timestamp
Joshua S reply Reply @Joshua S! Get out there and do some stuff too! Timestamp
Colleen B message Thanks, Colleen B! Hi, Linus, Luke and producer Dan. This is my last purchase before the 25% tariff on imports from Canada. How do you think this will impact LMG? Timestamp
Colleen B reply Reply @Colleen B! We'll have to see honestly. Kinda spooky. Timestamp
Joseph M message Thanks, Joseph M! Wan.dll, have you considered using the pen shafts as a slim pocket driver? keep the clip with a more hollow body to store bits and a new screw in tip with magnet to fit the precision bits. Timestamp
Joseph M reply Reply @Joseph M! Might be kinda fun. I'm sure they have thought of that. Timestamp
Sam W message Thanks, Sam W! Hi.dll Starting to get into making some YouTube videos with my wife - any recommendations on affordable but good microphones to use for voiceover? Also, @Luke - want the PAX 09 & 10 challenge coins? Timestamp
Colton S message Thanks, Colton S! Sup LDL. As a young guy working towards content creation on YouTube, what thing should I be most aware of at the beginning. Important hardware I need, YouTube things to know, etc. Thanks! Timestamp
Colton S reply Reply @Colton S! You just need to actually upload content. Get a phone. Make a video. Hardware can come later. Get making. Timestamp
Jason M message Thanks, Jason M! Greetings DLL, I see several of the larger sizes of the potato sack hoodie are out of stock. Any ETA on when new stock will be returning? Timestamp
Jason M reply Reply @Jason M! As always. As asap as possible. Timestamp
ANDREW S reply Reply @ANDREW S! I've yet to see like, local boxes that have Al and are sold as products. Timestamp
Gabriel A message Thanks, Gabriel A! Hey DLL, I'm buying some magnetic cable management for my first apartment! Is there any tech you think everyone should have for their first apartment? Timestamp
Gabriel A reply Reply @Gabriel A! Smart bulbs! Timestamp
Ray P message Thanks, Ray P! Hey LLD, love all the content. Question for Dan because I know you're as much of an audiophile as me. What is your preferred DAW of choice? Timestamp
Ray P reply Reply @Ray P! Ableton Live Suite Timestamp
Emilian A message Thanks, Emilian A! Hey Lan Duke and Dinus. Finally getting myself the precision screwdriver. What are your thoughts on AMD dropping out of the GPU performance race and going straight for RT and midrange. Timestamp
Emilian A reply Reply @Emilian A! Why compete if they can't Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! I know it is kind of out of LTT scope, but I would love to see tech tour (like the one on equinox) at other high level industry, such as power plants or offshore rigs. keep being awesome <3 Timestamp
Josh G message Thanks, Josh G! Hey Little, Large and Dan, you've often said that you cannot rely purely on motivation to get things done, so you need to find something else. What is that "something else" for all of you? Timestamp
Josh G reply Reply @Josh G! Shame / stress / external pressure Timestamp
Austin M message Thanks, Austin M! Hi all, long time viewer, first time buyer. My questions for you all is do you all believe in the intel comeback story? With 18a chips later this year what are your all's prediction of a comeback? Timestamp
Austin M reply Reply @Austin M! Dead forever. Timestamp
Amaan Q message Thanks, Amaan Q! Hi Optlinus Prime, Bumblebee Luke, & Megatron Dan. As a product company, I'm interested in your insight on what I assume are insane logistics for companies w/major annual releases? (eg phones, games) Timestamp
ANDREW S message Thanks, ANDREW S! Thanks for the tech bro vest before I can't afford anything anymore! Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Tech reviewers have improved measurement precision in recent years (thank you!), but testing only one card can lead to statistical anomalies. Are there methods to reduce the impact of sample size? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! Only if we're given more to test. Golden test ones are still a thing too Timestamp
Dakota M message Thanks, Dakota M! Hey y'all! I want to help better the world. I'm a biotech/engineering intern, also interested in business. What 20% of choices helped achieve 80% of your outcomes? Also, know any cool medical tech? Timestamp
Dakota M reply Reply @Dakota M! Just creating a single location of information for basic things fixed a lot of communication issues. Same with stakeholder identification. Timestamp
Nathan B message Thanks, Nathan B! Hi DLL. I do freelance computer repair on the side. I am quite sure that I am undercharging, but I have no idea what I should be charging. How do you put a price on something you used to do for free? Timestamp
Nathan B reply Reply @Nathan B! Take what you charge now and double it and see how that lands with people. You'd be suprised. Timestamp
Andrew W message Thanks, Andrew W! Stoked to add more Linus gear to my work kit. Grabbing before the tariffs kick in. Timestamp
Isaac D message Thanks, Isaac D! Would love to see more videos talking about A/V tech like Dan's overview of Dante at Smash Champs! I work in that field so it's cool to see that kinda thing covered. Timestamp
Matthew G message Thanks, Matthew G! Hey LLD! As a tall Boi, will you ever offer tall versions of all your t-shirts? My experience was that they were a tad bit short... Timestamp
Matthew G reply Reply @Matthew G! Yep! We're working on adding more colours right now. Timestamp
Nick G message Thanks, Nick G! $10 -> more backpack pins please :( so many of us just want to collect, they were gone so fast Timestamp
Benedikt G message Thanks, Benedikt G! Hi you three! What can we expect for this year's scrapyard wars? Also how are you getting your 5090 @Linus? Timestamp
Benedikt G reply Reply @Benedikt G! I'm not even sure there will be one. Linus can get many things.... Timestamp
Jose B message Thanks, Jose B! Hi Gates, Jobs and Torvalds, Finally getting both screwdrivers. saw the SC for the MSI Claw 8 Al, but apparently was either delayed or out of stock. any plans on doing a handheld roundup? Timestamp
Jose B reply Reply @Jose B! Hopefully in the near future Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! After seeing Halo Tier GPU and CPU 10, 15, 20 year reviews, why not have a decade+ review of the cheapest GPU/CPU of each generation. Like GT 210 vs 430 vs 610 etc and RX 6400 vs RX 5300 vs RX 550 etc Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! That would be sick Timestamp
Eric L message Thanks, Eric L! HELLO LLD! Recently, Eric Migicovsky came out with some news that Pebble will be making a comeback, as well as pebbleOS going open source! How much do you wish there were more watches like the Pebble? Timestamp
Eric L reply Reply @Eric L! ALLL Timestamp
colin w message Thanks, colin w! Been waiting for this cat bed come in stock and figured I might as well get it now because... maybe tariffs. Timestamp
Andrew H message Thanks, Andrew H! Hey guys, wanted to say thanks - Linus got me into tech with NCIX back in the day. Now I'm 31 and it set my life up for the better :) Love the work you all do! Timestamp
Andrew P message Thanks, Andrew P! Greetings, memory validation technician and VDI and virtualized gaming hobby. Plans for more virtualized gaming videos? Interested in both fixed VM or At will containerized like "Games on Whales" Timestamp
Andrew P reply Reply @Andrew P! Would absolutely love to cover it Timestamp
Caylin M message Thanks, Caylin M! Hello WAM fam! Bleeding edge tech for consumers has been boring over the last few years. What are some pro/industry features you'd want in consumer tech this year Timestamp
Caylin M reply Reply @Caylin M! Easier repair Timestamp
James L message Thanks, James L! Hello Limited Linability Dorporation So glad to grab a commuter bag before tarrifs might hit tomorrow. How much of a drop in US sales is LTT store preparing for? Timestamp
James L reply Reply @James L! We can't know. I'm not even sure if they will actually drop. :/ Timestamp
Donald N message Thanks, Donald N! I just went back to Android from iPhone and my apple watch and airpods pro just either dont work or work really poorly with the Pixel. Any thougts on the e-waste that gets generated by doing this Timestamp
Jason Daniel S message Thanks, Jason Daniel S! Linus. The other week you mentioned playing Lords of the Relm 2, one of my favorite games from childhood. Have you heard of the new game Manor Lords? I feel it is the spiritual successor to that game. Timestamp
Donald N reply Reply @Donald N! There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. Timestamp
River B message Thanks, River B! Hey everyone :) I'm wanting to set up a dedicated gaming PC to access via LAN in any of my rooms. Any suggestions on what software would be best to use? Or even if it's just a bad idea?? Timestamp
River B reply Reply @River B! Just a good remote desktop thing Timestamp
James W message Thanks, James W! Hey guys. Red seal auto service tech here. Those extended warranty contracts you buy with a vehicle are a joke. I have to fight for coverage and they will try to pass all cost to consumer. Dont buy it Timestamp
Mauricio H message Thanks, Mauricio H! Hi Boys, I think DeepSeek revealed the inflated computing/money needed to develop and run LLMs. Do you think investors will rethink how much money they are throwing to Silicon Valley LLM development? Timestamp
Mauricio H reply Reply @Mauricio H! YEP Timestamp
Zachary R message Thanks, Zachary R! Hey Dans and those on WAN! Linus I have an ongoing bet with that GTA 6 will release prior to you painting and finishing the bike. PS. Dan would love to see a video on making your own Ai computer rig! Timestamp
Luke T message Thanks, Luke T! Hey LTT! Long time watcher, second time buyer. I know you've talked about the difficulties of adding new sku's to the store, but I was wondering if you'd ever consider a white on black water bottle? Timestamp
Skylar S message Thanks, Skylar S! What's up my fellow WAN'ners? Linus, given the option, would you ever replace any of your limbs/organs and become a cyborg? I've been legally blind since I was 11, and have always dreamt of robo-eyes. Timestamp
Luke T reply Reply @Luke T! More colours maybe one day Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Was going to get a car, but tariffs. So here we are. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! How much VRAM is too much VRAM for gaming, and/or what GPU core. B580 rumors having a 24GB model, 7600XT with 16GBs, rumor 5070 with 12, 18 or 24GB? Those examples 99% prob arent gonna be reality :P Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! For gaming? Like honestly just about anything. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! I am seeing a declining interest in "snippet detection" tools when using Al. From a software compliance and security angle this creates blind spots, are we gonna end up Cyberpunk netrunners? Timestamp
Brandon M message Thanks, Brandon M! Hello Licas, Lunnisium and Daniel! Linus, as someone with experience, can you give any advice on how one might perform a hostile takeover of the company they work for? Asking for a friend. Love y'all Timestamp
Tyler S message Thanks, Tyler S! Yo! How do you guys measure input latency? I stream to my steam deck and latency is completely negligible for most games, but others I think I barely notice. Can't tell if it's in my head or not. Timestamp